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Naughty Christmas Wishes

Page 2

by Jennifer Denys

  “Not there. Hmmm. Maybe in the kitchen.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief as he left the room, and started to assess her situation. She was no longer on the tree, but at least she wasn’t stuffed away in a box missing out on all the Christmas celebrations this year, even if she had lost her job.

  Yeah, but how long can I remain here for? Her main worry was whether they would throw her in the trash, now.

  Listening hard, no one appeared to be coming that way, so Fay took a chance and crawled out from the cupboard. Standing with her hands on her hips, she tried unsuccessfully to straighten out her even more bent wings, wondering what to do next. She was in a strange position, not knowing what to do with herself. She had been very annoyed when Mr. Sinclair declared last Christmas that people put their decorations up far too early these days and so she had to stay in the box for longer than usual. But now she had time on her hands, she didn’t know what to do with it.

  Fay’s attention was drawn to the window where the curtains were still open so she clambered up the chair to look out. Leaning her elbows on the windowsill, she could see lots of houses, brightly lit in the darkness of a winter evening, with snowflakes gently falling. It was a pretty sight. Looking up, there was a star twinkling down at her. She sighed.

  I wish I knew what to do next.

  The star seemed to grow brighter and she had to blink a few times. Then an idea suddenly came to Fay.

  Hey, I can go out on the town, after all, I’m a free agent, now.

  Swiftly climbing off the chair, Fay ran to the door. Sticking her head around the corner to ascertain if the coast was clear, she nodded to herself when she saw the hallway was empty and turned to look up at the angel.

  “I’m rockin’ around the Christmas tree… Bye bye. Have a great time. I certainly will.”

  Chapter Three

  It was exciting sneaking out. Fay gave a cheery wave to the angel who glared down at her.

  “Where do you think, you’re going?” her nemesis hissed at her, nearly tearing her dress as she struggled to get off the tree.

  Stopping in the doorway, Fay turned with a big grin on her face and said, “Off to a bar I know. Want to join me? Oh, what a pity. You’re stuck up there and can’t leave. Have a good night.”

  After running down the hallway for the quick exit via the cat flap in the door, Fay laughed as she heard cursing coming from the other room. When this was followed by a scream of sheer panic, Fay stopped still. And then came the crash she expected.

  Oh dear. Pretty new angel has fallen off the tree. That had happened to Fay on several occasions. The poor little thing will just have to get herself back up.

  Now she was outside, she took in several deep breaths, enjoying the freshness of the cold air on her lungs and giggling as snowflakes splattered against her face. Running to the corner of the fence, she peered out. There were lots of people, but as they all seemed so occupied, she took a risk and started up the street.

  As Fay walked to the bar, she made snowballs and threw them up at windows, standing stiffly when the occupants stared out, pretending that she was as toy-like as all humans seemed to think they were.

  She giggled happily as she jumped from one virgin snowdrift to another, all the time trying to forget what had happened at home. Despite having bare feet, like all dolls, she didn’t feel the cold, thankfully.

  “I’m going to enjoy myself and have a fabulous night doing things I don’t usually get a chance to do. So there!”

  The streets looked beautiful with vivid decorations strewn from one side of the road to the next, wreaths festooned with ribbons on doors, holly bushes with masses of red berries in front gardens. Fay also spied a man selling roasted chestnuts. It was a winter wonderland.

  Near a big store, a reindeer stood next to a fake Santa. They were surrounded by children wanting to pat it.

  “Ho ho ho, children. One at a time, please. Rudolph isn’t going anywhere for a few hours, yet.”

  The reindeer turned its head as Fay sneaked past and they shared a knowing wink. It wasn’t Rudolph, at all. In fact, it was Cupid.

  Several families were finishing their Christmas shopping, staggering home with an enormous Christmas turkey, or mountain of presents. The glee on the children’s faces as they skipped alongside their parents was just like the expressions on the faces of Master and Miss Sinclair when they opened their presents sitting under the tree each year.

  As Fay got closer to the bar and more and more stores closed up for the holiday season, her heart got heavier. It reminded her of Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair arriving home laden with bags of decorations to be displayed, food for the table or presents to be wrapped—usually when the children were otherwise occupied. It had been fun to watch them unpack, seeing what wonderful things they had bought.

  “This is no white Christmas. Just a blue one!”

  She sighed deeply as she turned a corner and made her way to Pogue’s bar, a tall, thin building which had hotel rooms above. It was sandwiched at the end of a street between a store and a wall. Despite the street now being empty, it always amazed her that humans just didn’t seem to notice the building where all sorts of paranormal creatures came and went with no one noticing.

  Fay snorted. Humans were more blinkered than reindeer at times. They probably thought it was just more wall.

  By the time she arrived, she was feeling sad and lonely. Her family might have rejected her, but she still loved them.

  Pushing open the door, Fay saw the bar was full of creatures making merry. She sighed again. All except her. She nearly turned around and went home. But then she remembered she didn’t have a home anymore. Sidling in, she made for an empty barstool she spied down the other end of the room.

  The bartender moved forward to see what she wanted. He was a big, burly troll, one she had seen in there before.

  “Mulled wine, please.”

  He plonked the goblet in front of her. It was steaming and spicy—just the way she liked. Picking it up, she took a long swallow, the alcohol hitting her knotted stomach with a punch.

  “Want to talk about it?” the bartender asked in a deep, gruff voice.

  She shrugged. “Let’s just say I’ve lost my job and it’s Christmastime and I’m about to drown my sorrows, so keep the mulled wine coming.”

  “Sure thing, girlie. Let me know if you need anything else. Just don’t be lonely this Christmas.”

  Fay considered whether the troll meant something else by that statement. She shook her head, sadly. He wasn’t her type. She generally preferred handsome, hunky guys—and ones who were younger than her, not a hundred years’ older.

  “Hey, gorgeous girl. How’s everything with you?”

  Whipping her head around so quickly she nearly got neck strain, Fay looked to see who had just spoken. It was an off-duty elf—one of those she lusted after. Unfortunately, he wasn’t speaking to her. She studied the newcomer who had just arrived. Like most elves, he was tall and slender with beautiful features. The cheekbones on this particular elf were incredible. Fay’s emotions wavered from envy to lust.

  All I want for Christmas is you!

  “Hiya, King. You finished for this year?” A nymph gave King a broad grin and reached out to drape herself over him.

  Fay snorted, but couldn’t tear herself from watching.

  The elf ran a hand down the nymph’s back and batted her backside. “Yep. Now for some much-needed relaxation with the guys.”

  Leaning over the counter, the bartender said, “Hey, King. Don’t you be getting up to mischief? My bar still bears the marks from last year’s revelry.”

  As Fay wondered with intrigue exactly what had happened the previous year, King turned to the bartender, who was positioned at the other end of the bar. The elf’s eyes seemed to look straight through Fay. “Awww. It was just a bit of fun. Here are the others coming now. I promise to keep them in line.”

  Bursting through the door singing, “When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney,” came
three more elves. Fay watched them collapse into chairs around King’s table. While King had long brown hair and stunning green eyes, the one next to him was the total opposite, with a shock of short white hair on his head, which made his sapphire-blue eyes seem even more vivid. Despite that, he was really quite gorgeous, with an intense gaze that swept past her as he glanced around the room before sitting down. He also appeared to be the tallest and the only one still wearing his green uniform.

  Another one, a brown-eyed elf with medium length fair hair, was still warbling as he walked around the room, lapping up the attention.

  “Will you shut up, Ringo? You are singing out of tune,” scoffed King, dragging his friend into one of the empty seats.

  It didn’t work. Ringo kept going until the last member of the foursome, a short, amber-eyed, bald elf with long fingers, gave a big wink to everyone watching. Fay felt like he was winking at her, but she knew different. He then reached over and clapped a hand over Ringo’s mouth and stifled the racket, to everyone’s laughter.

  “That’s better.” King was clearly the leader of the group, apart from being the sexiest. That wasn’t to say the others weren’t attractive—in fact, all of them were handsome and hunky, and young!

  Ringo suddenly looked toward her. Fay licked her lips and smiled brightly hoping to catch his attention.

  “Bartender—four pints of your best Christmas noggin.”

  He then turned back to his compatriots with no recognition whatsoever of having seen her smile.

  Fay sighed deeply. She seemed to be doing a lot of that!

  None of them looked in her direction again or even seemed to notice she was there. Instead, they were chatting up the girls who shared the nearby table with the nymph. Fay narrowed her eyes in jealousy as the siren moved to sit on King’s lap, to jeers from the other elves.

  Of course, she would. She’s a siren. It’s in her nature to come on to men.

  But then the Valkyrie stood up and went to straddle the lap of the bald one, taking his head in her large hands and kissing him deeply.

  “She must have her tongue right down Elliott’s throat,” said the bartender in awe as they watched together.

  My thoughts exactly. Fay would love to have been kissing that elf—bald men were quite a turn on for her—Sean Connery was so much sexier when he lost all his hair. She watched as Elliott gripped hold of the Valkyrie’s head, tangling his long fingers in her red hair.

  As she got more and more depressed at the sight of the unbridled lust taking place on the other side of the room, the nymph and a pixie joined the remaining two elves for a snogfest, grinding their sexy bodies into those of the elves, hands wandering all over the others’ torsos. The air grew steamy and sex-fueled.

  Fay sighed deeply and shifted uneasily on her seat, turning away from the spectacle on the other side of the room.

  I wish, for once, that a young, handsome elf would be interested in me, and not see me as an aging fairy, ready for the scrapheap…

  Chapter Four

  A hand fondled her neck and Fay jumped.

  She turned to see who was touching her and nearly fell out of her seat when she saw it was King.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Oh, you can startle me anytime!

  “I saw you sitting here by yourself. No one should be on their own at Christmas. Can I get you a drink?”

  For a few moments, Fay couldn’t talk—just stared—unable to believe her ears. Was the most beautiful, and sexy, creature in the room really talking to her?

  King smiled down at her and her pussy flooded. “Of course, if you are waiting for someone else, I’ll leave you alone.”

  No! Don’t do that.

  She clutched his arm to steady herself—well, to stop him leaving, in actual fact. “W–w–what about the siren?”

  As Fay said this, she glanced over to the elves’ table and saw it was just them. There was no sign of the women.

  She frowned.

  King chuckled. “Oh, they’ve moved on. We are familiar with those four little madams. They like to claim as many men as possible.”

  Fay’s eyes boggled. “You’ve had sex with them already?”

  As Fay went bright red, the elf threw his head back and laughed loudly. He wrapped an arm around her waist and squeezed.

  Holy Christmas! That is soooo good.

  She leaned in toward him, trying not to appear as sluttish as the nymph, but knowing exactly why the women had acted the way they had.

  “Nope. They were too energetic last year. Elliott got tied to the bed and whipped, and Ringo had three of the women latched onto his enormous member at one stage. Even Harve was not immune to their brand of sexual relations.”

  Fay wasn’t sure if that was good or not.

  “It’s been a hard year with the recession and such like. We’re all tired and want something more relaxing, like a women who knows how to treat men sweetly. Then we saw you.”

  Fay’s jaw dropped to the ground.

  King raised a finger to close her mouth and kept his hand there, rubbing her lip with this thumb. Fay’s throat went dry while moisture was trickling down her thigh.

  “Join us?” he said, nodding at his friends who were all waving her eagerly to come over to them.

  “Sure.” Fay’s voice was very husky as King led her to his table.

  Part of her mind was flabbergasted, and another part was wondering if her wish had been granted.

  Surely not? Her wishes never get answered. Just in case the wish fairy was working extra time this Christmas, Fay quickly made another request.

  Okay, so they are showing interest in me. I wish that it would go further than just hello and a drink.

  She opened her eyes to see three elves grinning broadly at her.

  King stopped at his table. “So, let me introduce you to these reprobates. I’m called Elvis.”

  Fay swiftly looked up at him and frowned, not sure she had heard him correctly. “I thought your name was King?”

  He chuckled. “That’s my nickname.”

  “Oh!” Well, that made sense. She could see the link between the name and the well-known singer.

  King indicated the bald guy. “This one who can barely speak after that encounter with the Valkyrie is Elliott. Occasionally we call him E.T. or Ellie, if we really want to tease him.”

  Elliott held out a hand. “Nice to meet you, little fairy.”

  Fay shook his hand. A tingle went up her arm and she smiled back at him. He was the shortest of the four but had a deep voice that was totally unexpected. She desperately wanted to cup his head, or stroke the sexily smooth chest that she could see as his bright orange shirt was unbuttoned to his waist.

  “My name is Fay.”

  The fair-haired one, who had been singing earlier, nodded a hello at her. “Hi, Fay. I’m Elrond. Commonly called known as Ringo—you will tell from my earlier performance I am the best singer.”

  She reluctantly turned away from Elliott and gave Ringo a grin. He was very cute and seemed to be the cheeky one.

  Fay was also seeing a pattern to their nicknames. Someone had a sense of humor, she thought, although it was common for elves to use monikers since their first names usually began with ‘El.’

  Turning to the last one, the elf with the white hair, who had yet to be called anything, Fay speculated what his name was going to be.

  He tipped his head back on one side as he studied her in return, not saying a word. Fay wondered if he disliked her or something. She wasn’t sure how to take him.

  It was King who introduced them. “And that funny looking goon who was so desperate to leave he couldn’t be bothered to change, is Elwood, but for short we call him Harvey. Don’t worry if he doesn’t say anything, he’s the quiet sort—but those are usually the deadliest in bed.”

  Fay nearly choked. She had to clear her throat before speaking. “Hi, Harvey, everyone. Nice to meet you.”

  Okay, Santa, I’ve a wish
for another prezzie. Please, please, please can I have sex with at least one of these gorgeous hunks tonight?

  “So, Fay, what’s a lovely fairy like you doing in a joint like this?”

  She couldn’t believe her ears at how trite Ringo sounded. As she raised her eyes to the ceiling, the other elves all hooted and slapped Ringo on the head.

  He looked incredulously at them. “Well, I mean, it’s Christmas Eve. We rarely see any fairies in here at this time of year. They are usually too busy.”

  Everyone turned and looked at Fay with matching expressions of curiosity.


  Fay shifted uneasily. “Umm. Well, I kinda lost my job.”

  King rubbed her back. It felt soooo good. “Kind of? Or for real?” he asked in a quiet, soothing voice.

  She shrugged. “For real, I guess. They took me down off the tree and put a shiny new angel in my place.”

  All her sadness started to come back.

  Elliott swiftly stood up, the legs of his chair screeching as he propelled it backward. “How dare they throw you out in the street?”

  Fay flushed. “Actually, they didn’t throw me out. Just shoved me into a corner. I’m the one that left home.”

  King wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against his body. She could feel his cock. It was large and hard. She wanted him badly.

  “I could be corny like Ringo and say, no one puts baby in the corner, but I think baby made her own way out of the corner.”

  She giggled and hugged him back, pressing her pelvis into his. Meanwhile, Elliott came around the table to cuddle her from behind. Fay didn’t know whether to push into King or press back into Elliott.

  Then Ringo stood and moved to stroke her hair, dipping his head to nibble her earlobe. Fay was unable to breathe as waves of lust came over her. Taking a shuddering breath, she glanced over to Harvey, who just winked and gave her an incredibly sexy grin that made her legs start to fold.

  “Whoa. Are you tired or something?” asked King in worry.


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