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The Second Time Around: a Hope Valley novel

Page 15

by Prince, Jessica

  “Honey, it’s okay. You’re okay. We’re almost there, all right? We’re almost home.”

  Fear twisted my stomach into knots and a cold, clammy sweat broke out across my skin. I wanted to stop the truck and pull her into my lap so I could hold her through whatever was happening, but it was too dangerous. I’d seen panic attacks, experienced plenty of my own after I got out of the hospital, so I knew that was what she was having. That I couldn’t do anything right then to help her made bile slither up my throat.

  “You’re okay, baby. You’re okay, I swear. I’d never let anything happen to you.” I pushed the accelerator down as far as I was willing to risk in such bad weather, all the while talking to her, trying to reassure her she was okay. But I didn’t think she could hear me.

  When we reached the town limits, I turned in the opposite direction of the inn. I needed to get her out of this goddamn truck and somewhere safe, and the closer option was my place.

  I navigated the road, careful not to hit any bumps or high water along the way. As soon as my house came into view, I hit the button for the garage door so I could drive straight in and out of the storm.

  Throwing the truck into park, I killed the ignition and threw my door open, running around the hood to her side as fast as I could.

  She didn’t budge when I yanked her door open. “We’re home, Tessa. It’s okay. You’re safe.” No reaction. Reaching over her back, I undid her seatbelt and gently pulled it from around her chest. “I’m taking you inside, baby. You’re gonna be all right.”

  I scooped her up, holding her tight against my chest as I kicked the door shut and rushed into the house, through the kitchen, and up the stairs. Her skin was like ice, the chill seeping through my jacket and shirt, into my chest, the frigid talons wrapping around my heart.

  She remained silent as I sat her on the edge of my bed, her face white as a sheet and completely blank as she stared off into nothing.

  Moving to my dresser, I whipped open the top drawer and grabbed one of my long-sleeved thermals.

  “I’m gonna get you into somethin’ warmer, Tessa,” I whispered. With careful yet quick movements, I stripped her out of her dress and slipped my shirt over her head, helping to guide her arms into the sleeves. Then I got down on one knee and removed her heels.

  After taking care of her, I quickly undressed and tore the covers down, moving the both of us to the top of the bed and under the blankets.

  The storm continued to rage outside as I held her against me, hoping and praying I could somehow pull her out of this. Each agonizing minute that ticked by felt like a year shed off my life.

  My arms held her tightly, my legs tangled with hers. I kept her face pressed into my chest as I whispered soft, calming words against the top of her head.

  Every time the thunder rumbled or the room lit up with a lightning strike, she’d jerk and tense, but the quaking in her body eventually eased.

  “How you doin’, baby?”

  It felt like an eternity passed before she finally spoke. “I’m terrified of storms,” she whispered, her voice was so small and fragile it broke my heart all over again.

  “I remember. You told me back in Vegas. I didn’t know it was like this though.”

  “My parents died in a car crash,” she said, her voice coming out strangled. “There’d been a big storm that night. My dad lost control. The car flipped three times before it finally smashed into the concrete barriers. The streets were all flooded, so it took emergency rescue forever to get to us.”

  Every muscle in my body locked up. My lungs deflated, and my head started to spin. “Us?” No. Jesus. Please no.

  “I’d been asleep in the back seat,” she said, confirming my worst nightmare. “I was trapped. It took the fire department three hours to get me out of that car.”

  “Fuck. Tessa . . .” My arms spasmed, pulling her closer as my chest grew damp with her tears.

  “My mom died instantly. But I had to listen to my dad die, Bryce. I heard him take his last breath. It’s the worst sound I’ve ever heard.” Her chest shook on a stuttered breath. “I-I’ve never t-talked about this with anyone before.”

  Then she burst into loud, wrenching sobs, leaving me completely gutted.

  * * *


  It felt like an eternity passed as I cried in Bryce’s arms—all my sorrow and pain, all the anguish I’d lived with for twenty-three years leaking out with every tear I shed— eventually wearing myself out and falling asleep. But when I blinked awake, my eyes swollen and gritty, the clock on the bedside table showed it was only a little past eleven.

  All the lights in the room were on, and the first thing I noticed was the space beside me where Bryce had been was now empty. There was still an indention in the pillow, but the sheets were cool to the touch, so I knew he’d left me a while ago.

  I gave my body a stretch, needing to work the aches out of my muscles. My hand slid under the pillow Bryce had been lying on, coming into contact with something hard and cold. When I pushed the pillow aside and saw the gun on the mattress, the tension I’d been trying to work out of my limbs returned with force.

  Sitting up, I looked around the unfamiliar room. The furniture, while big and expensive looking, was decidedly masculine. The bed was against the back wall, bookended by matching nightstands. Between two doors right across from me was a chest of drawers, piled with a clutter of crumpled receipts, loose change, and other things you’d find in your pockets. Clothes, athletic shoes, and boots were scattered around the floor, as if someone had discarded them while walking and couldn’t be bothered with picking them up.

  The door to the left of the dresser was closed, more than likely a closet since the door on the right was partially opened, revealing a tidy bathroom.

  Pushing the covers back, I climbed from the bed and padded across the room. The bathroom was every woman’s dream. The floors were tile that looked like distressed wood. A big clawfoot tub sat beneath a frosted window. Beside it was a standing shower enclosed in glass with a huge, fancy rain showerhead coming from the ceiling. His and her sinks were tucked into a marble counter with a tall, dark-stained cabinet separating them.

  Moving to the sink closest to the door, I sucked in a startled gasp at my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

  My hair was tangled and crazy, and the makeup that had taken so long to apply earlier was now smudged and streaked under my eyes and down my cheeks, making me look like a psychotic racoon.

  Using a damp washcloth, I did the best I could to scrub my face clean then finger-combed my hair before heading out of the room in search of Bryce. I took the stairs down to the first floor, slowly making my way through the house to take it all in. The place was beautiful, with white wainscoting and warm, pale gray walls. The floors were a gorgeous dark wood that matched the beams running along the high ceiling in the living room.

  A huge couch, loveseat, and matching chair—all looking comfortable as hell—formed a semicircle that faced the massive TV mounted to the wall above an attractive fireplace with a set of built-in bookcases on each side. The space was warm and inviting, calling for anyone in it to kick back and relax.

  The back wall was made up entirely of windows from floor to ceiling, looking out onto a long, wide balcony. That was where I finally spotted Bryce, bent at the waist, forearms to the log railing and shoulders slumped as he stared into the vast darkness. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of flannel sleep pants, leaving the scars on his back perfectly visible in the porch light.

  The rain had stopped, and the sky had cleared, giving an unobstructed view of the stars above. The view from where I was standing was probably incredible in the daylight, but right then, with the moon shining high and bright, it was stunning. The whole thing would have stolen my breath if the line of Bryce’s body didn’t look tense and on guard.

  The door let out a little creak as I pushed it open, and Bryce shot up and around, his features shifting from worried to tender from one blink to th
e next.

  I pulled the long sleeves of Bryce’s shirt down over my hands and bit my bottom lip nervously, ignoring the way the chill in the air beat at my exposed legs as I slowly made my way to him. “Hi.”

  “It’s cold, baby. You shouldn’t be out here.” In spite of his words, he reached out as soon as I was close enough and grabbed my arm. Turning around so his back was resting on the railing, he pulled me against his front and wrapped his long, strong arms around me. The embrace was like a security blanket, making me feel safe and warm.

  “Says the man not wearing a shirt,” I murmured, turning my head so I could nuzzle my cheek against his skin.

  His body shook with a soft chuckle, and I felt some of the tension ebb out of his strong frame.

  “Where are we?” I asked when the silence began to descend once more.

  His lips skated against the crown of my head as he answered, “My place. I wanted to get you somewhere safe, and this was closer than the inn.”

  So damn thoughtful. Tilting my head back, I looked up at him and announced, “You have a really nice house.”

  “Glad you think so, baby.”

  “No. I mean you have a really nice house. I didn’t snoop, but what I saw was gorgeous. And I could live in your bathroom.”

  His rich laughter rattled his chest, seeping into mine and warming me from the inside out. “Should’ve seen the place when I first bought it. The previous owners let it go to hell. Took me years to clean her up.”

  “Wait”—my chin jerked back in surprise—“you did all of this?”

  His arms grew tighter. He leaned harder against the railing and kicked his legs wide so he could pull me between his thighs. “Just one of the perks of growin’ up with a dad in construction. He taught my brothers and me everything he knows.”

  Turning to look over my shoulder, I gazed back through the windows at the vaulted ceilings and rustic beams. “Well, it looks like your dad knows a lot.”

  “That he does, beauty. He even came up and helped me out several times.”

  My head shifted back around to look up at Bryce, the moonlight hitting his hair so it gleamed like oil. “I’m glad you have that, sweetie.”

  Something I couldn’t quite identify washed through his eyes, something almost pensive, as he whispered, “Me too.”

  We were quiet for a moment before I broke the mood. “Out of curiosity. Do you always sleep with a gun under your pillow?” I arched an eyebrow. “You’re not on the run from the mob or anything, are you?”

  “No,” he said on a chuckle. “Force of habit. It’s just somethin’ I’ve done for a really long time, but if it bothers you, I’ll put it up.”

  It wasn’t that I didn’t like guns, but I didn’t know the first thing about them, so I was a little uneasy around them. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Consider it gone.” Just like that. I hinted I didn’t like it, and he didn’t even blink.

  “Thank you.”

  His eyes were full of shadows as they darted between mine, staring deep like he was trying to read my thoughts. “How are you feelin’?”

  I took a moment to silently assess my mental state. “I’m good, actually.”

  His expression turned skeptical. “You sure about that? You were in a really bad way, Tessa.”

  Shoving my arms between us, I placed my palms on his defined pecs and pressed in, lowering my face as I exhaled. “I know. I’m sorry about that.”

  “Hey.” Bryce took my chin and forced my head back, looking me right in the eye as he spoke, his voice fierce. “You don’t have anything to apologize for, you understand? Not one damn thing.”

  My nose started to sting and the backs of my eyes burned. “But we were having such a good night. Then I went and ruined it.”

  “You didn’t ruin shit,” he insisted. “You’re standin’ here in my arms, pressed against me, wearin’ nothing but my shirt. I couldn’t have prayed for a better way to end tonight, so nothin’s ruined. You hear me?”

  I tried to lighten the mood by making a joke. “I’m sure you’d have preferred getting me like this in a much more fun way.” But he didn’t take the bait.

  “I don’t give a damn how it happened. The end result is still the same. I have you here. Right now. And I have no intention of letting go any time soon.”

  Bending my neck so my forehead pressed into his chest, I inhaled his intoxicating scent, thinking this was exactly where I wanted to be.

  Chapter Nineteen


  We stood on the balcony, wrapped around each other in silence for a long while before Bryce spoke, bursting the happy little bubble enveloping us.

  “There was somethin’ on your mind before that storm hit. Somethin’ you needed to ask me. What was your question, beauty?”

  Every muscle and tendon in my body grew taut, straining at the reminder of what had been plaguing me before my breakdown.

  Feeling the tension forming inside me, Bryce rubbed his knuckles up and down my spine, massaging the knots out with his capable hands. “Told you already, honey, you can ask me anything. So just ask.”

  Lifting my head, I looked into those wintery green eyes, eyes I had fallen in love with, eyes I was still in love with. I pulled up every bit of strength I could muster and asked, “Why did you end things the way you did, Bryce? Why did you leave me?”

  His breath rushed across my face as his lungs purged themselves on a massive exhale. Shock registered clear as day on his features, and I could see those shutters begin to lower.

  “This can’t come as a surprise,” I said, feeling my defenses start to rise. I could see him shutting down before my very eyes, could feel it in every inch of him. “You had to know I’d eventually ask for the truth. I think I’m owed that much, at the very least.”

  His big, broad shoulders slumped in defeat. His hands came down to my hips, his fingers pressing in hard, like he was afraid I’d slip away. “I know you are.”

  I couldn’t shake what Sage had told me earlier that day. She’d been right. Bryce wasn’t the type of guy to cut and run for no reason. Something had to have happened. Something that could, perhaps, explain those scars and the nightmare I’d witnessed. “Bryce, did something happen on that tour? Is that why?” He squeezed his eyes closed, turning his head away as anguish contorted his features. “Oh my God,” I said on a breath. “It did, didn’t it?” Reaching up, I took his face between my hands and turned it back toward me. “Bryce, baby.”

  The sorrow marring those pale greens when he finally looked back at me cut me to the quick. “I know you deserve answers, honey. I know, and I swear, I’ll give ’em to you. Just not tonight, Tessa, please. We’ve been through enough already, don’t you think?”

  I could give him that. At least for tonight. After all, what he’d just said spoke volumes. There was a reason he left me. He hadn’t broken my heart for no reason, so if he needed time to find the strength to tell me, I could accept that.

  “Okay. I can wait.”

  The relief that poured off him with my easy acceptance sparked the air between us. One of his hands moved up, fisting my hair and holding tight as he pressed his forehead against mine. “Stay with me tonight.” It came out as a plea, and there was no mistaking the hunger in his voice. “I want to wake up with you next to me.”

  “I . . .”

  “Please.” His eyes flashed with heat and need. It was the very same look he gave me in the middle of the dance club all those years ago. The look that had me craving him then just the same as I was craving him right now.

  “Bryce,” I whispered. He lifted his head and met my gaze expectantly.

  “Yeah, honey?”

  “Take me to bed.”

  * * *


  I lost all control.

  Four simple words and that thin thread of self-control snapped. I couldn’t hold back another second.

  My mouth slammed against hers, and her lips parted instantly. I drove my tongue inside, tasting my swe
et Tessa for the first time in over a decade. And it was enough to make me insane.

  Using my grip on her hair, I pulled and tilted her head to get better access. She moaned, pressing harder against me, and I could feel the stiff peaks of her nipples beneath her shirt.

  I couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t feel or taste enough. With each second, the kiss grew hungrier, fueling a fire that drove me on. I needed more, more, more.

  Releasing her hair, I palmed her ass with both hands and lifted her. On cue, she wrapped her legs around my waist. My hips bucked as my tongue slid against hers, rubbing the steel of my erection against her core.

  Sucking in a sharp gasp, Tessa pried her lips from mine and dropped her head back with a needy whimper.

  “Fuck,” I grunted as she writhed against me. I could feel her heat through the layers of our clothes, and I couldn’t remember a time I’d been so hard. “Need inside you, beauty.”

  “Hurry,” she panted, those golden honey eyes glazed with lust.

  I moved, carrying us in from the balcony, but that was as far as I got. My jaw ticked as I clenched my teeth together. “Can’t make it to the room. Have to have you now.”

  “Yes,” she breathed, peppering my face and neck with kisses. “Now’s good. Now works for me.”

  Placing her on her feet beside the couch, I reached for the shirt she was wearing, toying with the hem as I met her glassy gaze. “Love how you look in my shirt, Tessa. But I’ve been dying to see what’s beneath for too damn long.” I tore the thermal over her head, leaving her in nothing but the tiny scrap of black lace, masquerading as panties, and a matching strapless bra. “Jesus,” I clipped, dragging my hands from her ribs to the distinct dip in her waist. “Do you have any goddamn clue how beautiful you are?”

  Her fingers fumbled with the drawstring of my pants. “I appreciate the kind words, but you can tell me all this later. Right now, I need you to hurry. Please, Bryce.” I’d have gladly teased her more just to see how wild I could make her, but when her tiny hand breached the waistband of my pants and her fingers wrapped around my cock, I lost my fucking mind.


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