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Hearts and Bruises (Hearts Series Book 1)

Page 7

by A. M. Brooks

  "Morning beautiful," he answered before half crawling on me and letting his head dip to my shoulder. His hands roamed up my sides under the shirt I borrowed from him. I smiled, helping him pull the offending scrap of clothing all the way off. We laid heart to heart just kissing. My body was aflame from the touch of his skin and heat crept down to my core. I tingled everywhere as his mouth left a wet path from my neck down to my breasts before he pulled each nipple between his teeth. My back arched into him at the slight pain from the sensitive buds. Every time with him was like this.

  “Want to go to the fair with me today?” he asked in between bites and sucks. I laughed softly at his randomness.

  “No beach?” I asked. “No surfing?” My smile grew wider. I couldn’t imagine these boys doing anything else.

  “No,” he laughed. “I thought we could try something different for once.”

  I moaned again as he started kissing down my sides and up again. This conversation was getting harder to follow. “Sure,” I said, not really thinking, just wanting his mouth, his hands, his body on mine. He must have sensed my confusion because his eyes turned that light grey with laughter in them.

  “Want something, Nora?” he asked, rubbing his length against my opening. I hissed at the contact. His skin was on fire. I nodded my head and rotated my hips trying to push him in. “Wait, baby,” he said, reaching over to the drawer again.

  Of course, a condom! I almost forgot again. A blush crept over my skin. “Sorry,” I mumbled. “You stop my brain from working right.”

  He laughed softly as he pushed into me. I wrapped my arms around him and raised my hips to meet each thrust. My body quivered everywhere at the sensations he was creating in me. In the back of my mind, I knew I was in trouble. Sex with Darrian went beyond just the experience of the act. My soul fused with his and my heart beat just for him. I was literally and metaphorically fucked...but he was so damn good.

  We really went to the fair. Every year Araminta holds a huge carnival and rodeo before the beginning of the school year. All money from the proceeds goes to the students for sports and activities. Darrian told me on the way that his dad was the organizer behind the scenes. The usual group we had been hanging out with were there as well. Darrian got me on all the rides, and I made him buy me a huge bag of cotton candy. He held my hand and stayed by my side all day. I loved it except for the stares and whispers following us. It was easy to forget who Darrian King was when I was with him. He was down to earth and genuinely nice to me. He made me feel special without trying. I was going to try harder to not let the snide remarks and judging glances get to me.

  By the end of the night, I was ready to be alone with my King again since my dad was not home. Unfortunately, Ethan, Mikayla, and Hannah all needed a ride home and Darrian offered to bring them. I was trying not to seem like a pouty child on the ride to my house, but the chatter in the back was suffocating. Darrian reached for my hand in my lap and twined our fingers together. I peeked at him from my seat and could tell the crowd was bothering him too. My heart soared that at least he was feeling the same. My good feelings were squashed when his ringtone started blazing through the Jeep with Future’s “Comin Out Strong.” Darrian’s eyebrows pinched together as he stared at his phone confused.

  “Mom?” he answered, everyone else in the car became silent. Her voice could be heard, but I couldn’t make out the words.

  “Yeah I know,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I told him I’d be home tomorrow.” Silence. “Well, he’s playing golf first, so one?” A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Okay...yes Mom,” he blew out a breath. “I know. Tonight is fine I guess. Yeah just have to drop Ethan off then I’ll be home.” He gave me a sideways glance. I shielded my face to hide the small wince that he didn’t mention me or anyone else besides Ethan. I tried to remember he wasn’t super close to his family though. “Bye,” he said before the call ended. He picked up my hand again as he pulled into my driveway. Chatter in the car picked up again, but I had stayed silent. I knew we weren’t exclusively dating. I just thought we were at least friends. As we got out of the car, I noticed my dad was spraying the bushes out front. He gave us a slight nod before going back into the house.

  “What’s he doing here?” I asked no one.

  Darrian shrugged. “You okay?” he asked quietly, giving me a slight nudge.

  “Yeah, it’s just weird,” I told him, trying to smile.

  “My mom wanted me to come home right away. She wants to talk I guess before my dad talks to me tomorrow,” he told me.

  “Talk to you about what?” I asked trying not to laugh.

  “Probably the big future talk again. School starts on Monday.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. My insides were already crawling about the first day. “It will be okay,” he said, bending down a little to look in my eyes. “I’ll wait out front for you just like we talked about. And we’ll pick out all your school stuff tomorrow.” He gave me a wink.

  I had told him previously how my favorite part of going to a new school is picking out my new supplies. He thought I was ridiculous, but I still managed to con him into shopping with me.

  “You need stuff too,” I told him, pinching his side.

  He laughed. “I know.” Then his face turned somber again. “Can you please drop these guys off at home for me. I just want to get this meeting with my mom over with.”

  “Sure,” I said, shrugging even though the idea of being alone in a car with Mikayla for any period of time sounded horrible.

  “Thanks,” he said, leaning to kiss my forehead. He rounded his Jeep quick and got in.

  “I’ll just get my keys,” I told everyone else standing in my driveway. “You can, um, come in for a minute if you want.”

  “Cool,” Ethan said, sauntering into the house like he already owned the place. I followed them all in, running upstairs to grab my keys.

  When I came back down, they were huddled by the island in the kitchen where my dad was talking to Ethan about basketball.

  “Hey,” I said, interrupting. “Ready?”

  “Yes, finally,” Mikayla said, walking toward the door.

  “Didn’t you just get home?” my dad asked. He could sound like a real parent when he wanted to.

  “I’m dropping everyone else off, Darrian had to get home,” I told him, shrugging my shoulders as everyone started to follow my lead.

  “As in Darrian King?” my dad asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “Yup.” I was trying to avoid eye contact and shuffling my shoes on, I guess even my dad knew the power of the Kings.

  “Aren’t you Julia’s son?” my dad asked, turning to Ethan.

  “Yes sir,” he said, giving a two finger salute before walking out the door. I smirked.

  “Mmm,” my dad mumbled thoughtfully. “Good to see you, Mikayla,” my dad said, turning to her.

  “You too Mr. Sutton,” Mikayla said, waggling her fingers. We all walked outside when my dad turned on the porch light.

  “Nora,” he called to me.

  “Yeah, Dad?” I said, turning from the car meeting him halfway in the drive.

  “I’m glad you’re making friends,” he said, giving me a small smile. I’m sure he was.

  “Me too,” I told him. I was happy to be making friends. I just didn’t want him to know who I was friends with. Mark Sutton was power hungry and didn’t want to work for that power.

  The drive around town was easier than I had expected. Mikayla ignored me and talked to Ethan. Ethan played with my radio and talked to me. Hannah sat in the back texting on her phone. When I finally got home, the house was quiet, my dad had left again. I slipped into bed before looking at my phone. Darrian had not called or sent me a text. I typed out a quick message to him hoping his talk with his family went well and goodnight.

  Worry seeped into my skin and anxiety filled my chest when I woke the next morning I still had not heard from Darrian. His usual Good morning beautiful texts had become a ritual of my day as well
as what we were going to do today. Now it was ten forty-five am and I had slept in. I rubbed my eyes trying to focus on if I had missed something yesterday. When Darrian left yesterday, he had said he’d talk to me later, right?

  I got up and did my usual morning routine, putting on a bathing suit in case a call or message from Darrian would role in asking where I was. By noon I had texted him to make sure he was okay. From what he has shared about his family I knew Darrian and his parents weren’t super close. By one p.m. I hadn’t heard from him, so I texted Lily to see what she was doing. I had to go school shopping and maybe she’d go with. An hour later I had not heard back from Lily, Ethan, Hannah or Darrian. My heart squeezed in my chest and I didn’t know why.

  Surprisingly, Dad made it home for dinner. We ate together in silence, him with a pondering look on his face the entire time. I’m sure I looked like a sad story. By seven p.m. I needed to get out and get some fresh air. I grabbed the keys off the counter and rushed to the SUV, needing to have the open road and wind whipping through my hair. Haley Reinhart crooned her adaptation of “Can’t Help Falling in Love with You,” my fingers itched to turn the channel, but her voice was almost haunting. Something in the lyrics rang true to me and I felt my eyes brim with unshed tears by the time I reached the store. Unlike last time I was here, Ethan was nowhere to be seen. Their cars weren’t lined up in the parking lot. I got my supplies and thought of the numerous conversations Darrian and I had about shopping together. I sent him another message holding a new notebook in my hand hoping for a reaction from him this time. I made it all the way home without hearing a word from him. Dad’s study light was on as I brought my purchases upstairs. Confused, I texted Darrian again telling him I hoped he was okay, I couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow, and goodnight. My phone never lit up nor did it ding with a waiting message. My stomach hurt and the prickling sensation crawled over my skin. I laid in the dark for hours before my eyelids would close.

  When my alarm went off the next morning, a pit of nervousness had settled in my stomach. Nothing felt right. A quick look at my phone confirmed that I still had no messages or missed calls. During the night I wasn’t even sure I fell asleep as my brain turned over every piece of the last conversation Darrian and I had in my driveway. I was anxious to get to the school today. Taking extra care with myself this morning, I blow dried my hair and took the time to create relaxed beach waves in the dark strands. I opted for my usual light makeup only adding an extra flair at the corner of my eyes with the eyeliner. I grabbed my light wash jeans with the rips down the front on each leg, black tank top and a crème cardigan. I slipped on my black strappy sandals before grabbing my old book bag and new supplies. A quick look at the clock told me I needed to leave now. Running down the stairs, I grabbed an apple off the counter, and I was out the door. My first thought was the fuck? The SUV wasn’t parked where I left it last night. I went back inside and hollered for my dad. I walked into the kitchen fully aware that time was creeping by and I was going to be late. I took out my phone and called him instead. He answered on the fourth ring.

  “Good morning sweetheart, ready for school today?” His cheery voice answered.

  “I was until I noticed my vehicle is gone,” I told him, a flush covering my face.

  “I thought I told you that, Nora,” my dad said sternly. “I needed the vehicle today to run an out of town errand,” he explained as if I should have known already.

  “How am I supposed to get to school?” I asked.

  “Can’t one of your new friends give you a ride?” he sounded bored when he answered.

  “Never mind,” I said through gritted teeth. “I’ll take the bus.” I hung up without waiting for an answer. Instead, I sprinted down the road to the bus stop. I dialed the information line quickly to find out the pick-up time. The lady on the line informed me I’d be to school on time just not a half hour early how I had wanted to be. I sat down on the bench waiting, eating my apple, and thinking about how this day was already off to a shitty start.

  The bus ended up being ten minutes late which only gave me fifteen minutes now from the time I was dropped off to get to my locker and my first class. Araminta High campus was huge. One of the largest schools I’d been to yet, making it almost intimidating. The football field was located off to the far left with rows and rows of bleachers. A large granite arch proudly displayed a raven, the school mascot, in the school colors red and black. I walked up the front steps craning my neck to find a familiar face. Some of the students looked familiar from different parties, but I didn’t remember their names. Fear flooded me when I couldn’t find Darrian anywhere. He had promised to meet me by the front doors on my first day. Maybe because I was late, he couldn’t wait any longer. I prayed again he was okay since I hadn’t heard from him.

  After getting directions from a younger girl, I found the office. The desk secretary gave me my locker and combination and class schedule. My locker was on the main floor down the junior wing and easy to find. My schedule sucked in that I had gym in the middle of the day and ended my day with algebra. The front desk lady told me I wasn’t able to pick any electives until next semester. I quickly shoved my books into my locker, aware that I had five minutes to make it to the other side of the campus for English. Across the hall at the senior lockers, I saw Summer and Whitney leaning against Jake’s locker.

  “Hey,” I called and waved, hoping one of them could point me in the right direction. Whitney’s eyes stayed on her phone, Jake kept putting books in his locker. Summer looked up at me then became intrigued by her own phone. I kept walking with the flow of the crowd around me. Inside I was screaming that something was off. Something was wrong.

  By a miracle, I found my English class. Despite only one minute until the bell would ring the class was only half full. I sat in the back, trying to hide since I didn’t know any of these people. The encounter from just a minute ago played out in my mind again and again. Had I imagined that Summer saw me?

  The teacher walked in looking just as frazzled as I felt. I liked her immediately. She was the classic English teacher from the ballet flats and cardigan to the black rimmed glasses and button up shirt. She was writing her name on the whiteboard when a tall figure was suddenly in front of me. I craned my neck up to look at Elijah. He was normally tall and broody so the blank look on his face didn’t bother me, it was the words he spoke and tone he used that sent chills down my spine.

  “You’re in my seat,” he said, pointing at the desk. A few people around us quieted to listen.

  “Uh sorry?” I asked. I was thoroughly confused. “Wasn’t aware we had assigned seats.” I laughed a little hoping to lighten the mood.

  Elijah leaned closer over the desk and a chunk of hair fell into his eye. “Fucking move,” he said, staring at me like he hated me. We weren’t buddies like I was with Ethan, but I had at least thought we were on friendly terms.

  I felt the blood leave my face. If people weren’t listening before they were definitely listening now. Even our teacher was silent as she waited by the board.

  “Now.” The word felt like deadweight hanging between us. I swallowed the lump rising in my throat. Grabbing my bag, I slid out of the seat and moved to the next one.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “Up there.” He pointed to the open desk at the front of the room. My stomach knotted as I walked to it and sat down. What was happening? Everyone around me was snickering and whispering. Ms. Lindall gave me a sheepish look before starting her class.

  It was the longest hour of my life. Even when I tried to concentrate on the book list, I could feel Elijah’s gaze boring into my back. When the bell rang, I shot out of my desk wanting to distance myself from the animosity around me. I wanted to find Darrian. I found the science room and took a seat at the front lab station. My eyes watched the door hoping to see a familiar face walk by. Sure enough, Ethan walked halfway through the door and locked gazes with me. His face tensed and he turned around and left. I felt tears brimming again
. Before I could go after him, the whole class filled up and a grouchy looking man started handing out books. I was stuck for another hour. Ethan never came back to class.

  Starting third hour, I had a reprieve in Spanish class. I knew absolutely no one, yet I felt knowing eyes from a few of the students. Senora Kimball kept us entertained with her take on the mariachi dance and I watched the clock keep ticking.

  Lunch was next, and I needed answers. Anxiety flared through my body. The current of other student bodies brought me to where I needed to be. Passing the food line, I walked to the table where I could see them. I could finally see him. Eyes followed me as I got closer and closer to the table no one dared approach unless invited. Darrian stood out amongst the group not only because he was the tallest. Sharp new designs had been etched into his hairline behind his ears. A tight red T-shirt stretched across his chest and hugged his biceps. Black jeans hung low on his hips and hit at the top of his black boots. His teeth pulled at the shiny lip ring as I got closer. His eyes studied me from my toes to the top of my head, yet the expression he wore was the one he had the first night we met. That look should have stopped me cold, but my stupid feet kept moving, bringing me right to the lion’s den.

  “What are you doing?” His voice boomed with disdain sending icy chills through my veins.

  “Can we talk?” I asked in barely a whisper, noticing everyone around had quieted.

  “You need to take yourself back to where you came from and leave this table.” His eyes narrowed at me.

  “Why are you being like this?” A sob was locked in my throat, my eyes were burning again. I kept telling myself I would not cry in front of these people.

  “Like what?” he asked, speaking as though I was deaf and needed to read his lips.

  “A jerk,” I said, crossing my arms over my stomach afraid the stampede was going to escape.

  “Darlin’, I’m a King. I don’t know what you thought was happening but we” —he pointed between myself and him— “are nothing. I’m not your boyfriend, I’m not your friend. These guys over here” —he pointed to the table full of the people I had been spending the past two weeks with— “are my friends, not yours. I get enough pussy I don’t need you hanging on me offering low-grade quality.” Oooos and laughs echoed in my ears, but they sounded far away. I could feel the heat creep up my neck to my cheeks, my heart was pounding, my ears ringing. Every word that came out of his mouth was dipped in disdain. He walked closer to me and bent down by my ear speaking low, “Make sure you tell your daddy he can’t use me to climb his social ladder.”


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