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Naughty Christmas Wishes

Page 4

by Jennifer Denys

  “Is Fay still with you guys?”

  “Yessss. Why? What’s up?” King took control of the situation, moving around the bed toward the bartender to hide Fay from the Troll’s sight.

  “She’s needed back at her job. The new angel went and broke her leg, didn’t she? They don’t make them like they used to.” He shook his head in disgust. “Anyhow, Fay’s family is desperately hunting for her. I saw an urgent message on the paranormal Facebook page. So, if she wants her job back she’d better return damn quickly.”

  Fay gasped. O Holy night!

  As the bartender left and Harvey closed the door, she quickly glanced around at the guys. They all looked away, clearly not wanting to catch her eye, but she could tell they were disappointed.

  On the one hand, she was delighted that the Sinclairs wanted her back. They were her family, their house the only home she had known. On the other hand, all her wishes had come true that night.

  Who would she choose—her lovely, young, handsome elves who could give her the excitement and passion lacking in her life and who didn’t see her as old, or the wonderful family she adored and with whom she had lived with since she was created? They might have rejected her for the angel, but then ‘you could choose your friends, but you couldn’t choose your family’. And she still loved them despite it.

  She knew she was beginning to have feelings for her elves, but would they still want her in the morning? However, if she went back to the family she loved, would they get a new angel next year?

  What a choice to have to make! I wish I could have both…

  But her wish fairy had deserted her and Fay knew she had to choose just one.

  Chapter Seven

  “Here she is!”

  Fay felt a rush of love as the family all crowded around Mrs. Sinclair as she held her up to show them.

  “We thought we had lost you.” As they stroked her hair, she hoped they didn’t notice it was free from both ribbons now, flowing freely, if rather randomly. Actually, she thought her bed-head was rather sexy and she suddenly felt sad having made the decision to leave her wonderful elves.

  It hadn’t been easy. Although, they had all supported her decision—the duty of a paranormal creature at Christmas was ingrained in them—she could tell from their long faces that they were unhappy.

  But she knew it couldn’t last. They would wake up the next morning, see her in the cold light of day, and want a younger woman. At least she guessed her wishes would have lasted until the morning.

  In the meantime, this was her home, where she felt safe and loved—and had a roof over her head—for now, at any rate.

  Mrs. Sinclair looked down tenderly at Fay as she wiped a tear from her cheek. She turned to her husband. “I’ve had her so long, I would be distraught if anything happened to her.”

  Miss Sinclair tugged Fay from her mother’s hands, cradling her in her pudgy little arms as if she was a baby. “Mama, I’m so pleased we found her. I’d forgotten how much I love her.”

  Mr. Sinclair stroked his daughter’s hair as he looked down at Fay with a soft expression. “I really thought I had searched under the cupboard. Good thing you saw her leg sticking out, darling.” He then frowned. “You know, it’s amazing.” He turned to talk to his wife. “The fairy looks quite fresh and vibrant.”

  Master Sinclair poked his head in to stare at her and Fay felt herself go red. “I don’t remember her cheeks being pink. She looks really lovely.”

  Wow! Fay forgave him for all the snide remarks in the past.

  The family made a ceremony of placing her in her rightful place.

  “Careful, Mama. Make sure she is tied on tight,” said Miss Sinclair with a worried expression on her face.

  Awww. Sweet child. However, Fay knew she was made of tougher stuff than the delicate angel. She snorted to herself. She knew for sure she was strong after all the antics the elves had put her through that evening.

  “It’s all right. I am going to tie her with this red ribbon I found hanging here. She can’t fall like the angel.” Mrs. Sinclair smoothed Fay’s torn skirt. “Next year, I’m going to make her a new dress.”

  Breathing a sigh of contentment as she was placed back in her rightful position, Fay glanced around the room as if to ascertain nothing had changed.

  Nope. The stockings are still by the fireplace as usual, against all paranormal health and safety rules. Fay smiled. She couldn’t tell them off on a night like this.

  “Okay, everyone. It is very late and we should all be in bed as Santa will be here soon.”

  Yes, how come everyone is up at this hour on Christmas Eve?

  “It’s a good thing I came down to get my dolly I left in the lounge and saw the angel on the floor, isn’t it, Mama?”


  Fay suddenly felt mean for having heard the angel fall to the ground and left her there while she went out and had the best evening ever.

  I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was hurt. But thank you Santa and the wish fairy and anyone else who granted my wishes. I had a truly wonderful time.

  However, she didn’t dare say her final wish out loud in case it never got granted—one that involved her marvelous elves…

  * * * *


  Fay frowned from her position back on the top of the tree and looked around. Had one of the children gotten up again to see if Santa had brought their presents, yet? If so, they were still too early.


  She turned her head to squint toward the door, which was slightly ajar. The light in the stairwell was on, as was customary so Santa could see where his plate of milk and cookies were. Fay snorted. Everyone knew Santa would much prefer a can of lager and a hotdog. But all she could see was an outline of a small creature down at the foot of the door.

  Who in the paranormal world is that? He sounds familiar.

  “Hey, Fay. It’s me.”

  It was King. Her heart leaped.

  She lifted a hand to wave at him, a broad grin crossing her face. He looked like he had dressed quickly. His shirt was only half tucked into his jeans. It was actually very sexy. “Hey, back at you. Whatever are you doing here?”

  “Shhh. Not too loud, gorgeous. I think your family may still be awake.”

  Her pussy wept at the endearment. He still found her attractive.

  “Me and the others have been talking. We had such a great time with you, we wondered, well, how about doing this next year?”

  Fay’s heart started beating quicker at the thought of doing it all over again. Of having four guys who didn’t reject her, but then she remembered it only happened because she had wished it to and her face fell.

  “As much as I’d love to, it won’t work out.”

  King looked crestfallen. “Why ever not? I thought you liked us.”

  “Oh, I do. But I have something to confess.”

  The elf crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway. “What? You put a spell on us or something?” His voice sounded upbeat. Fay dreaded what he would say when he knew the truth.

  “Well, I made a wish or two.”

  She bit her lip, hoping he wouldn’t ask anything more.

  There was silence and Fay craned her neck trying to look at him, to see what his expression might be, but King had gone.

  A tear ran down her face and she started sobbing.

  “Hey, gorgeous girl, what’s with the crying?”

  “King!” He was clambering up the tree.

  “Phew. That’s a hard climb.”

  He came up alongside her, tentatively testing the weight of the branch beside her. There was little foliage at this height and King had to reach out a hand to hold onto the tree above her head, leaning in so their faces were close. Fay could see his usual sexy grin was present.

  “So, what’s this about a wish?”

  She could feel her face go red. “Umm. I kinda wished that you and the others would notice me.”

  His grin got bigger, if that was possi
ble. “You really liked us that much?”

  Fay gave a feeble smile back. “Who wouldn’t?”

  “Was that all you wished?”

  She groaned. “Well, I wished a bit more.”

  He chuckled. “Like the wishes we made—that we could spend the night with you.”


  Her jaw dropped to the ground.

  “Yep. We didn’t think a mature woman like you would give us youngsters a second glance.”

  “I thought you’d think me old.”

  King stroked a finger over her cheek sending shivers up her spine. “We prefer older women, always have done, always will.”

  Fay smiled, but it soon drooped. Maybe her wishes hadn’t been entirely necessary, but she was still worried about what they would think of her after the wishes wore off.

  The elf rubbed a thumb over her forehead. “Stop frowning. Elves are immune to Christmas wishes. Didn’t you know that? Otherwise, we’d be accused of bribery and favor one child over another.”

  She gasped. “Really?”

  King leaned in and gave her a quick, but delicious kiss.

  “So, back to my original question. We know you are busy now and then we have to go back to our jobs, but we wondered if you were free next year after your family have retired for the night?”

  There was no hesitation this time. “I’d love to.”

  King grinned. “Terrific. Same place same time? See you there.” Before Fay got a chance to respond further, he gave her a quick kiss, then swung down the tree like Tarzan and was gone.

  As the thought of seeing her guys again grew in her, Fay settled back against the tree and began to recall her activities earlier that night.

  I wonder what we will do next year. The thought of trying something new made her pussy weep again.

  “Ho, ho, ho.”

  Fay jumped and nearly fell as Santa suddenly came down the chimney with a loud thump. She was glad Mrs. Sinclair had tied her to the tree.

  “And who’s been a good girl this year?”

  Fortunately, Santa was too busy looking at the list of presents to be left at the Sinclair’s house to notice her face was as red as his suit.

  If only he knew!

  Fay grinned broadly. She didn’t need to wish that Santa never found out. For it had happened and she had wonderful memories … with lots to look forward to next year.



  Author Biography

  Jennifer is a bestselling author in various genre (BDSM, contemporary, sci-fi, paranormal, with historical and fantasy in her works in progress) with several different publishers.

  An Englishwoman through and through, she lives in a beautiful historical city and is game to try most things once. She’s had a tattoo done on her calf, flew down zip wires 100 feet up in the trees, and was photographed nude by a professional photographer. All of which have taken place since she turned 50!

  Many of her experiences end up in her books… but you will have to read them to find out what!

  Do contact Jennifer – she loves to hear from her fans. She posts to her blog three times a week and is on Facebook daily.

  And if you want to find out what Fay gets up to with King, Ringo, Harve and E.T. next year, come back in December 2016!

  Connect with Jennifer









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