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Picture Perfect Love

Page 2

by Jerry Cole

  “I’m sorry.” He nodded and took a long drink of beer.

  Chapter Two


  I mentioned her right away. Most people didn’t know too much about me; particularly those I’d just met. I told Ben about my family in our first meeting. Leo was the only person that knew a lot about me. I was casual with my acquaintances here and kept things light. I was the happy surfer boy that encouraged others to be the same way.

  What the hell was happening to me?

  I drank my beer and stared forward, feeling his eyes on me. Ben was gorgeous and confident, making me feel a bit younger. I was considered an old soul but still finding my footing after my drastic move with Leo.

  “Were you close?” Ben asked, and I sipped the beer again.

  “My family is small but very close. She was my dad’s mom, and he died when I was just five. I barely remember him now, but Gran stayed close to me until the last day of her life. Losing her was big for all of us. My mom still has her parents, and they’re great too but she loved Gran.” I shrugged off the heavy emotions and grinned. “I came here for the wedding a few months after she died and loved it. I felt like I was at home. I found a way to make it so once we got back and crunched some numbers. My family hated to see me go but they love to visit, so it all works out.” I glanced at him to see sympathy in his eyes. “Where do you live?”

  “Venice Beach. You remind me of the guys there.” Ben smiled, and I laughed, knowing that I went full surfer when I moved here. Before that, it was only on vacations to similar places.

  “I’m this way more now. I don’t have to dress any other way apart from work.” I gestured to my black jeans and a fitted teal shirt that boasted the name of the restaurant. “It works for me.”

  “You surf here?” Ben asked, and I nodded quickly.

  “Every morning. We get up with the sun and spend a few hours out there before we open. I only work afternoons or nights at The Reef.” I explained, feeling my skin heat up as he watched me. Ben had a presence about him that got to me more than anything I could remember. “Leo is a trust fund kid, but he works hard at the shop.”

  “You two are living the dream.” Ben dropped his hand from mine and leaned back in his chair. “I like my house back home, but I travel a lot. Great places, but still work. I was happy when I started getting real homes instead of hotel rooms.” I missed the heat of his skin, flexing my hand gently before sitting back myself. There was a lot of chemistry here, and I didn’t need to rush it because he was leaving at the end of the week. I didn’t take sex too lightly and had only enjoyed it with a few people over the years. Leo was another story.

  “Nothing is always perfect.” I murmured, getting lost in the starry sky. “The nights I'm at The Reef seem so long, and then I’m waking up to surf and work all over again. I need time to sleep in the morning and rarely get that. I sneak a nap in when I can.”

  “You could just work at the shop,” Ben suggested, and I frowned thoughtfully. I knew that as well, but I didn’t want to blow through my savings. The restaurant gave me fantastic, free food and time away from the shop where I could be another face in the crowd. I just conversed there with customers and wasn’t the guy that answered all of the questions at the shop.

  “I like having money coming in. You should always have some set aside in case you need it. I get to be someone different there as well.”

  “You’re a hard worker. I appreciate that since some people want everything handed to them.” Ben said with admiration in his eyes. “I like people that go for what they want in life.”

  I didn’t know who moved first. All I knew was glass was crashing to the concrete as our lips locked, fueled by raging desire. I’d been aggressive in the past to some point, but this was uncontrollable lust. I felt my body pushed down as Ben hovered over me, careful not to crush me in the chaise lounge. His mouth claimed mine as our teeth crashed together, and our hands moved everywhere they could.

  “Shit.” Ben pulled away and stared at me. “I don’t think this chair was made for this. Who even did that?”

  “I don’t know,” I panted as he moved himself to the chair beside me. Ben was also breathing heavy, and he looked down at our ruined beers with a soft chuckle.

  “Want another one?” he asked as I joined in.

  “Let’s move somewhere where there’s no glass.” He shot me a heated look and led the way inside, leaving the screen open. We got fresh beers and sat on the couch a couple of feet away from each other, sipping them slowly. I didn’t know what to do from here after the way we attacked each other. I knew I’d happily pick up where we left off, but it had gotten out of hand. “How long are you here?”

  “I am leaving Saturday evening. I am finished with work Friday afternoon, but I wanted a little time to relax.” Ben replied, and I grinned.

  “I have Saturday off. We should hang out.” Ben looked at me and raised a perfect brow.

  “Does that mean I won’t see you until then?” His tone was low, and I saw the heat in his eyes. I moved closer and cupped his face with one hand as I memorized his face.

  “I’ll see you as much as I can,” I promised him before kissing him again. This time, there was no uncomfortable chaise lounge or glass breaking. This couch was full and luxurious, and I eased him backward as our tongues crashed together. I wasn’t a casual sex kind of guy, but lust slammed into my body as my cock hardened. I slid one leg between his thighs and felt his erection against my leg. I kissed him hungrily before moving my mouth to his jaw and nibbling softly.

  “Fuck. That feels good.” Ben choked out as I slid my hand under the hem of his shirt and traced my fingers over his rock-hard abs.

  “I don’t normally jump into these kinds of things, Ben. I’m attracted to you, and you’re only here for a short time. I want to make that time count as much as possible, so I’m leaving this up to you.” I dragged my hand up over his chest, marveling at how perfect he was. “Do you want me?”

  “Yes.” There was no uncertainty in his voice, and I moved my hand to unbutton his shirt. I slipped it from his body and took him in slowly as I stood to pull my shirt from my slacks. His eyes raked over me, and he rose to offer me his hand. “Let’s go to my room.”

  I stayed for hours as we tried to satisfy our need for each other. I wanted to fall asleep with him until the sun was up and we could have breakfast, but I had a standing date with the waves. I kissed him before rolling over and fighting my body.

  “What beach do you surf at?” Ben asked, and I looked at him in surprise.

  “Glover’s Reef. Oddly enough, it’s the only beach for good surfing here. You’d think I would have moved to Hawaii or something.” I smiled, and he grinned back.

  “What time do you go? Maybe I’ll come by and stare at you like a creep while you do your thing.”

  “We’re there at five-thirty. The shop opens at nine, so we have some time.” I leaned in for another kiss. “We could go together if you want. I’d just have to stop by my place to grab my stuff.”

  “Perfect.” Ben reached out to pull me closer, and I knew that I’d be staying the night.

  We rose at five and made coffee before he changed into trunks and a t-shirt. We took separate cars since I needed to be at the shop later and Ben told me that he’d head to the beach to wait for me there. I nodded and ran into the split house that I lived in with Leo; we each had our own side. It was split up into different homes, and I was grateful for that every night when I saw Leo hitting on some woman at the bar where I worked. I appreciated sleep and peace, though I didn’t expect to have a lot of it over the next week.

  I changed into fitted board shorts and slapped a tank top over my shoulders as I glanced around the small living room. I found the sandals I wore to the beach and shop, slipping them on before I headed to the spare room for my surfboard. I tossed it into the car and started the engine. I grimaced as the sound rang through the morning air and shifted the car into gear.

  The sun was just on t
he horizon when I parked at the beach. I saw Leo’s car and Ben’s parked close to each other as I hopped out and grabbed my board. The beach was extensive, and I walked down the smooth sand toward the water, seeing some decent waves today. I observed one surfer already in the water and then a silhouette facing the sunrise. There wasn’t a person in sight otherwise, and my eyes locked on the view.

  “Get your ass out here,” Leo called from the water. I could barely hear him, but I knew what he was saying from experience. I gave him the finger and walked toward Ben, who seemed lost in the view.

  “Hey,” I said as I looked at him. His face was cast in the vibrant colors from the sky, and I sucked in my breath. He looked stunning like this.

  “It’s gorgeous here.” He turned his eyes to me and slowly smiled as I sucked my lip between my teeth. “That’s Leo?”

  “It is.” I heard him yelling again and shot my friend a glare. “He's an asshole. I should get out there and make him happy. Going to stay for a while?”

  “Sure. I think I’m going to like the view even more once you’re out there.” I tilted my head and grinned as I turned to walk toward the water. I entered the ocean and made my way to Leo as he sat on his board and stared at me.

  “Is that a hickey?” I asked as he laughed. “We run a business, Leo.”

  “I know you weren’t home last night. Is that the guy you stayed with?” Leo asked as he looked toward Ben.

  “I don’t have marks all over my neck. There’s a difference.” I growled as I looked behind me. There was a good set coming, and I leaned forward as I kept my eyes on the water. I made my way just in time as Leo cursed and tried to catch up to me. The waves here weren’t ideal for surfing every day, but they had an easy way about them. I’d been to bigger beaches with larger waves and loved it, but this was home. I could travel to any of those places when I had some time, but for now, I was content. I rode it in and hopped off the board once the water was shallow enough.

  The sun was up now, and Ben was sitting in the sand with a smile on his face. I grabbed the board and strode toward him through the water as he took me in with a slow gaze. “You should try it,” I told him as Ben looked past me toward the waves. “You’re a So Cal guy. Have you surfed before?”

  “Not so much. I travel a lot, and I spend more time working when I’m gone. This is one of the first times I’ve seen parts of this island. I normally find a place to eat and sleep.” Ben smiled and leaned back on his hands. “I could get used to this life. You must love it.”

  “I do.” I looked over the beach to see a few people arriving and then back at the sun. “Want to grab some breakfast before we open the shop?”

  “You sure? You were barely out there.”

  “It’s okay. I come here every morning.” I shrugged and waved at Leo before we walked toward our cars. He called something to me, and I laughed as I asked Ben if he liked diner food.

  “There’s a greasy spoon here?” He asked as I laughed and nodded. “Sounds good. There’s one I like at home.”

  We met after I pulled on some dry clothes and found a booth in the back. “What’s your business partner like? He seems to be vocal.”

  “He’s a great guy but a little on the wild side. He has some plan to nail every girl here, but I forgive him since he’s a good worker.” I shrugged, and Ben laughed.

  “I have a best friend at home named Jamie. She’s like a sister to me though she acts like a mom sometimes.” I watched as warmth crossed his face, and he looked gorgeous as the sun flashed over his tan skin.

  “Does she ever travel with you?”

  “Sometimes. She works at a bakery, so she’s busy. She stays at my place when I’m gone to watch my cats. They were hers, but her last boyfriend claimed that he was allergic. I have them now, and they have grown on me, so we compromise by her taking care of them when I’m gone.” Ben looked at me and offered me a smile. “We’re just friends. If I were into women, Jamie would be the one, but I have never been attracted to one.”

  “Same. I had friends back home, but it never moved past that. I knew early on, and while I tried to bury it sometimes, I knew what and who I wanted.” We smiled at each other, and he reached for his coffee. “What time is your shoot?”

  “Eleven. The model is a bit of a diva.” Ben smirked, and I chuckled, knowing the type.

  “We open at nine. I have today off at the restaurant if you want to hang out.” I kept my tone casual but hoped he’d bite. I liked Ben even though I knew he was leaving town.

  “That would be great. Dinner somewhere?” Ben asked, and I eagerly nodded as he smiled. We made plans to meet at his place at six and decide where to go from there. I watched as he paid the bill, claiming that it was a write off before he walked to his car.

  I finished my coffee and checked my phone to see that I had about half an hour before I needed to be at the shop. I hurried home for a quick shower and changed into worn jeans and a surf t-shirt before slipping my feet into the worn converse. I headed into the building and saw that Leo dressed similarly. “How nice of you to show up to work.”

  “I went to breakfast. You know I’d never bail on this place.” I brought the cash drawer from the safe to the front, securing it inside. Leo picked up and turned the lights on before unlocking the door.

  We always had a steady stream of customers. Many were tourists that needed a suit or maybe a surf lesson. Some locals had gotten to know us over the years and visited to stock up on a product or take a look at new items. It was a successful shop, and we had no worries as far as staying on the island. I clicked on the lithium station on Sirius and took a sip of the coffee I’d brought in with me.

  “So, who is he?” Leo asked, and I glanced at him. “I’ve never seen someone on the beach while you surfed before.”

  “I met him at the restaurant last night.” We usually had a few moments to talk, and I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to say. Ben wasn’t a casual fling, but he was also leaving in a matter of days. How serious could it be?

  “Never came home. Are you turning into me?” Leo joked, and I shook my head.

  “It’s good. He’s great.”

  “Does he live here?” Leo asked, and I frowned.

  “He’s here for work. Photographer.” I kept it short as understanding crossed Leo’s face.

  “Oh.” The doorbell chimed, and we both looked up as a group of people walked in, starting a busy day. I stayed the whole day and closed up with Leo. I popped into the house to change into some slacks and a different shirt before driving to Ben’s house. I could see the sun setting over the ocean behind the building and paused to take it in. Damn, it was gorgeous. I should consider something like this with the cash I had tucked away.

  I headed to the door, and it opened as Ben filled the doorway. He was tall and broad-shouldered, and I paused to take him in for a long moment. “Hey.”

  “How was work?” He asked, and I moved toward him, slipping inside of the house as he stepped aside. The vibrant colors of the sky-colored the open space inside, and I smiled as I looked around.

  “It was busy. Good. How was your shoot?” I asked as I glanced his way.

  “The beach was incredible, and she looked great. It’s just too bad she feels the need to speak sometimes.” Ben closed his eyes and shook his head. “Damn it. I shouldn’t talk about clients that way when they’re giving me this great life.”

  “It’s okay. Working with people isn’t always great, and it’s okay to vent.” I smiled. “Ever do landscape photography?”

  “Yeah. I have. This pays more, but I have a file of things I’ve shot on the road.” Ben told me as he stared into my eyes. “Where did you want to go for dinner?”

  “I know a little pizza place that’s off the beaten path. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect.” I offered to drive since I knew the island well, and he accepted. Ben locked the door before following me to my car, and I laughed as I glanced at his rental.

  “I know it isn’t as great
as yours, but I bought this when I got here, and it suits me. I don’t drive a lot, and it fits my board.” I gave him an apologetic smile.

  “It’s a good car. Perfect for a place like this. I take the best car they offer since it’s on someone else’s dime.” Ben smiled. “I have an old Land Rover at home. I don’t think I’d replace it unless it died completely.”

  “Huh. Here I thought you drove stuff like that all the time.”

  “I do have a place on the beach,” Ben told me, and we laughed.

  “Of course. Your place is making me consider an upgrade. We live in a duplex right now. Split sides. It’s on a beach near the shop but not nearly as peaceful as this place.” I waved a hand as I pulled out of the driveway.

  Chapter Three


  Dinner was great. The place was a dive, but the food was incredible. It had just the right amount of spices and cheese and far too many carbs. We drank beer as we ate the pizza and breadsticks, and I got to know Ryan a little more. He was a complicated guy with a lot of layers. He looked like a surfer guy in appearance, and that was a significant component of him. Ryan also loved his family and worked hard. He loved surfing on a spiritual level. I’d heard of people like that who loved the water, but not on that level.

  We looked at the empty table after we paid the bill. “Want to come over for a while?”

  “That would be great.” Ryan agreed, and we stood together. There was something in the air between us, and a part of me didn’t want to leave the island.

  He drove us back, and we managed a beer before I kissed him. Last night was some of the best sex I ever had, and I wanted as much as I could get before I had to go home. Ryan was responsive, and soon, I had him pressed down to the bed with my thigh pressed against his hard cock. I kissed him with need and rocked into him as he moaned. “Fuck. I want you.” Ryan moaned as he gripped my hair and kissed me again.

  I kissed down his neck and slipped a hand under his shirt. I dragged my fingers over his skin, appreciating the feel of his lean muscles. When I moved down further, I unbuttoned his pants and slid them down. He sprang free from his boxers and I gripped him in my hand. “Oh, fuck.” Ryan closed his eyes and leaned up into me as I stroked him. I made him cum the first time that way and then cleaned him up with my mouth. He came for the second time as he cried out my name, grabbing any part of my body that he could.


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