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Curvy Delights: Billionaire Romance BBW Boxset

Page 33

by Tara Brent

  "You were thinking just as I was that Peter was a good man," Amber whispered to her.

  I can see that the women have been through thick and thin together. I don't say anything. There's nothing for me to say. Amber has it handled and I continue to listen though I'm now staring out the window.

  I hear Rosie crying a fresh set of tears. She's replaying what happened in the apartment and the more she does the more painful it will become for her.

  The driver pulls up to Rosie's and I get out to open the door for them. Going into the house with them and shutting the door behind me.

  “You can take off. I have it from here.” Amber gives me a smile over her shoulder, a smile that thanks me for being there, for helping.

  I stand in the living room in the soft light of the lamp that's sitting on the stand. Giving her a small smile of my own I nod my head.

  Watching the two go down the small hallway and enter what I assume is Rosie's bedroom I hear the door quietly click behind them.

  What was meant to be a wonderful night was now ruined by one man.

  There's nothing else to do, I sit down on the off-white couch, looking around the living room I see pictures of Rosie and Amber from the flower shop. I see them standing outside with smiles on their faces. The shine of happiness in their eyes.

  I can see why they're so close. They have had great times together, good memories, sharing passions and life with each other.

  Rosie is the one who helped keep Amber together, I could see that. Just as well as Amber was keeping her together tonight. Being there for her no matter what, dropping everything.

  Amber is noble, she's humble and it makes me feel guilty for up and leaving the way I did all those years ago.

  What matters now is that I am here. I've come back and it's time to show Amber the man that I should've been. This is my second chance and I'm not going to mess it up.

  I think about Dustin and know that he's safe. As his father, I know that he's going to turn into a decent man. Nothing like Peter. I pray that I'm doing enough for him, that I'm doing all the right things to show Dustin the rights and wrongs of life. I hope that Dustin is like me. That he's willing to help when he can. If he can. That he always does the right thing, even in the heat of the moment...just like his dad.

  I get up and walk around the living room. It's not a very big one, but I take a closer look at the pictures that line the wall. Their faces so happy, smiling for the camera and there's one picture of Rosie with an older woman. I am guessing her mother.

  Chapter 11: Amber

  “Everything was going so well, we went to his apartment and we started talking. I don't know what happened from there.” Rosie explains to me.

  “It's alright, you're safe now. Let's get you into bed and call it a night.” I whisper to her, getting her to lie down then I cover her up.

  I watch as she closes her eyes, then I brush a strand of her hair away from her face and shake my head.

  Rosie is too good of a woman to have such bad luck with men. She will do anything for anyone and all she gets is crap in the end. I don't know how she does it. She's stronger than I will ever be.

  I wait until I hear her heavy breathing, sleep finally taking its toll on her along with the trauma of the night. Her body finally relaxing.

  I move away from the bed and slowly head for the door, leaving the door open just a crack and making my way down to the living room my eyes show the surprise of seeing Logan still there waiting. Waiting patiently.

  “I told you, you didn't have to wait.” I smile at him, relieved that he was there.

  "I'm not going anywhere. The way you handled tonight, the selfless act, I knew you were a good friend. I just didn't know to what extent until tonight. The take-charge kind of woman. Who would drop everything, when her friend needs her." Logan gives me a small smile and I smile back at him.

  “I'm not going to leave her here. I don't want her waking up and seeing that no one is here.” I tell him.

  I am sure he thought it was over, that we were just going to go home after I came out of the room. I look for signs that maybe he's frustrated, maybe this wasn't part of his plan for the evening but it wasn't part of mine either.

  “I'm not leaving either. This is when she needs you the most and I'm going to be here for you. I'm going to show you that I'm not going anywhere.” Logan assures me with a smile as he wraps his arm around me.

  I lean into him, feeling safe in his arms. It's been a long time since someone has held me. Since I've felt secure. The last time was in Logan's arms. The comforting touch, the smell of him so close to me. My hearts pounding so hard, I wonder if he hears it if he feels it.

  Sitting there for a few minutes I can hear the clock ticking, my eyes grow wide at the time.

  "If we're going to stay here, we better get some sleep," I tell him, though the last thing on my mind is sleep.

  “I agree.” He gives me a grin and I feel his arm fall away from me.

  "There are blankets in the closet." I point at the closet door on the other side of the room.

  Walking over to it he takes out a few blankets to lie on. Throwing one at me, we both laugh as I stretch out my legs and get comfortable.

  I do feel bad for him, having to lie on the floor. Logan doesn't complain though as I hand him a couch cushion to put under his head for a pillow.

  Thinking about how the night had gone up until Rosie called and I feel a smile come across my face. I'm glad that Logan's back. I have to admit it to myself.

  "Goodnight Amber," Logan calls up to me from the floor.

  “Good night Logan.” I smile down at him before I rest my head on the arm of the couch and close my eyes.

  All the time that we'd missed out on with each other, five years is a long time, it's better to see him now than not at all. To know that he has come back here for good puts a song in my heart. It gives me butterflies.

  Though it wasn't right, he had to deal with it himself, the guilt of leaving and the demons that chased him away. However, now that he's back, he’s not going anywhere.’

  I feel myself drifting off to sleep and as I do I feel a small smile creep across my face.

  Chapter 12: Logan

  It's been a long week, I haven't seen Amber since the night we helped Rosie. We've talked on the phone. But now it's Friday. Dustin is going to spend time with Grandma and I'm going to spend time with Amber.

  Quickly leaving work for another weekend, I call Amber's cell phone.

  "Yeah?" She asks. I can hear a smile in her voice.

  “How about we go out to dinner tonight?” I ask, feeling a smile come across my own face.

  The sound of her voice drives me crazy so close in my ear.

  “Yeah, I need time to go home and shower.” She laughs at me.

  "I'm picking you up from the shop," I told her, shaking my head.

  I love the way she looks without her even dressing up. There's beauty in everything she does. Including the way she walks.

  “We don't have the time for that, I'm hungry now.” I roll my eyes, shaking my head. Though she can't see it.

  “Fine,” she sighs at me.

  "You're beautiful no matter what you're wearing, you don't need to dress up.," I assure her, hearing her laughing I can almost see her rolling her eyes at me.

  Pulling up at the flower shop I waited for her while she and Rosie were finishing up. Rosie looks okay, almost as if nothing has happened but I know that it's just a cover. Amber is right, Rosie's a strong woman. A very strong woman.

  The second she comes out and got in the car I smiled at her, took the chance to kiss her quickly on the lips.

  She wasn't expecting it. Amber's eyes shine when she looks at me. I know that I made the right move.

  “You hungry?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at her.

  “If I'm not?” She teases me.

  “Then we won't eat right now.” I shrug, letting her know it's no big deal.

  “You know I'm starving.” Ambe
r laughs and throws her head back against the seat as I pull away from the curb.

  We get a quick bite to eat and talk about how our work week had gone. Looking into her eyes I can feel the desire rising of wanting to hold her in my arms. Wanting to feel her body pressed against mine.

  “What are you thinking about?” Amber pursed her lips and smirked at me just seconds after.

  I love how she does that, how she can make my heart skip a beat without meaning to, without even knowing that she has.

  “You.” I lick my lips and give her a grin of my own.

  I hold her eyes with mine. Her face red, flushed, but I can't tell if it's the lighting or if it's her.

  Amber lowers her eyes to her empty plate. She’s just devoured a cheeseburger with fries. Reaching for her drink she sucks from the straw and I fight back a growl, wishing it was me she was sucking on.

  “Are you ready?” I ask her, raising my eyebrows and finishing my drink before putting it back down on the table.

  “I am.” She nods her head and we get up so I can pay for our bill.

  “Is there anything else on the agenda?” Amber asks me, I can tell she's wondering if I'm just going to drop her off and head back to my house.

  I just grin at her as she knows I don't want to end the night early. Dustin is at Grandma's and we can have all night together. It's the weekend after all.

  I watch as she gets into the car then I get in on the driver's side and start it. Pulling out of the little restaurant, I start to head back to her place.

  Seeing the frown on her face I don't want to disappoint her, but I want to see if she might have any plans herself. The closer and closer we get to her house, I see that she's just looking out the window.

  I didn't want to just drop her off at the house, so I pull off onto the side of the road as the sun was beginning to set.

  “What are we doing here?” Amber looks over at me, a confused smile on her face

  The way she's looking at me right now I can't help but lean over and kiss her hard on the mouth. My heart is racing, my hands sweating as I bring them to the sides of her neck.

  I hear her moan against my mouth and kiss me back just as hard. We've needed this. We haven't been this intimate since Rhett's memorial service and right before I walked out on her.

  Closing my eyes tightly I kiss her harder and harder. Feeling our tongues slip and slide against each other. I don't dare open my eyes and see her watching me. It feels like I will die right here if I open my eyes and see her staring back at me.

  We break the kiss only because we need to come up for air. Our lips are just inches from each other, both of us breathing heavily and both of us have a smile on our face.

  She parts her lips and I want to bite her lower plump lip. Teasingly of course. There are so many things I want to do with her here and now.

  “Back to your house?” I ask in a whispered voice.

  I watch as she bites down on her lip and nods her head. She's blushing and I can see that she's nervous.

  Pulling away from her, I start the car and pull away from the side of the road. We're not too far from her house. Parking outside her house we get out of the car. I can see Grandma’s home across the street and for just a second, I think about going over to check on Dustin but I know he’s all right. I know that he's well taken care of.

  Grandma would scold me for coming over to the house knowing I'm on a date with Amber, her favorite person in the world. I roll my eyes before I walk to the other side of the car and take Amber's hand in mine.

  She takes out her house key and I can see that her hands are shaking as she puts the key in the hole. Unlocking the door and letting us in.

  Its mere seconds after I close the door and I bring her into my arms again. My hands tightly on her hips, bringing her closer to me so she can feel how much she turns me on.

  Hearing her moan against my mouth my heart flutters in my chest. We've waited for this for so long and now it was here, I don't want to rush a thing. I want it to last; I want to remember every detail of the lovemaking session that we are about to experience.

  To have Amber in my arms again and for her not to be afraid it makes my heart sing. I have that fleeting feeling, it's fantastic. It's amazing. I don't think that I can even explain how good she makes me feel. The only way I can explain it is to express it.

  Expressing my emotions for her isn't the hard part, it's always putting into words just how much I feel for her. The strong vibes that have always been there between us. We can just tell with a look we want each other.

  “I need you.” I let the words fall from my lips, my voice shaking but my hands firmly around her.

  I am sure that she can feel my heart racing a mile a minute against hers, our bodies mashed against each other. So close that I don't even think a piece of paper could slip between us.

  Chapter 13: Amber

  And here we are. I never thought that we would get this far. I've dreamed about it but never thought we would actually be in this moment. The moment I thought I would die for if I didn't get it.

  Now here I am, my heart racing and feeling insecure about my weight. Though Logan doesn't seem to have a problem with it. We make our way to my bedroom. I can't back out now, even if I wanted to.

  "It's all right," Logan assures me as he closes the door behind him and slowly begins to undress me.

  My white shirt slides off easily after he unbuttons it. Standing in my bra and slacks, I want to cover myself but the look in Logan's eyes tells me not to. That he likes what's in front of him. I giggle slightly, nervously. This is my first time and it's a dream come true that it's with Logan of all men.

  He slowly reaches to the back of me and unclasps my bra; I let the straps slide down my arms and off my hands. Watching it as it falls to the floor. Not looking up at Logan, I can see his hands are sliding upward to settle at the sides of my breasts. My nipples are hard and it's easy to see that I'm turned on.

  Before he undresses me completely, he pulls his shirt up over his head and tosses it to the floor with one big motion.

  His masculine body is turning me on more and more. My eyes look over his hard chest and his rippled muscles then my eyes settle on his waist.

  Logan's fingers unbutton his pants and my eyes are mesmerized, like I'm in a trance. I watch, as he unzips them and kicks off his shoes. Dropping his pants to the floor and stepping out of them, stepping closer to me.

  Swallowing hard, I slip out of the shoes I've been in all day. My feet thank me for the freedom as I feel them grow comfortable on the rug beneath them.

  I gasp as Logan slides my slacks down my legs and his eyes stay on the pink thongs I have on.

  "Very nice." He growls and nods his head. The smile on his face grew wider.

  “Thanks. I try.” I laugh, breaking the tension I'm feeling since we've been back to my place and knowing I must tell him...

  “Logan, I have to tell you something” I hesitate, “I’ve never done this before, this will be my first time”

  I see so much love in his eyes after I tell him. I know he’s shocked but at the same time he’s happy that I waited for him.

  Logan slowly brings his lips to the side of my neck and I feel his soft lips touch my warm skin. His hands are back on my body, bringing me to the bed. Bringing me down slowly, as my hair falls in waves around my face.

  His eyes are full of passion when he pulls his lips away from my neck. It is the desire I remember seeing the night he left. Only this time he's unapologetic about where we are. Knowing this time we will go all the way, and that we couldn’t wait.

  Without saying a word, I know he wants me. He doesn't have to put it in words. Bringing his mouth to my hard nipples. Kissing one of them and then the other, his body is over mine, just inches from lying down on top of me.

  I feel as if I need to cover myself but before I get the chance to, he slowly slips off my thong and straddles me, his hands running up and down my curves. Playing with my skin. He has a grin
from ear to ear when his eyes roam over my body.

  "You have no idea how beautiful you are, with these delicious curves," Logan says passionately, his voice low and steady and I can hear that it's about to crack.

  My body relaxes for him, the assurance that I need is in his eyes. The way he looks at me I can see that I'm everything he wants and more. Words don't mean anything; it’s what he does to me, for me...

  Slowly he pushes my legs apart and I cover my mouth. In just a few seconds we are going to be one and I'm nervous but excited at the same time. It feels like I'm on a roller coaster ride. My head is spinning and my pussy is getting wetter by the second.

  My legs spread easily for him, though they are shaking and we haven't even begun yet. I want to make this as easy as it can be for the two of us. I can see that he wants to make it easy for me.

  I can feel the head of his cock slip between my lips, not towards my pussy right off. He takes control of his cock and very slowly slides the smooth head of it up and down my clit. Making me gasp first and then moan for him.

  “Logan.” My voice raspy, my eyes wide.

  He only smiles at me, telling me that he knows that he's pleasing me, that he will be gentle. I can see so much love in his eyes, knowing he is the first one to touch me in this way.

  As he slides the head of his cock up and down my clit faster and faster, I feel the room spinning more and more. Logan is driving me crazy and I wonder if I'm going to survive our lovemaking.

  I clutch onto his arms, digging my nails into his forearms, biting down harder on my lip as I close my eyes tightly. I want him more than I've ever wanted him, more than I've ever longed for him.

  Chapter 14: Logan

  Looking at her beautiful body I know that Amber is a little shy when it comes to me seeing her naked. It's the first time ever that I've seen her naked, I drink her in with my eyes. The smile on my face assuring her that I like everything in front of me that her body has to offer. I can feel her clit swelling against the head of my cock. I don't tell her but my cock is throbbing for her. It's aching for her.


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