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G Shyt

Page 3

by Willie Slaughter

  “Hello,” the kidnapper answered.

  “Well, are you ready to tell me what it is you want in exchange for my brother?” asked Demetri.

  “That nigga Lil Will,” he replied. “You made him untouchable! Take your stamp off him,” he demanded.

  Demetri became furious. “That’s what this is about?”

  “Fucking right! Us street niggas got to eat,” the kidnapper shot back.

  Demetri frowned. “Street niggas? Hold on. There’s no way a bunch of street thugs would know my brother or me, unless…”

  He paused. If they were street thugs, there could only be one possible way for them to have known: Lil Will or Mark or both. The man on the other end realized the silence and played it to his benefit.

  “Yeah, unless ya boy gave up some info,” the male kidnapper said. “Of all people, you know how this game go! It’s dog eat dog! You put a nigga on top who turned ‘round and cutthroat ya. But fuck all the sentiments! What’s it going to be?”

  Demetri stared into Agent Wright’s eyes, searching for answers. Seeing his dilemma, the agent nodded his approval.

  Demetri sighed. “Okay, consider it done. Just send my brother back to me safe and sound.”

  The man chuckled. “Will do, my nigga. It’s been a pleasure.” The man hung up.

  Demetri sighed.

  “Agent, do you think it’ll make a difference?”

  Agent Wright nodded. “A big difference, Mr. Demetri. With everything Lil Will’s crew got going on down south, business is about to get messy, and the agency can only clean up so much without having to have some people to hold accountable.”

  “Understood,” Demetri said. “Be at the airport to see to my brother’s arrival,” he demanded.

  “Anything else, sir? What do you suggest the agency do about Lil Will and his crew?” asked Agent Wright.

  Demetri shrugged his shoulders. “Do your job. Have a great day, Agent Wright.”

  After the agent left, Demetri called his head of security in.

  “Mr. Cobb, send out a text to all my contacts saying the halo’s off Lil Will. No explanation to be given.”

  Mr. Cobb nodded. “As you wish, sir.”

  Mr. Cobb didn’t leave the study. He sent the text right then and there, which was replied to immediately with the thumbs up emoji.

  “It’s done, sir,” said the head of security.

  “Thank you, Mr. Cobb,” Demetri replied.

  Mr. Cobb left the study. Demetri relaxed in his high back leather chair. His thoughts centered around the fact that it wasn’t possible for some regular street thugs to have gotten to Thaddeus. “It was an inside job,” he said to himself. And he was bound and determined to find out.


  Agent Wright checked the time. She was at the airport waiting on the package to arrive. All of a sudden her phone vibrated. It was a text giving her directions to where the package was located.

  She walked over to the minivan parked on the side of a storage container. True to their word, Thaddeus was inside, hogtied on the floor in the back. She jumped in the driver’s seat and drove back to the estate, where she hand delivered him over to his brother.


  Lil Will and Mark were at the airport waiting on Machumu to get off the plane. Finally, she stepped into sight, and they walked over to greet and help with her luggage. Lil Will hugged and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Glad to see ya make it,” Lil Will said before introducing her and Mark. “Machumu, this is my fam, Mark. Mark, Machumu.”

  They shook hands and spoke.

  “Alright, y’all, let’s go. Ain’t no fun hanging out at the airport,” said Lil Will.

  They left the airport and took her by Lil Will’s place to get settled in. They asked her if she wanted to go on a tour of the city, but she declined, stating she was tired and wanted to take a nap. They left her unpacking to go handle some unfinished business.

  Mark chuckled. “I see you, Lil Will.”

  Lil Will laughed. “What’s that supposed to mean, fam?”

  “Bruh, what you think I mean?” responded Mark. “What you got planned for her?”

  Lil Will sighed. “I don’t know yet. What do you think a nigga should do?”

  “She’s a cook, right?” Mark asked.

  “Yeah. And?” Lil Will said.

  “Shit. Give her keys to her own restaurant. Didn’t you just close the deal on that spot down in Albany?” Mark said.

  Lil Will nodded. “Yep.”

  “Let her run it. It ain’t like yo’ ass going back south anytime soon,” Mark replied.

  “For sho’,” Lil Will said, taking out his phone.

  He searched through his contacts until he found the realtor’s number. He didn’t call, but texted her the information needed to close the deal on out. She texted back to confirm the information, and he sent his electronic signature.

  “Say, Mark, swing by the spot on 18th Street. Nigga gotta get his mind right befo’ dropping this info on ole girl,” Lil Will said.

  Mark laughed and switched lanes. “Understood, my nigga.”

  When they made it to 18th Street, they realized something was wrong. Federal and tax agents and inspectors were all over the property. Mark hopped out and grabbed the attention of the first person who looked important enough to answer his questions. “Man, what the fuck is going on?”

  “Sorry, sir,” the tax agent said, “but this building didn’t pass inspection and is overdue on tax payments. It’s being seized until further notice. If you would like to file a complaint, I’ll be glad to offer my assistance with filing the paperwork.”

  Mark jumped back in the car. Lil Will could tell he was mad about whatever information he’d just received.

  “What’s up?” he asked Mark.

  “They just seized the club. Fuck,” Mark said, banging his fist against the dashboard. “How the hell they do that?”

  “We good on taxes and inspection?” asked Lil Will.

  Mark shook his head. “Not according to what that bitch just told me. Some heavy shit going down. Hold on.”

  As he drove off, Mark called to his spot over on 6th Street. He listened to the person on the line, and by his facial expression, Lil Will could tell shit was sour there as well. He hung up and slammed the phone against the dashboard until the screen cracked.

  “Fuck, man! What the fuck is happening?!”

  Lil Will placed call.

  “Hello,” the man answered.

  “This is Lil Will. What’s going on? The feds are seizing all our properties,” Lil Will said.

  “I’m not entertaining this little war you all are caught up in, Lil Will. You’re on your own. My advice? Tread lightly and keep your business straight,” the man replied.

  He hung up, leaving Lil Will in a world of thought. Mark looked at him questioningly.

  “Fam, I got good news and bad news,” said Lil Will.

  “The bad news is obvious. What’s the good news,” asked Mark.

  “The ball is still in our court, but it’s anything goes. We ain’t got no support from any agency,” Lil Will replied.

  Mark looked disbelieving. “Unless we buy it. What the fuck happened?”

  Lil Will shrugged. “Shit happens. It always does. We got to handle shit underground. No more on the scene. After I give ol’ girl the news, we’re sending her ass back packing to Albany.”

  Mark looked at him surprisingly. “Damn, fam, you ain’t gon’ tap that pretty piece of pussy before she leaves? Oh shit! Duck!”

  A car had pulled up beside them with a masked gunman leaning out the back window who opened fire. They ducked as the window glass shattered inward. Mark hit reverse and didn’t look up until he felt they were out of the line of fire.

  Lil Will sat up, panicked. “Who the fuck was that?”

  Spotting the car swerving through traffic, Mark followed. They realized whoever was driving wasn’t trying to get away. Their suspicion proved right when they got outside of
the city. The gunman opened the back door, crouched down, and started shooting.

  “Dammit, man!”

  Mark slammed on brakes, put the car in park, and started dumping back. While he was having a shootout with the masked gunman, Lil Will crept up on the opposite side and let the driver and the gunman have it. He put three slugs in both of them before walking back to the car.

  “Who were them fools?” Mark asked.

  Lil Will closed the car door. “Fuck if I know. Dead people don’t talk. Let’s hurry up and send her back to Georgia. Shit is outta hand ‘round here.”

  They arrived at his crib moments later. Mark stayed on point at the front door while he went in to help her with her belongings.

  “Damn, nigga, I just got here, and you already sending me back. What’s really going on?” Machumu snapped.

  “Let’s just say I’m being a Good Samaritan. Besides, you have your own business to open up and run in Albany,” Lil Will said.

  Machumu’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Yeah. Don’t worry, it’s legit. It’s in your name and it’s paid for. Just do you,” he replied.

  “And what about you…us?” Machumu asked as she finished packing.

  “When shit gets on the right track, I’ll come get you personally. I’ve paid for a room for you until morning and a cab is on the way to take you there,” he promised.

  They hugged and kissed. He didn’t want to let go of her, but Mark had yelled, telling him the cab had arrived. He walked her out and they kissed some more after he put her bags in the trunk.

  “Lil Will, you better keep your promise,” she demanded.

  He smiled. “I’m planning on it, baby girl.”

  She got in the cab. He watched in deep thought until the cab was no longer visible.

  “Alright, my nigga. We got to come up with a plan,” Lil Will told Mark.


  Three days passed. Dink, Bee, Teddy, Henry, and Mike were at the warehouse. The product had come in. After the shipment was carted inside and the connect left, they called their crews to break it down.

  “Any word from Lil Will?” Teddy asked Dink.

  “Teddy, what did I tell y’all? Lil Will told me to handle the South. All he is concerned ‘bout is the paperwork being proper,” Dink said irritated.

  “I ain’t trippin’ about what he said, nigga. I’m asking out of love, bruh. This shit ain’t an ego trip fo’ me. I’m in it ‘cause it’s family,” Teddy shot back.

  Nobody said anything. It was two brothers arguing, so they let them argue.

  Dink nodded. “That’s what’s up, my nigga. Let’s just - “

  The sound of car tires sliding on gravel caught his attention.

  “What the fuck is going on outside?” Dink said, paranoid.

  Mike and Henry rushed to the window and peeped out. They saw the three SUVs parked and three man crews carrying assault rifles jumped out.

  “Any of y’all niggas expecting extra company?” Mike asked.

  Bee and Teddy pulled their straps. Dink pulled his and hid behind the front door.

  “I guess not,” Mike said, cocking the 9 mm. “Henry?”

  “Let’s do it,” Henry replied.

  They put their straps up and pulled knives out before creeping outside. Their targets, they could tell, weren’t professionals, so it was easy picking for them. The first two they caught slipping and slit their throats without a sound made. They’d caught one more snooping around back looking for a back door. Mike put him in a chokehold while Henry stabbed him several times in the gut.

  “Three down. Three to go,” Henry counted.

  “No pressure. These fools amateurs,” Mike said.

  With the odds in their favor, they eased back inside and left the door cracked. Seeing what they’d done confused Dink.

  “What the fuck ya leave the door open fo’? A nigga ain’t trying to be an easy target,” Dink asked.

  Bee had gotten irritated with his brother. “Dink, shut the fuck up. Let ‘em do what they do.”

  He wanted to argue, but just as he was about to open his mouth, the other three gunmen burst through the door shooting. After emptying the clips on air, they reloaded and went for the shipment, which was a mistake because Bee and Teddy gunned them down.

  “Man, this shit getting fo’ real,” Bee said.

  Mike noticed one of them was still breathing shallowly. He propped the guy against the wall and slapped him lightly. “Hey. Stay with me for a minute.”

  The guy’s eyes fluttered open.

  “There you go. Now, who the fuck sent y’all niggas on this death mission?” Mike asked.

  The man shook his head. “Dawg, I ain’t never met the - “

  A gunshot rang out through the building. The man had a hole dead center of his head. Mike spun around and frowned at Dink. “Nigga, what the hell is yo’ problem?”

  Dink put his gun up. “Just finishing the job, nigga. What the fuck you mean?”

  “Dink, a nigga can’t fuck with you on no business! Shit to shitty and yo’ ass ain’t built on principles fo’ shit! Man, after today, I’m done fucking with this shit if this nigga gon’ be running shit,” Mike said angrily.

  “Word, fam. I’m with ya,” Henry said.

  Nobody said anything to get Mike and Henry to change their minds.

  Finally, their crews arrived, and they split the work up. Mike and Henry left right after with their product, leaving the three brothers to deal with the cleanup crew. Bee shook his head in disbelief at Dink.

  “What, Bee? You backing out on me too?” Dink asked.

  Bee shook his head. “Nah, nigga. We family, but ya ass better tighten up.”

  “Dink, that was some real fuck shit you just pulled, my nigga. I ain’t Bee. I’m gon’ tell yo’ ass straight up. We just lost a lot of fucking clientele with those two niggas walking off. Two real fucking G’s, nigga. How you gonna replace that?” Teddy said.

  Dink looked dumbfounded.

  Teddy smirked. “I didn’t think so. Fam, y’all hurry up loading that shit up so we can go. I’m sick of being around this nigga fo’ the day.”

  “That’s what’s up, Teddy. Just make sho’ the paperwork stay right, my nigga,” Dink said, trying to save face.

  They finish loading up and left. Dink waited for the cleanup crew by himself. Part of his plan was accomplished. With Mike and Henry out of the way, everything would go smoothly the next time.

  Chapter Three

  Demetri and his brother sat drinking hot mint tea while watching television. They hadn’t discussed the kidnapping since he’d returned and probably wouldn’t have breached the subject today if Thaddeus hadn’t brought it up.

  “You know, Demetri, I understand why you’ve done everything the way you did. But the one thing you were duped on was my kidnappers. They weren’t just some street thugs looking for a way to eat,” said Thaddeus.

  Demetri looked at his twin brother. “What do you mean?”

  Thaddeus sighed, remembering the ordeal. “Brother, I was smothered with chloroform. Name me one hoodlum on the streets with access to that.”

  That got him to thinking. It did seem a little too professionally done to have been street guys. But what was done was done.

  “I see your point. Still, what’s done is done. If you’re gonna run a criminal empire, you gotta count the curses as the blessings,” Demetri replied.

  Thaddeus nodded in agreement. “I would say more than you count the blessings.”


  Machumu stood inside of the building, directing traffic. Everything she ever wanted in life was coming true. She had her own house, her own business… all that was left on her list was children and a husband. She hoped all would come with Lil Will. With that thought, she smiled and continued having things put in place.


  Lil Will and Mark stayed ducked off at a spot that only the two of them knew about. They didn’t go out; everything they wanted came like room service. Lil Wil
l had received a text from Bee saying they needed to talk. It wasn’t until after they ate he called him.

  “What’s good, bruh? Talk to me,” Lil Will said to Bee.

  “Nigga, were you thinking straight when you gave Dink the reins?” Bee said coldly.

  Lil Will sat up straight in the chair. “Why you ask that? What’s up?”

  “In case you didn’t know, this shit is a fucking warzone. Not to mention, Henry and Mike ain’t fucking with us anymore because of this nigga’s dumb-ass ways.”

  His brother gave him the rundown on everything that was going on down south. It took everything in him to keep from blowing his cool, but he maintained through the whole ordeal.

  “So, as you can see, shit been fucked up since Dink started smelling his shit again,” Bee replied.

  Lil Will took a deep breath and sighed. “Dammit bruh. My bad. Y’all niggas just do what you can. As long as the paperwork good, I’ll be able to keep y’all straight, fam. But whatever you do, don’t get caught slipping by any means.”

  Bee frowned. “State ain’t giving us no problems.”

  “Take my advice, fam. Oh yeah. Look out fo’ ole girl fo’ me. She just opened the spot up,” Lil Will said.

  “So that’s yo’ piece? Nice, fam. I got you,” Bee promised.

  “Love, bruh,” Lil Will said and then hung up.

  He threw the phone on the sofa. Mark fired up a blunt and passed it to him. He hit it twice and tried to pass it back, but Mark refused.

  “Nah, homie. That’s yours. I got my own.”

  Mark fired up his. They smoked, drank, and called up a couple of groupies to slay. When they arrived, it was a party, nothing going on but stripping, sucking, and fucking.


  Chill had gotten a call from Henry. He wanted to meet up at The Fox. He was on his way when a truck hit his car from the blindside. The initial hit didn’t kill him, but the two slugs to the dome did.

  The truck driver ran back to his truck and drove off. He drove a couple blocks over and hopped out and into the ride that waited.


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