Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 40

by Terry M. Wildman

  33“‘Take your moccasins off and let your feet touch the earth,’ Creator said to him, ‘for the ground you are standing on is sacred.’”

  With trembling hands Drawn from the Water (Moses) took off his moccasins. His knees grew weak as he stood before the fire of the Great Spirit and listened as Creator continued to speak.

  34“‘With my own eyes I have seen the way my people have suffered in Black Land (Egypt). I have heard their deep sighs and groanings, and I have come down to set them free. Come now, it is time to go, for I am sending you back to Black Land (Egypt).’19

  35“So Creator sent back the same man who had been rejected by his own people when they said, ‘Who made you our ruler and judge?’ Through the spirit-messenger, who appeared to him in the burning thorn bush, the Great Spirit sent Drawn from the Water (Moses) to be both their ruler and the one who would pay the price to set them free. 36With the powerful signs and omens he performed in Black Land (Egypt), at the Red Sea, and in the desert wilderness, he set them free and guided them through the desert wilderness for forty winters.

  37“Drawn from the Water (Moses) was the same one who said to the descendants of Wrestles with Creator (Israel), ‘The Great Spirit will raise up a prophet like me from among your own people.’ 38When our ancestors were gathered together in the desert wilderness, Drawn from the Water (Moses) was there with them. On the Mountain of Small Trees (Sinai) a spirit-messenger from Creator spoke to him. It was there that he and our ancestors were given the words of life, which have been handed down to us.

  39“But our ancestors were not willing to follow his guidance. They turned away from him and turned their hearts back to the ways of Black Land (Egypt). 40They said to Light Bearer (Aaron), the brother of Drawn from the Water (Moses), ‘We do not know what has become of Drawn from the Water (Moses), so carve for us an image of spirit-beings who can guide us.’

  41“So they formed an image shaped like a calf, offered ceremonial sacrifices to it, and celebrated what their own hands had formed. 42But the Maker of Life turned his face away from them and then handed them over to serve the evil warrior-spirits who rule in the dark spirit-world above and around us.

  “In the book of the prophets, it says, ‘Was it to me that you offered ceremonial sacrifices for forty winters in the desert?’ Creator asked the family descendants of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). ‘No! 43Instead you carried an altar for Child-Burning Spirit (Moloch) and one for Wandering Star Spirit (Rephan). These were images you formed with your own hands that you chose to serve. So, because you have chosen this path, I will make you walk it to and beyond Village of Confusion (Babylon).’20

  44“Our ancestors carried the sacred tent of Creator’s peace treaty with them during their desert wanderings. The Great Spirit gave Drawn from the Water (Moses) a vision for this sacred tent and the full instructions on how to make it. 45When the time came to enter the Land of Promise, our ancestors carried this sacred tent with them as Creator Gives Freedom (Joshua) led the way. The Great Spirit removed the Outside Nations from the land, and our ancestors took possession of it. The sacred tent remained there until the days of Much Loved One (David). 46Creator’s great kindness rested on Much Loved One (David), so he asked whether he could build a lodge for the Great Spirit of Heel Grabber (Jacob). 47But it was his son Stands in Peace (Solomon) who built a lodge for him.

  48“But the One Above Us All does not live in lodges built by human hands, for the prophet Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah) has said, 49‘The spirit-world above is my seat of honor, and the earth below is a resting place for my feet. Could you build me a lodge like this?’ says the Great Spirit. ‘One that I could rest in? 50Have I not formed all of these things with my own hands?’”21

  A great boldness rose up in Many Feathers (Stephen) as he made his stand before the Grand Council. A look of fire came from his eyes as he raised his voice and spoke from his heart.

  51“You are a bullheaded people! Your hearts of stone and deaf ears have made you no different from the nations around you. Just like your ancestors, you continue to oppose the Holy Spirit. 52Did not your ancestors hunt down, torture, and kill the prophets who foretold the coming of the Upright One? You have now become his betrayers and murderers! 53You, the ones to whom our tribal law was given by spirit-messengers, a law that you have not followed!”


  54When the council heard these words, they were filled with rage and ground their teeth in anger and frustration at him. 55But then the Holy Spirit filled Many Feathers (Stephen) with a great vision. He looked up into the spirit-world above and saw a bright light shining from the Great Spirit, and standing next to him at his right hand was Creator Sets Free (Jesus)!

  56“Look!” he said, “I can see into the spirit-world above! The sky has opened, and there at the right hand of the Great Spirit is the True Human Being!”

  57But they put their hands over their ears and screamed out loud as they all rushed together to take hold of him. 58They dragged him outside of the village and began to throw stones at him to kill him. Those who spoke against him laid their outer garments at the feet of a young man whose name was Man Who Questions (Saul).

  59As they threw the stones at Many Feathers (Stephen), he was sending his voice to the Great Spirit.

  “Creator Sets Free (Jesus) my Honored Chief,” he called out to Creator. “Welcome my spirit as I come to you!”

  60He then fell to his knees and cried out with a loud voice, “Honored One, do not hold this wrong against them!”

  Then, with a final breath, he fell asleep and crossed over to death.


  1Man Who Questions (Saul) stood in agreement with the death of Many Feathers (Stephen), and on that same day a great persecution of the sacred family in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) began. All except for the message bearers were scattered about in the territories of the Land of Promise (Judea) and High Place (Samaria). 2With loud cries and many tears, some good-hearted men buried Many Feathers (Stephen). 3But Man Who Questions (Saul) was bringing great harm to the sacred family. Going from house to house, he dragged both men and women away to put them in prison.


  4Everywhere the ones who had been scattered went, they told others the story about Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 5Lover of Horses (Philip) went to a village in High Place (Samaria) and began to tell them about the Chosen One. 6When the people heard him and saw the powerful signs that he did, they all agreed to listen to what Lover of Horses (Philip) had to say. 7The evil spirits shrieked out loud as he forced them out, and many who could not walk or move about were healed. 8This filled the hearts of the people of that village with great joy!


  9In that same village there was a man named Man Who Hears (Simon), who had practiced bad medicine22 and had made himself out to be someone great. 10He had a reputation among the people, both small and great, that he was the power of the Great Spirit. 11His reputation came from the bad medicine he amazed them with.

  12But when Lover of Horses (Philip) told them about Creator’s good road and the name and reputation of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, both men and women put their trust in him and participated in the purification ceremony.23 13Even Man Who Hears (Simon) believed and participated in the ceremony. After the ceremony he stayed close to Lover of Horses (Philip), for he was amazed at the powerful signs and miracles he saw.


  14The message bearers in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) heard that the people in High Place (Samaria) had welcomed Creator’s message. So they sent Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) to them. 15The two went there and prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit, 16for they had only participated in the purification ceremonyb in the name our Honored Chief, Creator Sets Free (Jesus), and the Spirit had not yet come down on them.


  17When Stands on
the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) placed their hands on them and prayed, they received the Holy Spirit. 18But Man Who Hears (Simon), when he saw that the Holy Spirit was given through the hands of the message bearers, offered them money to get this power.

  19“Give me also this power,” he said to them, “so that anyone I place my hands on will receive the Holy Spirit.”

  20“Both you and your money are on a path to a bad end,” Stands on the Rock (Peter) warned him, “because you thought Creator’s gift could be bought with money! 21This message has found no home in you, for your heart is not straight before the Great Spirit. 22Turn away from these evil thoughts and pray that, if possible, Creator will forgive you for this wrong way of thinking. 23For I see that a bitter root has poisoned you and an evil power has captured your thinking.”

  24“Pray to Creator for me!” Man Who Hears (Simon) said with a trembling voice, “so that nothing you have said will happen to me.”

  25So Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) continued to speak Creator’s words of truth and then returned to Village of Peace (Jerusalem). On the way they told the good story about Creator Sets Free (Jesus) to many more people in the villages of High Place (Samaria).


  26A spirit-messenger from Creator came and spoke to Lover of Horses (Philip).

  “Rise up,” the spirit-messenger told him, “and go south on the road that will take you from Village of Peace (Jerusalem) to Strong Place (Gaza).”

  This road goes through the desert wilderness. 27-28So Lover of Horses (Philip) followed the guidance of the spirit-messenger. He got up and began to go toward the south.


  While on the road, he came across a man from Eyes of Fire (Ethiopia). He had great authority because he was a trusted official24 of the female chief of Eyes of Fire (Ethiopia) and managed all her wealth and possessions. This man had traveled to Village of Peace (Jerusalem) to participate in the lodge ceremonies and was returning home.

  As this man was traveling, he was sitting in a fancy horse-drawn covered wagon25 and reading from the Sacred Teachings of the prophet Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah).

  29The Spirit of Creator said to Lover of Horses (Philip), “Go and walk next to this covered wagon.”

  30So Lover of Horses (Philip) ran to where the man was and overheard him reading from the prophecies of Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah).

  “Do you understand what you are reading?” Lover of Horses (Philip) asked him.

  31“How can I,” the man answered, “unless someone guides me?”

  So he welcomed Lover of Horses (Philip) to sit with him. 32The man was reading these words from the Sacred Teachings: “Like a sheep led to the slaughter or like a lamb being sheared, he was silent and did not open his mouth. 33He was shamed and denied a fair trial. No one even imagined he had a future, for he was cut down in the prime of his life.”26

  34“I ask you,” the man said to Lover of Horses (Philip), “is the prophet speaking about himself or someone else?”

  35Then Lover of Horses (Philip) took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and began from that prophecy27 to tell him the good story about Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 36As they traveled the road, they came to a watering hole.


  “Look!” the man said, “There is much water here. Why should I not participate in the purification ceremony?”28

  37“If from your heart you truly believe,” Lover of Horses (Philip) answered, “you may.”

  “I believe that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) is the Son of the Great Spirit,” the man replied.29

  38He instructed them to stop the carriage, and they both waded out into the water, and Lover of Horses (Philip) performed the purification ceremonya for him. 39When they came up from the water, Creator’s Spirit snatched Lover of Horses (Philip) away from the man’s sight. So he continued on his journey with a glad heart.

  But what happened to Lover of Horses (Philip)?

  40He found himself in Strong Fort (Azotus), and as he walked throughout the territory, he told everyone the good story until he arrived at Chief Village (Caesarea).


  1Man Who Questions (Saul) was on a rampage, breathing threats and murder against the followers of our Honored Chief, Creator Sets Free (Jesus). He went to the chief holy man 2and asked for written documents to give to the tribal gathering houses in the village of Silent Weaver (Damascus). This would permit him to take any followers of the Way, men or women, bind them in chains, and take them to Village of Peace (Jerusalem).


  3So on his way to Silent Weaver (Damascus), just as he came near the village, without warning a light from the spirit-world above shone down all around him. 4He fell to the ground and then heard a voice speaking.

  “Man Who Questions (Saul), Man Who Questions (Saul),” the voice called out his name twice, “why are you pursuing and mistreating me?”

  Man Who Questions (Saul) trembled with fear at the sound of the voice that was coming from the blinding light.

  5“Honored One,” he asked, “who are you?”

  “I am Creator Sets Free (Jesus),” the voice answered, “the one you are pursuing and mistreating. 6Now stand to your feet and go into the village. There you will be told what you must do.”

  7The men who were traveling with him stood silent, saying nothing, for they heard the voice but saw no one. 8Man Who Questions (Saul) stood to his feet and opened his eyes, but he could not see. The ones who were with him took him by the hand and guided him into the village of Silent Weaver (Damascus). 9He stayed there without eating or drinking, and after three days he still could not see.


  10Now in that village there was a man named Creator Shows Kindness (Ananias), a follower of Creator Sets Free (Jesus). He was given a sacred vision from the Great Spirit.

  “Creator Shows Kindness (Ananias)!” the voice called out to him in the vision.

  “I am here, Honored One!” he answered back.

  11“Get up and go to the house of Speaks Well Of (Judas), on the village pathway called Straight. There you must ask for a man from Tree Village (Tarsus) named Man Who Questions (Saul). He is praying right now. 12In a vision he has seen a man with your name come to him and lay his hands on him so that he might see again.”

  13“Honored One,” Creator Shows Kindness (Ananias) answered him back, “I have heard of this man and how much harm he has done to your holy people in Village of Peace (Jerusalem). 14The head holy men have given him the authority to put in prison all who call upon your name.”

  15“Go to him,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) answered him, “for I have chosen this man to represent me to the Outside Nations, to their rulers and to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). 16I will show him how much he must suffer in order to represent who I am.”


  17Creator Shows Kindness (Ananias) followed the guidance given to him in the vision and went to the house, and there he placed his hands on Man Who Questions (Saul).

  “Man Who Questions (Saul), my brother,” he said to him, “Creator Sets Free (Jesus), our Honored Chief, the one who appeared to you on the road, has sent me to you so you may see again and be filled with his Holy Spirit.”

  18Right then something like fish scales fell from his eyes and he could see again! Then he stood up and went to participate in the purification ceremony.30 19After that he ate some food and his strength returned. He stayed in the village of Silent Weaver (Damascus) for a few days with some followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus).


  20Right away he went to the local gathering houses and began to tell them that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) is the Son of the Great Spirit, 21and all who heard him could not believe their ears!

  “Is this not the man who in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) was waging war against the ones who calle
d upon this name?” they asked. “Did he not come here to take them bound to the head holy men?”

  22But Man Who Questions (Saul) became more powerful in his speech, proving that Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was the Chosen One, leaving the local tribal leaders confused and unable to argue against him.


  23A few days later the tribal leaders formed a council to put him to death, 24but he found out what they were planning. They kept watch day and night at the village gates so they could take and kill him. 25But some of his followers snuck him out at night by lowering him down in a basket from an opening in the village walls.

  26He went to Village of Peace (Jerusalem) and tried to join together with the followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), but they were afraid and did not trust that he was a true follower. 27But Son of Comfort (Barnabas) came alongside him and took him to the message bearers.

  Man Who Questions (Saul) then told them the story of what happened on the road, how he had seen and heard the voice of our Honored Chief. He also told them that he had been representing Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and speaking out boldly to the Tribal Members in the village of Silent Weaver (Damascus).


  28So Man Who Questions (Saul) stayed with them. He walked the roads all around Village of Peace (Jerusalem) representing Creator Sets Free (Jesus) by speaking out boldly about him.


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