Anyway, I was lying in bed next to my boyfriend reading Neville’s book and it was past midnight. It was certainly not the first book of Neville’s that I had read but it ended up being the most significant.
My ex-boyfriend John and I were seeing each other at the time and things weren’t going well between us. We were arguing about something before we went to bed and we were barely speaking. I don’t even know why I was spending the night with him because I should have just gone home rather than stay with him and be miserable.
Believing in universal guidance I now understand clearly the reason I stayed at John’s home that night. It allowed me to practice the new technique I had just discovered in Neville’s book. The technique that would change my life!
If I had been alone then I would not have gotten the instant gratification of seeing the technique work within seconds. It would have still worked, but I may not have realized it until John mentioned it to me and that is probably something he would not have done. So I would not have known that it worked so fast or at all. Someone has to share their thoughts with you to get confirmation in many cases.
I believe things of great importance (or even small importance) happen for a reason. My being at John’s house was not a coincidence. This was one of those life-changing moments that happened for a reason that I will never forget.
I had just finished reading the passage in the book that described how to "get him to do and say what I wanted him to". There are some books that give you a general idea of the concept of mind over matter but this book gave me the reason the technique worked and the steps involved.
Important steps that I will teach to you! To my utter and complete amazement it actually worked! This is more than mind over matter. This is the power of creating what you desire! I will remember that moment for the rest of my life!
Let me explain that John had a mind that was slammed totally closed and just getting into his brain should have been a huge feat. So I would not have believed for a second that anything I did that was “woo-woo” and out there would ever work on Mr. Non-Religious, Non-Spiritual, Agnostic Man.
Not that you have to believe in anything at all spiritually or religiously to have this technique work. In fact, I’m sure you can be an atheist and still have it work for you although I can’t guarantee it. This technique is not a prayer. This is universal law!
After I read the instructions for the technique I laid the book on my stomach to do exactly what the book told me to do. I didn’t have expectations, although I had understood the power of the passage immediately upon reading it. I didn’t feel nervous, anxious or fearful that it would or wouldn’t work.
Now I understand how those feelings can cause the technique not to work at all or at least be minimally effective. At the time I was just playing and toying with the idea of something so simple being so powerful. The total time of my focus and attention to John took all of about 3 minutes or less the first time.
I didn’t feel anything, see anything or hear any unworldly voices speaking to me. It was just a simple, easy to do exercise and I didn’t expect any huge results. I certainly didn’t expect what happened next!
Before I could even pick up my book to continue reading John sat straight up in bed. I had just been using the technique on him using the instructions I learned only a few minutes before! I was so shocked at first that I didn’t think it had anything to do with what I had been doing mentally to him.
I thought he was ill because just a few minutes earlier he looked like he was in a dead sleep. Or, he could have been playing possum because he was so pissed at me he didn’t want any interaction. Regardless, he had his back turned to me and appeared to be totally disconnected and asleep.
Anyway, he sat straight up and said exactly what I wanted to hear him say! He repeated (in his own words) what I had visualized him saying during my brief 3-minute exercise. What I wanted him to do for me (that he had been resisting) was agreed upon within minutes of using my secret technique. And, it wasn’t a little thing! It was a huge concession on his part! I almost burst out laughing because after he repeated the words to me he stated, “Now I am going to sleep without any further discussion”. Holy crap!
This was the neatest trick I have ever seen. Thank you universe for making me spend the night with the grumpy bastard because I got to see how fast this “secret technique” works. Remember, there are no coincidences in life. Everything we do and experience has a higher purpose and because that is my belief that is what I personally experience.
During the 3 minutes that I practiced the technique that first night I also focused on two other messages I wanted to send to people I hadn’t heard from in a while. I visualized one of them telling me he would take me to lunch and treat me for a change. I visualized the other one calling to see how I was doing. I focused on people that I had not heard from in a while so it would be unlikely they would contact me out of the blue.
It was a test so I wanted to make it difficult. That way I would have confirmation that the technique definitely worked. So I guess I focused on each person I was sending a message to for about one or two minutes. It’s funny that the first time I did it and got results was the time that I expected absolutely nothing to happen.
I get letters from readers who get immediate results and then freeze up on subsequent attempts. The best way to get results is to do the technique, let any expectations go and not worry about the results! I will teach that to you later in more detail.
The next morning I was still chuckling over John sitting up in bed and telling me what I told him mentally to say when I received two messages. One friend sent an email and wanted to take me to lunch and have it be his treat. The other friend left a voicemail saying he felt like he needed to contact me immediately because I popped into his mind so strongly. He was worried that something had happened to me because he couldn’t get me off his mind. Pretty powerful stuff!
Now I have had numerous other success stories since the first time I started using this technique years ago but I wanted you to hear about the very first time I tried it and the success I experienced. I don’t have special powers so if I can do it you can do it!
I am not going to guarantee you that it will work that dramatically for you the first time you give it a try. I will tell you that if you do this technique daily it will work and it will work beyond a shadow of a doubt. Why do I say that? Because IT HAS NEVER FAILED!!!
I have a friend who dated this creep for at least 5 years. He was a total douche and he doesn’t deserve the time it takes for me to write about him. I don’t know why my friend continued to see him when he offered so little but she did and I respected her choice.
He is married to someone else and he saw my friend only when it was convenient for him. Of course, he only saw her when he wanted to get laid. He never told her he loved her, needed her or even cared about her. She decided she wanted to change him. Right girlfriend, don’t we all want to change the pricks we’re with?
Well, after 5 years there wasn’t much hope for a change because he certainly didn’t think he needed to change. He felt like he could continue to do what he wanted and she would always be there because that was their pattern. It had been 5 years that he had treated her like dirt so what were the odds that he would change?
He had her trained to do what he wanted her to do and he had to do nothing in exchange. What a great deal he had! He had her exactly where he wanted her and no amount of begging, threats or breakups ever changed the man. Believe me she tried to change him and failed miserably.
My friend knew I had a technique that worked but she just isn’t a believer of anything so I never pushed her to learn it. I believe that if people want something badly enough they will seek out the answers. I don’t push my thoughts or beliefs on anyone but if they asked I will teach them.
Finally she asked for my help by teaching her my secret technique. I taught her the exact technique I am going to teach you. We were speaking on the phone when I went t
hrough the steps.
It is about the simplest thing in the world to learn but it seemed like it took her forever. She kept asking “are you sure that’s all I have to do?” Yes, I am sure. Just do what I am telling you to do and you only need to spend a few minutes a day doing it. She wanted instant results so I told her to do it three times a day for a few minutes each time to see what happened. More isn’t necessarily better, but I was sick of explaining that to her. Besides spending 10 minutes a day isn’t too much to ask.
She actually used the technique on him for a few days and that totally surprised me. I love her but she is a person who doesn’t take control of her life, is a constant victim and can’t see that she has the power and ability to change her life. She is someone who calls me constantly, complains each and every time and wonders why her life never changes. Anyway, that’s another subject I won’t go into now.
After three days she gets a phone call from “douche bag” telling her that he can’t live without her. He loves her. He just has to see her and be with her. He hounded her like crazy until she gave in and saw him. She called me in total and complete shock over the sudden and drastic change in the man she had not been able to change for 5 years. I was only surprised because I wasn’t sure she had the ability to actually focus on something positive happening in her life. I wasn’t surprised that the technique works because it always works!
When she saw the man he actually had tears in his eyes when he told her how much he loved her. That’s right, this cold-hearted jerk was crying because he felt so much emotion for my friend. Is there any doubt that this technique worked like magic on him?
When you witness something that is totally out of character for a man you’ve known for 5 years either:
1) he was struck by a lightning bolt in the middle of the night that caused brain damage, or
2) the technique you used on him worked!
He was living proof that the technique will work on anyone regardless of how bad the relationship is or was, how long you have been apart or how long you’ve been together, how well you know the person or even if you don’t know them at all. Ladies, it works!
I’m trying to convince you for your own good, not for mine. I know without a doubt that it works like nothing I’ve ever tried or used. I would not be using a technique for many, many years if it didn’t work. There is nothing that works better or faster for manifesting. Period.
If I weren’t convinced by my own experiences then I would surely have to be convinced by hers as well as others. Right after I learned the technique I was teaching it to literally everyone I came into contact with who expressed an interest in learning. They would hear my stories and they would be amazed by the results. They would try the experiment and get results, too. I would be amazed by their results.
Over the years of using the technique I am no longer amazed because I know that anything and everything can and does happen. I just smile when I hear success stories because I have just helped another “sister” which is the total reason I am writing the books in the first place.
In my friend’s case there was just one problem. Just as you live your life day-by-day and moment-by-moment you also have to dedicate a few minutes a day to creating your life. My friend let up on her married boyfriend and he went back to being a dick. I would remind her to use “the technique” and sure enough he will come around again. She would stop using it and he would drift away.
I’m not saying that in all cases it is a constant struggle to retain the upper hand and control. In many cases there is true love involved and your mate may have an awakening where he realizes that he doesn’t want to be without you. Although initially it is due to your mental influence it will not always remain that way. In my friend’s case the guy could really care less and she was controlling him and his feelings, which I don’t recommend long term.
If there is love involved you do not need to constantly use the technique to control him. Use it to create a wonderful life together but not to control his thoughts. I would see many other women get instant results but they would “forget” to do the work and things would slide back the way they were. I repeat, “If the guy is not that interested in you it will be difficult to maintain the schedule of controlling him continuously”. I don’t recommend it.
The lesson with my friend is that it doesn’t matter what you know if you don’t practice it. I can teach you something but if you won’t take the few minutes it takes per day to make it successful you will have things go back to the way they were. It takes 30 days to make something a habit. Knowing the technique will not help if you don’t practice using it.
Whatever amount of days it takes you absolutely must make it a habit. Don’t do it when reminded to do it. I’m not there to ask you whether you have taken a few minutes to create. Don’t write yourself a note and forget where you put the damn thing. Place a sticky on your bathroom mirror if you need to have a constant reminder.
You will do this technique every single day and night for the rest of your life so put a note on your headboard. Anything so you can remember that you are creating your life! If you get your body in awesome condition because you have worked out like a demon you aren’t going to go stuff yourself with Krispy Kreme donuts or gobs of French fries every day, are you?
Well, when you start getting the results from this technique don’t start neglecting to do this exercise. Don’t pollute your mind with negativity and attract things to you that you don’t want!
When the bastard that left you comes crawling back to you don’t forget to continue doing the exercise daily. Envision keeping him, too. Visualize the home you will share, the babies you will chase, the faithfulness he will give and the great job you desire. In other words, visualize the life you only thought were in your dreams.
This special manifesting technique will be for your eyes only. Feel free to share it with your girlfriends. Better yet, have them buy my book so they can refer to it often. But DO NOT SHARE THE SECRET TECHNIQUE WITH A MAN. I want you to mentally say to yourself that you will absolutely, under no circumstances share this technique with a man. I don’t care if he is your very best friend, lover, husband or whatever. Promise!!!
This is so huge and powerful that we need to keep it for the ladies only. Men have enough power in the world and they don’t need something that can control women any more than they already possess. This is something that I won’t even let my male friends read about. My significant other doesn’t even know that I am writing this book and I will not tell him about it. I hope he never looks up my name online and finds out about the book.
I made the mistake of telling him I was writing a book but made up some lame lie when he asked about the subject matter. Also, I didn’t tell him it would be published anytime soon. This is such a secret that I am not telling any male.
I realized when I taught the technique to a previous boyfriend that used it to influence me. He admitted it and I vowed never to make the mistake again. Unless you are willing to have this technique used against you I suggest you keep it as a secret.
Ladies, when Neville wrote the book with this information in it he stated emphatically “this can make people do things against their will”. Ever wonder about the spells people put on others? Well, let’s asked it another way. Ever wonder if spells are real? They are. They are real because they are done with “thoughts”. They are done with very powerful, directed thoughts! That is exactly how this is done and it is truly mind-blowing.
I have used this to do a few naughty things, too. I am ashamed to admit that I used the technique to cause pain to someone but at the time I didn’t realize the full impact of the power of my knowledge. I used it once because I was very angry with John. He stalked me for two years, said horrible things to me, slandered me to friends and absolutely could not let go. So as they say “payback is a bitch” and I used the technique on him. I regret that now but at the time it felt good! I am a different person now and revenge does not feel as good as forgiveness
However, at that time I was pissed and I hated him for what he was doing to me. I used my secret technique to I squeeze his heart as tightly as possible several times to scare the hell out of him. I didn’t know if it was working or not but the revenge sure felt good at that moment. I was at the end of my visualization and still lying on my bed when I received a phone call from John.
He said, “I think I’m having a heart attack but it feels weird. It’s like something is squeezing my heart and the feeling is so different I probably need to go to the hospital.” I pushed my mute button on the phone before busting out laughing. I finally said, “No, I think you’ll be fine just lie down for a while”. Poor wretched John.
The power of emotion combined with the technique can absolutely ruin someone’s life. I have a close friend who worked for a man who was one of the wealthiest men in the United States. He fired her because she refused his sexual advances. She destroyed his life using the technique but it also destroyed hers. I am telling you this because I do not want you to use the technique to do anything you’ll regret!!! Temporary pleasure in getting revenge is not worth it coming back to you! Use it for forgiveness, love, healing, peace and anything positive.
The power of your intentional and directed thoughts can cause things to happen that will knock your socks off. She regrets ruining his life because it negatively affected hers. Now she censors her thoughts because she has experienced the power of my technique many, many times.
I will say once more emphatically – I do not recommend using this technique for anything except positive and loving things! I have learned over the years that while I have the ability to negatively affect someone’s life it is not the highest and best use of the technique. In fact, I have regretted using the technique to create discomfort or harm to another person.
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