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To Chase A Wolf

Page 16

by Sara Kimball

  He grunted. “Smaller than the Pack house.”

  She felt the awkwardness in the air between them, and disliked it, but was also silently thankful for it. After realizing that she was the reason that Moira almost got severely injured, she couldn’t stand it if someone else got hurt, especially not Lincoln. And so she had decided to keep her distance from him, so that way he couldn’t be targeted.

  “Will I have my own room, then?”

  He glanced at her. “Would you want your own room?”

  She pressed her lips together when she almost told him she didn’t, and forced out the “Yes.”


  Lincoln sighed internally, thinking that his grandmother was right. He didn’t want to scare Alex off, or do something that she would resent him for later on. The best way forward for them both was to go slowly, to give her time to get to know him before he got physical with her—or at least, any more physical. He might know they were mates, but she clearly didn’t.

  Even though the pressure to claim her was increasing daily, Lincoln fought it, pushing it back into a little box in the back of his mind and determining that he would let her get to know him, build a relationship of friendship and trust between them. Show her that he was good mate material.

  Until that happened—hands off.


  Alex walked around the car on the gravel drive, taking in the cabin surrounded by dense woodland, the undergrowth thick and bushy. She breathed in the fresh, clean scent of green growing things and loamy soil in addition to brief tangy hints of salt and brine. “How close are we to the ocean?”

  Lincoln was standing at the back of the car, their suitcases in his arms. She moved over and grabbed hers from him quickly. “Not that close, we’re east of Highway 101 about five miles or so.” He closed the back hatch with his now free hand, moving to the door of the cabin and unlocking it.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  He made a noise of agreement. “I come here as many times a year as I can.”

  They were just south of the Oregon border, in the hilly green woodland of the northern California coast. The lush land made for a beautiful backdrop in all directions.

  Alex followed Lincoln inside. She had expected something like the estate house—grand and elegant—and was rather surprised to find an ordinary cabin. The wood-paneled walls had been whitewashed inside allowing the lines of the woodgrain to show through softly. The main room was a large open floor plan, with the living room to the left of the door, and the kitchen and dining room side by side beyond it. The large kitchen island had a counter top that overhung the edge, allowing for bar seating on the side closest to the living room.

  The deep brown leather couch was placed on top of a Berber carpet area rug, and there was another under the wooden dining table. Throw cushions in various sizes and colors dotted the living room couch. Armchairs flanked the large flat screen television, which was mounted on the wall above a fireplace. Wooden flooring, gleaming richly in the lights that Lincoln flicked on, blended the separate areas into a cohesive open room.

  The kitchen had simple white cabinets underneath the brown and tan flecked marble countertop, and stainless steel appliances. It was cozy and comfortable and every seat was inviting. Alex could have comfortably stayed there forever, and imagined duplicating the same look when she bought her own place.

  Lincoln opened some windows, Alex helping, because the air inside was a little musty. After, he grabbed their suitcases and pulled them down the hall, showing her the guest bedroom. Alex took a moment to get settled in and use the restroom before coming back to the living area, where she heard male voices.

  There were three other males, besides Lincoln, in the living area and they were all wolves to her nose. Jax was one, and Alex realized the others were probably the same wolves that had been with Lincoln the first night she had met him, behind the night club. They were discussing rotations for keeping watch when Lincoln noticed her, and then the rest stopped talking as the others noticed her as well, turning to face her.

  “Hello, I’m Alex. Thank you all for coming and helping out. I hope you aren’t going to be taken away from home for too long, as Elizabeth thinks this should only be a day or two until she gets it sorted.”

  Lincoln’s gaze zeroed in on her. “My grandmother knows something about who attacked you and Moira?”

  Alex closed her mouth and realized she may have put her foot in it. Elizabeth had told her not to tell Lincoln about her brother, and looking at his yellow gaze, she may have figured out why. If Lincoln found out he may go haring off to take care of the problem on his own. Alex was sure Elizabeth didn’t want that, as she wouldn’t want it either.

  “I’m not allowed to say.”

  His gaze sharpened on her and he took a step forward, but Jax, standing to Lincoln’s left put an arm out, stopping him. “Just curious, but did Elizabeth tell you not to say anything?”


  “Ah. Well now.” He turned his face towards Lincoln’s, who was still staring intently at her, eyes yellow. “No sense in crossing your grandmother Lincoln. You may run all the money, but she’s still the Alpha and her word is final.”

  Lincoln sighed and stepped back, his silvery eyes emerging once again. He glanced at Jax and nodded.

  Jax was a little shorter than Lincoln, but not by much, and just as muscular and broad chested. Across from him were twins, the men clearly related. The only difference was one had light brown hair and the other had a darker blonde. None of them were as handsome as Lincoln, in her eyes at least. His dark black hair and silver eyes, aquiline nose and broad jaw combined to create a potent figure of masculinity.

  The light brown haired one spoke up next. “I’m Trent.”

  The blonde haired man nodded, “And Davin. Yes, we’re twins.”

  Jax took over again. “Gareth is currently out scouting. He’s the even taller and bigger one of us.”

  Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the testosterone, Alex moved into the kitchen. “It’s late for dinner, is there food here? I could cook something.”

  Alex had done all the cooking for her father growing up. She had been taught by some of the other Pack women, who had taken it upon themselves to show her, Alex’s mother unable to since she had died when she was so young. In addition, she had learned some things at the restaurant in the slower times. “I’m pretty good at simple stuff.” She opened the fridge and found bottles of beer and various kinds of mustard, but nothing else.

  Shutting the fridge, she turned back to the others. “Unfortunately, I’m not a miracle worker. Shall we go get some groceries?”

  Jax spoke again—Alex wondered if something was wrong with Lincoln, as he was still being restrained by Jax, and his eyes kept flashing between yellow and silver. “I have a good idea. Davin and I will go into town and get some take out for tonight, and we’ll go shopping tomorrow. We don’t want to risk putting innocent humans at risk if they try to nab you again. Although Elizabeth told me no one should know where we are.” He turned to Trent, “How about you go help Gareth scout a bit?” Then he slowly released Lincoln. “Would you like to go for a run with Alex while we’re gone? Maybe show her the swimming hole at the river?”

  Lincoln nodded slowly, his gaze still focused on Alex. Jax, Trent and Davin all retreated through the front door, leaving it open behind them. Alex thought a run sounded great. She was still confused about Lincoln’s behavior, and Elizabeth’s protection of her, and wanted to run away all of it as a wolf, whose brain didn’t ponder such things and was only concerned with the present.


  Alex stripped and shifted quickly once the other men were gone. She shook out her fur and strutted around, waiting for Lincoln to finish behind her. He padded over and bumped her with his shoulder to get her attention, passing her by and heading down a path that was hidden neatly in the underbrush. Trotting after him, her wolf noted the pheromones he was giving off, the heady scent making her twitchy. Alex resolved to
ignore it, even though her wolf wanted to pounce on him. But better not get too attached. If Mitch is after me then who knows what will happen.

  She did admire Lincoln’s wolf form, which was on the larger side compared to other wolves that she had seen. His coat matched his hair, a deep black color. He looked much more majestic than her own honey-brown wolf. Twenty minutes went by pleasantly as the pair of them slowly worked their way uphill and away from the ocean. In the distance, Alex started to hear the babbling of a mountain stream passing over a rocky riverbed, and picked up her pace, eager for a drink. She saw the water ahead and bounded forwards, sprinting around Lincoln and splashing into the shallows playfully.

  Lincoln jumped in behind her and waded out a few feet, getting a drink at the same time she got hers. He climbed onto a large rock, looking at her as she paddled around in the deeper part of the river, allowing it to sweep her downstream a little before going back to the shore and running upstream again.

  He huffed when she made a whining noise asking him to join her, sitting down to indicate he wasn’t going to. In retaliation for his lack of playfulness, Alex came to join him on the rock and shook out her wet pelt, drenching him. Her tongue lolled out in amusement.

  He shook the water off his coat and then leapt nimbly from rock to rock, crossing the river. Alex followed him as they turned downhill onto a different path. She noted it was winding down hill, and figured it must be another way back to the cabin. Eventually, she was proved correct, and went to her clothing, her back to Lincoln, as she shifted and then dressed.

  A little damp but clothed again, she wrung out her hair. “I’m decent, are you?”

  A deep voiced affirmative sounded behind her, Alex turned to smile at Lincoln. “That was fun.”

  His eyes crinkled at the corners, her joy infectious. “Yes. And practical. The swimming hole is your place to go to if there is danger. If you follow upstream for another five minutes or so, there will be a lodge. It’s where the Pack stays when they come here, and where Jax, Davin, Trent and Gareth will be sleeping.”

  “Ah. Okay.” Alex turned to head into the building, and a hiss of air was heard followed by a sharp pain in her low back. “Ow.” Reaching a hand back, Alex grabbed what had poked her, pulling it out of her back and looking at it. It took a moment to realize that the silver tube with the fuzzy pink end was a tranquilizer dart. “What the hell.”

  Lincoln was already charging forward, towards the direction the shot had come from. He tore his button up shirt and slacks off, changing into wolf form quickly, sprinting after whoever was running pell-mell through the woods. As he disappeared into the underbrush, Alex heard an engine start up, and the familiar braaping of a dirt bike, fading into the distance.

  She was alone for a moment in the clearing and looked around suspiciously. Just then the nearby bush gave a shudder, dislodging Lincoln, who morphed back into a man immediately. He stalked to her, naked, taking her in. “You look alright. How are you feeling?”

  Alex blinked at him, a little unsure how to reply. “Are you sleepy? Is it poison? Well?” Impatiently, he snatched the dart from her hand and smelled the small needle tip, pulling it back quickly when it got near his nose, a look of disgust on his face. “What the hell is that smell?”

  The wind rustled through some leaves, and Lincoln ushered Alex inside quickly. “I need to call the others, and my grandmother. I think someone must have told them where we were, and it has to be someone at her house, because no one else could have known so quickly.” Alex shut the door behind her, Lincoln striding into the kitchen. “Let me know your symptoms and I’ll ask them to call a Pack member that’s a doctor. It should be working through your system soon—whatever it is—so don’t worry.” Grabbing his cell phone off the counter, he dialed.

  “You’re needed here. We’re going to have to move. They shot her with a tranquilizer dart and then took off on a dirt bike.” His eyes glowed yellow as he took her in. Alex stood very still, the drug in the dart beginning to take effect. It was very hard for her not to pant. “Yeah, get a doctor. I have no idea what they hit her with.”

  Alex cleared her throat. “I think I have an idea.”

  Lincoln’s gaze focused on her, silver again, and she whimpered faintly. “I need…” her voice trailed off to a whisper and she leaned against the wall, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, Lincoln was in front of her, his nostrils flaring and eyes blazing amber as they focused on her. Alex’s hands shook, afraid of her reactions to his naked form, which was sculpted perfection.

  Getting a scent of her, Lincoln gripped the cell phone tightly in his hand and swallowed. Alex knew what she smelled like. It was pure pheromones, calling for a male to take her. And Alex could see Lincoln’s reaction rising—literally—before her.

  “Jax. This is bad.” Alex could hear Jax on the other end of the phone, asking for more information. “I think they shot her with something to put her in heat.” There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then a long string of cursing.

  From the Journal of Elizabeth Harcourt, 1906

  There was an earthquake yesterday. The world was rocked, and several of our buildings sustained damage. I worry for Quentin, who is in San Francisco on business. Apparently there was much death and destruction. And he would have been right in the middle of the worst of it.

  Lincoln has put on a brave face and started picking up the slack until his father gets home. Sometimes I forget he’s a man grown…I still see him as my precious grandchild, introduced to me from the cradle of my son’s arms.

  How worried I am…

  All I can do right now is pray. Please lord, spare my son.

  Chapter 12




  The repetitive sound of the axe hitting wood had almost lulled Alex into a trance. She lifted the axe again and swung, missing the hand that had placed another piece on the chopping block by less than three inches. She heard them chittering to each other about making sure they picked up the pace to keep up with her, but she tuned it out. Alex’s energy was waning, she knew the repetitive physical task helped her with her urges, but she wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep it up for. She realized it was dark, but couldn’t figure out what time it was. Time and space were blending together rather oddly for her.

  The constant healing of the blisters that formed on her hands was also beginning to grate on her nerves. But she would take blisters. At least they healed quickly.

  Alex, Lincoln and Trent were standing behind the cabin near the woodpile, Lincoln and Trent were feeding her pieces of wood to chop. At first she had looked at Lincoln like he was an idiot for suggesting the idea, but after a while she realized it was working, at least a little. For the moment. He has turned her down flat when she had tried to suggest going to the bedroom with him until the heat wore off. And although she wasn’t happy about it, she thought she understood his reasoning. Better to be prepared in case there was a second attack. He didn’t want to let the enemy catch them lying down…or vigorously fucking.

  Gareth, Davin and Jax were presumably out checking the borders of the area, making sure they were safe. They had tried to move Alex to somewhere more secure early on, but Lincoln and the car had had an unfortunate accident. Alex had gotten into the backseat. The men had talked for a minute, and then Lincoln had gone to get in the driver’s seat. He had opened the door and a wave of her scent had been released, causing all the men’s eyes to flare gold. Lincoln had torn the door off the car and tried to beat them all to death with it. By the time it was suggested they stay there, Alex thought for sure that the cops would be called by a neighbor over all the noise. Luckily, they were not.

  Since then, everyone was careful not to look at her or get too close to her. Trent had to keep taking breaks every time he got too riled up, but Lincoln had remained by her side the entire time, minus a minute to slide into a t-shirt and basketball shorts. He growled at anyone if they got too ramped up aroun
d her.

  Jax and Davin had come back with a few provisions, and Lincoln had fed her bites of jerky and given her sips of water periodically, keeping her hydrated, though her body was not interested in sustenance at this point. She could barely focus on the chopping motion without wanting to take her clothes off and rub all over Lincoln. I don’t want anyone else but him, naked and on the bed, hard and ready to let me ride him all night long until he is gasping for breath, my bites on his shoulder and chest. His hands in my hair as he presses me down into the bed, biting me. Thrusting into me from behind and pulling me up so he can sink his teeth into my shoulder. Spraying hot come all over my body until I’m sticky, sweaty, and satisfied.

  Alex realized she was standing stock still and came to. She could feel her eyes glowing yellow and her teeth descending in preparation to bite. The axe fell from her hand, her gaze on Lincoln as she salivated over the lustful thoughts her wolf was feeding to her. She could feel her inner tussle for the reigns of control, the wolf demanding she pounce on the tasty pile of man meat in front of her. She admired how tall and muscular he was, his dark hair and rugged good looks. And she remembered the sight, feel and taste of his impressive cock. She took a step toward him and felt her core clench tight as need filled her. Lincoln made a slight motion with his fingers, and Trent moved away quickly. Alex realized she had started to growl, and punched herself in the throat to make it stop. It was a light punch, but hard enough to shock some sense into herself as she gasped for air.

  “Dammit, you should leave me before I rip all your clothes off and ride you like a pony. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.”

  She heard a choked sound and looked up in time to catch the flare of interest in Lincoln’s eyes. Looking away quickly, Alex squeezed her thighs together as her body burned in agony. Turning away from Lincoln was hard, and trying to remember why she wanted to control herself around him was harder. Her mind was drawing a blank. The urge to scream in frustration rose within her as she neared her breaking point. She was smelly from the river water, sweaty and tired from chopping wood for hours on end, and feeling like this would never end. In addition, her body felt out of control, almost feral with her need.


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