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G Shyt

Page 7

by Willie Slaughter

  They all laughed. Once they parted ways, Teddy sat in his car on the phone.

  “Yo, what’s good, bro?” the man asked.

  “The whale went back out to sea. We caught all the fish, and now we outta bait,” said Teddy.

  “You know the bait store I run. It’ll be open tomorrow at six,” the connect replied.

  “Bet,” Teddy said. “I’ll be there, and I’ll bring you a nice plate of fried fish and grits, my nigga.”

  The connect laughed. “Yeah. Give ya mama my love.”

  “Fo’ sho’, bruh,” said Teddy.

  They hung up, and he pulled into the moving traffic.

  The woman just smirked. Agent Wright whistled.

  “That’s some cold shit. Anyway, what we looking like?”

  “Mostly uncut,” he replied. “But some stepped on too. Even some high grade grass and ninety thousand. And yes, that’s after my cut. The keys are in the van.”

  “Good. Good,” Agent Wright replied.

  The woman walked over to the van, jumped in, and drove off.

  “Nice doing business with you, but your services are no longer required.”

  She pulled out the pistol with the silencer and put a bullet right between his eyes. Agent Wright walked up on his body and put two more in his chest. Before leaving the scene, she collected the casings and dragged her feet over their shoe tracks. Knowing what to do was an advantage she had.


  Mark and Teddy sat inside a coffee shop in North Carolina, sipping coffee and talking about sports. After they finished their cups, they left.

  “All there, fam. Here ya go,” Teddy said.

  He handed him the keys to his car, and Mark gave him his. “The whale is on its way,” Mark informed him.

  They went their separate ways.


  Dink’s trap was back to booming. His new right hand man had called him, letting him know he was out of work. He tried to contact his connect, but he wasn’t picking up his line. And, for some reason, the shipment that was coming through Lil Will had stopped, something he chalked up to the news reports. With nowhere else to turn, he called his brother.

  Bee answered. “What up, bro? Talk to me.”

  “Bee, I’m outta work, and my supplier ain’t answering his line,” Dink said.

  “Nigga,” Bee snapped, “you act like I’m doing any better. Ain’t shit come my way since you stopped getting the drops.”

  Dink held the phone out from his ear frowning. “Damn. A nigga gotta go fuck with some outta town niggas to get some work.”

  “That’s how everybody else surviving,” Bee replied.

  Dink sighed. “Alright, bruh. I’ll get up with ya.”

  He hung up. Dink didn’t knew his next move. He had the money, but no connection. He grabbed his gun and left.

  He pulled up on the Westside. A couple of hustlers were out trapping. He jumped out and strolled up on them. One of them noticed him. “Dink, what up, my nigga?”

  Dink walked up smiling. “Surviving, nigga. Lay that shit down.”

  He pulled out on them. They were stunned. He shot one of them in the leg. He fell, screaming in pain.

  Dink held them at gunpoint. “Nigga, ain’t nobody playing with y’all punk ass! Come up off it! Dope, money, and jewelry, nigga!”

  They stripped themselves down, laying everything on the pavement.

  “Kick bricks, nigga! Get somewhere befo’ I change my mind and bust yo’ dumb ass,” Dink snapped.

  He helped his partner up and they scrammed.

  Dink picked everything up and trotted back over to his ride and peeled off. All that day, he pulled armed robbery after armed robbery. By the time he made it back to the south side, he’d hit a nice lick for seven and a half bricks, some crumbs, and sixteen thousand. He took the work straight to the trap and dropped it on his crew.


  Bee was out with his baby mama and son. His life had taken a turn since his son was born. They sat in Machumu’s restaurant, enjoying a meal and each other’s company.

  “Dee, close your eyes,” he demanded.

  Dee looked at him curiously. “What is it, Bee?”

  “Just do it,” Bee said.

  She closed her eyes.

  He took the small jewelry box out of his pocket before kneeling down in front of her. “You can open your eyes now.”

  She opened her eyes, and when she saw the diamond ring, she started screaming.

  Bee stared into her eyes. “Will you marry me, Dee? I promise you I’m leaving this shit alone.”

  “Yes! Yes!” she screamed.

  He put the ring on her finger and hugged and kissed her. He ordered them a red velvet cake to celebrate. After they ate all they could eat, he left a tip and they left.

  On their way out, a guy bumped into him.

  He mugged Bee. “Damn, my nigga. Open yo’ eyes.”

  Bee threw up his hands. “My bad, my nigga.”

  The guy looked Bee up and down. “I know my, nigga.”

  Bee smirked. “It’s all good, fam.”

  Bee and his family walked on out.

  The guy watched as they drove off and pulled out his phone. The line connected. A man answered, saying, “Yo, what up?”

  “I just bumped into that nigga’s li’l brotha. His ass gon’ get got,” the caller said.

  “Where that nigga Dink at? That’s who we want. His brotha ain’t did shit,” he tried to explain.

  The man watching Bee shook his head. “Man, fuck that. If we can’t get that nigga, we get the next thang to him.”

  The guy on the phone said, “Nah, my nigga. Call that shit off.”

  “It’s too late. Money in the bank. Nigga already on him,” he said and then hung up.


  Bee stopped over at his mother’s house to tell her the news.

  She started crying on the spot and hugged her son. “Boy, I’m so proud of you!”

  He hugged her back. “Yeah, Mama, I’m ‘bout to let the streets go too. It’s all straight for my family.”

  Ruby lifted her hands high above her head. “Thank you, Jesus! Y’all hungry?”

  Bee shook his head. “No ma’am. We just finished eating.”

  His phone rang. It was a business call.

  “Excuse me. I gotta take this call,” he said.

  He walked out on the front porch and answered the phone. “What’s good, fam?”

  “Man, ya brotha Dink came through my trap and laid some of my young niggas down,” the caller answered and said.

  “What?” Bee stepped off the porch and went and sat in his car.

  “Yeah,” the man began saying, “the nigga been pulling capers all fucking week. Watch yo’self, my nigga.”

  The advice was good, but too late. By the time Bee looked up, two gunmen stood in front of his car with assault rifles and emptied the clips. The voice on the other end kept saying “hello” and calling his name, but he didn’t respond. He knew Bee was dead.

  His mother and fiancée came running out of the house. Seeing the car windows shot out, they immediately started screaming. His mother saw her son’s bloody body and fell to her knees. Dee hurried up and called Teddy and told him what happened.

  Teddy wasn’t trying to believe what he was hearing. “Slow down, Dee! What’s going on?”

  “They killed Bee! Some niggas just killed Bee!” Dee yelled at Teddy.

  “Y’all go in the house! We’re on the way,” said Teddy before he hung up.

  He called Mike and Henry. Ten minutes later, they were all sitting with his mother, Dee, and the baby, who all cried.

  Teddy was heated. “Did y’all see anyone?”

  “No,” Dee replied. “We were inside. When his phone rang, he stepped outside.”

  “Mike, go get the phone before the police get here,” Teddy said.

  Mike went and grabbed the phone.

  Teddy told his mother to wait fifteen minutes before she called the cops. They jumped in their
rides and left. Back at Henry’s spot, they called the last number on the caller’s ID.

  The man answered. “Damn Bee, why you didn’t say something when I was hollering ya name through the phone? A nigga thought you was dead.”

  Teddy was pissed. “Fuck nigga, my brother is dead! Now who the fuck are you?”

  There was silence for a second. “Aye, my nigga, I called to warn fam ‘bout the shit. His blood ain’t on my hands.”

  “Then who the fuck did it?” demanded Teddy.

  He gave them the rundown on the shit Dink had been doing. “Yeah, my nigga, the shit had gone too far befo’ a nigga could stop it.”

  Teddy rubbed his head, nervous and mad. “Fuck!”

  Teddy hung up. He looked at Mike and Henry, who both had tears and murder in their eyes. They shared his pain. He called Lil Will.

  “Say bro, we got a serious problem,” Teddy said in a serious tone of voice.

  Lil Will was concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  The tears were burning in Teddy’s eyes. “Bruh, Dink’s bitch ass just got Bee killed.”

  “What?” Lil Will said in disbelief.

  Teddy sighed. “Yeah. My nigga had just proposed to Dee, and he was stepping away from the game. Niggas offed him right in front of Mama’s house.”

  Lil Will was furious. “Nigga, just chill and keep taking care of business. I’m on my way.”

  Chapter Six

  The shipment came and so did the same woman in another van. They made the same exchange, but this time she smiled at him.

  Teddy looked at her questioningly. “What?”

  “You have an extra passenger,” she replied.

  “Who?” Teddy asked curiously.

  “Me,” came a man’s voice.

  Teddy turned around to see Lil Will. They embraced.

  “Bruh, what the fuck?” Teddy said, his voice full of emotion.

  “Y’all just keep handling business. I’m here to take care of the G shit,” Lil Will said.

  The woman did the same as last time. Once they left, she left. On her way to the helicopter, she had a call come in.

  She answered the phone. “Yes sir. It’ll be done by tomorrow morning. Okay, sir. You too, sir.”


  Agent Wright walked out of her office, feeling good. As she sat in her car, the passenger side door opened and the woman got in and closed the door.

  “Drive, Agent,” she demanded.

  Agent Wright looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “Where to?”

  The woman sighed, shaking her head. “Never mind.” She judo chopped Agent Wright in the throat.

  Gasping for air, Agent Wright leaned forward. She shot her twice right under the chin. Getting out of the car, she left a device on the passenger seat.

  After she was thirty yards out, she pressed the detonator and the car exploded in flames. She made the call. “It’s done,” she said in a professional tone of voice.

  The man smiled. “Thank you, Niece. We’re expecting you at the estate soon.”

  “I’m on my way now, Uncle Demetri,” she said. They hung up.

  Demetri made another call.

  The person picked up. “Hello? Special Agent Sarah speaking.”

  “Hello, Special Agent Sarah,” Demetri said. “How’re you this morning?”

  “No complaints. Looking forward to my promotion soon,” Sarah replied.

  “You just got it,” Demetri responded. “Now, make the evidence go away.”

  “No problem,” she stated and then hung up.


  Special Agent Sarah had received the call about an explosion that had taken place in the agency’s parking port. She walked out acting as if she was surprised and concerned. The other agents were standing around looking confused. She could tell they were more scared and paranoid than confused.

  “Agents, we must ask ourselves, is this a tragedy or is it karma? What you all are failing to realize is, the agents and their families who have been murdered lately were all a part of an ongoing private investigation. Yes, they were the ones being investigated for certain compromises within the agency. Now that all of them have met their demises, more than likely by the hands of those they were in cahoots with, the private investigation is over,” she said, easing the tension.

  One of the agents raised a hand. Sarah quickly acknowledged her. “Yes, Agent Harris?”

  Agent Harris put her hand down. “What about the manhunt for Willie James? Is that a part of this special investigation?”

  Sarah nodded. “You’re correct, and the manhunt ends with the death of Agent Wright. To confirm your suspicion, the so-called evidence that points Willie James out to be the murder suspect is all frivolous and planted by Agents Wright and Dunlap, who are also deceased.”

  “So, we can get back to doing FBI work and stop chasing personal vendettas?” questioned Agent Harris.

  Sarah nodded again. “Correct, Agent Harris. I’ll be giving everyone’s new posts and assignments tomorrow at zero eight hundred. You are all dismissed.”


  Everyone was at Bee’s funeral. Teddy, Henry, and Mike sat next to his mother and Dee, who held their son on her lap. Dink sat three rows back, feeling the heated tension from others. The reverend had preached the sermon, and everyone stood and walked to the casket to pay their respects.

  Dink was the last one to step up to view the body of his brother, whose death he was responsible for.

  “Damn, Bee, I fucked up. I’m sorry, li’l bruh,” Dink said, his voice full of emotion.

  The people behind him were murmuring about something. He really didn’t care that they were talking bad about him.

  As Dink turned to walk off, a fist slammed hard into his jaw, knocking him off his feet. He was so dazed he couldn’t see who his attacker was, but the voice wasn’t mistakable.

  “Nigga, you the reason li’l bruh in that casket,” Lil Will stated angrily.

  Lil Will started stomping him out. Teddy, Mike, and Henry grabbed him, pulling him off Dink, who struggled to recuperate from the assault.

  Dink got to his feet, holding his jaw. “I’m sorry, bruh. I didn’t mean fo’ it to happen like this.”

  Teddy frowned. “What, nigga?”

  Now it was Teddy’s turn. He decked Dink with a left. Then it turned real bad for Dink. All four of them ended up on him like bees on honey.

  Their mother Ruby stood up and yelled, “Lord Jesus! Y’all stop! Just stop it! Now!” They stopped.

  Their mother walked over in between them and helped a badly bruised and bleeding Dink to his feet.

  “Thank you, Mama. I’m sorry,” Dink said.

  As the tears flowed from her eyes, she slapped him across the face.

  “Boy, sorry ain’t gonna bring my son back! The only reason I stopped ‘em is I don’t want any of ‘em going to jail for killing yo’ no good ass!”

  Dee put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder and guided her back to her seat.

  Lil Will had murder in his eyes. As he looked at his oldest brother, all he could think about was death.

  “Bruh, ain’t the feds after you?” Dink asked Lil Will. “You need to lay low. I’ll take care of what I’ve started.”

  Lil Will shook his head with a look of disgust on his face for his oldest brother. “Nah, nigga. I’m gonna deal with it.”

  Chapter Seven

  Mark had been summoned back to the estate by Demetri. They, along with Thaddeus, sat in the study talking politics, economics, and finances. He noticed Demetri kept looking at his watch like he was expecting something or someone.

  As Mark was about to question his actions, she walked in, escorted by two armed women. Demetri and his brother smiled, and both men hugged her.

  “What a pleasant surprise!” Demetri exclaimed.

  “Nicole, how are you?” his twin brother entered the conversation asking.

  “Uncles, I’m great. Just tired of being out and about so much. I’m in need of a vacation,” said Nicol

  Thaddeus nodded. “No problem. Meet - “

  “Hi, Mark,” Nicole said, cutting her uncle’s introduction short.

  Mark was stunned. She was slender and curvy with the right posture and a pretty face. He noticed the darker tint of her skin, and came to the conclusion she was biracial.

  “Yes, but no,” Thaddeus said to Nicole. “His name is Brad. Brad, meet our niece, Nicole, the one you’re married to.”

  He grabbed her left hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. “Nice to meet you Nicole.”

  Nicole smiled. “Hmm, not bad, Brad.”

  Demetri clasped his hands together. “Okay, now that the formalities are out of the way, let’s get down to business. Welcome to our family, Brad. From now on, you’ll no longer be handling such small matters.”

  Mark nodded. “Thank you, and I accept your welcoming, but who’s going to take care of the business for Lil Will?”

  Demetri shrugged his shoulders in an “I don’t know or care” way. “That’s why you’ve earned a seat at our table, Brad. You’re loyal. Don’t trouble yourself with something that’s already been worked out.”

  “Okay, Uncle, but what’s my new assignment?” Mark asked.

  “Enjoying the fruits of your labor,” Thaddeus interjected. “I propose a toast: to great health, long life, prosperity, and matrimony. Cheers.”

  Everyone raised their champagne glasses in salute.

  Mark was still confused about his new role, but the confusion came to an end upon hearing Nicole.

  “Due to the fact everyone think we’re already married in the States, I don’t think we should have a wedding here. Prepare to fly out tonight. We’re going to Italy.”

  He looked dumbfounded. Here it was, everything he could possibly want in life coming true.

  Demetri and Thaddeus peeped his lost for words expression and had to laugh.

  “Brad, did you hear me?” she asked. “Unless you don’t want to marry me in reality.”

  He snapped out of his inner world. “Huh? What did you say?”


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