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Ascension Discovery

Page 89

by Amy Proebstel

  “I don’t know,” he mused as he considered what he should do next. “I think we should write this down and take it back to my father to see what he thinks.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Amanda looked around to find paper or a pencil.

  “I’ll be right back! Don’t take your eyes off of that page!” Riccan ordered as he rushed out of the hidden room only to return seconds later with the writing materials in hand.

  Amanda watched as Riccan transcribed the odd poem into a small notebook. This was the kind of mystery her father would love to help solve. She watched as Riccan compared the two writings and then he finally closed the notebook and shoved it into his back pants pocket. “When are you going to see your father?” she asked even as she knew Riccan was planning the trip in his head for as soon as possible.

  “I’m thinking we should probably stop in to see him before we make our appearance at work. I don’t think you understand how important this could be, Amanda. Any change in this book is very significant.”

  Amanda nodded solemnly. The poem had sounded rather ominous considering it said the Elders would fall and Riccan’s father was an Elder. She hoped nothing bad would happen to his dad. Then another thought struck her and she asked, “If the Elders fall, what would happen to Tuala?”

  “I don’t know, Amanda, and that’s what scares me!” Riccan felt slightly sick. He needed to get out of the room and back to Tuala immediately.

  “I know we had talked about going back to Tuala later this evening, but do you think maybe we should head out right now?” Amanda put the idea out there even though she really wished they could spend a few more days in seclusion at his home. She realized this was a selfish wish on her part and she needed to do something to repay Riccan for how supportive he had been in helping her find Jena.

  “Yes, I think you’re right. We need to go see my father as soon as we possibly can. Are you able to get ready to go in the next ten minutes or so?” Riccan’s mind was already racing ahead to all of the things he would need to get done before he would be ready to travel. He could not get the sense of dread out of his mind as though he were having a premonition of something bad on its way.

  “Sure,” Amanda replied as she began moving toward the open bookcase to head back to her room to pack the few things she had brought with her. She left Riccan to his own troubled thoughts as she went upstairs.

  In her room she looked at the wet bathing suit and wondered what she should do with it. She hated to leave it behind, but she worried about it getting smelly if she packed it while it was still damp. Finally, she took it into the bathroom and left it on the edge of the bathtub to dry. If nothing else, it would give her a valid excuse to come back to Riccan’s house to pick it up.

  She scanned the room and looked under the bed to see if she had accidentally left anything behind. Amanda always had a feeling she was forgetting something and had to go over every surface at least three times before she felt she must have packed all of her things. With her small bag slung over her shoulder she left her bedroom with a sense of regret for having the retreat cut short because of her insane curiosity about the book. This really was all her fault.

  Riccan was already waiting for her in the living room. He seemed quite anxious to be on his way so Amanda hurried her steps and smiled brightly as she announced, “I’m all packed and ready to make haste back to Tuala.”

  “Good! I’ve gotten everything situated here at the house. Let’s get going!” He led the way back through the kitchen and out to the garage which contained the telepod.

  When Amanda stepped through the doorway she looked around the garage in alarm. The telepod was missing! “Riccan, where did the telepod go?”

  “What?” he asked with alarm and then realized Amanda did not know he had set the invisibility cloak around the telepod while it was on Earth. “Oh, that. I shield it when it’s parked in the garage so the groundskeepers or housemaids won’t accidentally wander through here and start asking unwanted questions.” He walked confidently to the second bay and put his hand up to where he knew the palm pad was located to open the bay door.

  Amanda was relieved to see the interior of the telepod even though the outside remained hidden. She had not really thought about needing to keep the aircraft a secret while it was in Riccan’s private residence. There were a lot of things she would have to keep in mind if she planned on spending her time on both Earth and Tuala. She walked forward, entered the craft, moved through it until she was seated in the right-hand seat in the cockpit.

  Even though Riccan was anxious to see his father he still could not pass up the opportunity to instruct Amanda in the procedures to activate the telepod for flight. He patted his back pocket to make sure the notebook was still there before he sat down in his seat, fastened his seat belt, and looked over at Amanda and said, “Pay attention, I’m going to teach you your first lesson on telepod operation.”

  Amanda looked startled that Riccan even wanted to do this right now. She thought to argue, but closed her mouth when she saw the look of resolve on Riccan’s face. She merely nodded and watched attentively.

  “Press this button right here,” he pointed to a plastic circle on the dash.

  Amanda pressed it and saw the panels light up in front of both her and Riccan. “Okay, now what?”

  “When the display screens clear of all of their test messages, then you’ll press the activate button on the touchscreen.” He waited a few seconds and then pointed at the screen. “Right there.”

  “Can I do it from either screen?” she asked as she reached toward the screen in front of her and hesitated.

  “Yes, they are both identically connected to the main system. Good! Do you feel us levitating?”

  “Yes. Do I have to worry about us hitting the ceiling?” She anxiously looked up out of the windshield in front of her.

  Riccan chuckled at her reaction and then answered seriously, “No, it’s programmed to stay a few inches from the ground. However, if you are operating an older telepod then you would have to pay attention to the altitude from the moment you activated the flight switch. Good question. Now, using the touchscreen, tap on the navigate button and enter Florida Middle Ground. From that initial location we will then enter a secondary location to go to Pantano, Tuala, where my parents live.”

  “Where is Florida Middle Ground?” she asked even as she was typing it in.

  “It’s off of the west coast of Florida, it’s just a point of reference really since it’s just water below you. The actual coordinates are stored in the memory of the telepod. Here, let me show you really quick so you’ll have a visual in mind while we travel.”

  He pulled up an aerial map and pointed to the spot. He had picked that location since it was far enough away from land to keep them from being seen. He wanted Amanda to get used to the idea of traveling here on Earth where she was already comfortable before he had her move across the veil to Tuala where she would be less familiar with landmarks.

  Amanda leaned closer and could see the topography on the ocean floor was slightly different, otherwise, it just looked like water. She nodded her head and asked, “Now what?”

  “Look over the entire dash and make sure you don’t see anything lit up in red. Red is bad. If you did happen to see anything red, then you would immediately shut down the telepod and begin again. Never take off if there is any sign of trouble.”

  Amanda once again nodded, looked over the dash, and replied, “It all looks good.”

  “I agree. Now concentrate on the location we are heading and, at the same time, press the activate travel button.” Riccan did the same thing from his seat just to make sure they actually ended up where they intended.

  Everything went black as they teleported between locations. With equal suddenness they appeared over the ocean in the brightness of the morning sun. Riccan’s pleasure with the transfer immediately turned to alarm as he looked out the windshield and saw a small Cessna only a few yards out and heading straight
for them.

  There was no time to react before the two aircraft collided. All was confusion with the sound of screeching metal and breaking glass surrounding them. Riccan put his hands in front of his face to shield himself. He looked over and saw Amanda had done the same.

  Never had he imagined this was how he would die, but he was glad the last thing he would see was Amanda. Both aircraft were now falling uncontrollably to the ocean below them as an explosion of gas surrounded both structures in a ball of flame.

  Chapter Eight

  DR. JASMINE MEDIN did not like the look on Dr. Gascon’s face as he read through her latest notes from Amanda’s hypnosis session. She had been alarmed when Amanda had started screaming and saying all was lost at the end of her session. Jasmine had not thought the session would end on such a morbid note.

  “Well it looks as though we can look at this one of two ways,” Dr. Stephen Gascon declared. “One, she’s finally come to terms with the delusion she’s been having and put an end to it herself.” He tapped the end of his pencil on the notepad before he continued, “Or two, she has finally decided she doesn’t want to share with us and is declaring she would rather die than help us locate Neal Taivas.”

  Jasmine hastily sat forward and began shaking her head adamantly in denial of both assumptions. “Dr. Gascon, I think there’s a third possibility.”

  “And just what would that be, Dr. Medin?” Dr. Gascon asked almost sarcastically. He did not like her always contradicting his diagnoses. As the Cannon Memorial Asylum Director of Psychiatry, he made the decision right at that moment that it was time to let Dr. Medin go. She obviously was not going to get a confession out of Amanda and he needed to move to more drastic measures if he were to get answers by the deadline imposed by the Taivas family.

  “I think she is telling us that Neal can be found in the Florida Middle Ground!” she announced triumphantly.

  “Hmph,” he replied as he turned to his computer. He typed in Florida Middle Ground to see where exactly it was located and then shook his head. “That’s nowhere near where they were sailing. This is just another false lead on Amanda’s part.”

  “I don’t think so. Please call the Taivas family and give them the location so they can check it out,” Jasmine pleaded with her superior. She needed to buy more time to treat Amanda. She could feel her position slipping with every failed session.

  “I’d like to thank you for your efforts with Amanda, Dr. Medin,” Dr. Gascon began.

  Jasmine could feel her heart racing as she listened to Dr. Gascon. She began to shake her head in denial at what she knew would be his next words.

  “I’ve had a few matters come to my attention which concern me greatly,” he continued.

  Jasmine cocked her head and raised her eyebrows at this sudden departure from what she had imagined he would say next.

  “I’ve asked a few questions of my own and have come to the realization that you have not been following my orders.” He stopped talking to see if Jasmine were ready to admit anything to him.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked with genuine confusion.

  Understanding she was not going to admit anything he moved on and said, “The nurse’s station has told me about you picking up Amanda’s afternoon medication before her sessions with you. I also have proof you did not administer said medication, but rather you discarded it in the trash bin in your office. Do you deny this?”

  Jasmine could feel the heat rushing up her neck and into her face. She had tried to convince Dr. Gascon that the medication was interfering with her ability to conduct hypnosis sessions with Amanda. He was the one who insisted on keeping her almost comatose with the dosages he had prescribed for her. She shook her head slowly and finally admitted, “It’s true. I have been withholding the medication from Amanda.”

  An unpleasant sneer crossed Dr. Gascon’s face and he went on with his accusations. “I’ve also been informed you met with Amanda in her room without authorization. You are familiar with the asylum policy to only meet with patients in your office, are you not?”

  “Yes, Dr. Gascon, I’m aware of that policy as well. I just wanted to talk with her before her medication was administered. I only wanted to get you the answers you need. I never meant to cause any harm, I promise!”

  “Your intentions are of no concern in this matter, Dr. Medin. You have willfully violated several policies and you have put a patient in danger. I have no choice, but to let you go. Please gather your personal items from your office. I’ll have security escort you from the building in ten minutes.”

  “Please, sir, reconsider. I have built a trusting relationship with Amanda. If you take me away, then I’m afraid you might never get the answer for the Taivas family,” Jasmine pleaded again. She felt her heart sink as Dr. Gascon continued to shake his head as she spoke.

  “I’m sorry, my hands are tied. You are done here at this facility, Dr. Medin, you are fired,” he said without any emotion.

  Knowing it was impossible to argue with him any further she walked out of the office door and shut it behind her. She leaned against it with a sense of dread. Her mind was racing as she heard Dr. Gascon speaking on the phone behind her. She could not believe the next round of treatment he was suggesting for Amanda as he talked with another doctor about her case.

  Without waiting to hear any more she raced to her office and gathered her file on Amanda and shoved it in her briefcase. She pulled each of her desk drawers out and grabbed everything personal and shoved them into a copy paper box she had below her printer. Next, she took the Rolodex off of her desk and threw it into the box and looked around the office for anything else which might be of help in getting Amanda free from this madhouse.

  She opened her computer and inserted the flash drive into the side. She waited anxiously while she copied all of her case notes regarding Amanda onto the portable drive. At any moment she expected a security guard to show up and escort her from her office.

  Jasmine was just picking up the box and her briefcase when the guard showed up in her office doorway and gestured for her to leave her office. She took one last look over her shoulder as she began taking a few steps to leave this unfulfilling job. There was more than a little relief because she would no longer have to work with Dr. Gascon, but then there was equal dread that she would no longer be able to protect Amanda from his plans for her future. Each step she took away from her office felt as though it were another accusation of failure.

  As soon as she were able she was going to call the Taivas family and give them the update since she was sure Dr. Gascon had no intention of letting them know about the clue. Next she would be contacting Amanda’s parents and letting them know their daughter needed them immediately. Finally, she was going to be contacting the Psychiatric Board to get an investigation started on Dr. Gascon’s questionable tactics with the patients. She hoped it would be enough to save Amanda.


  Amanda sat on the bed in her room and wondered why Dr. Medin had missed their afternoon session. It worried her to have anything change in her schedule. The only time where she felt safe was when she was sitting in Dr. Medin’s office. As she leaned against the headboard she lifted her hand and held the crystal in her palm. She did not remember having the necklace even a few days before, nor did she recall anyone giving it to her. What she did remember was what she had told Dr. Jasmine about Alena giving it to her in a crystal ceremony.

  All of those memories were beginning to feel like a long-lost fantasy as she stared around her almost empty room. The only things of interest were the comic strips a previous patient had taped to the wall beside the door. She had never enjoyed comic strips, but she did appreciate the irony of them being here in her room.

  On impulse she decided to review all of the crystal lessons she remembered learning from Alena. The first lesson taught her how to pull the energy out of the crystal. She remembered how that was supposed to feel and she concentrated on the crystal inside her hand. It may
only have been her imagination, but she could swear she could feel the crystal growing warmer.

  Suddenly a ball of energy appeared in front of her. She smiled at her success and then moved onto the second lesson of moving the energy to a secondary location. Once again she focused her thoughts on moving the energy and was rewarded when it moved to the foot of the bed. Amanda completed the third lesson when she brought the sphere of energy back into her crystal. Either she truly had gone crazy or she had just completed the most amazing feat.

  Not wanting to think negatively, she moved on to the fourth lesson by creating a breeze across her room. She chuckled when the comics fluttered against the far wall. To perform the next lesson she needed to have water. She crawled across her bed and jumped down to walk over to the small side table where the pitcher and cup was located. She poured a small amount of water into the cup and stared down on the contents until she could see small bubbles forming at the bottom which swiftly rose until the surface was bubbling with heat as the water boiled. She picked up the cup and poured the hot water back into the pitcher.

  She poured a fresh cup and again stared at it attentively. Within moments she could see the edges starting to form crystals as the water began to freeze. Another minute went by and Amanda was pleased to see the water was completely frozen.

  She startled out of her joy when she realized the door to her room was opening. The attendant came in just as she was settling back on her bed. Without trying to act as though she were up to something other than just sitting on her bed, she smiled a simpering smile at the big man.

  “It’s time for your afternoon meds,” he announced as he went over to the side table. He picked up the pitcher and poured water into the cup on the table and looked down with surprise when he saw the ice cube lift from the bottom of the cup. He did not know what to make of it so he just shrugged his shoulders and turned to hand the cup and meds to the patient.


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