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Storm and Fury

Page 31

by Armentrout, Jennifer L.

  Zayne seemed to ponder that. “You know Wardens are expected to mate. I’m almost twenty-two. Most males of my age are already mated with one child on the way.”

  “Yes. So, why haven’t you mated and got to baby making?”

  He shifted beside me. “If you ask my clansmen, they’ll say I have little respect for tradition, but no one is going to force me into a lifelong commitment, even if that life isn’t going to be that long.”

  My heart dropped. “Are you planning to die soon?”

  “I wake up every day knowing it could be the last. I don’t plan for it. I just accept it,” he answered. “It was what I was trained from birth to do.”

  I mulled that over, realizing that what he spoke was the truth. Not a lot of Wardens made it to retirement age. It was one of the reasons they mated and had children so quickly. “Have you ever wanted to do anything else?”

  He sighed. “You do ask a lot of questions.”

  “I do.” My hands relaxed on my stomach. “I understand you have this huge, important duty, but was there ever a time when you didn’t want to be out there? That you wanted to do something else? Is being a warrior what you want?”

  “Whoa. Okay. That was a lot of questions. Do I want to be out there? Is this what I want?” He repeated my questions and then let out a little laugh. “You know, no one has ever asked me that. Not even—” He cut himself off, and I wondered how he would’ve finished that sentence. “It’s all I know, Trinity.”

  I bit down on my lip. “That doesn’t answer my questions.”

  “I know,” he replied.

  The pressure on my chest increased. “What...what would you do if you weren’t a Warden?”

  “I can’t answer that.”

  “Try.” I nudged his leg with my knee.

  “I really can’t.” His arm moved out of my reach. “I’ve never thought about it. I’ve never even considered it.”

  What kind of life was that without any options, even impossible dreams? I’d had them before I knew what I was. I still had dreams of doing more than what I was born to do, even if my options were seriously limited.

  Silence fell between us, and after a moment, I asked, “Tell me... Tell me what it’s like growing up here, in the city.” I paused. “Please?”

  There was that rough chuckle again and then he told me what it was like growing up as the only child in a large house with nothing but trained warriors to keep him company until Layla came along. He didn’t talk about her much, though. Instead, he spoke about how he spent afternoons shadowing his father, learning all the streets and the different buildings. I don’t know how long we talked, but after a while, I started to feel myself slip under.

  I fell asleep with a smile.


  I sat on the bed, cross-legged, and stared at the photo of Mom and me. I’d just gotten off the phone with Jada and Ty. Peanut was in the living room, jamming out to music only he could hear while Zayne spoke to someone on the phone. It was in the afternoon, around three, and we still had several hours before we would start patrolling.

  Over the last several days, we hadn’t seen anything but Fiends. No Hellions. No Ravers. No strange creature killing both Wardens and demons. The nights had been rather long and boring, but when we got back to his place, usually close to three in the morning? Anything but boring. Ever since the night my nightmare had wakened him, he had been coming into the bedroom and staying up with me until I fell asleep. He was always gone in the morning, and although we talked about everything in the sometimes minutes, sometimes hours it took me to fall asleep, when we were awake and the sun was out, he didn’t mention visiting with me and I didn’t bring it up.

  I didn’t know what it was, Zayne just being kind and keeping me distracted or something else, but I’d quickly found myself looking forward to it and the end of each patrol.

  I missed Misha with every fiber of my being and there were only a few minutes of every day that I didn’t think about him, but once I found him, things would change between Zayne and me. I wouldn’t leave the city, not until I held up my end of the bargain, but I doubted I’d be staying with Zayne. Would Misha and I move into the compound? I was sure I’d see Zayne again, but things...things would be different.

  I shoved those thoughts aside.

  Tomorrow we would meet with Roth and the witches, and hopefully we’d find out something that would lead us to Misha.

  Placing the phone on the bed, I glanced at the open door. Zayne had been gone when I woke up this morning, and him coming to me in the middle of the night felt like a dream.

  I hoped it wasn’t.

  Rising from the bed, I walked to the window and opened the blinds just enough to see outside. The day was bright and the weather looked warm. Exhaling heavily, I rested my forehead against the wall. I closed my eyes as I folded my arms across my waist.

  I missed Mom.

  I missed Misha.

  I missed Jada and Ty.

  I missed Thierry and Matthew.

  Mom was gone and I knew that everyone else was safe except for Misha, and I... God, I couldn’t help but think about what Jada had said before. What kind of condition was Misha going to be in? Physically, I suspected a mess. The same emotionally and mentality, but I could help him get better.

  With Jada and everyone, we could... We could make him better if he needed it. Misha was so strong, so I knew he was doing the best that he could. I knew he wasn’t breaking. He was surviving—


  Opening my eyes, I turned to the sound of Zayne’s voice. He was in the doorway of the bedroom. “Hey,” I said, waving awkwardly.

  He stepped into the room. “You okay?”

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  “Are you busy?” he asked. “Leaning against the wall?”

  “Extremely busy. I try to do this at least once a day.”

  “Sorry to interrupt.” He started to turn.

  “What’s up?” I pushed away from the wall and hurried toward him. Misjudging how far the bed jutted out, my calf smacked off the leg. “Ouch!”

  “Damn, I heard that.” He stepped toward me, his light blue eyes wide. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I muttered. “So, what’s up?”

  A look of doubt crossed his face. “Nicolai needs me to check in. Thought you might want to join me.”

  “Really?” My eyes widened.

  “Sure,” he said, and I was close enough to see the faint smile. “You’d asked if you’d get to meet Jasmine or Danika. Now’s the perfect time. I can’t guarantee both will be there, but I’m sure one of them will.”

  “I didn’t...” I trailed off, realizing just then I hadn’t believed him when he said I could meet them. I wasn’t even sure why I had thought he wasn’t being serious. “Okay. Am I dressed fine?” I glanced down at myself. Black leggings and tunic tank top may be too casual. “I can change.”

  “You look fine.” Zayne chuckled. “We’re only going to the compound, not the opera.”

  Picking up my phone, I narrowed my eyes on his back as he walked out the room. “I just want to make a good impression. I mean, I don’t want them to look at me and think, Who’s this messy-looking chick?”

  Zayne chuckled as he went over to the island and grabbed his keys.

  “It’s not funny.” I turned, finding Peanut draped over the punching bag. I shook my head. “What if they don’t like me?”

  Zayne looked over his shoulder at me, brows knitted. “I don’t see how they wouldn’t like you, but why would it matter if they didn’t? They’re not your clan, Trinity. They’re barely even mine at this point.”

  * * *

  The drive to the Warden compound was mostly quiet as I mulled over what Zayne had said. I wasn’t all that bothered over him saying that these people weren’t my clan. It was true, and who knew when I would se
e them again? What bothered me was what he’d said about himself. He didn’t feel a part of his clan—his family? I didn’t know what to say about that as I stared out the window. In a way, I knew how he felt, because I did know what it felt like to live with but not be part of a clan, but I also wasn’t a Warden. For him to feel that way was a big deal.

  I toyed with the hem of my shirt as we neared a bridge. In the distance, I saw something tall and white against the blue skies. I squinted. “Is that the...Washington Monument?”

  “What? Yeah. That’s it.”

  “Wow,” I whispered, wishing I could see it more clearly.

  “That’s the first time you’ve noticed it?” he asked. “You should’ve been able to see it every night while we’ve been patrolling.”

  “I guess I wasn’t paying attention,” I lied, shoulders heavy. “One of these days when we have Misha back, I would love to see it up close and maybe visit the museums.”

  Zayne kept a hand on the steering wheel as he glanced over at me. “I would tell you I think that would be fun, but I have a feeling Misha wouldn’t want me around while you explore DC.”

  I grinned at that. “I think you’ll grow on him.”


  “Yeah, you’ve grown on me.” I looked over at him. “Despite the fact that you’re sometimes a jerk.”

  Zayne shook his head. “I don’t know. I think he’d still have a problem with me.”

  “Because of the soul thing?” I pointed out, and I wished he wasn’t wearing his sunglasses so I could see his eyes. “Misha will get over that. I think you two would get along. You both like to try to boss me around.”

  “And you don’t listen to either of us, so we do have that in common.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. So, what am I supposed to say if they ask me who I am?”

  “Nicolai has already told them that you’re here, from the regional seat, and that you’re looking for a friend. That is all they need to know.”

  My brows lifted. “That explanation doesn’t sound suspicious at all.”

  “Well, they can be as suspicious as they want, it doesn’t matter.” He hung a right, entering a heavily wooded area, and I finally felt like I could take a deep breath as the constant presence of demons eased off. “The clan members are good people, though. They could be trusted with knowledge of what you are.”

  Mom and I had thought Ryker was good people, but good people did bad things.

  We neared a gate that opened as we approached. Up ahead, I saw the massive several-story brick building. It reminded me so much of Thierry’s home that my chest ached.

  I let out a rough exhale as Zayne followed the driveway and parked in front of wide steps. Nervousness filled me as I unhooked my seat belt and glanced over at Zayne.

  He’d pulled his sunglasses off and placed them in the sun visor. “You look like you’re about to puke.”

  “Do I really?”

  One side of his lips kicked up. “Maybe not vomit, but you look extremely nervous.”

  “I am.” I clasped my hands together. “I don’t even really know why. I mean, you were right earlier. Everyone in there could hate me, but who cares?”

  “They’re not going to hate you,” he said, and I saw him lift his hand. I stilled as he reached over, catching a few strands of my hair and smoothing the strands. “But you’re wearing flip-flops. I probably should’ve told you not to do that.”

  Oh, no. “Why?”

  “Because Izzy is going through this stage where she likes to nibble on toes.”

  “What?” I laughed, my toes curled. “For real.”

  “For real.” He chuckled under his breath. “Come on, let’s head in.”

  Deciding I was acting like a freak for no reason, I opened the door, stepped out and immediately tripped over the curb. Pitching forward, I caught myself with my hands before I ate cement. My sunglasses slipped down my nose.

  “Oh my God, are you okay?” a female voice asked, ringing out from somewhere above me.

  I cursed under my breath. Of course someone saw me. “I’m okay,” I called out, feeling my cheeks heat.

  Zayne was suddenly by my side, gripping my upper arms and lifting me up onto my feet. “You all right?” he asked, voice low.

  “Peachy,” I muttered, glancing down at my palms. The skin was red, but not scraped open. I became aware of someone joining us at the bottom of the steps. I looked up, eyes widening behind my sunglasses as I stared up at a beautiful dark-haired female Warden who couldn’t be more than a few years older than me. “You’re really pretty,” I blurted out.

  She smiled as she glanced at Zayne, who was still behind me, still holding on to my arms as if he feared I’d fall again. “I like her, Zayne.”

  “I’m sure you do,” he said wryly. “Danika, this is Trinity.”

  “Hi!” The girl thrust her hand forward. “I was wondering when I was going to get to meet you.”

  Zayne let go then as I went to take her hand, shaking it. “Usually I try to make a better first impression,” I said.

  Danika laughed as she waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it.” She squeezed my hand before letting go. “I’m really sorry to hear about your friend. I hope you find him.”

  “Thank you,” I said, meaning it.

  “How have you’ve been?” Zayne asked as he stepped around me, and I wasn’t sure who went to whom first, but they were hugging, and it was a real one, full of affection. My heart squeezed again, because it was the kind of hug Jada and I gave each other—the kind of hug Misha and I shared.

  “Good.” Danika pulled back, clasping his arms. “You?”


  She tilted her head as if to suggest she knew better, but then she turned to me. “I hope you’re keeping Zayne out of trouble.”

  “Uh, well, probably the other way around.”

  Danika’s grin was sly as she slid Zayne a long look I couldn’t decipher. We started up the steps. “Nicolai said you guys were coming over, and I got ridiculously excited.”

  “You’re that bored?” Zayne asked as I carefully followed them up the steps, making sure I didn’t fall again.

  “Hell, yeah, I am.” She laughed as she tossed glossy black hair over her shoulder. “Plus Izzy and Drake are teething, so I’m ready to throw myself out a window.”

  Baby gargoyles were a handful. Teething baby gargoyles were probably a nightmare.

  Zayne stepped ahead and opened the door as Danika looked over her shoulder at me. “What do you think of the city so far?”

  “It’s nice, from what I’ve seen,” I said, and then promptly ran out of anything else to say. Normally, I wasn’t this awkward, but I was in rare form today. “I mean, I’d like to eventually see more though.”

  “You should take her out, Zayne.” Danika shoved him as she strolled past him. “Do you just have her locked up in your place?”

  I lifted a brow as I took in the wide, circular foyer. There were a lot of doorways.

  “All day and night,” he replied.

  “Sounds like a good time actually?” She giggled when he shook his head. “I think Dez and Nicolai are—”

  A gray blur was suddenly coming straight for my face. Gasping. I stumbling back a step and lifted my arms out of reflex as someone shouted, “Izzy, no!”

  Hands and wings smacked into me, and the next thing I knew, I was holding a squirming little gargoyle in my hands. She was a tiny thing but as heavy as a truck as she pounded her little fists on my arms. Her features took shape, and she was in her Warden form, her chubby face a slate gray and small horns parting a riot of red curls. She threw her arms around me and hugged me as tightly as a long lost friend would.

  I was shocked into immobility as she murmured incomprehensible things and rocked in my arms, holding on to me for dear life. I stared over a
small, flapping wing at Danika and Zayne. Both were gaping at us as I awkwardly patted the little girl on the back, between her wings.

  “Hi there,” I said, tightening my arms around the little girl as she kicked her head back and let out a wild giggle. I looked around her to Zayne and Danika. Both were staring openmouthed at us. “I’m guessing this is Izzy?”

  Zayne nodded.

  “Yep,” Danika said. “That would be her...and this would be my sister, Jasmine.”

  A moment later, a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Danika came rushing forward. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. She was actually napping, and the next thing I knew, she took off and here she is.” Jasmine reached for her daughter, grasping her by the waist, but Izzy held on. “Oh! I’m sorry. Izzy, let go.”

  Izzy did not let go, and she now had fistfuls of my hair. “I think she likes me.”

  “I think so, too,” Jasmine agreed.

  I glanced down and noticed that there was a small boy the same age as Izzy attached to the back of Jasmine’s leg. He was peering out from behind his mother with big, blue eyes. “Hi.”

  He jerked back behind her. A second later, I saw one big blue eye appear behind her leg.

  I grinned.

  “Izzy, if you don’t let go of this poor girl, you will not get any pudding for your afternoon snack.”

  The little girl immediately let go, wrapping her arms around her mother’s neck.

  “Wow, that worked remarkably fast.”

  Jasmine grinned. “This child will actually behave for pudding and that’s about all. Again, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” I smiled. “It was a nice greeting.”

  “Glad you think so.” Jasmine turned toward where Danika and Zayne stood. “Danika, can you do me a huge favor and grab Drake so I don’t trip over him.”

  “Of course.” She pulled away from Zayne and easily scooped up the boy, who promptly buried his face in her neck. “Drake is a little shy.”

  “And as you can see, Izzy is not.” Jasmine grinned as she stepped back. “These two could not be any more different.”


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