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Pussy Whip Page 6

by Lanie Stevens

  I have women who asked things like “will you call me” or “come take me to lunch”. I did use the lunch thing the very first time I tried the technique and it did work. However, I don’t suggest you using that on your man. Try to create things that you will feel passionately about. The more emotions the faster and better you will create what you desire.

  I hear from readers they believe what they are saying but in the very next sentence they will say “do you think it’s working”? Well, if you’re asking me that question then you do not believe it in your heart or mind. I can’t visualize for you, although I have been asked to do that, but you can become a master of creating with practice.

  So, let’s say your man is with another woman right now. Or, he is thinking about cheating or attracted to another woman. We know these things! I can tell you what my man thinks and I also feel the energy shift when he is remotely attracted to another woman. Men can’t deny things when you use your intuitive sense and practicing the technique will cause you to become highly sensitive.

  If you want to come between he and the woman the best thing to do is to call him to you. You don’t need to call her to you unless you know her well. Hear him tell you during the visualization “I do not love her”, or “Every time I am with her I only think of you”, or “Being with her makes me miss you even more” – the list is endless. Be creative because you know in your heart what you desire to be true.

  Remember, you must believe what you hear. I never think about doubt when I manifest using the visualization. Failure is not an option because I know without a doubt that he is feeling what I am sending. I can validate it with my experiences and so many others it has taken all doubt away totally. Get to the point where you can do the same. How can you do that? Use the technique daily and you will witness big changes in your life. It’s the best way to confirm what I am telling you.

  You have the ability to tell your man what you want to hear about ANY subject. He will believe it is his idea and thought. You want him to be faithful? Tell him “you will be unable to cheat due to guilt”, or “just thinking about sex with another woman will make you feel ill”. Yes, it works!

  John was my man to practice things on. He was like a brick wall and if I could get it to work on him then I could get it to work on absolutely anyone. After John and I broke up he confided that when he tried to date all he could focus on is “She’s not Lanie and I am not attracted to anyone else!” Yes, you got it! That’s the phrase I heard him say in my visualization. Don’t feel sorry for him because trust me, he deserved it!

  I didn’t use the technique very often on him because by the time I broke up with him I was over him and the relationship. But when he would pester me I would use it on him as a way to vent my frustration. It didn’t just work when I focused on him. It worked on him for 3 or more years. He could not move forward because the technique continued to work even though I wasn’t focused on him.

  You want him to feel guilt? Hear him say it during your visualization. Confirm it to him when you visualize yourself responding to his statements to you. There is nothing you can’t do when you use the technique. I wish you could read my emails because they would convince you without a doubt.

  Women whose men have been absolutely horrible to them change their behavior. Men who have been cold and distant suddenly become lap dogs. Men who were cheating break up with their mistresses. Unaffectionate men who looked at their mates with disgust are now chasing them around the house. The men have no idea why they changed but we do!

  I asked my significant other whether he thought it was evil to control a man’s thoughts using mind control. Although he doesn’t know about my books and technique I wanted his opinion about the subject in general. I was quite surprised by his answer.

  Let me first explain why I had reservations about controlling a man’s feelings if he really wasn’t that into you. I am certainly not on the man’s side but due to an incident happening to me I am sensitive about the subject of control. Years ago I had a man use this technique on me and it was against my will and knowledge. It’s the reason I make women swear not to share it with men.

  I would not have been attracted to this person under any circumstance. He was unattractive, had no personality or charm, was grossly overweight and had poor hygiene. I’m sorry if I sound arrogant but at no time in my life would I have been attracted to a man like him. However, my technique was used against me. The technique I am teaching you was used to control me for over a year!

  During that entire year I believed myself to be completely and totally in love with this man. To the point that my friends thought I had lost my mind. Nobody could understand what the hell I could possibly be thinking and now I can see why. But during that year I thought this man was Brad Pitt. I know it sounds crazy as hell but it’s the honest to God truth.

  I know the power of the technique from the other side. I know that what the person makes you feel will absolutely feel like it is coming from you. The man you are controlling will have no idea that his feelings are not real. My experience made me not want to control someone’s thoughts if I even suspected that they would not feel that way on their own.

  My fiancé’ changed my mind when we talked about it because he said “If the man thinks he is in love and he is happy then it doesn’t matter if it’s due to a mind control technique or free will”. I guess I should have asked him about it earlier since I used the power of my mind on him. He would have given me permission!

  Men are just like us in that they want to be happy. If your visualization and the emotion of love and happiness can cause them to be in love with you and feel joy then why shouldn’t it be with you and not some other woman? You can control him BUT you must believe it in your heart and mind. If you think he won’t come back or be happy with you then he won’t. It’s really that simple.

  People say all the time “I have no control over my life”. Of course you have control. What you are looking at this very moment is what you have created with your thoughts. Whatever your attention is directed to will be your reality. No millionaire ever thought “I can’t be rich because I’m not talented”. They believed just the opposite. Successful people believe they will be successful – they don’t believe they will be failures.

  Whatever you place your attention on will materialize. Think about how many times great and wonderful things have happened to you. I’m sure there are so many you can’t recall but the one thing you may remember is that they happen in groups. It will almost be like you can’t do anything wrong when things are going well! Great things just keep happening to you over and over again.

  The same thing happens with bad things. You may think to yourself or even voice “Will these things never stop because it’s like I have a curse on me”. And, in a way you do. They are called your thoughts. Good things happen because you are resonating with them and the same with bad things. When your vibration is high you will have things fall into your lap that are amazing. All good things will be attracted to you because of YOU.

  When you are focusing on negativity and are looking for all the bad things that are “sure” to happen you will get them without a doubt. You just haven’t taken responsibility for them. You may find that the more you focus on the negative the worse things get. What can you do to change it? Change your focus regardless of where you are at this point in your life and you will change your reality.

  So, visualize what you want your man to do, to be or to say. He will never know that it is you who is controlling him and he never needs to know it. I wouldn’t share it with anyone unless they understand the process. Otherwise, they may throw negativity your way if they are non-believers. Keep it to yourself and you will not have to overcome someone else’s negative thoughts affecting you.

  I will repeat one more time: “There is nothing you can’t get your man to do, to say or to feel”. If you need to confirm it then you don’t have the faith that it is working. Allow it to be effective by being patient during the proc
ess. If you want to contact him 10 times a day you have the ability to do it now. No need for drunk dialing or stalking. This is much more effective.

  The best, easiest and fastest way to manifest ANYTHING you desire in life is to do it with LOVE. Love has a vibration that is the highest, purest and most divine. Manifesting with love will make you feel like a million dollars, take away anxiety and fear and allow the universe to bless you with many wonderful things!

  Chapter 9 - How and Why Manifesting Works

  This chapter may be “woo-woo” for you but try to read it and understand it because it is important in manifesting your future. You are in control of your life and your future so you should understand how you attract the things you do into your reality. The “The Law of Attraction” works through the “universal subconscious” mind. Let’s say your conscious “thinking” mind has a thought or makes a statement.

  "Your subconscious mind accepts it as fact, whether it is a fact or not"

  That thought vibrates into the universal sub-consciousness where all thoughts (positive or negative) are stored. Yes, there is a “cloud” which is a universal sub-consciousness that holds all thoughts.

  If you have a negative thought such as “I WANT” then all the people who “WANT” something and their negative thoughts will be stored there. You may not realize that “I WANT” is a negative statement but to want something is to recognize that you do not have the object. “I AM” is the statement that will give positive results.

  Let’s give an example of “I WANT TO BE RICH” because we would all like to have wealth. When you make a statement or have the thought “I WANT” your subconscious mind vibrates as a negative thought that comes from having a lack of money.

  Thoughts are stored in the universal sub-consciousness of the universe and your thoughts attract “like” thoughts. All of the negative thoughts on money in the universe will resonate with your “I WANT” statement, such as: “I don’t have a good education, or I’m never in the right place at the right time, or I’m just unlucky, I will always be poor…”

  Every reason that every person believes about why they are broke will be attracted to your negative thought. Your little "nothing in your eyes" statement is magnified to infinity. Do you really understand how devastating that is to your financial well-being? I hope so because if you grasp that fact you will be motivated to change it.

  If you send out a positive thought like ‘I AM RICH” then all the successful thoughts that are stored in the universe will be attracted to you and your thought. You will find that you will attract money, a way to make money, an inheritance, a gift, a rich husband…the possibilities are endless.

  Did you know that most wealthy people visualize their wealth increasing right before they go to sleep? That may be the reason that they also awake with creative ways to make money. They attracted the positive thoughts and successes of all the powerful subconscious minds and their subconscious minds set about to make it happen.

  Any statement that you make regarding something you desire to have in your life should begin with “I AM”. I am rich. I am healthy. I am loved. I am desirable. I am beautiful. I am lucky. I am skinny. You get the idea. Never, ever have a thought that begins with “I want”.

  Your subconscious mind will create what you believe. If you believe you “want” something that you do not “already have” you will doom yourself to failure. Wanting something will create more wanting.

  Desire is different, however. We all desire things and it is the driving force in life. Desire things with the knowledge that you will have what you desire. If I see something I do not currently have I don’t look at it and “want” it.

  I look at it and think to myself “I desire that and it is MINE” and then I feel the EMOTIONS of having and enjoying the thing I desire. To attempt to change your circumstances before you change your visual picture of it is to struggle against the very nature of things. There can be no outer change until there is first an imagination and belief change.

  I think the Law of Attraction and The Secret are wonderful books and I loved reading them. However, I didn’t understand when I read the books that I needed to visualize myself having “the thing” I wanted, experience the feelings and emotions that I would experience as if I had “the thing” and then let it go out into the universe.

  I further did not understand the importance of visualizing something as if it were happening “now” and not in the future. The “ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE” directions in the book “The Secret” were too general. In truth, you don’t “ASK”. You visualize yourself living and having what you desire.

  You BELIEVE it is already true.

  You RECEIVE what you have visualized ONLY when you can FEEL the emotion of having what you desire.

  Therefore, it should be “VISUALIZE, FEEL, RECEIVE”.

  Visualize as if you are living it in the here and now and not as a future event. Feel the emotion of how happy and grateful you are for receiving what you desire. Receive what you have visualized.

  "Live your life in gratitude of your good fortune."

  When you are doing your visualization DO NOT visualize as if it is a future event. Visualize it as if you are living it right now, today and in this moment. If you visualize something in the future you are just daydreaming. If you visualize something in the past you are reminiscing. If you visualize something in the “NOW” you are creating your life!

  For instance, do not daydream about getting your boyfriend or husband back into your arms. Call his subconscious mind, visualize him telling you the message you want him to tell you, visualize him being with you in the here and now and know that it will happen. I cannot stress the importance of this enough!

  Realize that your subconscious mind will create your reality as it does every day of your life. Whether you realize it or not you are creating your reality minute-by-minute and day-by-day. You have just been doing it passively. Now you will get involved in doing conscious creation and it will create the life you would like to have and not the life you have created by default.

  You may not have realized that you are the creator of your circumstances. You may not have been awakened to the fact that you create your own reality. Whatever dreams you want fulfilled can be lived by you and created by you! You have that power to create!

  I am not talking about fantasy stuff that is based on a hope and a promise. I am talking about what you can do instantly to create the life you want to live. A life that is full of health, wealth, happiness, and with a man who loves and adores you. Forever!

  This technique is unique because you will actually control your man’s thoughts. From this point forward you will have the ability, through this simple exercise, to get into his head (subconscious) and he will respond to your wishes. It is like having the “genie in a bottle” granting your every wish and command. Even my thick skulled, numb nuts ex-boyfriend John reacted immediately to my calling his subconscious. If I can do it, you can do it and every female you know can do it!!!

  This is not a wish or a hope and a prayer. This is the ability to control another person and your own destiny. Creating your own destiny is part of the “secret technique” I have shared with you, sisters. I have had so many readers tell me that their lives have changed due to my books. The power is in your hands to create a life that you only hoped and prayed for. I invite you to take advantage of it and begin today to take back your control and power.

  Chapter 10 – More Tips!

  I receive many questions that I answer personally but I also created a forum to answer questions due to the sheer volume I receive daily. I think women want to make using the technique harder than it really needs to be. Maybe we are accustomed to having to fight for everything we receive in life so if it is too easy it seems that it shouldn’t work.

  Maybe it’s that we don’t believe we are entitled to have the power in a relationship. Whatever the reason doesn’t matter. This technique has been used by me and thousands of others to create l
ives that are powerful, amazing and unbelievable.

  I hope my “sisters” don’t mind if I share things with you while leaving out their identity. I had an actress write to me who was on a primetime series. Of course, she wrote to me about her man but what happened to her because of her meditation, visualization and change of belief was that the man became less important as time went on.

  She created a life that is enviable to others because once you know that you have the ability and power to manifest you realize that it can spill over into every aspect of your life. She is now an “A” list actor who has the right of first refusal without auditioning for roles. She credits the power of visualization and using my secret technique for her success.

  Yes, she did get the guy back but she said when she turned her attention away he would be gone again. I write about the fact that if it is a full-time job to keep the man he may not be worth it. If he is in love with you it will magnify the love. If not, he will come back but may lose interest if you don’t continually control him with your thoughts. She finally decided she deserved something better than the flake and moved on. But it was her choice!

  Another reader shared that she had not been intimate and loving with her husband for a long time. They lived their lives as strangers in the same house. She thought it was time for a divorce but she decided to try the secret technique as a last ditch effort. Within a couple of weeks his attitude changed and he was responding positively to her.

  Within a couple of months they were like newlyweds! They had gone for a period of years without intimacy and they were bathing together, enjoying vacations and their relationship and interaction totally changed. From a marriage of cultural convenience to a passionate, loving relationship in a short amount of time. The only thing she did differently was use the technique and she was elated! She saved her marriage but more importantly she CHANGED her marriage. Anything is possible when you use the technique.


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