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Ascension Discovery

Page 108

by Amy Proebstel

  “I know that’s true, and I apologized to my mother for going behind her back to get it done. I know she’ll eventually get used to the idea, but she’s very stubborn.” Amanda shrugged to indicate she really had no choice.

  “I wish we could invite your folks to the ceremony here,” Nena mused as she looked over at her husband with the question in her eyes.

  “I really don’t think that’s a good idea right now,” Amanda spoke up hastily to keep the line of thought from going any further. “My mom is having enough difficulty with the fact that I’m married. You’d only be adding another level of worry for her if she knew I was not on Earth anymore!”

  “Okay, if you insist. I guess I’ll have to let the idea go,” she answered sullenly.

  Amanda remembered something which was said at the beginning of their conversation and finally thought to ask about it. “What did you mean when you told Daven about my aura complimenting Riccan’s? Are you skilled at aura reading?”

  “Why yes, I am. It’s a favorite hobby of mine. I enjoy seeing the complexities of each person and how they interact with one another. Have you gotten to the lesson on auras yet?” Nena asked.

  Daven answered for Amanda and said, “We had just gotten to that point during our last session together. I was going to ask you to take over that skill with her because I happen to know how much better you are at it than myself. Plus I thought it would give you time to grill Amanda about her intentions for our son. I guess that question has been answered,” he chuckled. “We still have time before lunch, do you want to learn a couple more skills, Amanda?”

  “I would love to, as long as you have time for it. I don’t want to put anyone to any trouble.”

  “I think we can leave you to your lesson then while Dad and I go get our bags out of the telepod. What do you think, Dad?” Riccan stood up and looked down at his father seated at the desk.

  “I think it’s a perfect idea!” He stood up slowly and kissed his wife as he walked by her. “Be easy on the girl.”

  “Oh, you go on, get out of here! Let a real teacher get this lesson done!” she said as she slapped playfully at him as he passed.

  Amanda sat on the edge of her chair in anticipation of learning the new skill. She did not know what to expect from Nena as she had from Daven. She hoped she would pick it up easily so Nena would not think she was slow at learning.

  “Okay, Amanda, I want you to clear your mind of everything except my face in front of you. I want you to pretend to look through me instead of at me. Let your eyes lose their focus slightly. I find that helps sometimes. Tell me when you’ve done all these things.”

  Amanda did as she was told. She looked through Nena and relaxed her eyes. She started to see some shimmer around Nena. With a smile of delight Amanda finally said, “Okay, I’m there. I can see a shimmer around your head.”

  “Really? Well, that’s really good. Now shift your vision, so it’s looking slightly beside the shimmer to allow it to expand.”

  Amanda once again focused on the instructions and was rewarded with a light band of colors displayed. “I see several colors around you. There’s blue, green, yellow, and a little bit of purple.”

  “Yes, that’s correct! You are quite skilled at this, Amanda. Once you learn the trick to it, you’ll be able to just glance at a person and see the aura immediately.”

  “So what do you do with it once you know the colors?” Amanda asked. She could not see where there was much value in seeing color around people.

  “That’s where this gets really fun. The colors each have a meaning. They each describe the mood, intent, or intellect of a person. Like when I saw your aura, I could tell you would be a good intellectual match for Riccan. I think we’ve done enough of this for right now. As the day goes on, try to see the aura around other people. Try not to be terribly obvious since it can make the other person quite uncomfortable to be stared at.”

  Amanda chuckled and said, “I’ll give it a try. Let me know if you see me making a nuisance of myself.”

  Nena stood up and said, “Let me show you to yours and Riccan’s room.” She waited for Amanda to come up beside her and she put her arm around her waist and gave her a little squeeze. “I’m so excited you and Riccan found one another. It’s such an amazing story, too!”

  “Yes, I agree. The sad part is that I’ve known Riccan through my dreams far longer than he’s known me. I’m glad he could see past the weirdness and trust me anyway. I was terribly concerned he would turn me away and not want to talk with me.” Amanda sighed and then smiled and said, “But it all worked out in the end. I still have a hard time thinking I have a husband. It thrills me just to say it and to think he’s Riccan just makes it that much more special.”

  “I’m so glad for you both. We’re going to have a lot of time to get to know one another,” she said as she steered them down the hall and up a flight of stairs.

  Amanda had not been paying much attention to where they had been walking. Now she took notice and realized they were in the family’s private portion of the Residence. The downstairs was very plush and formal whereas the upstairs was more homey and informal. Amanda decided she preferred the upstairs better.

  After passing a few doors, Nena turned them to a door which was slightly ajar. “Here’s your room,” she said as she pushed the door fully open. “Oh, good. The men have already brought your luggage upstairs. Let’s get your things unpacked and hung up so they won’t be too wrinkled.”

  Amanda was not sure how she felt about Nena seeing all of her stuff, but she decided she would have to get used to having another overbearing mother. At least Nena was not concerned about Amanda’s every movement. She walked over to her suitcase and unzipped it. She began pulling out the articles of clothing while Nena hung them up in the closet. They made quick work of it as a team. Finally, Amanda pulled out the outfit she had received from Barla. She shook it out and admired it once again in the streaming sunlight.

  “What’s that you have, Amanda?” Nena asked with a curious expression on her face. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes before she asked, “Where did you get this?”

  “My Aunt Barla had it made for me. I remember it from my dream, and I was wearing it when I was found by the paramedics on Earth. They sent it home with me when I finally left the hospital.”

  “Amanda, are you sure you’re not mistaken?”

  “Of course I’m sure. This is the outfit I remember.”

  “There’s something strange going on. Can I take a look at that?” Pulling the garment from Amanda’s slack fingers, she moved closer to the window and pulled back the cuff of the sleeve to reveal the maker’s mark. “Oh, no! It’s as bad as I thought!” she whispered to herself.

  “What is it?” Amanda went to join her at the window.

  “I haven’t seen this mark on anything for over fifteen years.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “I’m not sure just now.” Nena realized she should not tell Amanda what she knew until she had more facts. “We should go down and find the men.” She promptly hung the outfit in the closet next to all of the others as though it were no different.

  Amanda was still wondering what Nena had meant when she had seen the outfit from Barla, but she soon forgot to think about it when she saw Riccan walking toward her from the far end of the hall. “Thank you for bringing up my bag. Our room is lovely,” she said when they came together to hug and give one another a light kiss on the lips.

  Nena pulled Daven to the side and said quietly, “We need to talk alone.” She gave him a significant look and watched as Daven nodded confirmation of her request.

  Riccan noticed his parents talking softly to one another and suggested to Amanda, “Why don’t I show you around the grounds?”

  “Sure, I’d like that,” Amanda readily agreed.


  “Have you heard anything back from your request to Jehoban?” Nena asked urgently.

  “Not yet. Why?” Dave
n tilted his head in question at his wife’s sudden urgency.

  “I just discovered something very odd in Amanda’s wardrobe. I think Amanda needs to see Jehoban as soon as possible.”

  “Okay, let’s go to my office and see if there is a reply. Shall we?” Daven offered his arm to his wife. They walked together at a stately pace.

  Daven sat down at his desk and turned on his patil. He clicked on the message button and waited a few seconds for it to refresh the messages. “Oh, look! We have a response.”

  “Well? What are you waiting for? Open it up!”

  “No, I think we’ll wait to see what it says until Amanda is present.”

  “Let’s go get them and drag them back here then!” Nena was oddly insistent.

  “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Something odd is going on, and I want some answers. It seems as though Jehoban is the only one who will be able to supply the answers I’m looking for when it comes to Amanda’s history. There’s more to her story than even she knows.” Nena jumped up from her chair and marched out of the office.

  It had been a good long while since she had last used Riccan’s birth crystal to locate him, but she felt it was imperative she find him immediately. After only a couple of seconds, Nena saw the couple down by the pool. She marched to where they were and waved as she got close enough. “We have a message from Jehoban! Come to your father’s office.”

  Riccan nodded confirmation and changed direction to make a beeline for the Residence’s side entrance. He was just as anxious as Amanda, but he did not want to show his concern to his wife. She was already nervous enough about the encounter.

  After only a few minutes everyone was, once again, reconvened in the office. Riccan began the conversation by asking, “Okay, Dad, what does the message say?”

  Amanda sat on the edge of her chair. While she did not know what to expect, she had a feeling, for good or bad, her life would never be the same after she met with Jehoban.

  Daven clicked on the message and leaned forward as he read the message out loud. “I’m glad to hear Amanda has returned. I’ve been waiting a long time for her to come visit.”

  Follow Amanda’s amazing adventures in


  Dear Reader,

  Thanks for watching out for Amanda, even if it were a little stressful.

  This may seem like an understatement…until you delve into Answering Ascension. This time Amanda needs to meet with the Creator of the Universe.

  Although it’s dangerous, Amanda’s need to find her children cannot be denied. It feels like fate has conspired against her. What will she learn from Jehoban and will it change her entire future?

  You’ll love this next installment in the Levels of Ascension fantasy series, because the stakes have never been higher.

  Get it now.


  Amy Proebstel

  P.S. Reviews are the easiest way for people to know a book is amazing. Please spread the word by leaving a great review. I am very appreciative and I read every review. I love to hear what parts of the story speak to you.


  Ahn – / ah n / – Husband of Barla. Father of Gravin and Rasa. Harbor Master at the Port of Cresdon in Thulen. Former shipping captain.

  Alena – / ah leyn a / – Born Ab 26, 3417. Maiden name: Bellen. Marriage Date: Tishri 16, 3436. Wife of Bryon. Mother of Justan and Kyelon. Adoptive mother to Jena and Juila. Trained as a wise-woman.

  Amanda – / uh man duh / – means ‘beloved.’ Born September 28, 1972, in Florida. Maiden name: Covington. Daughter of Chris and Diane. Former fiancé of Nealand. Mother of Juila and Jena. Cousin to Gravin and Rasa.

  Andera – / an dair uh / – Born Tishri 12, 3439. Daughter of Zeka. Betrothed to Justan. First-daughter of Bryon and Alena.

  Andy Brun – / an dee broohn / – Neighbor friend of Riccan’s on Earth. Involved in rock throwing trouble.

  Angie – / an jee / – Nealand’s new girlfriend.

  Barla – / bahr luh / – Born January 21, 1945, in Wisconsin. Maiden name: Silnack. Formerly known as Barbara. Sister of Diane. Aunt of Amanda. Wife of Ahn. Mother of Gravin and Rasa.

  Bistea – / bis tee uh / – Vendor at the marketplace in Kirma. Patient of Alena’s.

  Bryon – / brahy uh n / – Born Heshvan 2, 3416, in Kirma. Surname: Kesh. Marriage Date: Tishri 16, 3436. Husband of Alena. Father of Justan and Kyelon. Former adoptive father to Jena and Juila. Manager of Kirma Shipping and Receiving.

  Celia – / see lee uh / – Surname: Scamp. Gypsy family who stayed with Thomas Rockwood in France around 1800. Wife to Sampson. Mother of a sick daughter who received help from Thomas.

  Ceren – / sair in / – Born approximately 3412. Adopted son of Ahn and Barla. Works at the Port of Cresdon for Captain Ahn.

  Chelesa – / chuh lay suh / – Wife of Elder Debbon. Mother of Willian.

  Chris – / kris / – Surname: Covington. Husband of Diane. Father of Amanda and two other daughters.

  Cleon – / klee on / – Transport operator at Kirma Shipping and Receiving.

  Copa – / kohp uh / – Wise-woman for the district of Desio. Person who healed Ninan.

  Corva – / kor vuh / – Foster child of Ahn and Barla. Her parents died in a house fire.

  Crysta – / kris tuh / – Head maid at Elder Debbon’s estate.

  Daven – / dav uhn / – Surname: Stel. Son of Edwin and Murisa. Husband of Nena. Father of Riccan. Brother of Sanda, Stina, Phen, Zuna, Rucen. Student of Jehoban. Elder whose base of power is on Pantano.

  Debbon – / deb uhn / – Elder whose base of power is on Elder Isle. Husband of Chelesa. Father of Willian.

  Denana – / day naw nuh / – Employee in the Engineering Department at Telepod Engineering Company.

  Diane – / dahy an / – Born October 1, 1947. Maiden name: Silnack. Sister of Barbara and Saul. Wife of Chris. Mother of Amanda and two other daughters.

  Dr. Flores – / flohr ez / – The doctor treating Amanda in the hospital in Cancun.

  Edwin – / ed win / – Surname: Stel. Husband of Murisa. Father of Daven, Sanda, Stina, Phen, Zuna, Rucen. Rucen died in a telepod accident when he was just twenty-two. Engineer at the Roswell Museum. Started a Construction Supply Company on Tuala. Started a Consulting Business when they moved to Acaim when Daven was six.

  Ela Nena – / eluh nay nuh / – Married name: Dunless. Wife of Teden Dunless. Executive VP of Customer Operations at Telepod Engineering Company. Riccan’s boss.

  Ellen – / el uh n / – Mother of Barla, Saul, and Diane. Maiden name: Hill. Married name: Silnack.

  Farmer Joe – Washington asparagus farmer and former owner of the outhouse used by Riccan for senior prank.

  Fordin – / ford in / – Former seaman friend of Ninan. Confidant of Ninan’s dealings with Petre.

  Frasnia – / fraz nee uh / – Secretary at Kirma Shipping and Receiving.

  Gatson – / gat suh n / – Personal body guard for Elder Debbon. Main home is on the Elder’s Islet at the seat of power.

  Gilora – / gil or uh / – Employee at Telepod Engineering Company under Riccan. Interviewer of Amanda.

  Gravin – / gra vin / – Born Elul 30, 3421, in Port of Cresdon. Son of Ahn and Barla. Brother of Rasa. First cousin of Amanda.

  Gwenda – / gwen duh / – Employee at Telepod Engineering Company under Riccan. Interviewer of Amanda.

  Hashma – / hash muh / – A prostitute at the Lookout Tavern. Filed a sexual assault lawsuit against Petre. Mother of Petre’s child.

  Issyn – / ih sin / – Shipping captain who rescued Amanda from swimming. Friend of Captain Ahn. Main port of call is Port of Cresdon.

  Jasmine Medin, MD – / med in / – Doctor at Cannon Memorial Asylum under Dr. Stephen Gascon.

  Jehoban – / juh ho ban / – Means ‘of all the people’ who is the creator of everything. Earth equivalent: God.

  Jena – / jen uh / – Born Iyar 22, 3443, in Kirma. Daughter of Amanda. Twin sister of Juila. Fir
st-daughter of Elder Debbon and Chelesa. Betrothed to Willian.

  Jenny – / jen ee / – A dance team member from Amanda’s high school.

  Jern – / jurn / – A trusted friend of Bryon’s.

  Jesisca – / jes is kuh / – The name given to Amanda from Petre.

  Jessa – / jes uh / – The name given to Elder Debbon from Petre for Jena’s mother.

  Jessica Taivas – / jes i kuh tay vuhs / – Wife of Nealand Taivas Sr. Mother of Nealand Taivas Jr.

  Jonan – / jawn uhn / – Bullying neighbor of Ahn and Barla.

  Jose – / hohz ey / – Mexican man who found Amanda on the beach in Cancun.

  Juila – / joo ee luh / – Born Iyar 22, 3443, in Kirma. Daughter of Amanda. Twin sister of Jena.

  Justan – / juhs tan / – Born Elul 21, 3439, in Kirma. Surname: Kesh. Son of Bryon and Alena. Betrothed to Andera. Brother of Kyelon.

  Kanekoa – / kan eh koh uh / – Person who sells her house to Ninan in Kirma.

  Kendon – / ken duhn / – Employee at Telepod Engineering Company under Riccan. Interviewer of Amanda.

  Kenen – / ken un / – Manager of the telepod crystal quarry in Beewa.

  Kiya – / kahy uh / – A wise-woman in training with Alena.

  Kyelon – / kahyl on / – Born Tishri 30, 3440, in Kirma. Surname: Kesh. Son of Bryon and Alena. Brother of Justan.

  Lana – / law nuh / – Maiden name: Gurdin. Receptionist at Telepod Engineering Company in Durseni.

  Lillia – / lil ee uh / – A Tualan who gave a crystal skull to Maria’s family in Campeche, Mexico. Girlfriend of Lucinden. Keeper of the master samara.

  Lindon – / lin duhn / – A friend of Bryon’s who took him to Earth as a teenager.

  Lucinden – / loo sin den / – One of the original angels of Jehoban. He confronted Jehoban for rule of the people and Jehoban banned him and his followers to Tuala.

  Maria – / mah ree ah / – The keeper of the crystal skull in Campeche, Mexico.


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