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Mystic Awakening

Page 25

by J L Lawrence

  Looking around the room he’d created for her, she froze. The laughter died in her throat. All of the colors were navy, cream, and brown. Her favorites.

  But what caught her attention was everything else in the room. It brought tears to her eyes. Frames with her family pictures had been placed all over the room. The clothes she’d missed hung neatly in the closet.

  All of the items from her desk back home were now on her new desk. Quilts, mementos, photo albums, and many other personal items scattered throughout the room. She turned and saw her gun and badge lying in the top nightstand drawer that had been left slightly open. She could barely keep her emotions in check.

  Then the floodgates let loose, as she looked above her bed. Her cheeks became wet. She stared at the photograph of Julie, Angie, and herself that day in the park during her college days before Julie had died the night before graduation. They had been the best of friends. Julie’s tragic murder provided the fuel for her own desire to protect the innocent. The reason she had joined the police force in the first place.

  He’d put it in a beautiful new antique frame that brought new beauty to the picture. She looked into Julie’s eyes. Wouldn’t she get a kick seeing them now? She closed her eyes and silently thanked her for the wisdom and creativity she’d brought into all of their lives.

  He’d done all of this for her. He’d listened to her stories and understood what mattered most to her. No one would spend this much time reconstructing a room if he didn’t truly love her. Her heart squeezed. Forgiveness and love stormed the walls she’d begun to build around herself.

  She gazed up at Xander. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I do love you. This means so much to me.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently. “I love you, too, and I’m so sorry. I hoped this would show you that I did pay attention and I do know you. I want you to be happy here in your new home. I have to admit, though, my sisters helped me out a lot since I couldn’t be here to do it all. They completed it before we arrived at Joseph’s.”

  Her heart beat fast, and her chest tightened as she struggled to hold back tears. She refused to act like a total baby. Even if she felt like bawling her eyes out. His sincerity moved her.

  Before they’d even bonded, he’d created this place for her. He’d trusted her to make the right decision even if he hadn’t known how to talk to her about it. With demons chasing them constantly, she had to admit there had been little time for talking.

  It all came down to the fact that she was safe with him. Cherished and important. He knew absolutely everything she was and would be. He loved her despite it all. Maybe it was time to honor that commitment and offer the understanding he sought.

  If nothing else, he’d provided her with her innermost dream. To be loved for herself. Who knows, they might make a run at happily ever after. She wasn’t kidding herself. It wasn’t forgotten, but it was time to move forward.

  Step 1: Forgiveness

  Step 2: Healing

  Step 3: Who the heck knows?

  She placed her palm against his cheek and leaned against him. His warmth seeped through her entire body.

  She leaned her head back to meet his warm electric blue eyes. “Since it’s screaming inside your head, I want you to know that I’m ready for forgiveness. I may have moments of doubt, but we’ll be okay. I know that you love me.

  “I must admit, I’m surprised you didn’t ask me to share your room since we’re bonded and all now.” She winked and squeezed his shoulders. She had to refocus and move them toward happier emotions. She didn’t want to stay bogged down in the past.

  He cleared his throat and focused on a spot right above her head. “Actually, I was hoping you would volunteer to sleep in my room every night and allow this to be kind of like your private area or office space. But I wanted you to know that you have your own place. I know that’s important to you. Also, your room happens to be in the middle.” He pointed toward a door she’d missed earlier.

  “That room belongs to me.” The other was a door to Angie’s room.

  Xander glanced over at the clock beside the bed and grumbled. “We better get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back home.” He turned toward her with a wicked smile. “Now that we have started down the road to recovery, I am warning you that I fully intend to spend a couple of hours learning every inch of your body and every way to make you squirm with pleasure. Lightning bolts or not, we are going to have one hell of a night, Mystic.”

  His eyes darkened, gravitating to her, and Kate felt an irresistible urge to be with him. How could her emotions be so erratic? Would this get worse?

  He kissed her fiercely. “Keep looking at me like that, and I’ll have to make apologies as to why we won’t be going tonight.” He kissed her again as they slowly started making their way toward the bed. His hand slid under her shirt and spanned her waist.

  She slid her hands up his chest and circled his neck. Her heart soared as she saw the love shining in his eyes. She wanted him more than anything else in the world. The fire between them burned bright and true.

  Reality kicked in. Her sense of duty overpowered her rushing hormones. All these people were depending on her to lead them to victory. Easier said than done. She had to keep her focus on saving the world first, no matter what the distraction. She had to keep her balance. She had to live through the Awakening.

  She’d mustered all her energy to pull back, when Angie broke into her thoughts. “Time to go, girl. You are not sending me alone with Gregory and Xavier. Suck it up and get your butt out here. Did I mention, now!” She broke off before Kate could respond.

  Xander took a deep breath and chuckled. “When this is all over we are going to the Artic for a couple months where no one can possibly reach us. I guess we better put this on hold for now.”

  A part of her wanted to cling to the bed, but he was right. Fear held her back. The time had come for her to literally embrace her new destiny. “Not for long though. Let’s get this over with, and I’d like to go someplace warmer than the Artic if you don’t mind. I’m not much on cold weather.” She didn’t feel sociable at the moment either.

  Xander pulled her into his arms and cupped her cheek. “Are you worried about tonight? I have to admit after your last infusion of power, I am.”

  Kate covered his hand with hers and couldn’t resist teasing him a little by rubbing her bottom against him. He jerked in response. She climbed into his lap and put her arms around his neck. “Do you remember when you were teaching me to meditate by the river?”

  When he nodded, she continued. “The reason I became alarmed and backed out was because I could see the two parts within me. I didn’t understand until later how strong the human part is inside me, or how much it wants to survive. But so does the Mystic.”

  At Xander’s confused expression, she decided to try again. “It’s like having a dual personality. They’re constantly fighting for control.

  “However, that begs the question, which will win? There’s quite a battle going on inside me as the Mystic gains more power.” She shivered, saying her last few thoughts out loud for the first time.

  Xander tried to alleviate her fear by encouraging her and telling her everything would be fine, but Kate could feel it inside him just as strong. “Rowena has never said how it will be returned, only that she could return it once you entered the Meadows and completed the ceremony. She is quiet and keeps mostly to herself.”

  “Do you trust her?” She’d never shared Zane’s warning, but the fact that this woman was a key ingredient in the ceremony worried her.

  “Rowena? Of course. We have had our issues, and it became pretty bad between us when she sent me after you years ago. I always felt like she knew more than she was telling me. But she defeated her demon and is a Mystic.

  “At the end of the day, I’d trust her with my life. The Council needs you and will not risk your life. I’m sure they know what they are doing. This isn’t the first Awakening ceremon
y.” He stroked her cheek, most likely trying to chase away her apprehension.

  Kate kept her thoughts well-guarded. She didn’t want Xander more freaked than he already was. Maybe it wasn’t the first ceremony, but it was the first time for a human-born mystic. If Zane and Xander had both felt something, chances were Rowena was hiding something. But what? No one could breach her mind, so they’d have to find out the old-fashioned way ... Wait.

  “I guess that’s another thing that we will find out later at the infamous Council meeting,” Xander said. “How about it, my lady?” He held out his hand and pulled her into the hallway.

  They stepped out as everyone else exited their rooms. Gregory was propped up against his door with a scowl on his face. Xavier had his arms crossed looking anything except friendly, and Angie glanced back and forth between both of them.

  It was an unspoken fact that they were waiting for her to choose. Kate held out her hand, ignoring them, so Angie looped her arm through Kate’s and walked with her through the maze back to the front door, leaving the guys to trail behind them. It was time to be Awakened. Whatever the hell that meant.

  Chapter 16

  “Holy Crap! You weren’t kidding. This is a castle. A freaking medieval castle!” Kate stood stock still and stared at the massive structure in front of them. Xander had told her how big it was, but she still never envisioned this. She understood that they existed on a separate plane to some extent but couldn’t believe it was right here in the United States.

  They owned real land in the human realm, but their community actually spanned much more land in this realm. It would take years for her to understand how all this worked.

  She’d seen castles like this in Europe, but they all seemed older and out of date. This one looked like it had come straight out of a Disney fairytale. The undeniable power emanating from the castle had the blood in her veins sparking in anticipation.

  “There are towers, wings, flags, and even a freaking drawbridge and moat,” Angie whispered, as Kate continued to gape. “I’d ask how this is all possible, but these days I’m too terrified of the answer.”

  Her apprehension wasn’t lost on Kate, who had a touch of it herself. All her questions would be answered here. Whether she’d like those answers or not was a completely different story.

  “I know, Ang, I noticed. This place is incredible. It doesn’t seem real, and yet it seems right. I’m drawn to this place by some invisible force.”

  “I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about what’s going to happen in there,” she added through their private link. “I’ll be different when I walk back out. I’ll be the Mystic, and everyone will look to me for answers that I don’t possess. I don’t know much about this world and don’t have much time to learn. Most of all I’m scared to lose my humanity and become some all-powerful being.”

  Angie sent her the impression of a hug. “You’re going to be great. Just like everything you do.”

  Angie’s loyalty and Xander’s love gave her the courage she needed to face whatever the day brought. Maybe that was why fate had led her into this mess.

  She laced her fingers through Xander’s. “Let’s get a move on before I lose my nerve. We can admire the castle later.”

  They crossed over the drawbridge, entered the humongous doors that opened by themselves, and headed toward the foyer. The doors closed, sealing them inside. In her heart, she knew they couldn’t leave now even if they wanted to. Can’t run. Can’t hide. Here we go.

  As they moved forward into the entrance hall, they were greeted by the most beautiful woman Kate had ever seen.

  She reminded Kate of a supermodel or Greek goddess. Her whole body had a faint golden glow, and Kate sensed the power radiating from her. It was suffocating with her mystic energy fighting for freedom. Being in her presence made Kate shiver with wonder and fear.

  Her hair was the color of fire and cascaded halfway down her back. It was slightly wavy, and Kate’s eyes were riveted by the brilliance of the color. Her face was oval but perfectly proportioned with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and slightly slanted pale blue eyes.

  Her skin was flawless and glistened in the light. Kate finally managed to leave her face and take in the whole person. The lady exuded strength and athleticism. Not nearly as fragile as she’d first appeared.

  Kate had never been jealous of anyone before in her life, but this could be a first. Clearing her head, she met the woman’s eyes and held her ground, refusing to look down.

  The woman broke into a dazzling smile that made Kate want to reach for her sunglasses. She tried to ascertain who this incredible being was, but it seemed impossible until she spoke and extended her hand.

  “Hello, Kate, I’m Rowena. I’ve waited so many years to finally have you here. I know you have many questions, and they may not all get answered today. I promise we will have time to sit and talk about many things in the next few weeks.”

  In hindsight, Kate should have guessed but had been overwhelmed by the glamour. She recognized love, compassion, and what appeared to be a touch of sadness in her eyes.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Rowena. I’ve heard many great things about you and your devotion to the magical communities.” She hesitated, uncertain what else to say. “And I look forward to talking with you since I must admit that I do have many questions.”

  “I’ll do my best to answer them.” Glancing around the room, she began to greet everyone and take their hand.

  “Nikki, it’s been too long. You need to come visit me more often. Xander, Gregory, I’m so proud of you both for bringing our Mystic home.

  “Xavier, I know how hard this has been for you, but believe me when I say it’s time for you to come home. Your time in exile has come to an end.

  “And Angie, my dear sweet girl, you have shown the true heart of a warrior, and I am honored to have met you.”

  Xander elbowed her to follow Rowena, but she still hadn’t gotten past the fact that this was the woman Xander had been describing. She’d held a slightly different presumption of how a thousand-year-old woman would look. She’d obviously been wrong.

  Second, she was amazed that, with a few words of greeting, Rowena had managed to mesmerize them all. She didn’t possess that kind of grace, serenity, or confidence. Oh boy!

  A voice inside her head still cautioned her not to believe everything she saw on the surface. Despite the power and confidence, she still sensed a great sadness and regret deep inside Rowena. This could easily add up to something dangerous. She’d have to stay on guard.

  She still hoped that one day she’d build trust and be able to ask all the questions that burned inside her.

  They continued walking down a long corridor filled with artwork and paintings of all sorts of magical beings. She wasn’t sure how to even express the influx of feelings flowing through her. Awe. Excitement. Doubt. Fear. Mostly fear.

  As they reached the two large wooden doors, the apprehension hit full force when they opened by themselves. Doors seem to do that a lot here.

  Her first impression was that she’d stepped into a courtroom. This similarity didn’t make her feel any better. Courtrooms had been a source of justice and rage in her past.

  A platform in the front of the room held other people wearing black robes and serious expressions. Dozens of chairs were on her left and right behind two large tables she assumed were meant for them. They were directly in front of the raised platform.

  She didn’t like this one bit. It was like she was going to trial for something and began feeling uneasy with the inequality of the positions. Her only relief was seeing Marco and Illianna at one of the tables.

  Rowena must have picked up on her discomfort. With a wave of her hand, the room transformed into more of a conference room. To the Council’s surprise, all of their chairs were moved against the walls with the members still in them. A large conference table was placed in the front leaving the marble floors mostly clear.

  Now it looked more like a boardr
oom, which suited Kate much better.

  As the furniture moved itself around, she couldn’t believe this was real, and she was in it up to her neck. Then the snacks and drinks appeared on the table.

  I’m in way over my head ...

  They all sat down at the table.

  She started to reach for Xander, but one of the paintings caught her eye. While everyone else was still talking and catching up, she drifted over to look at it and others surrounding it. They depicted past Risings and some of the fallen warriors.

  Mesmerized, she followed the pictures down the wall. There was a painting of a battle from two thousand years ago, but it was pretty vague and the demon horrifying. It looked as if a child could have drawn it.

  A picture of Rowena caught her eye. She appeared exactly as she did today and was plunging a knife into the heart of a demon whose startled expression told her he hadn’t expected to die. This depiction was much more clear and accurate. They must have started using professional artists.

  Next to that portrait was another picture of Rowena with a man and a little girl. Kate read the plaque at the bottom and saw the dates of their deaths. Immediately she realized the man’s death was the same time as the last Rising, and the little girl’s was nearly a hundred years later. Questions stuck in her mind to ask Xander later.

  She continued on down the line. Her curiosity grew stronger when she saw Cassius plunging the knife into his demon with blood pouring down his side. Beside that was the picture of Cassius, Guinevere, and two twin baby girls. They all had dates of death.

  For so many immortals, there was still a lot of death. Her eyes began to water. She shivered from a sense of déjà vu. She was going to say something to Xander about the vision she’d had, when the next two pictures caught her eye.

  The first was a depiction of the beast demons and Shadow Warriors along with other supernatural beings. Many of them were dying to save others. The second was a man who looked like Xander except he had soft brown eyes. Maximus Montgomery.

  Xander’s brother looked majestic as he fought off the beast demons, buying others time to save the world. Tearing her eyes away, she took a deep breath and shoved all she’d seen into her compartments for another time. Too much death. It surrounded her no matter where she went.


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