I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I try to live my life honorably and do the right thing. Sending loving, accepting and nurturing thoughts will get you better and more long lasting results as well as be uplifting for YOU. Focus on the positive and you will receive it in return. Focus on the negative and I believe karma will bite you in the ass!
For instance, my girlfriend brought havoc down on the man who fired her but she has not had the life she could have because she focused more on revenge and being a victim in her life than on changing her future. She has the ability to manifest anything she desires but she continually manifests the same chaos and victimization.
Using the technique truly can create a wonderful life for you and your mate. If you do it from a place of love and forgiveness it can transform your life. It was long ago that I used it to get even with another person. It was not very satisfying because it was out of alignment with my true spiritual self. We are all spiritual beings and the more we recognize it, and become in alignment with it, the better our lives will become.
Chapter 5 – My Secret Technique “FOR WOMEN ONLY”
Okay, with all the buildup you may find that this chapter seems way too easy to be effective. I assure you that the technique is not only effective it is very effective. Not only is it effective but also when you master the technique it will work very quickly and effortlessly. In the story I told earlier about using the technique on John you can see that the results can take place immediately. It is because it involves our subconscious mind or “spirit” which is extremely powerful.
Your conscious mind is like being the “operator” of a computer. The subconscious mind is like the “software” or “Google” on your computer. You must be able to use the software if you expect to operate your computer effectively. Our subconscious mind is also called our “spirit”. It is infinite and will never die.
Your subconscious mind is the driving force in your reality. To use it just enter into a meditative, relaxed state of mind. My “secret technique” uses the subconscious mind to affect the behavior of others. I know it may sound a little bizarre but it works every time and without fail!
Let’s say as the computer operator (conscious mind) I want to engage my subconscious mind (software) and call upon someone else’s subconscious mind. If you use a computer it would be the same as screen sharing. In my analogy of the subconscious mind being software we would be sharing the same view on the computer screen and having the same reality. It would be a view of the screen that is agreed upon by both users of the software so we could “screen share”.
However, the subconscious mind, unlike computer software, can call upon someone else’s subconscious mind without their knowledge and control. That’s why I want you to understand that it is important to have the right intentions before using this technique.
Technically you could affect their behavior in a negative manner. I do not condone doing that and, if you believe in the law of karma, you wouldn’t want to do something that can, and will, come back to you. So if for no other reason don't do something evil for a selfish reason.
I have never explained the process by writing it before so be patient when reading the explanation.
"I can have my subconscious mind or “spirit” call to your subconscious mind or “spirit” without you giving me permission to do it."
Furthermore, I can affect your behavior and you can affect other’s behavior when you do this technique.
In the case of my friend who slept with the married jerk for 5 years while he never said or did nice things she was able to communicate with his subconscious mind using her subconscious mind to change his behavior. This is how you will get back the man who deserted you for another woman.
This is how you will make him think of you each and every day until he cannot live without you. This is how you can get your boyfriend, husband or lover to do what you want him to do whenever you want him to do it. This is how you can and will get what you want out of any relationship.
I taught this technique to a good friend of mine who had been in a bad marriage for 3-4 years before she left her husband. While she was living with him he treated her like dirt. She was just a doormat and he was the master of his domain. He ignored her and literally “pushed” her out the door, although he made it seem like it was her choice to leave. After she moved out she decided she would “pay him back” for his unkindness. I did not know she used my technique until later and I would not have condoned it had I known. I wouldn’t have agreed with the fact that she did it strictly for revenge. She didn’t want him back but she did want to punish him. And it did work!
She used the technique on him and he suddenly believed that he could not live without her and pursued her for more than three years! He begged, pleaded, cried and lost a lot of weight because he was grieving her loss so badly. This was not accidental or unplanned. This is what she visualized during her meditation while using the “secret technique”.
She had been so emotionally abused during their relationship that she wanted to make sure that he felt the pain and suffering she had endured. The man who could care less about her when they lived together was now suffering and believing that he could not live without her. This went on for over three years!!! Before she began using the technique he was moving on with his life and other women. It was only after she "worked on him" that it almost drove him insane.
She wasn’t there personally to inflict the emotional pain on him but he desired her so badly that it almost drove him crazy. Every day, several times per day she would practice this technique for no more than five minutes. He never knew why he so felt so desperate to get her back and he never will. At this point it has been well over five years since she left her husband and to this day he has still not moved on with his life or gotten over her loss.
I know you’re wondering how this works and why I am explaining the subconscious to you in more detail that you want to hear. You need to understand that it is not your conscious mind or that utilizes the technique. It is the relaxed, subconscious mind that responds to visualization.
What is the most opportune time to use the technique? Any time you think about it but certainly in the morning and at night before sleeping! Instead of brooding over his loss and becoming a victim, just use the simple technique to contact him and control his thoughts. You will never feel helpless again. Never!
Have you ever been driving down a street or highway and realized that you are in a trancelike state? It is a moment where you realize that your conscious mind is inoperable and you have been on automatic pilot. It may shock you back into reality because you realize (or think) that you could have run off the highway or run over someone due to negligence.
That’s the state of mind you want to be in when you practice this technique. You want to be in the state of mind where you have shifted your awareness from your outer world to your inner world.
Okay ladies, you’re ready for your first exercise. Do not use your conscious mind to try to direct your thoughts or feelings during this exercise! It is like exercising too hard or lifting weights that are too heavy and it is not necessary.
It is so simple that it may feel like it's doing nothing. I assure you it is! I am 100% positive that it works and I have many, many people beside myself that have proven it. Just go to my forum, read the reviews or talk to someone who has used it and they will confirm to you that it works.
You don’t have to work hard at anything during this exercise! This exercise requires a “belief that it works” and a deft touch. I do this many times during the day and with a variety of people. I don’t have to go into another state of mind and you won’t either once you become accustomed to doing it for a while. I can be in a conversation with someone and be doing this exercise. It's that easy and simple to master! Please do not make this harder than it is because there is no benefit for you to do that.
For the moment let’
s practice it in sequence until you get the hang of it. You don’t even have to think about how it works or the subconscious mind versus the conscious mind. In fact, I don’t want you to “think” about anything.
Just relax, enjoy the feeling of relaxation and allow yourself to imagine without putting fear of failure into the visualization. Just follow my instructions. I assume you are going to practice this on your ex lover, husband, boyfriend, lover or a subject that you desire. Just know and believe that it works because it does work! Okay ladies let’s go!!!
NOTE: The more you allow your heart to open and fill with loving thoughts, forgiveness and peace the better the technique will work for you and for him. Love truly is the key to making the technique optimally effective. Open your heart and allow love to flow freely!
Chapter 6 - Steps to Controlling Your Man
You will be in a meditative or relaxed state of mind when doing the technique. So get comfortable! I usually lie on my back on the bed to meditate and practice the technique but it you choose to sit in a chair it’s okay. Sit in a chair. The point is to be relaxed and comfortable. I have downloadable MP3 meditation/hypnosis audios available on my website if you choose to have a guided experience with background music.
Although it isn’t necessary some women feel that it helps them to focus and relax when they do not have to visualize a scenario or vision on their own. It’s your choice. You have to listen to your own guidance system and decide what’s most appropriate for you. Personally I like to listen to a guided meditation because it allows me the freedom to be totally relaxed and not thinking about what I need to do to relax. The whole purpose is to shift your focus from your “thinking” mind to your “manifesting” mind. Now, let’s go through the steps.
The FIRST STEP is to lie on your back on your bed (or relaxing comfortably in a chair) with hands down by your side and your head only slightly elevated on a pillow. Get comfortable and don’t cross your legs or arms. Feel the bed (or chair) supporting your body perfectly before you even begin the exercise.
Take a few full, deep breaths and allow your body to relax totally as you exhale. If you find yourself uncomfortable in any area of your body re-position so you can feel relaxed and comfortable. Get relaxed enough so you aren't focusing on any discomfort in your body. The reason you don’t cross anything on your body is because there are energy meridians located throughout your body and you want your energy alignment to be straight.
You can do more research on energy points but that’s what acupuncture works on when they place needles into your body. So you want your energy flowing fluidly and freely. If you are listening to my guided meditation it will take you through all of these steps in detail so you can easily access your subconscious mind. Otherwise allow yourself to relax as much as possible before beginning the visualization.
The SECOND STEP is to get your mind AND body into a state of total relaxation. If you are familiar with meditation you can put yourself in a slightly meditative state of mind. If you have never even heard of meditation just know that it is not necessary to learn.
I know I have received emails regarding more on meditation techniques but there are many out there and most of them are effective. I have a guided meditation that is specifically for the “Pussy Whip” technique but you can teach yourself to just relax on your own.
Basically meditation is just focusing inwardly rather than on the outer world. To relax and meditate all you really have to do is focus on your breathing for a couple of minutes or less. As your thoughts focus on your breathing everything else will disappear and you will be a light trancelike state of mind. Focus on the air going into your lungs and how that feels. Then focus on letting the air out and notice how it relaxes your body totally.
Another easy and effective method to shift your mind from a conscious state to a relaxed and slightly meditative state is to repeat in your mind “I am sleepy. I am sleepy. I am sleepy.” Or, “sleep, sleep, sleep”. This will immediately release your conscious mind and engage your subconscious mind. As you are reading the book and repeating the mantra in your head you may actually feel a shift from your conscious mind to your relaxed and creative subconscious mind.
The subconscious is the mind of powerful creating! This is the state of mind where you can easily manifest anything and everything you desire. Your subconscious mind does not know truth from fiction. Anything you tell it to believe it will believe. This is the mind you use during Law of Attraction techniques. This is why negative thinking is so destructive because your subconscious mind seeks out more negative things to please you. Want to change your reality? Change your thoughts!
Your subconscious mind is estimated to be 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind!!!
Imagine the power you have within your reach that you rarely tap into and use to your advantage. Imagine the power you have that you can direct at your man and he has no knowledge of you using it and no chance against your secret weapon. He will be putty in your hands.
There is nothing you can do, say or be that will have the power of using your subconscious mind to create what you desire in life. You can literally change your life and the direction of your relationship by just tapping into the powerful subconscious mind and directing your messages to him with intention.
It does not respond to words and is not rational. What you visualize the subconscious mind believes and attracts! You can manipulate it by believing something is true!
The power of the “sleep” mantra can literally put me into a deep sleep and I have been an insomniac my entire life. I recommend doing this only a few times until you feel your body relaxing and your awareness less focused on the outer world.
It is not necessary to worry and fret over whether you are in a “subconscious” state of mind because when you are relaxed and your attention is focused inwardly you are in a state of manifesting. Don’t bring yourself out of the proper state of mind because you have fear that you are doing it wrong. You can’t fail and you can’t do it wrong! Trust me!
The THIRD STEP is to focus on your subject and visualize him as clearly as you can in your mind’s eye. There is actually a position about an inch up from your eyebrows in the center of your forehead that is called your “third eye” or mind’s eye. It is the area of psychic ability, visualizations and the area where you can send and receive thoughts.
It is where we do our visualization of things in the past, present or future. If I asked you to close your eyes and visualize the front door of your home, your puppy or something you experienced in your past that is the area you would see it.
When you are thinking of someone or seeing a mental picture you will “see” it on this screen. To enhance your ability to “see” I suggest you tap this area lightly with your four fingertips to awaken it (at least in the learning process). If you aren’t accustomed to visualizations it will also be a form of entrainment for your brain to know that when you tap this area it is time to use the technique.
Now feel as distinctly as possible that area in the center between your brows. Feel it like you would a powerful laser beam. Imagine the power of the area exactly like a laser beam and you will be focused on this area and not engaging the entire brain.
Just for a moment feel the difference. When you are thinking thoughts about someone you are using your entire brain to do it. You can actually feel the entire inside of your head and your thoughts fill it. You will probably be aware that both the right and left side of the brain has a balanced, full feeling.
Or, you may just feel both sides of your head but both sides feel equal. Now focus on the third eye only and you may even begin to get a little cramp in the area between your eyebrows. This is the area I want you to use when doing this technique because it will focus the energy and intent and be more powerful when you actually send someone a message.
Now see your “target” as clearly as possible in “your mind’s eye” or “tel
evision screen”. He is standing about 40 or so feet away from you in your imagination. He is a little distance from you, as in a parking lot, but you can still see him clearly. You may not have the ability to “see” visual pictures in your mind's eye as well as someone else but it doesn’t matter in this exercise. “See” him as clearly as you can. “Feel” or “Know” that you are looking at him.
Don’t worry about whether you are doing it right or not. There is no way you can do this exercise wrong. Just through your intent you will connect with your target. Stay relaxed and don’t fret over the results, whether you are doing the technique correctly or focus on any of the other “conscious” brain type fears. Just through your intention and focus it is working!
NOTE: If you are having doubts that this technique works it is because your conscious mind is the ever doubtful, fretting, fearful mind and it desires to keep things the same in your life. It is there to “protect” you and it has no interest in learning and growing. It is your fear-based mind and you have to disregard it to do this exercise.
Until you experience the power of manifesting your man back or having him totally change you may not believe what I am telling you is the truth. However, every word of this book and how to manifest is not only the truth it is the absolute truth. Believe it, trust it and practice it until you become a master!
The FOURTH STEP is to call out to him in your mind’s eye. Use the laser beam I talked about and send a mental message to him using the power of your mind and visualization. See him receiving it in the same area of his forehead. That is the receiver for all communication. So in my case it may be “John! John! John!”
Call out while remaining in a comfortable and relaxed state of mind at this time. Call to him using the power of your thoughts and see him (in your mind’s eye) turn around and look at you. What you are doing is engaging his “spirit” or subconscious mind to come to you. He is literally at your beck and call. He will absolutely feel you the moment you do it. In fact, wherever he is he will receive a jolt like you whispering in his ear.
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