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Storm- A Wings of Diablo MC Novel #8

Page 5

by Lake, Rae B.

  I walk further into the thick brush close to the back of the house. It almost turns into a full damn forest because the trees and grass are so thick. I’m sure it’s been at least a decade since anyone has been behind here. My feet begin to sink into the dirt the further I go, and I realize behind the massive mansion is a swamp. It makes sense as we are close to the coast, and there’s swampland all through the state. I don't want to go too far and fall in. Something quick moves in my peripheral vision, and I pull my gun out.

  "What's that! Who's there?" I swing around in a big circle, searching for whatever is moving. Either an animal or a person, I don't want it to sneak up behind me. Something moves again, but this time my eyes find it right away. A fucking frog.

  "You little bastard." I exhale and put my gun away. I am on complete edge right now. I take a few breaths trying to calm my body. Now I know there’s nothing to fear here, I focus on the little green animal. I've heard of folks eating frog legs before, and where there’s one frog, there's got to be more. I’ve never caught frogs, but there has to be a way. I spend the next few hours by the edge of a small pond making a net from my shirt and catching as many frogs as I can. I find twelve. I don't know how long frog meat holds, but I hope it will get us through at least three days. With the berries and apples, I found, we would be ok for a little while.

  I gather everything and make my way into the house.

  Vale is standing just inside the door when I walk in, with his gun pointed squarely at my chest. "Where the fuck have you been?" He doesn't lower the gun when he realizes it’s me. He keeps it steady and aimed directly at my chest.

  "What do you mean? I went to get us some food. Where did you think I went?" I lift the two makeshift bags in my hands. My shirt I used for the frogs and the sweater I used for the fruits and veggies I've picked.

  "I thought maybe you bitched up and tried to get a separate deal for yourself, that you went and tried to talk to someone, bringing them back here."

  "You think I went to go sell you out?" I couldn't believe it. He’s spent all this time trying to get me to trust him, but he doesn't even fucking trust me. "Get the fucking gun out of my face, Vale. You're acting like a goddamn idiot. We have to fucking eat, and I can't go anywhere but on the fucking property." I glare at him, and when he still doesn't lower the weapon, I take a quick lunge in his direction.

  He drops it then, "I know, bro. You always got my back. Just worried is all. What's for lunch?" He asks as he grabs one of the makeshift bags from my hands and looks in it.

  "What the hell is this?" Disgust is written all over his face.

  "What were you expecting? Prime rib?" I snatch the food away from him and move into what used to be the kitchen. The room is bare, except for the wood-burning stove I can use. None of this shit I know how to use, so it takes me a while to get the hang of it. Once I do, I grab a piece of flat metal and begin roasting the food, except the berries. Without spices and shit, I'm pretty sure it will taste like ass.

  "That shit done yet?" Vale comes in and looks over my shoulder at the small amount of food I’ve cooked. His face is still black and blue, but at least his eye isn't as swollen as yesterday. I can see both of them. The cut on his face has started to try healing again. I’m surprised it didn't get an infection. He's been lucky when it comes to that so far.

  "You want to cook it?" I stand back so he can take over. When he doesn't move forward, I step back up to the stove. "You can eat when the shit is ready. You asking me if it's fucking ready isn't going to make that happen any faster."

  "Whatever, don't be such an ass." He turns to leave, not surprising Vale never was one for hard work. He usually didn't want it bad enough to do it if he had to work for something.

  I find a few things I can use as plates, mostly flat pieces of wood and some broken glass. Splitting up the small amount of food I’ve cooked, I dish it up on plates for us and the captive in the basement. She needs to eat even more than Vale, and I do.

  "Hey, where's mine?" Vale asks as I walk by him with the two makeshift plates.

  "What the fuck I look like? Your bitch? It's in the kitchen. Go get it yourself before the rats get it." I snap over my shoulder and make my way down to the cell.

  I use the key and open the door, finding her sleeping in what appears to be an uncomfortable position, but at least she isn't shivering any longer.

  I touch her feet wanting her to wake up to get some food in her system.

  She jumps when she realizes someone is in the room with her.

  "Don't touch. Get away." She says in a panic.

  "Easy, easy. I have food. Just trying to give you something to eat." I show her the plate.

  Her stomach instantly grumbles loudly.

  "How do you expect me to eat it when I'm tied up like this?" She moves her shoulders around to show me that she is tied down.

  The key Vale gave me has a smaller key attached to it, which I assume is for the restraints. I undo her wrists and waist but leave the ones on her feet where they are. "There, you can eat now." I place the plate to the side of her and take a step back.

  "What did you do to it?" She asks as she looks at the food I just gave her.

  "What, nothing? Why the fuck would I do something to the food?" I don't understand why she would ask something like that.

  "Why? Well, maybe because you're one of the assholes who kidnapped me and killed one of the best friends I've ever had." She scowls at me.

  "I didn't ... " I shake my head and walk toward her. It doesn't matter what I say. She isn't going to believe me anyway. Why would she in the state she’s in? I'm the one here with the keys to her cuffs.

  "You want my plate?" I show her the plate I have for myself and swap her plate with mine. "Does that fucking suit you?"

  "Fuck you. I didn't ask to be here. If you think you giving me food will have me grateful, you’re fucking clueless. This is what you get." She leans back, completely disregarding the food at her side, but I notice she doesn't push it on the floor. She may be mad, but she isn't stupid and knows this may be the only food she might get.

  "Look, just eat. I know you didn't ask to be here. I don't want anything from you besides for you not to fucking die. That's it. I just want you to survive so we can get this shit over with. "

  "Huh, well, that's rich. Honestly, if you wanted this to be over, you’d have let me go the second you figured out what the hell he had planned. Just admit he's got you by the fucking balls. You're a dumb fuck if I ever saw one." She doesn't shy away. Maybe it's because I'm so nice to her, but I know the truth; snark runs in her blood. She really is related to Keeley. I watch her pick the plate back up and start to eat slowly. It’s been a while for her, so I’m just happy she’s putting something in her mouth.

  “Why are you staring at me eat?”

  “Because I know you haven’t. I know my brother is a dick, but he wasn’t always like that. I wasn’t always like that.” I push some of the roasted fruit around on my makeshift plate.

  “I can tell. You probably are a good guy. I spent a large chunk of my formative years around evil motherfuckers. Vale definitely fits the bill. You do not. I can see the goodness in you. The need to win with all your family intact. I’m sorry to tell you, buddy, but you’re going to have to choose a side. Someone you love is going to have to lose.” She runs a hand through her thick curly hair before she picks up another piece of food from her plate.

  “I know it. I feel so fucking stuck. That’s my brother. Before the club, before the bikers, before the money, before all of it, he was there. I don’t want to think of him being the one to lose.” I watch her pop a berry in her mouth and a bit of the juice pop out the side of her mouth, and she has to use her fingertip to wipe it off.

  I shouldn’t be so spellbound by this woman. My mind should be completely focused on not getting us killed yet, everything about her seems to connect with something I’m craving. I shake off the feeling and try to focus on my plate. “What about you? How do I make sure
you stay alive?”

  “Oh me, I’m the daughter of a high-ranking member of the Juric crime family. I’m fucking invincible.” She jokes.

  I have no choice but to laugh at that. Even through all this shit, she is still in somewhat of a good mood.

  "Yeah, I can tell you’re a Juric." I laugh and slide down to the floor to continue eating the food in front of me.

  "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She gives me a strange look.

  "I know someone in your family pretty fucking well. She's like a sister to me, at least she used to be. She has the same attitude as you do." The frog leg I shove in my mouth doesn't taste bad, but it doesn't taste good either.

  "What, who? Who do you know?"


  Her eyes go wide, and she puts the plate down to the side. "Bullshit."

  "I have no reason to lie to you. What would that get me? I mean, especially after the shit Vale and I just pulled, I doubt Keeley would see me as much of a friend anymore." I'm so ashamed to say that. Me trying to save my brother is more than just me hurting the men in my MC. I'm hurting the girls and the kids. I can't believe I let myself get caught up in this or believe Vale would do it in the first place.

  "How do you know her then?"

  "My president, I was part of a motorcycle club. He’s her husband."

  "The Wings of Diablo?" She’s starting to get the picture, finally.

  "Yeah, that's them."

  "Then why are you both doing this. If you and your brother are part of that group, why would you hurt Keeley this way? That makes no sense." She starts to get a little hysterical, clearly not understanding why I’d betray her cousin.

  "We aren't with them anymore. It's so complicated."

  "It doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be. Just do what you know is right." She stares at me, and I find myself becoming transfixed by her eyes. The way they seem to pierce deep into my soul. I stare back at her, and part of me wants her to see what I'm really like on the inside. I want her to know I don't want any of this or to harm her in any way, but I have to protect my brother.

  "Yeah, sorry, sweetness, but that isn't an option for me right now. I don't think you would understand."

  "Why would you think that? Don't call me sweetness." She snaps at me and picks up her plate to start eating again.

  "Well, what would you have me call you then?"

  "Duo, people call me Duo."

  "Duo. Cause of your eyes, I'm assuming?" I nod once. It makes sense. "I’m Storm, and my brother is Vale."

  "I don't care what your brother’s name is. He's just another dead man in my book. If you don't stop the road you’re traveling, then you’ll be joining him. You both may have every opportunity to kill me, but I promise you my father and uncle will not let this go no matter what you do. You're both setting yourselves up for disaster."

  "Well, then I guess we’re both gonna be dead men. That's my twin. We were born together, and we’ll die together." I stand and shove the final pieces of whatever is left on my plate into my mouth. I try to act tough as I walk out, making sure to close the door and lock it, but what she said hits a nerve with me. If there really is no way out of this mess, why the fuck are we doing this? If we are going to die, let’s go out like the men I know we are, not the bastard's Vale is trying to turn us into.

  "Storm! Wake up!" Vale is standing over me, shaking me.

  I open my eyes and can immediately see he’s panicked.

  "What is it? What's going on?" I look around the room, but I don't see anything alarming, just him standing there with his gun out.

  "There’s someone on the fucking property." He looks back to the window though I'm not sure what he can see. It's the dead of night, and there’s no light out there. "I saw him through the window."

  "Fuck." I hop out of bed and shove my feet into my boots. I’d fallen asleep with my clothes on in case we needed to make a run for it for any reason. I grab my gun and rush down the stairs making sure to check all my blind spots before I turn any corner. If there was one, there’s probably a dozen more. All of them waiting for one of us to mess up so they can take us out.

  "They’re here for the girl; we can't let them get to her. If they take her, that’s it for us." Vale whispers, and I follow him toward the kitchen, where the side door leads toward the back of the mansion.

  "What did you think was going to happen? Of course, they came for her. She's the fucking niece of a mob boss. Such a fucking dumb ass." I lift my gun trying, to focus my eyes, but there’s nothing here that I can see. I don't even see any animals moving. He turns to the back of the property, and I follow. When he makes his way to the back, I see something moving where I’d picked a few vegetables earlier. It is big. Definitely a person. I tap Vale and point to the movement, but I’m confused about what he’s doing. If he were here for Duo, wouldn't he be trying to break into the house and not moving back to the swamp area? Did he think we were over there?

  "Bad move, motherfucker." Vale growls and shoots his gun. The sound cracks in the night, and the man falls to the ground, holding his leg. The bullet must have struck him there.

  He cries like a baby and begs for his life. Not the sounds of a hardened assassin.

  "Vale, what the shit? Hold on a second." I rush over to the man, and when I look down at his clothing, I know why he was back here in the garden. The man is homeless and looking for food. "Fuck, he's not a goddamn assassin. He's not here for Duo." I bark at my brother.

  "For who?" He says like he doesn't even know her name.

  "Jesus Christ, just help me get him up. He's homeless and just looking for food." I bend down and try to get the man on his feet, but he is so scared he is of little help. He just stares up at my brother, who is still standing over him with the gun in his hand. It doesn't help the cut on his face is an angry red and almost glowing in the fucking moonlight.

  "Leave him there." Vale snaps, his eyes never moving from the man’s face.

  "No. Why the fuck would we leave him here? He is bleeding out, and we need to get him to the hospital so we can get his leg fixed." I try again to get the man to stand up, and this time, I'm successful. I start to walk and take the brunt of the man's weight on my shoulder. "Come on, let's get you fixed up, my man," I tell the guy, hoping to calm him down a bit. Just his fucking luck, he went to scrounge for food on a plantation supposed to be abandoned only to be shot in the leg. We hobble by Vale, and I can see the look on his face turn vicious. I don't have time to address it right now. He fucked up, and now we have to fix it. This man needs a doctor.

  "Where is the nearest-" My words are cut off at the sound of another gunshot cracking through the night sky. The bullet hits the man in the back of the head, and the velocity forces his entire cranium to snap forward. The splatter of blood and brains against the side of my face is the only thing that brings me out of my shock. I quickly let the dead man fall from my side.

  I turn toward my brother in complete disbelief. He shot him in the head when he was less than a few inches from me. If I’d have moved to the side or if he tripped, it would’ve been me on the ground with my brains becoming food for the vermin in the area. How the fuck could he do something like that?

  "Vale, what the fuck is your problem?" I yell at him and storm over in his direction while rubbing the back of my arm across my face to get the blood off my skin. It’s still warm.

  "What are you talking about? What’s my problem? What is your problem, Storm? How could you be that dumb? You just got that man killed. If you would have just left him alone as I told you, then maybe he’d still be alive." His voice is cold. There are no emotions to any of the words leaving his mouth.

  Sure, we’ve killed men who came and attacked us, but we’ve never just killed people for the fuck of it. This was the second time in less than a month he’s killed someone without just cause. What did this man do that warranted a death sentence?

  "How the hell did I get him killed? Your hopped-up ass came to get me, telling
me about the people you saw out your fucking window. That was you." I put a finger in his chest.

  "Yeah, but it was you who picked him up. You really think we could have let him get to the hospital. That shit brings cops and people sniffing around. You think we’d be able to hide out if this became a crime scene? Think next time, brother." He shrugs and turns to walk away. Logically, he was right. If we took him to the hospital, they’d have come here, and we’d have to leave with Duo. However, that didn't mean we had to kill him. We could have figured this shit out a different way.

  When I ran away with my brother, I thought I could control him, but there’s no controlling him. He will do whatever he thinks he needs to do to get ahead. If that means that he has to kill everyone in his path, then he will.

  I walk into the house, and the need to talk to someone is almost unbearable. I don't know what I'm going to do here. On the one hand, if I go against my brother, they will kill him for sure. On the other hand, if I don't, he will blow up the world to get his way, a world filled with people I still care about.

  Vale sits down near the main sitting area wall and pulls out a small bag from his pocket. He’s going to get high again after just blowing some innocent man’s head off, and the only thing he can think of is to get high. What the fuck? I turn away from him and can feel the phone heavy in my pants pocket. Maybe I could call Wire and tell him where we are. He’d come out here and take care of Vale, but then that would mean I’m killing my brother. I couldn't do that. Looking to the door leading down to the basement and wonder if I can talk to the only person I know who has no choice but to listen. Of course, she’d say shit she thinks will ensure her survival, but at least it will be another set of ears on my problem. She was right about me making it too complicated.

  Quickly walking down the stairs, I see she’s wrapped up in the sheets I gave her yesterday. I couldn’t locate any clothing for her in the mansion, so Duo is still dressed in her underwear. When the door to her cell opens, her eyes pop open, and she sits up quickly.


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