As you continue to practice and grow stronger so will your belief. As your belief is stronger and more developed you will see huge changes in your life. When you think of something it will almost magically appear. When I ask a question the answer will show up without me having to search for it.
Someone or something will bring the answer to me and usually it is the least expected manner. I don’t question or demand anything of the universe because I KNOW that I am but a small piece of a very large puzzle but I am an important piece. So are you!
Whether you know it or not you are a special and unique person and whatever you ask for, whatever you desire is noted and a process is begun to deliver it to you. One of the greatest feelings to have that will expedite the blessings is “it is done” or “isn’t it wonderful”. The emotions behind both statements create a peaceful feeling, a feeling of the wish being fulfilled that ignites the universe to deliver it to you. Faith and trust is critical if you want to manifest.
During my visualization I focus on sending messages with my heart chakra because I know the power of the heart area. In fact, it is claimed that the heart “mind” is more powerful than the mind between your ears. It is a powerful manifesting space to concentrate on and opening your heart area is also beneficial to your health, your spirit and your connection to the powerful universe.
Whenever possible I use the heart area to send loving thoughts to those I love. I usually receive a message or a phone call because the feelings I send are felt by the person I am thinking about. Miracles will begin to happen in your life if you allow them to.
When you are in touch with the universe you may be surprised at things that happen. I once was driving down the highway in the left lane and clearly got the message that I was going to be hit by an oncoming car. I immediately slammed my brakes on and moved over right before the oncoming car crossed the double yellow line.
I listen to the universe and I have total faith and trust in it! I hope you learn that you are always attracting things to you that you are open to receiving. Keep the lines of communication open and don’t close your mind to the world you cannot see.
It is estimated that we experience less than 1% of what is really in the world to see, feel and experience. I don’t know if that is true but I would estimate that it is even less than 1%. We cannot possibly think this is all there is to life with our limited bodies, mental capacity and chatterbox minds. Be open to experience more and you will experience amazing things!
Chapter 11 – Questions & Answers
I will share the most common questions with you. I hope it helps. Please join my forum for additional insight and personal responses from me and other forum members. It is a forum designed to empower women and it is a wonderful, safe place to receive encouragement from “sisters”.
Q: Can I do the technique wrong?
A: No, it is impossible to get it wrong. There is no way that a directed thought does not hit the target. It is impossible! He will feel you, sense you, feel your emotions and think the thoughts you place in his head when you use my technique.
Q: How do I know is my subconscious mind is engaged?
A: You don’t have a switch that you can turn on and off but when you are in a relaxed state of mind and not actively thinking you are in a good state of mind to manifest. If you are lying (or sitting) there and thinking about making a sandwich then you are not in the right frame of mind. Focus your mind inward and you are moving into your subconscious state of mind. Focusing on your breathing is enough to gently shift your consciousness.
Q: What if I can’t see him?
A: Close your eyes right now and “see” your bedroom. That’s as much detail as you need to see to make the technique work. It isn’t a clear picture of your room but you can visualize the way it looks, what’s in it and how it feels. That’s as much as you need to do to get in touch with your target. You will become better and better visualizing as you go along. Don’t worry about it because you block the manifestation.
Q: Can I break up a romance?
A: Your thoughts can strengthen or lessen feelings between two people because you are interfering with the wavelength between the two people you are trying to break up. Let’s say your ex has a new girlfriend. You can visualize the two of them not having fun together, having a disconnection, being emotionally distant, having arguments or just growing apart. The power of your mind (because you can now intentionally send messages) is far greater than anyone you know. So, yes you can come between two people. It is up to you whether you want to or not.
Q: Why does it take longer to manifest some things and others happen immediately?
A: The more you WANT something the further it gets from you! If you are really “wanting” your ex back then you are pushing him further away from you. The worry about whether he is going to come back or not means that you doubt the process. Don’t doubt it! Doubts are your enemy! Live your life as if he is going to be walking up to your door at any moment and see what happens. Things that you may not care much about manifest faster because you “let it go” and don’t worry about the outcome. That’s the best possible way to manifest what you desire.
Also, I will reiterate if you want to manifest faster and you want the manifestations to be in your “highest good” use your heart to manifest. Allow love to flow freely to your mate and they will feel the love and respond to it. Manifesting from a total “ego oriented” space where all you care about is you is not as productive or fulfilling. When love flows miracles happens!
Q: Can I ask for signs that the universe is listening?
A: Sure, if you aren’t doing it because you doubt the process. I ask for signs sometimes but just to know that I am connected. I was at the market one day and before I checked out I asked the universe to tell me something that I could verify. I “heard” a message that the guy checking out the items had 2 sisters and 1 brother. I got up to him and asked if there were 4 children in his family. “Yes” he replied. I asked if he had 2 sisters and 1 brother. He looked shocked but answered, “Yes, do I know you?” If it’s just to keep in touch I think it’s okay to asked for signs from universal intelligence.
Q: How do I know when to give up if he hasn’t come back?
A: Well, it took me a year before my man returned but during that time I didn’t worry about it. If it was in my highest good I knew he would come back. In the meantime I moved on and had a great life. No sitting around or crying in my pillow. You can give up and move on knowing that he still gets your messages through your mind power and intention but he has the free will to react to them or not. In other words, don’t spend your life stuck in the past because time is the one thing that cannot be replaced. Move forward and know that you can contact him at any time mentally. Save the text messages and creeping on him because they don’t work!
Q: Can he block my mental messages?
A: I would say the answer is yes. People can block the energy, messages and thoughts of others but it is a conscious thing and cannot be maintained. I visualize my messages as a “cloud” that is waiting there for an opening before descending on the person. That may sound ominous but it is not intended to be. It’s just that thoughts are energy and they don’t dissipate or disappear. The target (when using the technique) cannot escape the thoughts you are sending indefinitely. Eventually they will reach them!
Q: Some days I feel connected and positive and other days not so much is there anything I can do?
A: Yes, you can feel positive ALL the time. If you know that a check is in the mail do you feel happy or sad about it? View contact with your target as a check in the mail and know that he is connected to you, feeling you, missing you and receiving your messages. If you cannot focus or don’t feel up to contacting him with emotion don’t waste your time doing the technique. Take a day off. Sometimes we just don’t care enough or desire them enough to do it. I took plenty of days or even weeks off during my year hiatus with my betrothed. It’s okay he still thought about me many ti
mes during the day!
Q: Will I absolutely, positively and totally be successful using your technique?
A: Well, if you follow my instructions you will contact the person you desire to contact, make him (or her) feel the emotions you are sending and make them miss you, think of you and desire you. Would you call that that success? I would say so! Now, you have complete control over just how successful you are.
It’s like reading a diet book as an example. If you read, understand and follow the suggestions then you will be successful on your quest to lose weight. If you read the information and set it on the shelf without following it you will not lose an ounce. You have to dedicate yourself to do what the book suggests. If you do your life will change in numerous ways! In the most positive, exciting and empowering ways! I know that without a doubt!
Q: What happens if I envision my man coming back to me and he visualizes himself with another woman?
A: That’s a tough one because I believe it will be the one who has the most powerful visualization and belief system. If you are weak-minded and not convinced but he is hell bent determined then it would be my guess that he will manifest his reality. Whichever person desires it the most will most likely succeed. However, please asked yourself if you really want someone with you if they want someone else? My answer would be no but yours may be different.
If you practice sending positive, loving thoughts you will benefit because it will heal your heart and allow you to move forward. He will feel the love and not the distrust and resentment so the chances of him returning are magnified. It is manifesting in each of your “highest good” that I recommend.
Q: Why do I visualize him and hear him but it is in my voice?
A: It will be in your voice and not his. It is your thought. Do not worry about it because it doesn’t matter at all.
Ladies, I hope you use the suggestions in the book, follow the process and don’t block your results! Understand that this process should be an enjoyable one and you should feel wonderful after you do the technique! It should be something you look forward to doing daily and not feel like a chore that you need to get out of the way. Manifesting will become a part of your life and you will be unable to remember a time when you did not consciously create your life.
I look forward to seeing you sign up for more information and interaction on the Lanie Stevens Forum. If you would like to purchase the unique “Pussy Whip” guided meditation it is available ONLY on my website.
"Pussy Whip" Meditation
Hugs, love and power to ALL of my sisters!
ONE MORE THING, please do not share this book on illegal websites. To do so messes up your karma! Honestly! And, I hope IF you find this book on a website that illegally offers it as a free download you will reject the offer because:
1) it will probably also download a nasty virus to your computer and/or it is a phishing website;
2) because you realize that something taken from someone, especially when you are using Law of Attraction, will negatively affect YOU; and
3) you have respect for the fact that I only earn $2 on a book sale and yet I spend countless hours answering emails, forum questions and guiding women to EMPOWER THEM! Don’t take power away from yourself for a few dollars.
TRUE STORY: A friend of mine stole $300.00 from an ATM when someone accidentally left their card in the machine. (Totally out of character for him!) He drove from the ATM to the airport where he parked his car for 4 days while on a pleasure trip. When he returned the car was covered with bird poop and the paint was ruined! He had to re-paint his car at a cost of almost $3,000.00. MORAL OF THE STORY: When you take something that isn’t yours the karma is usually 10 times worse than the offense. Is it worth it?
Contact the Author
Lanie Stevens lives in Austin, Texas and spends her time writing, traveling and collecting experiences. I hope you will join the Law of Attraction forum to share your experiences using the advice in this book with other powerful women from all over the world.
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