Book Read Free

Taking a Shot at Love

Page 14

by KC Richardson

  “Oh, Lisa, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.”

  “You are. I love feeling you get excited. Keep going, baby. That’s it.”

  With every word, every encouragement, Celeste moved her hips faster until the erratic movements stilled and she cried out once again. Lisa was so close to coming herself from feeling Celeste rub her clit on her. She put her fingers on her own clit to finish herself off, but Celeste intercepted and quickly rubbed Lisa’s hardened bundle of nerves until Lisa cried out and came all over Celeste’s hand. Lisa’s body jerked a few more times against Celeste’s hand, and she grunted with each jerk. Fuck. It’d been so long. So long since Lisa had been able to let herself go at the hands of another woman. She didn’t realize how much she’d missed being with a woman. She thought she’d been satisfied just being a coach, but it was Celeste’s touch that brought her to orgasm and now she wanted to do it again. She wanted more. She needed more.

  Lisa flipped Celeste over onto her back and poised herself over her. She dipped down and caught Celeste’s lips with hers, and kissed her passionately. She was just buying time until Celeste recovered from her last orgasm to have another one. But this time, Lisa wanted to make Celeste come with her mouth. Lisa’s saliva built up with just the thought of tasting her. Lisa worked her way down Celeste’s body, inch by inch. She kissed her neck, tasted the skin over her collarbone, snaked her tongue around Celeste’s nipple, and lightly bit it. Lisa decided to stay there a while to ramp up Celeste’s excitement. The harder she bit, the sharper Celeste’s intake of breath became. Lisa continued kissing her way down Celeste’s stomach until she reached her sex. The smell of Celeste’s arousal made Lisa’s mouth water even more. The first taste was like nirvana on her tongue, and Lisa wanted to stay there for hours. And the benefit of Celeste already having two orgasms, Lisa would have time to indulge in that deliciousness.

  She used her tongue to circle Celeste’s clit languidly then flicked it back and forth before sucking it into her mouth. She kept going, taking her time, trying to draw out everything Celeste had to give her. When Celeste started shaking, Lisa applied more pressure until Celeste came in her mouth. She felt a soft tap to the top of her head and Lisa started chuckling.

  “Enough. I can’t take anymore.”

  Lisa looked up to find Celeste’s arm draped across her eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Come up here.”

  Lisa slid her body along Celeste’s and finished her journey with a long, slow kiss. The room was quiet with the exception of their breathing. Celeste framed Lisa’s face with her hands and gazed into her eyes.

  “You were amazing.”

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself.”

  “But we’re supposed to be just friends.”

  Lisa rolled off Celeste and sat up with her back against the headboard. “You started it.” Lisa smiled to take the sting out of her words.

  “Yes, I did. So, what do we do now?”

  “Well, I suppose we can go back to being friends. Unless you want to be friendly friends.” Lisa waggled her eyebrows and Celeste laughed.

  “Friendly friends? You’d be okay with that? Because I really like you, Lisa, but I got hurt by someone I worked with, and I promised myself I wouldn’t do that again.”

  “I know, and I’m busy with basketball, and I don’t have the time to put into a relationship. Also, I don’t know where coaching will take me.” Lisa grabbed Celeste’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “But I like you too, and I don’t want us to stop being friends just because we had sex. Amazing sex.”

  “Yes, it was.” Celeste sat next to Lisa, leaned over, and kissed her. “I’m glad we’re on the same page about this. So, to clarify, we are going to have sex again?” Celeste trailed her finger around Lisa’s nipple and it sent a jolt straight to her clit.

  Lisa could feel the flood of wetness. “If the mood strikes, I don’t see why not. In fact, I’m ready to go again.”

  “Is that right?” Celeste crawled down to the foot of the bed and instructed Lisa to do the same. Celeste spread Lisa’s legs apart and licked her lips. “My turn to taste you.”

  Lisa closed her eyes and hummed her approval when Celeste took her into her mouth. Oh, yeah. I’m going to enjoy this friendly friend thing.

  * * *

  Lisa quietly closed the door behind her and locked it before tiptoeing down the hall to her room, not wanting to wake Athena. Hopefully, she didn’t notice Lisa didn’t come home last night. It was only five thirty a.m., still dark out, and Lisa figured Athena would still be asleep. The door to their shared bathroom opened, and Athena looked surprised to see her fully clothed. In fact, they probably had mutual surprised looks on their faces.

  “Well, well, where have you been, young lady?” Athena sounded awfully awake—and loud—for it being so early in the morning.

  “What are you doing awake?”

  “I had to pee. Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  Lisa tried to slide around her to go to her room, but Athena grabbed her arm and stopped her in her tracks.

  “Wait. Did you sleep at Celeste’s? Did you sleep with Celeste?”

  “Not exactly.” Lisa tried to dislodge her arm from Athena’s grasp, to no avail.

  “Wait. What does ‘not exactly’ mean?”

  “It means we didn’t get any sleep.” That comment must have shocked Athena enough for her to loosen her grip. Lisa went into her room and kicked off her shoes.

  “You slept with Celeste? I thought you said you just wanted to be friends.”

  “I did. We are. We decided to be friendly friends.” Lisa laughed and started unbuttoning her shirt. She wanted to change into a T-shirt and boxers so she could sleep for a few hours. Luckily, they didn’t have practice today, otherwise she would’ve been a complete zombie. They did have practice over the next two days before having four days off for Christmas. Lisa had planned to take it a little easy on them since they didn’t have a game for another ten days. They would run through some drills, scrimmage a little bit, then have contests where the winning team would decide the loser’s fate. Wait. Why was she thinking about basketball practice after spending all night having awesome crazy sex with Celeste?

  “What the hell is a friendly friend? A friend with benefits?”

  “Exactly. Now get out of here. I need sleep.”

  “Forget it. I want details.”

  Lisa continued to undress. She and Athena had seen each other naked a thousand times and it wasn’t a big deal to them. She got into her sleep clothes, pulled back the covers on her bed, and climbed in.

  “Athena, I need to sleep. I promise to tell you all about it when I wake up.”

  “Okay, Ice. Just tell me one thing. Was it good?”

  Lisa threw a pillow at Athena and told her to get out. Lisa had settled into bed, and she could still catch a little hint of Celeste’s perfume. She smiled. Oh, yeah. It was definitely more than good. Lisa slept hard for the next few hours, too exhausted to move.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was Christmas Eve, and Celeste hadn’t talked to Lisa since the night they had dinner together. Correction. They didn’t eat a lot of dinner before the argument that turned into the night of the best sex she’d ever had. Granted, she only had her experience with Jackie to compare to. She thought Jackie was good, especially in the beginning when she was still courting Celeste. But her night with Lisa? Wow! Celeste had no idea a woman could have so many orgasms in one night. Once they’d talked and decided they’d still be able to stay friends, they were able to let their inhibitions go. Even though Celeste had hardly any experience with women, she felt totally at ease with Lisa. She felt emboldened and free and safe.

  She couldn’t explain what it was about Lisa that made Celeste feel so comfortable. Initially, when they were first starting to become friends, and before, Celeste didn’t have the most positive body image, but Lisa worshiped her body like a goddess that night. It was like she praised every stretch mark, scar,
and skin roll. Lisa didn’t give any indication that she thought Celeste was anything but gorgeous. She kept telling Celeste over and over how beautiful and sexy she was. If it was just Lisa’s words, Celeste might have had trouble believing her, but the way Lisa touched her, looked at her, kissed her, made love to her, it was easy to believe her. Celeste sincerely hoped that they would have sex again, but if they didn’t, at least she still had Lisa’s friendship and the memory of one of the best nights of her life.

  Celeste had been busy all week finishing up her Christmas shopping and getting the gifts for her family sent off in the mail. She didn’t know why she’d waited so long to do that. The line at the post office would’ve been a lot shorter if she’d just done it two weeks earlier. She also baked some cookies to take over to Olivia and Carl’s on Christmas day. Maybe she’d call Lisa and see if she and Athena wanted some cookies. Yes, she was using that as an excuse to call Lisa. They hadn’t made any plans to talk or get together this past week, so she didn’t want to be that person who appeared needy or head over heels and wanted to talk to the other person once, or multiple times during the day. Even though Celeste had thought of Lisa, she refrained from calling or texting.

  Celeste picked up her phone and looked at Lisa’s contact page. She almost pushed the home button, then got the courage to finally call her. Lisa answered after three rings, and Celeste took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “Hi. How’s your week been?”

  “Pretty good. I’ve been doing a little research on our next few opponents.”

  “Don’t you ever take a day off, Coach?”

  “Well, as a matter of fact, I took last Sunday off so I could sleep. Someone kept me up the night before.”

  Celeste could feel her face get hot, but she heard the flirtatious tone in Lisa’s voice so she decided to play along. “Is that right? How rude of that someone to not let you sleep. I hope it was worth it at least and that you had fun.”

  “It was completely worth it. How was your week?”

  “Busy. I finished up my shopping and sent the presents off to my family, and I baked some cookies to take over to Olivia’s tomorrow.”

  “What kind of cookies did you bake?”

  “Sugar, chocolate peanut butter balls, and pecan balls.”

  “Ooh, all of my favorites.”

  “I’m glad you said that because I wanted to bring you some. Would it be okay if I stop by today to drop them off?”

  “Actually, how would you like to have dinner and hang out with us tonight? We’re just having a boring dinner of chicken and vegetables then watching Christmas movies. What do you say?”

  “That sounds nice. Are we watching It’s a Wonderful Life or Miracle on 34th Street?”

  “Uh, not exactly. We always watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, The Year Without Santa Claus, and Frosty the Snowman. You know, the classics.”

  “Yes, the classics.” Celeste chuckled. “That will be fun. What can I bring?”

  “The cookies, of course.” Lisa laughed and was joined by Celeste. “I’ll text you our address. Come over around four, okay?”

  “Will do. See you then.”

  Celeste hung up and immediately started thinking of what she was going to wear. She had six hours to kill and needed to find something to keep her busy, otherwise she’d go out of her mind. She went into her room and changed into her workout clothes then went into her exercise room where she had a pole installed shortly after she bought her house. Whenever she worked out at home, she was able to empty her thoughts and just be in the moment. Pole dancing was her release. It allowed her to relax and work out at the same time, much like yoga did for some people. She tied up her hair and started performing some stretches. When she was warmed up, she turned on her satellite radio, found a smooth jazz station, and she started dancing.

  She spent the good part of an hour doing back hook spins, back slides, arches, releases, floor work. She always started with beginner moves then transferred into intermediate, and finished with advanced moves. She still needed a lot of work on the advanced moves, but she was improving. By the time she was done, she was sweating and breathing hard, but more importantly, her nerves had calmed down and she was feeling much better about tonight. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous. Lisa was her friend. They were just having dinner and watching Christmas movies. Besides, Athena would be there. Oh, shit. Athena would be there. Did she know that she and Lisa slept together? It wasn’t like they’d laid any ground rules, but Celeste had hoped Lisa would be discreet and keep it between them. She didn’t understand why it bothered her if Athena knew, other than it sort of felt like Lisa was betraying their secret.

  When Celeste and Jackie had broken up, Jackie talked about her behind her back and spread rumors about her that just weren’t true. She still got an occasional glare from Jackie’s colleagues on campus. She wanted to keep her private life private, which was one of the reasons she didn’t want to date someone she worked with.

  Fantastic. She just spent an hour getting relaxed and now she’d managed to get herself all worked up again. She paced her house, trying to calm down. She stopped in her living room and closed her eyes. Even if Lisa told Athena, Celeste didn’t think Athena was the type to spread rumors. The one thing she didn’t want though was for Olivia to find out from Athena. Celeste hadn’t told her yet because she wasn’t sure she wanted to tell her. Celeste would never hear the end of it since she’d pleaded with Olivia to stop trying to get Celeste and Lisa together. Besides, it might have just been a mutual one-night stand. Lisa and Celeste had not made any promises of sleeping together again, but it would be a shame if they didn’t. They seemed to be extremely compatible in bed if the total amount of orgasms between them was any indication.

  Celeste needed to stop thinking about the sex. All it was doing was getting her worked up. Until last weekend, she’d been celibate for eight months following the breakup with Jackie. Now that she’d had sex with Lisa, she realized the sex with Jackie had been mediocre at best. In just one night, Lisa learned all of Celeste’s erogenous zones, learned what she liked, what drove her crazy. Lisa paid attention. And Lisa was focused on pleasuring Celeste, not in it just for herself. Oh, yes, Lisa was a very giving lover, but that really didn’t surprise Celeste for some reason. Okay, that was enough.

  Celeste went into the kitchen and packed up Lisa and Athena’s cookies in a Christmas tin then went to her closet to figure out what she was going to wear.

  * * *

  Lisa was in her closet trying to figure out what she was going to wear. She kept flipping through her shirts, unsure of whether to dress up or stay casual. It was Christmas Eve, so there was that excuse to dress up, but they were just staying home so really not needing to dress up. Geez, she’d never had this much trouble choosing her clothes. Lisa knew it was only because of Celeste. She wanted to look nice. She wanted appreciative looks from Celeste. Lisa’s head was all mixed up when it came to Celeste, a completely new experience for her. Even in her baby lesbian days, when she was discovering her attraction to girls, she couldn’t remember putting so much thought or effort into what she wore. She decided to go with white jeans and a green sweater.

  She mentally went over her checklist for dinner. She had the chicken and vegetables marinating in the fridge, table set. Shit. She only had beer to drink. She grabbed her keys and wallet and headed to the store for wine. She knew nothing about wine. She drank only beer, maybe an occasional whiskey. She slowly walked to the wine aisle, trying to figure out what kind to buy. White? Red? Chardonnay? Pinot grigio? Pinot noir? Merlot? Lisa ran her fingers through her hair and felt her heart race. Celeste would be at her house in fifteen minutes. She needed to find wine. Thankfully, someone came down the aisle who looked like they were a wine drinker. They gave suggestions for two different whites and reds, so she walked out of the store with four bottles of wine. Thankfully, the store was only a couple of miles from her house because she was a bundle of nerves. Tonight was going to be Celeste’s first
time at her house, and she wanted everything to be perfect.

  She pulled into the driveway, and as she was getting her bag of wine out of the back seat, she felt a tap on her shoulder and jumped. She heard giggling behind her and she looked. Celeste was standing there with her hand over her mouth, presumably to hide her smile.

  “You scared the crap out of me.”

  Celeste couldn’t hide her smile any longer and burst out laughing. “I’m sorry. I was sitting in my car because I got here so early, I didn’t want to intrude.”

  “You could have cleared your throat or something to let me know you were there.”

  “You’re right.” Celeste put her hand on Lisa’s arm. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” Lisa seemed to forget all things when Celeste touched her.

  “Where were you?”

  Lisa held up the bag and the clink of glass could have answered the question. “I went to the store to get you wine.”

  “Oh, Lisa, you didn’t have to. I could’ve had water with dinner.”

  “Are you kidding? I know you drink wine so I wanted to have it for you. I have to be honest though. I know nothing about wine, and I asked a complete stranger to help me pick out a bottle. Instead, I picked out four different types.” Lisa felt like a complete amateur, which she was when it came to wine, but Celeste placed her hand on her chest and appeared touched.

  “That was so sweet of you, Coach. Thank you. I think you deserve some homemade cookies for your trouble.” Celeste pulled the lid off the tin that held three different types of cookies. They all looked delicious, and Lisa grabbed a sugar cookie. Lisa’s mom always made sugar cookies at Christmas time. She used cookie cutters in the shapes of stars, trees, and angels, and then she frosted them and poured sprinkles on top. She always thought her mom made the best sugar cookies, but Lisa had to admit that Celeste’s were the best she’d ever tasted. There was a hint of citrus in either the frosting or cookie itself, and it gave a unique flavor to the cookie.


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