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Mystic Awakening

Page 23

by J L Lawrence

  Her heart shattered. Tears clogged her throat. She didn’t know what to believe. Love didn’t exist without trust, and she’d never be able to trust him again. It wasn’t fair.

  She pushed her emotions aside. Xavier was right about one thing. Xander had saved her life many times and risked his own. They couldn’t afford to lose a Guardian. Even if she never spoke to him again, it was her duty to save him if she could.

  “What can I do to save him?”

  “It’s not that simple. He’s too far gone. Using your bond, you can link to him and hold him to you. In the Meadows, they can hold him in a sort of stasis until you are fully awakened. Stasis means that he would have his powers and age, but never be able to leave the realm again without restoration.”

  Kate flung her hands up in desperation, even though he couldn’t see her. She yelled at the sky. “What’s so hard about that?”

  She closed her eyes and started to reach for him.

  “Wait, that’s not all, I’m afraid. I just learned from Zane that the only decent chance for Angie to enter the portal is if she is embraced by your essence. That means that you would have to control it. Even then, there are no guarantees.” He paused as everything began to sink in.

  Xavier flashed in beside her. He leaned over to check on his twin. The grief on his face said it all. They were out of time.

  “You have to choose, Kate. Angie or Xander. You don’t have enough energy or power to save them both.” He touched her shoulder briefly and walked away. He informed Gregory and Angie of everything he’d told her.

  Kate leaned over Xander to listen for his breathing. He was weak. She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t leave Angie, the one person she trusted in this world. She knew what no one wanted to say. If Angie didn’t go through the portal, the demons would use her as bait. She’d die. They couldn’t hide her forever.

  In the background, she heard Angie begging Xavier to find another way. She shut out the voices.

  What was she supposed to do? How could she choose between the two people she loved the most? Even if Xander had been a complete jackass, she loved him. But how could she even contemplate leaving Angie behind?

  Tears streamed down her face. Because Xander had chosen not to trust her, she now had to choose who lived ... and who died.

  “Go!” Xander’s hoarse and weak whisper startled her.

  She gasped. “You’re awake. I’m so angry with you, but you have to tell me how to save you. What am I supposed to do?”

  “This was my choice. When I first met you, I didn’t like you. I couldn’t understand how a human would ever fit into my world. I was wrong. You taught me that. You helped me discover what love means. That discovery led me back to my brother and to you.

  “I found my place. My only regret is not telling you everything from the beginning. I didn’t trust you enough to make the right decisions for the right reasons. I can only hope you forgive me someday. I love y…” He faded out.

  His skin was cold. She’d run out of time. Would she be able to trust anyone in this new realm? Would she survive without either of them? There had to be another way. She had to buy time and figure it out.

  His breathing slowed.

  “No!” She lifted him off the ground and rocked with his head resting in her lap. Something deep inside her moved toward him. “Ok, if blood began this whole mess, it can keep him alive while we come up with a plan.”

  She sliced her hand open and then followed suit with his. Then she intertwined their fingers. Her energy field wrapped them in its arms. As long as her blood flowed through him, he’d stay alive. Their bond held him like life support.

  But now how would she save Angie? She ignored the stares of everyone around her.

  “Xavier, I can’t lose either of them. Please help me.”

  He sighed. He was hiding something. She stared him down until he finally spoke.

  “Zane mentioned another possible option, but honestly I think it is ridiculous. It would be highly dangerous. If she doesn’t cross with your shield, she simply gets thrown back into this realm. If we use Zane’s other option, she will die or be trapped.”

  Shit. Her options were getting better and better. “Is there anything that doesn’t come with a death sentence attached?”

  “Wait a minute.” Angie interjected and came to squat beside her. “What exactly is this other option?”

  “You can’t be serious?” Gregory tried to pull her up. “I will hide you away somewhere.”

  Angie shushed him and turned back to Xavier.

  “Zane can create a portal similar to the one he used the other night to communicate with Kate. He can merge the portals together for a few seconds to create a distortion with the portal. In that brief moment, it would be possible for a human to enter.

  “The down side is if it doesn’t work, it would either cause immediate death or you could get stuck in the shadows. For a human, that would be a fate worse than death.” Xavier looked down at his feet.

  Kate finally realized that in a way he was choosing between the two. He could’ve lied and told her there was no way for Angie to cross. But he cared about both of them, too. Or did he?

  Was this a way to make her choose Xander, and he’d simply take Angie out of the equation? Angie thumped her from behind. She’d read her thoughts loud and clear.

  “Angie, neither option sounds good. I can’t leave you. I know this sounds crazy, but I have this gut feeling that you have to cross through the portal.” She met her eyes and could already see determination taking hold.

  “Damn right you are not using the shadows.” Gregory jerked her away from Xavier. “Don’t let him confuse you. His priority is saving his brother, not you.”

  Angie laughed bitterly. “Have you considered that’s my priority too? Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to die. But I have to consider the big picture like all of you. This is my choice.”

  Kate grabbed her hand and used what energy she could spare to lock her into place.

  “Kate, you’re my sister in every sense of the word. Despite Xander’s screw up, you’re meant to be together. I have to hope that you’ll find your way back to him.”

  “I can’t let you go. I can’t let you make this choice. You’ve had my back for years and never lied to me. Who can I trust in this world except you? We’ll find another way.” She held her hand in a death grip.

  She’d honestly thought her heart couldn’t break any more than it already had. She’d been wrong. She could lose them both.

  “I’m sorry, Kate. I’ve made my decision. I’ll trust Xavier to take me through the portal. This one’s on me.” Angie tried to pull from her grip, but Kate held on tight.

  “I’m sorry to rush this along,” Xavier interrupted, “but the demons are headed this way. They are only a few miles from this site. We can’t risk them finding us or the portal. Kate, you have to choose. Now.”

  Kate’s grip was slipping. She couldn’t hold on to both of them. Sweat stung her eyes and rolled down her back. She was using too much energy to keep Xander alive and hold Angie in place.

  “Kate,” Angie said. “You’ve always believed in freedom. You’re angry with Xander for not trusting you to make the right choice, but you’re doing the same thing to me.”

  Within seconds, she’d lose them both and they’d have demons on top of them. Her gaze went from one to the other. How can I choose? Two lives were literally in her hands.

  Using the last of her strength that she could spare, she let one of them go.

  She broke her connection to Angie. She had to let go of the control and trust her best friend to make her own choice. She had to trust that Angie would find her own destiny.

  Tears burned her eyes, as she watched her walk away. She refused to let them fall.

  Angie walked over to Xavier despite Gregory begging her to stay. He promised to stay behind permanently and protect her. She met his eyes and stoked his cheek. “I know you would. See you on the other side.”
r />   Then she joined hands with Xavier. The portal turned a reddish color and the electricity hummed in the air.

  “Now!” Xavier pulled Angie to him. He flung them both into the portal with his arms wrapped tightly around her. The red faded and the portal quieted.

  Kate reached for Angie with her mind, but found emptiness. The only way she’d know was to go through the portal herself. Red dots started to drift into her vision.

  Nearly tapped out, fainting had become a high possibility. She had to hurry.

  “Gregory, can you levitate us through the portal so I can hold onto him?” He was having trouble focusing, so she asked him again.

  “Yes, yes. Let’s go.” He lifted them up a couple feet in the air and slowly moved them toward the portal. Kate was careful to maintain a firm grip on Xander’s hand and spirit. Her biggest fear was not only losing him in the portal, but also that Angie hadn’t made it. Had she made the wrong choice?

  Clutching Xander in a death grip, she felt the pull of the portal accepting them. They’d make it through.

  A brief moment of triumphant elation for their successful journey was followed by an intense, excruciating and searing pain radiating through her entire body as it burst into flames.

  Chapter 15

  The burning started in Kate’s toes and moved upward until it consumed her entire body. The pain intensified, and she screamed. It felt like someone was picking the flesh off her body piece by piece.

  She thought it would never end—but prayed for it—and tried her best to hang onto Xander.

  Everything went pitch black, and she faded away to the sound of their heartbeats. She awoke, hitting the ground with a thud.

  It had probably been worse for Angie. She’d never had a fear of burning alive before, but she would now for the rest of her life.

  Soon she was surrounded by people, although some didn’t look quite human. She tried to take stock of her surroundings. As long as little people didn’t jump out and start singing about yellow brick roads she’d assume she was fine. Finally, remembering where they were, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  They’d made it into the Meadows. She tried to cut through the massive pain overtaking her head, as she looked for Angie.

  Angie lay on the ground ten feet away. She crawled or maybe rolled toward her. Angie groaned, and Kate sighed with relief. At least she was alive. They’d both made it.

  But where was Xander?

  She heard another thud and felt herself being lifted into someone’s lap. Gregory held onto her, trying to soothe her. She should be pushing him away, but instead she relaxed. He rubbed her temples. The pain started to ease, but she still had a long way to go.

  Barely opening her eyes she saw Xavier rocking Angie in the same way. Dread filled her heart. She still couldn’t move much. Using all the strength she had left, she ignored the pain and forced her head to look to her sides. She couldn’t see him. Had he lived? Had he died? Where’s Xander?

  A moan turned her head. He was lying behind her.

  “Move out of the way. Move out of the way. Coming through, in case you didn’t hear me the first two times.” A woman’s voice cut through all the other voices humming in her head.

  She squatted beside Kate and laid a hand on her chest. “You were magnificent, my child. Absolutely ingenious. The whole Council was holding their breath. We are so proud of you.”

  Warmth seeped through Kate’s entire body. Like warm honey flowing through her veins. It was heavenly.

  Within a few minutes, she felt normal again and sat up to thank the woman, but she was already healing Angie.

  “Thank you,” Kate called out. The woman nodded but stayed focused on her friend.

  She looked up at Xander through glazed eyes. “What exactly happened? I’m still a little fuzzy on all the details.”

  Xander stroked her hair and brushed his fingers down her cheek. “We made it through the portal thanks to you. Your idea was brilliant. The blood held me just as I was. When I crossed over, my life force was restored and my mother had a potion ready to restore my powers.

  “As for your pain, your human bodies aren’t meant to change composition, so you literally felt changes that magical beings don’t.”

  He kissed her cheek and then her lips. “I’m so sorry about before. I promise to always be honest with you. No more secrets. I let fear take over and it was not a pretty picture. I should have supported, not hindered you. I was the one who told you to trust your instincts, and then I didn’t trust them. I am so sorry for being a complete ass. Forgive me?”

  She wasn’t sure how to respond, but she wasn’t ready to completely forgive him yet. “Since I experienced a brief moment with Angie and trying to control her decisions, I’ll admit a better understanding of what you did. But over time and once we bonded, you still didn’t tell me the truth. I’m having trouble forgiving that. You’ll have to give me some time.”

  His eyes filled with pain, but she couldn’t let it go yet. She had to find a way to trust him again if they were ever going to be true soul mates.

  “I understand. Tell me what you need and I’ll do it.”

  “Let’s take it one day at a time and try to rebuild.” It was the best she could do for now.

  Angie sat up with a groan and rubbed her head. “That was fun. Can’t say I ever want to do it again! I’m stuck here permanently just so you know, because I’m never going through that thing again.”

  Xavier helped her to her feet while Gregory fumed.

  Xander lifted Kate to her feet. She looked around the crowd and saw everyone’s welcome gaze inviting her into their world.

  She began to smile and relax until she was rudely interrupted by a sneering, but gorgeous woman, who walked toward them.

  “Well isn’t this sweet?” she said, tossing her long black hair over her shoulders. “Little humans have infested our world.”

  She was thin, but tall, reaching close to six feet. Slightly taller than Kate. Her skin was flawless and pale. Her eyes were bright green with flecks of gold that seemed to be swirling around. A ring of brown also appeared to be encircling her emerald eyes.

  She would’ve been absolutely stunning if she hadn’t looked completely evil. The sneer and glare ruined what could’ve been a very pretty face. She sort of reminded Kate of one those fairies she’d seen on a Tinkerbell cartoon. But much more bitchy.

  “Roxy, do you not have anything better to do than insult the Mystic?” Gregory taunted her. It was obvious there was no love lost between the two. “Soon she will be more powerful than you, so I’d watch that vicious little mouth of yours.”

  “Hmmm, you never had a problem with my mouth before, have you Gregory dear?”

  His face flamed as everyone looked at him.

  “I wonder if she is even the real Mystic? Maybe she’s only a pathetic human you picked up at the pound.”

  Her cruel gaze narrowed further when she spotted Angie. “Really, did you have to bring home two pets? They might have fleas.”

  Roxy laughed while everyone else glared.

  “Roxy,” Xander said wearily, “shut up before you cause hysteria or a riot. I’m too tired to deal with either. You know what she is, you saw her so…just…Shut…Up!”

  Kate didn’t know what was wrong with this witch, but she was going to teach her a lesson real quick. She might not know much about magic, but she’d learned some very important things about being a Mystic.

  Straightening her shoulders, she sent a blast of electricity toward Roxy and knocked her off her feet.

  Roxy jumped up and spun around. “How dare you?” she spluttered. “How did you do that? I didn’t see it.”

  Ah ha, she’s a Seer. “I am the Mystic, bitch. You can’t read my mind or see my intentions. Need further proof? I’d be happy to oblige and show you some other things this human happens to know in addition to knocking you on your ass.” Kate winked for extra emphasis while adding in as much arrogance as she could muster.

  Roxy st
alked off with her face flaming and uttering a tirade of curses.

  Kate looked up at Xander. “What’s her problem?”

  “There are too many to go into today. Let’s forget her for now.” He leaned to his side and gave the woman who’d healed her a big hug, then kissed her cheek.

  Smiling, he turned back to Kate. “Now this is someone I want you to meet. This is my mother, Pam.”

  Kate’s eyes widened. “Nice to meet you. Thank you for healing us. Xander told me you were a healer.”

  Pam’s eyes were a warm and inviting chocolate brown. Her hair brushed the top of her shoulders and was a light brown with streaks of gold. She wasn’t tall, but had an amazing athletic build. Kindness and love shone through her every fiber, especially when she looked at her sons.

  The most surprising detail was that she didn’t look much older than Xander. “We have waited a long time for you, but I can see you are tired from your journey. You need rest before you meet the Council.”

  Pam turned to address their whole group. “I have convinced the Council to wait until later to see you all. They have asked that the whole traveling party be notified.

  “Plus, many are arriving by the hundreds to see their new Mystic. Rowena and Marcus are trying to clear them all in. This way you can see a little of where you will be living and get some good rest tonight knowing you’re safe.”

  She turned to walk away. Then she paused, looking over her shoulder at Kate and Xander. “And I mean let her get some rest, Xander dear. She will need it. It’s going to be a long night for her.”

  She winked and turned back around. Her innuendo brought red to both their faces.

  Clearing his throat, Xander smiled. “My mom is one who believes in saying what is on her mind. I think you will get along great. She is right. Tonight will be a long one because everyone is going to want to meet their new leader.”

  She started to say something, when an excited squeal came from behind her. She whirled around. A woman skipped up to them, dragging along a man behind her. They were an attractive couple.


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