Book Read Free

First Nations Version

Page 66

by Terry M. Wildman


  8So do not be timid1 in telling others about our Honored Chief or that I am in prison because of him. But walk with me on this road of suffering for the sake of the good story as Creator gives us strength. 9For he is the one who has made us whole and called us to walk a sacred path. He did not choose us because of any good thing we have done. He chose us in harmony with his own purpose and by the gift of his great kindness. This gift was given to us through Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One before time began. 10But now that the Chosen One has appeared, his purpose has been made clear. For he has defeated death and has, through the good story, brought into the light the kind of life that will never again taste death.


  11He chose me to be a message bearer and a wisdomkeeper so I could make this good story known to all. 12This is the reason I walk a path of hardship and suffering. But I am not ashamed, for I know the one in whom I have put my trust. I am sure that he will watch over me as I walk this sacred path toward that day.

  13Hold true to the words of good medicine you have heard from me, for they came from the trust and love found in Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One. 14Watch over these sacred truths by the Holy Spirit who lives in us.


  15As you know, almost everyone in Land of the Rising Sun (Asia) turned away from me, along with Man Who Runs Away (Phygelus) and Born with Good Luck (Hermogenes). 16May our Honored Chief show kindness to the family of Bringer of Good Things (Onesiphorus), for he was like a drink of cool water to me and was never ashamed to visit me in prison. 17When he was in Village of Iron (Rome), he searched hard until he found me. 18I pray that our Honored Chief will show kindness to him when that day comes. For you know very well the many ways he helped me at Village of Desire (Ephesus).

  1So then, my spiritual son, let the gift of great kindness from Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One be your strength. 2You have heard the things I have spoken of as we sat together with many others who heard the same things. Pass these teachings on to those who can be trusted to teach the same to others.


  3Walk with me on this path of suffering as a good spiritual warrior of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One. 4During times of war, no warrior gets involved in everyday life, for he must please the war-chief who chose him. 5Those who run in a race must follow the rules in order to win. 6The one who works hard to plant a field should be the first to share in the harvest. 7Think about what I am saying, and our Honored Chief will help you to understand these things.

  8Keep your thoughts centered on Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, who was raised from the dead and is a descendant of Chief Much Loved One (David). This is the good story that I tell. 9It has taken me down a troubled path, one that includes being put in chains as an outlaw. But Creator’s message can never be locked up. 10So I keep walking through these troubled times for the sake of the ones whom the Great Spirit has chosen as his own. I want them to be set free and made whole through Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One and be honored with him to the time beyond the end of all days.


  11Here is a wise saying you can fully trust: If we died with him, we will live with him. 12If we never give up, we will share in his chiefly rule. If we deny him, he will deny us. 13If we fail to trust him, he will remain faithful, for he cannot deny himself.

  14Keep reminding others about these things. Warn them in the sight of the Great Spirit not to fight over the meaning of words, for these are empty arguments that only bring a bad end to those who listen. 15Make it your aim to present yourself to Creator as one who is tried and true, a hard worker, without shame, who guides Creator’s message of truth down a straight path.


  16Turn away from worthless and empty talk, for it will take people down a path far away from what is sacred and pure. 17Talk like this will spread like a disease that eats away at the body. Sings with a Glad Heart (Hymenaeus) and Friendly Man (Philetus) are two men who have been talking like this. 18They have turned away from the truth, saying that the rising of the dead has already taken place, harming the faith of some.

  19But the solid rock of Creator’s truth stands firm. Carved into it are these words: “Our Honored Chief knows the ones who belong to him,” and “All those who say they honor his name must turn away from all wrongdoing.”


  20In a great lodge there are not only vessels made of gold and silver but also pots made of wood and clay. Some are for special use and others for ordinary use. This is true in the lodge that is Creator’s sacred family. 21Those who wash themselves clean from these worthless ways will be vessels of honor, made holy for the Headman’s use and ready to do many good deeds.

  22So flee from youthful desires and pursue right living, trusting, love, and peace, along with all who call out to our Honored Chief from a pure heart. 23Have nothing to do with foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they stir up further arguments. 24For Creator’s sacred servant must not be eager to argue but kind to all. He must also be a good and patient teacher, 25humbly instructing those who stand against him. For it could be that Creator will return them to the right way of thinking and lead them back to the path of truth. 26Then they will come to their senses and escape the trap of the evil trickster, who held them captive to serve his purposes.


  1I want you to remember that the last days will be violent and dangerous times. 2People will love only themselves and possessions. They will be puffed up, big-headed, troublemakers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, and unspiritual. 3People will be cold-hearted, merciless, full of accusations, without self-control, savage, and haters of what is good. 4They will be traitors, reckless and arrogant people who love pleasure more than they love the Great Spirit. 5Stay clear of people like this, for they make a big show of being spiritual but deny its true power.

  6Some of these are men who trick their way into people’s families to manipulate vulnerable women who have given themselves over to broken ways to be burdened down with all kinds of evil desires. 7They are always looking to learn new things but never able to find and understand the truth. 8In the same way that Greedy Man (Jannes) and Hostile Man (Jambres) stood against Drawn from the Water (Moses),2 these men also stand against the truth. They are men of bent and twisted minds, whose understanding of our spiritual ways3 is worthless. 9But they will not fool many, for their trickery will be easy to see, just as it was for Greedy Man (Jannes) and Hostile Man (Jambres).


  10But you, He Gives Honor (Timothy), have followed my teachings, my way of life, my purpose, and what I believe. You know how patient I am, how much I love others, and how I have never given up. 11You also know how much I suffered when I was at Stands Against (Antioch), Spirit Village (Iconium), and Set Free (Lystra), how they hunted me down to bring harm to me. But our Honored Chief rescued me in each of those places. 12It is a true saying that all who want to live their lives in harmony with Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One will suffer harm at the hands of those who stand against him.


  13Bad-hearted people will go from bad to worse. These are humans behaving like tricksters who lead people down the same kind of path they have been tricked into walking. 14But you should keep following the ways you have been taught, the teachings you are sure of, for you know who it was who taught you. 15From the time you were a young boy you have known the Sacred Teachings that are able to make you wise as you trust in the one who has set you free and made you whole, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One.

  16All the Sacred Teachings come from the breath of the Great Spirit and help us to teach others about Creator’s ways. They help us correct wrong thinking and bring lives into balance. They show the good and right way to walk the road of life. 17In this way, those who walk with the Great Spirit wil
l have everything that is needed to do good things for others.


  1When the Chosen One appears, he will decide the fate of the living and the dead and bring his good road to us in all its fullness. In light of these things and in the sight of the Great Spirit and Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, I call on you to complete the sacred task 2of making his message known! Be ready whether the time seems right or not. Patiently instruct others. Give strong counsel, warnings, and firm words to strengthen their hearts. 3For a day will come when people will not listen to good teaching. They will gather around themselves teachers who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and believe made-up stories.


  5But you must remain clear-minded in every way, stand strong in hard times, and do the work of a good storyteller. Keep doing what Creator has called on you to do. 6For my life is already being poured out like a ceremonial drink offering, and the time for me to walk on has come. 7I have fought the good fight. I have walked the good road to its end and stayed true to our spiritual ways.4 8There is a chief’s headdress for doing what is right waiting for me in the spirit-world above. Our Honored Chief, whose decisions are always right, will honor me with a headdress on that day, and not only me but also all who have loved his appearing.


  9Try to come and see me soon. 10For Leader of the People (Demas), because he loved this present world, has run away to village of False Victory (Thessalonica) and left me alone. He Grows More (Crescens) has gone to Land of Pale Skins (Galatia), and Big Man (Titus) to Land of Holy Robes (Dalmatia). 11Only Shining Light (Luke) is with me. When you come, bring War Club (Mark) with you, for he is a good help to me as I serve our Creator. 12I sent He Is at Ease (Tychicus) to Village of Desire (Ephesus). 13And I left my coat at Cut Through (Troas) with He Grows Good Fruit (Carpus). So when you come, bring it to me along with the books, and above all bring the animal-skin scrolls.

  14Man Fighter (Alexander), who works with copper, did much harm to me. Our Honored Chief will do to him what he has done to hurt others. 15Be on the lookout for him, for he stands strongly against all we teach.

  16At my first council hearing, no one spoke up for me and everyone left me alone. May this not be counted against them. 17But Our Honored Chief stood with me and gave me strength, so that through me the Outside Nations would hear the whole good story. I was set free from the mouth of the lion.5 18Our Honored Chief will rescue me from every evil scheme and carry me safely onto his good road from above. All honor belongs to him to all the ages. Aho! May it be so!


  19I send greetings to Lives Long (Priscilla)6 and Strong Eagle (Aquila) and to the family of Bringer of Good Things (Onesiphorus). 20Much Desired (Erastus) remained behind at Village of Pleasure (Corinth), and He Eats Well (Trophimus) was sick so I left him at White Sheep Wool (Miletus). 21Try to come to me before winter. Wise Counselor (Eubulus) sends greetings to you, along with Hides His Face (Pudens), Sweet Grass (Linus), Limping Woman (Claudia), and all the members of the sacred family.

  22May our Honored Chief be with your spirit, and may the gift of his great kindness rest on you.

  Aho! May it be so!




  1From Small Man (Paul), a sacred servant of the Great Spirit and a message bearer for Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One. I have been sent to strengthen the spiritual ways of Creator’s chosen ones and their understanding of the truth that guides them on this sacred path. 2This way of trusting and understanding rest on the hope of the life of the world to come that never fades away, full of beauty and harmony. It was long ago, before the beginning of time, that the Great Spirit, who always speaks the truth, promised this life to us. 3So when the time was right, the Great Spirit, who is our Sacred Deliverer, trusted me with this message and told me to make it known to all who will hear.

  4To Big Man (Titus), my true son in our spiritual ways.1 I greet you with the gift of great kindness that comes from our Father the Great Spirit and from Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, our Sacred Deliverer.


  5I left you behind at Flesh Eater Island (Crete) so you would finish setting things in order for the sacred family who gathers there and put in place the elders who will be the spiritual leaders in all the villages, just as I have instructed you.

  6These spiritual leaders must be free from accusation, faithful in marriage,2 and have children who are not wild and rebellious, but respectful followers of our spiritual ways. 7Because they represent the Great Spirit, the elders who watch over the sacred family must have a good reputation with outsiders. They must not be stubborn, hot-headed, heavy drinkers, violent, or greedy for possessions.

  8Instead, they must be willing to open their homes to others, love what is good, and think clearly. With self-discipline, they must walk with a good heart in our sacred ways 9and stay true to the faithful message they have been taught. Then these elders will be able to encourage others by teaching the truth about our spiritual ways. Then they will be able to stand up to and prove wrong those who oppose them.


  10There are many troublemakers with forked tongues and empty words. Most of them are from our own Tribal Members, flesh cutters who require others to participate in the cutting of the flesh ceremony. 11These men must be silenced, for they are troubling whole families by teaching wrong things. They are behaving like tricksters using people for their own gain.

  12One of their own prophets said, “People from Flesh Eater Island (Crete) always speak with forked tongues. They are evil beasts who are lazy and eat too much.” 13I have found this to be true of some of them. So speak sharply to them, that they may learn to find health in our spiritual ways.3 14Tell them not to listen to made-up stories from our Tribal Members or to instructions from those who are turning away from the truth.

  15To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are unclean because they do not believe the truth, nothing is pure, for both in their minds and deep within their hearts they have been made unclean. 16They represent themselves as those who know the Great Spirit, but the path they walk proves they do not. They show themselves to be disgusting, rebellious, and worthless for any kind of good deed.


  1But as for you, teach those things that lead to a healthy spiritual walk. 2Expect the older men to be sober-minded, worthy of respect, and self-disciplined as they walk with firm steps on a path of trust and love. 3In the same way, expect the elder women to walk a sacred path. They should not talk in a bad way about others or be heavy drinkers. They should be wisdomkeepers, 4teaching young women to love their husbands and their children. 5They should show the young women how to be self-disciplined, pure-minded, working at home, kind, and following the loving guidance of their husbands. In this way, they will not bring dishonor to the message of the Great Spirit.

  6In the same manner, urge the young men to be self-disciplined in every way. 7As for yourself, be an example to them by the good deeds you do, and in the heartfelt and respectful ways you teach. 8Speak with firm words and with an honesty that cannot be spoken against, so that those who oppose will be put to shame, with nothing bad to say about you.

  9As for those sacred family members who are slaves, teach them to do all that their masters require in a good way, and not to argue 10or steal from them. Instead, they should show that they can be fully trusted. In this way, they will properly show the beauty of the teaching of the Great Spirit, our Sacred Deliverer.


  11For the gift of Creator’s great kindness that sets people free has shined its light on all human beings. 12It instructs us to turn away from all that does not honor our Creator and from the desire to walk in the ways of this world. It instructs us to walk with straight and firm
steps on a good and sacred path in this present world. 13For we are looking and waiting for the blessing of the bright-shining appearance of the one who set us free and made us whole—our Great Spirit, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One. 14He paid the highest price to set us free from all our wrongdoings and purify for himself a people whose hearts burn with fire to do good deeds.

  15So speak out boldly about these things. Strengthen the hearts of the ones who are doing good and set straight the ones who are doing wrong. Let no one ignore you.


  1Remind the sacred family members to give way to the powers and authorities that rule the land. They must follow their laws and be ready to do any good deed. 2Make sure they do not speak evil of anyone. Instead, they should be peacemakers who are gentle and humble toward all people. 3For it was not that long ago that we were also foolish and misled rebels who let our evil desires rule over us. Some of us were even bad-hearted, jealous troublemakers, hated by others and hating each other.


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