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Mystic Awakening

Page 3

by J L Lawrence

  Guilt consumed him as he devised a plan that would eventually cause her pain. He certainly didn’t want to feel love for her in return. This could easily end in misery for them all.

  Finally, he pulled himself out of his depressing inner monologue and faced Gregory. “I need you to stick close to us at all times. We’ll depend more on your magic, since mine is in shorter supply.”

  “But I won’t be able to recharge effectively in this dimension.” He clasped Xander’s shoulder. “I promise you this. We will get Kate to the portal, and she will cross. I won’t leave you or her. You will not die, especially not a human.”

  “Thanks, man. Grab a map. As humans, we can’t flash in and out of places, so we’ll have to travel in the traditional human methods. That will save more energy, anyway. Demons will be tracking us, so we need to be vigilant and careful with our route.” Xander paused and felt a twinge of guilt for his next request. “Listen, I need you to promise me one more thing.”

  Gregory nodded. “Anything.”

  “No one tells her about this ticking clock going on inside me, understand?”

  “What? If you tell her, she’ll willingly cross. Problem solved. It’s probably programmed into her DNA. We’ve watched her for days. It’s who she is. She’ll want to protect you.” Gregory shook Xander’s shoulders. “Don’t go stupid on me.”

  Xander swatted his hands away. “I’m not. She’s the key to saving the world whether we like it or not. Without her, all of our realms plunge into demon reign. She is who you say and would cross over to save me. I believe that, but that is not a choice born of free will. That would be her sacrifice. Maybe it wouldn’t matter, but are you ready to test the theory and risk the entire world?” He watched the man who had been his friend for nearly sixty years come to the same realization. His silence spoke volumes.

  “Me either. As my closest friend, Gregory, I’m asking that you protect this secret, even if my life is on the line. If something should happen to me, make sure she crosses over safely.” Xander held out his hand and waited patiently for him to make the choice.

  Gregory reached forward with his right hand and grasped Xander’s right forearm. “I swear to uphold my oath to maintain the secret of your transition to humanity. Should I fail, I forfeit my own life as penance.” He laid a tiny silver bowl on the counter in front of them. Then he took his athame and made a small cut straight across both of their arms. “Our mixed blood seals this promise.” The blood bubbled for a few seconds and then evaporated into the air, binding his oath.

  Gregory left the room, leaving Xander time to process his possible fate. Reaching toward his neck, Xander brushed the Celtic-knot necklace his mother had given him as a child. He wondered what Kate’s childhood had been like. Did she have hopes and dreams that he was going to destroy? Would she hate him for it?

  None of that mattered now. She would have to embrace her new world. They needed each other, and he would do well to remember it. They didn’t have to love each other, but respect went a long way. He dropped his necklace and began planning. He had ten days to save his own life.

  * * *

  Kate was still feeling dazed. She walked into the kitchen. She couldn’t figure out what to make of the vision, or what it meant for her future. She was beginning to have a normal life. She wouldn’t give it up without a fight.

  She paused for a moment to consider the friend she often took for granted. She was beautiful inside and out. Angie’s wavy auburn hair was flowing down behind the chair. Unlike her own, she didn’t keep it restricted. She was a few inches shorter than herself, but had a rock hard athletic frame that always made her a tad jealous. One of Angie’s most notable features was her eyes. They were a warm chocolate brown that could trick anyone into confiding in her. It was as if they had a hypnotic power.

  Angie glanced up from her iPad. “What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, and where did the bruises on your face go?”

  “I had a visit from an old ancestor while I was taking a bath.”

  “Kinky, do tell.” Angie laughed. Kate sent her one of her death glares.

  “While I was taking a bath, I received a vision.” She mentally transferred the whole experience to Angie. Then she showed her the spots on her legs that should have at least had scars, but were clear.

  “Could you ask him to pay me a visit? I’m still in a lot of pain over here. Seriously though, what does it mean?”

  Kate shrugged, then sat down across from her friend. “No clue. I guess some life-changing event is headed my way. Honestly, I don’t care. I’m not considering anything to do with my psychic stuff, or whatever it is. I finally have my dreams within my grasp. Trey’s been hinting at marriage, and I’m up for that promotion at work. My friends accept me, and my life is normal, completely normal.” Kate wanted normal to become her everyday reality, more than she wanted air to breathe.

  “Uh huh, except the part where you have visions, speak to me telepathically, and have several other powers. Oh, and don’t forget that we fought a demon just yesterday.” Kate started to interrupt, but Angie bulldozed forward. “Let me talk. No one knows you like I do. I have literally been inside your mind. So at least do me the honor of not spouting all this bullshit. Those are not your dreams. Those are merely representations of your desperate desire to fit in and be accepted.”

  Kate’s mouth fell open as Angie cleared her dishes and stomped into the kitchen. She hadn’t realized her friend felt so strongly about the life choices she’d recently been making.

  “What do you mean?” she called after her. “You know I’ve wanted a husband and family for a long time, without any interruption from my psychic issues.”

  Angie returned, warily shaking her head, then stared straight into her eyes. Kate caught a glimmer of pity before Angie cleared her emotions. “Look, I know you want a family, and that is a genuine desire, but that’s where your head and heart take two different roads. Take Trey for instance. He’s an amazing neurosurgeon that you rarely see. You two have a comfortable relationship and expect the marriage to be a partnership—you will have your perfect children and white picket fence. The problem is, you don’t love him. I can see into your thoughts and feelings. Did you really think I can’t see the truth? You’re substituting acceptance for love. In your heart, you know I’m right, and you’re looking for the true love found in fairytales and great love stories. A love that goes beyond acceptance to embrace everything you are and to even help you build your abilities. Don’t sell yourself short, Kate. I only say all of this because I’m your friend and I love you. Settling for second best is not you.” She sighed. “We can talk more later. I’m going to take a shower.”

  Kate sat at the table for several minutes processing everything her roommate and best friend had said. Was she right? Was she just wanting Trey because he’d never be home enough to figure out who she was or discover any of her gifts? She’d never been accepted by her own family. Some feared her and others cursed her as being the devil. She’d finally learned to rigidly control all of her gifts, to have any semblance of normal, but then something would happen and she’d be the outcast again.

  Her grandfather had been her solace—accepted her completely. In retrospect, he’d probably shared a few of her gifts. Since his death, she’d searched endlessly for that same love and acceptance.

  After several painful relationships over the years, Angie had become the only other person to accept her fully. Hiding her gifts seemed to be the only way to find affection that at least came close to love. Maybe Angie did have a point, but she’d take her chances and embrace what happiness she could find. Fairytales, my ass. That kind of love doesn’t exist.

  Hearing the water cut off, Kate headed toward Angie’s room so they could continue their conversation. Angie was her rock and reminder of who she was deep inside. Sometimes she didn’t recognize the person staring back at her in the mirror, but Angie always brought her down to reality. If only she could make her understand her reasons for dr
eaming of a normal, uncomplicated life.

  She started to knock on the door, but she heard Angie’s muffled, “Come on in.” She sat on the bed while Angie was still in the bathroom and anxiously patted the sheets as she searched for the words to help her friend understand. Finally, she came out.

  “Hey, maybe you do have a point, and that’s all I will admit. But I have searched for true love, you know I have. And you’ve also seen the results and how horribly many of them ended. I have a real shot at happiness with Trey. It may not be perfect, but it’s better than spending my whole life searching, and at the end of the road, being empty-handed. Gifts or no gifts, I deserve the chance to move forward.”

  Angie’s embrace gave Kate the answer she needed.

  “I’ll be there for you, Kate, no matter what. I’ll be your constant dose of reality. But promise me one thing. Think carefully before making any big decisions. You had that vision for a reason. For now, let’s move on and focus on the present. Due to our current injuries, or at least my injuries, we have a few weeks off.” She made sure Kate saw every bruise on her body.

  “You’re such a baby.” Kate rolled her eyes. “Your point?”

  “I’m thinking since we have some time off, we need to recapture some fun in our lives. Spending a year tracking a serial killer put a major downer on my love life. Let’s go dancing and do something spontaneous. It’s time to celebrate and blow off some steam. You do remember what having fun is, right?”

  Angie’s challenge lit a spark in Kate. She threw a couple pillows and hit her in the face. “Of course I do, you wretched witch.” Laughing, she ran to her room before Angie could return fire.

  * * *

  After an hour of dancing, Kate and Angie took a break and headed to the bar to grab a drink and cool down. On their way, Kate saw him.

  Agent Montgomery.

  And what a fine specimen he was.

  Of course, she still had her doubts. She hadn’t been able to confirm his identity. But, government agencies didn’t always play well together.

  Her heart raced for the first time ever—with desire instead of fear. Leaning casually against the wall in the middle of a group of people, he stood out, seeming alone. He appeared dangerous and powerful, yet intriguing and intelligent.

  Kate used her abilities to search his aura and sensed no true danger, but she couldn’t read his mind, which puzzled her. Her eyes were glued to him, despite trying several times to look away. What was wrong with her?

  His dark brown hair reminded her of creamy chocolate, igniting a craving deep inside. The strands were shaggy in layers, coming to his neck. He had broad shoulders with sculpted arms and a wide, muscular chest. She honed in on his amazing physique encased in a fitted black T-shirt. She’d start drooling if she didn’t stop imagining him without the shirt. His long, lean legs were perfection in his black form-fitting jeans. She had no doubt he could handle himself no matter what the situation.

  He stood well over six feet tall and reminded her of a Greek god. Though she couldn’t see the color of his eyes from where she was standing, she knew they were electric blue as they pierced a hole straight through her. I’m not the only one interested.

  She told herself to breathe, as the pull of his energy tugged at her own. Part of her was alarmed at the ferocity of the attraction, while the remaining part of her craved it. She wasn’t sure which was worse.

  A hand on her shoulder made her jump. “He’s staring you down, and your hormones are off the charts,” Angie said, smiling broadly. “I’ve never seen him here before. I know I’d remember. I wonder if they’re still working a case.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. Maybe they’re tying up loose ends, since our team is here. They probably have tons of paperwork, too. I have to admit I feel drawn to him. How weird is all this? Maybe Trey and I have been waiting too long to ramp up our relationship.” Kate nodded, then let her gaze wander back to the stranger. She wanted to stop staring at him, but found she couldn’t. He was a magnet, drawing her in. I’m in way over my head.

  Angie’s smirk widened. “You are too much sometimes. You never get flustered with the worst criminals on the planet and your life on the line, and yet here you are acting like a teenager over a guy. I never thought I’d see the day when you didn’t have absolute control.” Kate glared, as Angie continued, “But I’ll wait until you stammer your hello, before I politely disappear.”

  “Funny. You’re a real riot.” Kate tensed. He’d approached her from the side, making her slightly dizzy and nervous.

  Angie stood with her hands on her hips and a mischievous grin covering her face.

  As Kate faced the agent, she was engulfed by the perfect clear blue of his eyes. Like getting lost in an ocean. She could stare into them for eternity. His sensual mouth had been made for kissing. She gathered her courage, trying to remind herself of her strength and independence.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” she asked boldly. “Shouldn’t you be on a super-secret mission somewhere?”

  * * *

  Xander had been watching and following Kate for two days, but couldn’t get up the nerve to approach her. He was running out of time. And Gregory and Xavier were relentless. It was now or never. The demons would figure it out soon, and all hell would break loose, especially in the city. He had to gain Kate’s trust quickly and get her out of danger—well, as much as possible. Being the Mystic, danger would always be on her doorstep. Plus, call him selfish, but he wanted to live.

  He was becoming more and more fascinated by her. Beautiful and glowing with her shiny blue shirt meant to tease. Those tight black pants with the silver belt resting at her waist simply invited lustful thoughts. He didn’t need any help in that department, especially since he’d touched her blood. Her long blonde hair was loose tonight and flowed halfway down her back. He had to resist the urge to bury his hands in it and throw her over his shoulder. No doubt that wouldn’t go over well.

  After an hour of watching her dance—her hips and waist moving enticingly to the beat--he was sweating again. Trying to restrain himself long enough to actually make contact was more of an issue than he’d anticipated. This new bond between them sucked, and he wasn’t the only one feeling the sexual pull. She’d been fighting the attraction just as hard.

  When their gazes met, he felt the instant connection. He wished he could fully read her mind, but her mystic powers protected her. At least he could still read her emotions through their blood bond, and right now she was accepting him. She needed his help, and he needed hers, but without her full acceptance, he couldn’t breach her inner thoughts. Despite being humanized and losing power, he’d taken steps to make sure she couldn’t read his either. At least not without her full powers.

  Her voice infiltrated his entire being. How on Earth were they supposed to work toward a common goal, when this stupid bond had their minds clouded with sexual tension? So much for being in control.

  What had she said? Oh, yes. What was he doing here? If she only knew. He smiled back. “Hello Agent Smith. It’s good to see you again. Actually, my partner and I are here on a new case, but I can’t say much more now. Would you like to dance?”

  He held his breath, waiting for her answer. He needed to feed the pull between them without acting on it. He couldn’t screw up this time. This was their first step into destiny.

  * * *

  Hell, yes! Kate thought, but said, “It’s Kate, and I’d love to.” She took his hand.

  “Xander.” He nodded, then guided her through the large crowd.

  Once they hit the dance floor, things heated up fast. Kate remembered going to amusement parks as a child. This felt like those times, when she was at the top of the roller coaster, and it suddenly dropped, making her stomach flip. She finally understood the having butterflies concept. The brutal anticipation. He was a ship passing in the night, and she wanted a chance to feel the electric charge that had always eluded her.

  As he held her hand and reached for her waist with
his free one, fireworks erupted in her stomach. Heat traveled up her arm and through her body, and he’d barely touched her. When he actually pulled her completely against him, electricity jumped through her blood stream.

  They were thigh to thigh, chest to chest, and melded together with her head fitting perfectly beneath his chin. She thought she might pass out from the sheer shockwaves beginning to pulsate through her. They moved to the music. He unexpectedly spun her out and back in, so she slammed against him. All rational thought went out the window.

  A salsa came on next, and he immediately threw her into a quick Latin move. The man knew how to dance. How sexy! Their legs were intertwined with hips gyrating. Not even a piece of paper could have made its way between them.

  “Whoa, girl!” Angie broke into her thoughts, which luckily were somewhat guarded. “Who knew you could move like that? I’m impressed, but how did you put it: oh that’s right—be careful?” Kate sent a surge of energy toward her that meant butt out and continued to focus on Xander. Angie’s laughter remained in her mind, but it helped bring a little clarity back to her wayward thoughts.

  Xander’s hands traveled up her sides, then down her arms. He encircled her waist and turned her around. With her back pressed to his chest, they were glued to one another. His hand blazed a path across her stomach, leaving a trail of fire. She inwardly moaned, astounded at how she was responding to him. Especially since she’d never felt like this; didn’t even know she was capable of this kind of combustion.

  He spun her back around, so they were chest to chest, and only scant inches separated their mouths. Once again, he twirled her out into a full extension, then pulled her back in. He was trying to keep something from happening. She, on the other hand, was more than ready for something more. Passion had consumed all her rational thoughts, and she was close to losing control. A red lustful haze consumed her, with fire coursing through her veins.

  Then he leaned down and kissed her. The world truly spun off its axis. Fire turned into lava and fireworks ignited. She could have sworn she exploded.


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