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G Shyt

Page 12

by Willie Slaughter

  She beat her until she got tired and Sabrina was too bloody and bruised to fight back. Knowing she couldn’t let her live, she pulled out a straight razor and slit her throat. “Tell that, bitch.”

  While she was walking out, the cleanup crew was walking in.


  It was two-fifteen in the morning and Nicole and Mark were creeping through the woods behind their estate. Neither said a word until they reached the clearing that led to another estate.

  Nicole pointed towards the estate and started explaining. “This estate belonged to our family for centuries. Then the Turks came in and murdered my great-grandfather.”

  Brad nodded as he looked at the place. “So, that’s who owns it now?”

  “No, they stole it,” she replied coldly. “Spoils of war. We’re going to take it back. Stay close.”

  They crept across the lawn without being seen. Posted beside one of the sheds, Nicole drew her long sword and he followed her lead. Three guards turned the corner. Their mistake was not having their fingers on the triggers.

  She cut the first guard’s throat and thrust the sword through the second. Mark stabbed the third guard in the chest and then slit his throat. She watched in admiration, thinking to herself how they were going to make love after this was over. After they dragged the dead bodies behind the shed, they crept on around to the back of the main house.

  There were four guards standing on post. She motioned for him to stay put. He nodded.

  She reached inside of her suit inner pocket and took out four ninja stars. Holding two in each hand, she rolled out and into a kneeling position and threw the stars, killing all four men at one time.

  Nicole waved for him to come on. Crouched low, Brad made his way over to her side. Once there, she retrieved the stars and they drug the bodies and propped them up on the side of the house.

  “No man or woman is to be left alive,” Nicole warned Brad. “If you have a problem with killing women or children, now is the time to speak because once we enter this house, there’s no turning back. Either we kill everyone and make it out alive, or die thinking morally. Understood?”

  Brad nodded. “Lead the way.”

  Nicole kissed him on the lips. “I love you so much.”

  The door wasn’t locked, so they entered with ease. All of the lights downstairs was out. She didn’t need night vision goggles, but she put them on so he would know to put his on. Instead of pulling the long sword, they pulled the short blades as they crept through the house.

  As they approached the stairs, footsteps could be heard coming down. They waited patiently in the shadows on the target to come in full view. Seeing the infrared view of the man, Brad crept behind him, and while clasping a hand over his mouth to muffle any sound, slit his throat. He laid the dead man on the floor away from the stairs. Nicole counted forty-five breaths to see if anyone else was on their way down.

  No one came, so they silently and swiftly made their way up. The light was on in the hallway, and an armed guard stood smoking a cigar outside of a room door, where inside, laughter was heard. She waited for him to make the mistake she knew he would. The guard, tired of hearing the noises coming from inside the room, turned his back and started walking down the hall in the opposite direction of them. It was the moment she was waiting for. Without hesitation, she ran up behind him and stabbed him through the back of the neck. As he fell, she slit his throat to be on the safe side.

  Before entering the room, where people were still up having fun, they went from room to room, slitting throats while they slept. No door was left unopened, nor did anyone behind them survive. They met back in the hallway in front of the door and took the night vision goggles off. She knocked on the door and started counting the distance between footsteps.

  By the unbalanced sound of the footsteps, she knew whoever was coming to the door was under the influence, which normally meant it was the head of the estate room, and he was entertaining his wife or a whore or both.

  When the door opened and they both stabbed him in the gut, she realized it was both. They started screaming, and she really didn’t care anymore because they were the only ones still alive. She pulled out her long sword and butchered them unmercifully. With everyone dead inside and out, they sheathed their swords and took deep breaths.

  Mark kissed Nicole. “By the way, I love you too.”

  She looked at him and smiled. “Oh, I know. Now, for the easy part.” She made a phone call. “Hey Uncle. Yes, it’s done. Oh yes, my husband’s a natural. Okay. You too.” She hung up and smiled at him. “Uncle said hi and welcome to the family. Not to mention that he loves us.”

  Mark nodded and looked around them. “Thanks. Now what about all these dead bodies?”

  Before he could get the question out good, he heard vehicles approaching. He peeped out of an upstairs window and saw several vans pull up.

  Nicole’s smile faded away. She was back looking serious again. “There’s the cavalry. We must get going. Just because they work for us doesn’t mean they get to see us.”

  Nicole and Brad hurried out of the house and headed back through the woods.

  “The first one gets to be on top,” said Nicole. She took off at a sprint.

  Mark didn’t even attempt to outrun her. For one, he smoked too much, something he’d recently stopped, and two, he wanted her to be on top.

  Back at the estate and in the shower they sexed each other, and after the shower, she rode him until they climaxed together and fell asleep.


  A couple of months had gone by and morning had come. Mike did exactly what he had been told to do. He put on his double-breasted Ralph Lauren suit and went straight to the mayor’s office. When he walked in, the receptionist asked him if he had an appointment. After giving her his name, she checked the calendar.

  “I do apologize, sir,” the secretary said. “Right this way please.” She escorted him to Mayor Teddy’s office.

  When she opened the door, cameras, microphones, and recorders were aimed directly at him. The security had to clear a path for him to get through the door. Upon seeing him, the mayor smiled.

  “Mr. Michael Coates, it seems due to your outstanding military profile and community standing, you’ve been nominated to fulfill the duty to the citizens of Albany, Georgia as their new sheriff. Are you willing to uphold this office of justice righteously? It’s obvious the prior sheriffs have mistreated the people of middle and poverty class.”

  Mike responded professionally. “I will do my best, Mayor James.”

  “That’s good news to the public, Mr. Coates,” Mayor Teddy replied.

  They went through the swear-in process. Afterwards, the mayor asked that he say a few words to the press for the public.

  Mike faced the cameras with a serious look upon his face and said, “As your new sheriff, I will continue to assist with the rebuilding of Albany making it into the city where people would want to come live and visit. The level of criminal activity is already at an all-time low, but we’re going to work harder to make it to where it is nonexistent. Thank you.”

  Teddy and Mike took a couple pictures together, which they knew without a doubt would be posted as the cover story of the newspaper.


  Machumu and Sopia had become great friends. Certain cooking tips they learned from each other made the specials that much more special. They were just opening up for the day when Machumu’s phone rang. She looked at the caller’s ID and smiled.

  “Say der mon. How ya doin’,” Machumu said, answering her phone.

  The caller sighed. “Ah, Machumu, must you do that to me?”

  She laughed. “Hey, family. Just decided to spice up your day.”

  “In that case,” the caller said, “one spice deserves another. The estate is yours.”

  “Come again,” Machumu said, not believing what she’d heard.

  The caller laughed. “The estate is yours. You can move into it this weekend.”

  She scr
eamed. “Are you serious? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

  “Aye, what’s family for? Leave the restaurant business to Sopia. She can handle it. I’m pretty sure with the currency flowing through our family you can open up a chain of restaurants over here,” he said convincingly.

  “You know I will. Thank you so much,” Machumu replied happily.

  “No problem. Just keep your hubby’s head screwed on right and tight,” was his response.

  “I got you,” she promised. They hung up.

  She jumped to her feet, dancing. Sopia started dancing just because.

  “Girl!” Machumu screamed as she grabbed Sopia by the hands, “I’m moving on up! This business is yours! You can have it!”

  Sopia looked surprised. “What? Oh my God!”

  They yelled together like two teenage girls going on their first dates.


  Special Agent Sarah sat behind her desk, pretending to be looking over reports when she came across something interesting. She called Agent Harris in her office to examine the file.

  Agent Harris read through the file carefully. “It seems we have a delicate situation here, Special Agent Sarah. Do we make the call, or do we make the call?”

  “We make the call,” replied Special Agent Sarah Harris.

  Sarah dialed the number from her personal phone. It rang once, and the line was connected.

  “Hello,” Special Agent Sarah Harris said. “Are you aware of the investigation into Judge McBride for child molestation? No? Okay. Will do with pleasure.” She hung up the phone. Sarah put her phone inside of her jacket pocket. “Agent Harris, let’s go pay ole baby-raping McBride a visit.”

  Agent Harris threw the file down on top of the stack of files on the desk. “Ma’am, yes ma’am.”

  They rode together over to the judge’s two story Victorian. Agent Harris knocked on the door. Nobody answered. It was obvious he was home because all of his vehicles were parked out front on display.

  They tried the door. It was locked. Quickly, the young agent picked the lock and opened the door. They crept silently through the living room.

  When they reached the stairs that spiraled upward, they were able to hear faint whimpering sounds and grunts. With guns with silencers drawn, they rushed up the stairs and kicked in the door. The sight before them was disgusting. The judge was screwing a little boy and he was enjoying it.

  Sarah shook her head with disgust. “You nasty son of a bitch!”

  Special Agent Sarah snatched him off of the young boy, who couldn’t have been any older than ten. Her partner grabbed the little boy and his clothes and carried him downstairs.

  Agent Harris looked the little boy over. “Are you okay? Just get dressed and stay right here. He won’t hurt you ever again. I promise.”

  With malice written all over her face, she ran back upstairs into the room. Without hesitation, she punched him in the mouth.

  “I’m going to personally make sure you suffer before you die!”

  The other agent was on the phone.

  “Go ahead, okay.” Sarah put her phone in inside jacket pocket.

  “Mission confirmed. He’s all yours, youngster. Make me proud.”

  Agent Harris popped her knuckles. “Oh with much pleasure.”

  She beat him senseless before tying him up. She took out her field knife and slowly castrated him. The screams were horrifying, but sounds of pure pleasure to them. Opening his mouth, she jammed his manhood inside before slitting his throat from ear to ear.

  Sarah nodded approvingly. “Nice work, baby. Let’s go. We’ll take the boy back to the agency and run a check to find his parents.”

  They left, taking the child with them.

  Chapter Twelve

  Machumu and Lil Will had moved into their new home in Texas. It was a dream come true for her and a long time coming promise for him. He had brought his own security because everyone who was there left with Demetri and Thaddeus. S.M.F. had moved up.

  His phone rang and he answered. “Hello?”

  “Bruh, it’s Mama’s birthday. Did you forget?” Teddy reminded Lil Will.

  “Hell nah, nigga. What kind of question is that? She on her way to me right now,” replied Lil Will.

  Teddy was surprised. “Yeah?”

  Lil Will chuckled. “Yeah. Why, what’s up?”

  “That explains why her stuff is being moved by a moving company,” Teddy replied.

  “A’ight, bro. I’ll get up with ya,” Lil Will said.

  As Lil Will hung up, the chopper was landing on the helipad. Two of the armed men helped her off the helicopter. As soon as her feet touched solid ground she dropped to her knees and kissed the grass. “Thank you, Jesus!”

  Everyone laughed.

  Lil Will walked over and personally escorted her inside. “Welcome home, Mama. Happy birthday,” Lil Will said.

  Ruby’s eyes widened. “Oh my Lord! How will I ever find my way around this place?! Where’s the kitchen?”

  “Which one, Mama?” he replied laughing.

  “Lord have mercy! How many kitchens is it?” she asked enthusiastically.

  “Four kitchens, fifteen bedrooms, seven baths, and a lot more. Would you like a grand tour, Mama?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Nope! I’ll make my way around just fine.”

  She started walking off by herself. Everyone else went back to doing whatever they were doing before she arrived.


  Dink, Henry, and T were the last ones left to keep the empire they’d built afloat. It was a real easy part to play. T had opened up a recording studio, and he had local talented rappers and singers to come through. They sat listening to the last youngster rapping when Henry’s phone vibrated on the table.

  “Yo. What’s the biz?” Henry answered.

  “What y’all up to, fam?” Mike said.

  Henry turned the music down. “In the studio, fucking with T. Why, what’s happening?”

  “Any of ‘em any good?” asked Mike.

  “Hell yeah,” Henry said with confidence.

  “Throw a li’l amateur concert for The Good Life then. You know what to do,” Mike said.

  “A’ight, fam. We’ll set that up for the near future,” Henry replied.

  “Bet that up, my guy. Tell the fam I said love,” said Mike.

  Henry bobbed his head to the track the rappers was laying down in the studio. “A’ight. One.”

  He hung up.

  Henry told Dink and T what Mike said. They didn’t have a problem with making it happen.


  Mark and Nicole met Demetri and Thaddeus on the front porch of the old estate. There were no handshakes. They all hugged like family before walking inside.

  “Home sweet home,” Thaddeus said with a smile.

  Demetri took a deep breath. “Brad, this is the estate where Thaddeus and I were born. Our father’s father and his father built this place from the ground up with sweat, tears and much bloodshed. When the Turks came through, they tried to assist them with building something for themselves, but the bastards had a different plan. They killed the hands that attempted to help them, and that’s the story of their undermining to takeover this wonderful estate.”

  “They won’t be doing that again,” Mark replied promisingly. Demetri nodded.

  “Correct you are, Brad. Correct you are.”


  Sopia was doing great. She had her own business to run and was enjoying being a boss. One of the employees always kept an eye on her. Tanya was short, dark-skinned, natural hair, and a pretty smile. Everything that spelled sexy to Sopia.

  She passed by and bumped up against her while looking over her shoulder smiling. It must’ve been cool because the young woman smiled back. After work, the young lady made sure she stayed behind. Tanya walked into the office and stood. “Sopia, do you have a minute?”

  Sopia looked her over from head to toe. “Depends.”

  She walked on into the office. “I’ll take
that as a yes.”

  Tanya sat on top of the desk and opened her legs, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  Sopia’s mouth became watery. “I have all the minutes in the world.” She licked her lips and dug in with her tongue.

  Sopia gave her face like no other. The young lady laid flat on the table as she grabbed her inner thighs and tongued her pussy down.

  “Oh baby. Oh baby. Yes. Yes,” Tanya moaned while winding her hips.

  Sopia came up for air. “You like that? You like it? Huh?”

  “Yes... Oh yes,” she replied, feeling fulfilled.

  Sopia sucked her pussy from soaking wet to dry.

  Feeling satisfied, she came up for air. Pulling her to her, they French kissed while she fingered her until she came.

  “Mmm. You wanna come to my place tonight?” asked Sopia.

  Tanya shrugged. “If you want me to.”

  Sopia licked her lips. “I’ll love to have you over to be my dinner with your sexy ass.” They closed up and left together.

  At Sopia’s apartment they started all over again, but this time naked. Her light-skinned body slid smoothly across Tanya’s dark skin. They rubbed clitoris to clitoris, breast to breast, moaning in each other’s ears until climaxing and falling asleep in each other’s arms.


  Lil Will and Machumu had just finished an erotic session of sexing when her phone lit up. Still breathing hard, she answered. “Hello? Hey! I see. ‘Bout to handle it right now. Same to you.”

  She hung up, jumped out of the bed, and began dressing.

  Machumu looked at Lil Will’s exposed body and smiled, but he wasn’t smiling. “Where you headed?” he asked.

  She finished dressing. “Get your ass up and come on. We got work to do.”

  He frowned. “At twelve midnight, Mu?”

  She laughed. “Yep. You still don’t get it, do you? Living in luxury like this ain’t free.”

  “You know money ain’t an issue baby,” Lil Will replied.


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