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Picture Perfect Love

Page 15

by Jerry Cole


  “Done.” We fell back to sleep, and I woke up with the sun shining through the windows, turning to wrap my arms around Ben.

  “Morning, baby.” I smiled as he shifted in my arms. “How did you sleep?”

  “Good. When do you have to be at the shop?” Ben asked as I reached for the phone beside him.

  “We have an hour.” I closed my eyes to breathe him in. “I wish we could just stay here.”

  “You have a business to run. We’ve got this.” Ben sounded positive, and I groaned.

  “I know. Thank you for helping out.”

  “Anything for you.” Ben hopped out of bed, and I heard him walking through the house. I knew he was making coffee and then turning on the shower. “Come on, sleeping beauty.”

  I rose and walked to the bathroom to join him as we took a quick shower. We dressed in clothes from the store and left with a few minutes to spare. Ben followed me with our coffees in hand as I unlocked the door to let him in, securing it behind me for the ten minutes we had before it was time to open. I got the register for both of us to use and checked quickly to make sure everything looked good. We always cleaned up before leaving, but it was a habit that drove Leo crazy.

  “Ready?” I asked as I glanced at Ben.

  “Let’s do it.” I flipped all the lights on and unlocked the doors as a few people trickled in. I sent a message to the surf instructor yesterday when I knew what was going on, and he said he’d come down for full days to cover our reservations. Typically, they worked part-time during the days, but we had a lot of people asking. I would have asked anyway since I knew I wouldn’t be working extra time for a while.

  I watched as Ben helped people, noting how naturally he fell into the role. He was intelligent and spent enough time with me and at the store to know what people needed. He seemed comfortable, and I handled the register. The regulars asked about Leo, and I told them he had a family emergency and introduced Ben as our friend. I wasn’t trying to hide anything but I liked to keep my private life that way. It was fun working with him and he ran to grab some lunch from the deli, eating with me at the counter as we had a break from customers.

  “You always do lunch like this?” Ben asked, and I shrugged.

  “Yeah, if we don’t skip entirely. We need help so we can leave more without being shorthanded.” I looked over the small room through the glass to see the ocean across the street. “That’s why we usually grab breakfast after surfing. It tides us over.”

  We got to talking, and I suggested hanging some of his photos of the island on the wall with the information where to buy them. He could set up some business cards and make some money. He nodded with a smile as he collected our trash, tossing everything into a bag. He took that and threw it into the garbage as the door opened and a couple walked through.

  We finished the day out and counted the register, bagging the deposit for the following day. We considered just dropping it off ourselves but decided to have a company do it for us. I tossed it into the safe in the office, and we picked up around the store before we left. “How do you like working a normal job?”

  “It was good. I like being with you all day, and you know I’d never leave you hanging.” He smiled at me as we got into my car to head home. “Out to dinner or home?”

  “Home. We can grill that steak up with a salad. I’m pretty tired.” I smiled at him as I started the engine. We made the short drive to the house and went inside. Leo called to tell me that his Dad was stable and would be spending about a week in the hospital. He asked if it would be okay to stay that long and possibly past that date, depending on how things went. I assured him that it was and that we’d be fine.

  “A week?” Ben confirmed as I ended the call.

  “Maybe more. His dad will be in the hospital for that long, and he wants to stay.” I dropped my keys on the counter.

  “I can get another flight if you need help. I can work from here.” I smiled at him.

  “I might take you up on that. I can handle the store on my own but not for several days,” I replied as I walked over to kiss him. We worked in the kitchen together, and I grilled the steak as he made the salad. Ben brought us both beers and sat with me as I cooked, enjoying the view. “I think you have a good store. It’s doing well.”

  “It did from the start. I don’t know how someone didn’t combine surfing lessons and a beach store before us. I’m glad, though.” I turned the meat and inhaled the cooking food. I was starving. When it was done, Ben brought out plates with salad, and I added steak to each one. We sat down to eat and relaxed as the wind blew past us. I thought about how I moved here with a dream to have a successful shop, and now I owned a house here. I had a great boyfriend and a potential future. I smiled over at him and heard the phone ringing beside me. I glanced at the screen to see Mom’s face and reached over to answer it.

  She told me that she’d been with Leo’s family most of the day. It helped his mom to have support, and Mom was cooking meals for her to eat when she was home. I heard the worry in Mom’s voice, but she told me that it looked like everything would be okay. She mentioned that Leo had been talking to Jamie a lot and it seemed to help him. When she asked about the store, I explained that Ben was helping out. I heard her fall more in love with him through the phone and playfully rolled my eyes at him.

  We washed the dishes after I hung up and decided to watch TV in bed. I didn’t want to skip surfing tomorrow, and he was willing to run, so we’d be there together. I knew it would wear us both down, but I’d been surfing in the morning since moving here. It just felt weird to do it without Leo.

  We grabbed breakfast before heading home to get ready for work. A quick shower, and we were on the way as Ben sent messages to Jamie. “She’s worried about Leo.”

  “I would imagine. They connected over the last few months.” I glanced at him at a stoplight.

  “I don’t know if she’ll be able to stay there. She’s one to drop everything for people that she cares about.” He sent another message.

  “What about the bakery?” I asked, and he shrugged.

  “It’s been her dream for a while, and she loves it. I don’t know if she would move for something different.” He looked up as we parked, and I turned the car off before reaching for my coffee.

  “If she did, you would?” I was hesitant to ask, and he looked at me for a moment.

  “That’s a deciding factor for me. I hope you don’t feel like second place.” His words were soft.

  “I don’t. I know that she’s family to you. I did move here with my best friend,” I reminded him as I reached out for his hand. “I’m not pressuring you at all.”

  “I know. I just can’t help but feel bad.” He seemed glum, and I looked at the shop.

  “I love you, Ben. I appreciate any time that we get together.” He nodded, and we got out to go inside to prepare for the opening. We both brightened up when customers walked in and made it through the day fine. I got a few messages from Leo telling me how his dad was having a good day. He missed the beach and the shop. I assured him that he was good to stay as long as he needed to. I’d feel the same way if it were my family and Leo’s family was a part of them. There was a part of me that wanted to be there but we had obligations. I’d happily close the shop if it came down to it but that was a big decision.

  Ben asked if we could go out to eat when we left, and I wondered if The Reef sounded good. He said it did, and Lani greeted us with hugs. She took us to our usual table and got beers for us, stopping to chat for a minute. I told her about Leo leaving and how we were covering the store and she gave us a sympathetic smile. “He’s lucky to have you.” She smiled at Ben and he nodded.

  “I’ll always be here when he needs me.” She pressed a hand to her chest and swooned dramatically before asking us if we wanted the usual meals. We nodded, and she walked inside to get the order to the kitchen. I took a long draw from my bottle and looked over the water.

  I thought back t
o the night I met Ben. He was one of the most gorgeous men I’d ever seen and immediately drawn to him. I knew that I wanted to sleep with him, but the feelings that came with it were overpowering to me. I fell in love fast and I looked beside me at him, knowing that he forever changed my life. I reached over to hold his hand and Ben looked at me.

  When we got home, he ran with the idea of displaying his pictures and went through them on his computer. He ordered prints from his favorite printer in large sizes on a rush order and went to a separate site for frames. Ben printed up some business cards, and I yawned as he pushed the computer away. “Ready for bed?”

  “I am. Are you down for the beach tomorrow?” Ben asked as he gazed warmly at me.

  “I hate the alarm, but I think it’s good to eat before work. Am I bringing down your vacation?” I asked as I stretched.

  “It’s not a vacation, Ryan. I’m here with you to be a part of your daily life.” He smiled, and I pushed my hair back from my face. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Leo decided to stay for another week, and I changed my flight to two weeks away. I luckily didn’t have any shoots booked and could work on what I did have to edit from the house. Leo was grateful and thanked me several times.

  I washed some clothes and settled in for some more time in the beach house. The days were spent at the shop, and I’d edit for a few hours at night. I knew that we weren’t out having fun, but we knew that things were different with Leo gone. We were okay with that and it felt like our life was natural this way.

  I enjoyed the shop and working with Ryan. I watched him chat with customers and smiled as he caught me. He was handsome and charismatic, drawing everyone to him. Of course, I watched people flirt with him but never felt threatened. Ryan was all mine. They flirted with me, and it meant nothing.

  We spent long days there and fell into bed early at night. We joked about being a couple of old men as we talked before falling asleep, making love as often as we had the energy to do so. I felt like I lived here and had an identity here more as the days went by.

  Everyone was happy when Leo’s dad came home. He still needed to rest and might have some procedures to look forward to, but he was in recovery. Leo told us that he’d be home in three days since he knew I had to get to Venice Beach at some point in time. He told Ryan that they were going to think about staffing the store with a couple more people.

  That left us with one week left together. After being there for a month and a half, I didn’t want to go home. Belize felt more like home than anywhere else and sleeping in Ryan’s arms every night was safe and warm. All I needed was for Jamie to join me here, and life would be perfect. There was nothing else I cherished in California, not anymore. I even enjoyed working together and felt like the shop was my baby as much as his and Leo’s.

  The photos were doing well hung in the corner of the store. I had two trays of business cards on either side of the table, and my website saw some new visitors. I even got some orders and realized that it was a good source of supplemental income. Ryan told me that he’d keep that going when I went home, and I tried not to think about that. The day was getting closer, though. I couldn’t stop time. I would come back as soon as I could to see Ryan again.

  Leo was home for four days when I packed to go home. He was still in constant touch with everyone back home but put the shop first. Ryan was making dinner while I finished so he could drop me off at the airport in the morning. “Hey. It’s ready.” I looked up to see Ryan looking at me from the doorway.

  “Okay,” I replied as I walked away from my suitcase. I took his hand as we walked to the kitchen to plate the veggies and rice. We were both quiet as we worked, and he led the way to the balcony.

  “Jamie, it’s okay. Calm down, babe.” Leo was bent forward on the phone with a severe tone in his voice. I set down my plate and walked to stand beside him, drilling into his head with my stare. He looked up at me with a pained expression and told her that I was there. Leo handed me the phone, and I greeted her, pacing as I waited for her to tell me what was wrong.

  “The bakery burned down tonight, Ben. We’d been gone for a few hours when Kyle got the call. The restaurant beside it started the fire, but it took out two more buildings.” Her voice was shaking with sobs, and I stilled, letting the words sink in.

  “Are you okay? Is Kyle okay?” I asked, and she started to cry again.

  “We weren’t there. We’re fine. It’s gone. Everything we worked for.” She started to cry again, and my heart felt ripped out of my body. “What am I going to do?”

  “I can catch a flight tonight if you need me,” I told her urgently as I sat down in a chair. Leo said something behind me, but I tuned him out. “Otherwise, I’ll be there tomorrow. Your call.”

  “I’m staying at Kyle’s house tonight. Just come home tomorrow. Please.” There was a pleading tone in her voice that killed me. I told her to call me if she needed anything and gave the phone back to Leo, watching him walk inside.

  “The bakery is gone. Fire.” My words were soft as his mouth fell open.

  “They’re okay?” I nodded as he plated the salmon and set it beside the other forgotten plates. “I wish I was closer. I’ve always been there for the big stuff.”

  “You can go,” Ryan told me, sitting down and taking my hands in his.

  “She’s with Kyle. They’ll get through the night.” I stared at him, torn between my need to stay with him and the one that told me to go right home to Jamie. “Fuck. I can’t believe this.”

  Leo never came back out to eat. I assumed that he was talking to Jamie, and I tried to eat with Ryan, putting the extra plate in the fridge. Leo already wasn’t doing well after his dad was in the hospital, and this might unhinge him. Ryan urged me to get some sleep after dinner and I followed him into the bedroom, curling into his arms. He fell asleep before me and I stared out of the window at the stars in the sky, wondering what was next. I knew that we planned the night differently but Ryan understood how I felt inside. He didn’t pressure me for anything and I loved him for that.

  We rose in the morning and had coffee before he took me to the airport. I couldn’t stomach anything else. Leo was listless when he came downstairs but told us he’d cover the shop for a while. I knew he’d be distracted and probably in constant touch with Jamie, but still make it work. “Do you think he’ll be okay?” I asked Ryan as he drove me to the terminal. I had returned the rental before since we were spending all of our time together.

  “Yeah. I do. Leo is strong. He wants to be with her.” Ryan parked the car and turned to face me. “He’s good like that.” I nodded. “I hate to see you go, baby. These circumstances aren’t good, and I just want to go with you.” He leaned in to kiss me and I closed my eyes, giving in to the feel of his warmth. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” I kissed him long and slow, reminding myself that I had to get inside. I pulled away and stared into his stormy eyes. “I’ll call you. Keep you posted.”

  “Please.” Ryan got out and handed me my suitcase as I slung my backpack over my shoulders. We both looked at the building, and I kissed him firmly.

  “I’ve got this, baby. I’ll call you soon. I love you.” I stroked his cheek for a moment before turning to make my way inside. Leaving him was killing me, but my best friend and sister was in California, losing her mind. I checked in my suitcase and made my way to security, taking a seat on the plane as I closed my eyes. I was fucking exhausted. I slept for most of the flight, only waking up when the pilot announced that we were landing.

  I took a cab to the apartment, asking where Kyle lived as soon as I was home. I visited before, but my mind was blank, and he gave me the address. I grabbed my car keys and headed over, parking in the driveway and running to his front door. Jamie opened it and fell into my arms.

  We made our way inside to the couch, where she snuggled against me. She wasn’t crying anymore, but I could see that she hadn’t sle
pt. Her eyes were puffy and red, and Kyle paced around as he made phone calls. “The good news is that it was all covered by insurance.” He sat down with some coffee, sipping it with a shaking hand.

  “I knew that. You’ll get something for it, and you can move forward,” I told him as he looked at Jamie for a long moment. “You are both okay. It was just stuff, and your customers will find you.”

  “I know. Everyone is devastated over this. It burned three popular places.” Jamie whimpered, and I pulled her closer. “It’s just so shocking.”

  We stayed there in his dim living room. Jamie dozed against me, and I fell asleep with her in my arms. Kyle made calls and drank too much coffee. I forced Jamie to eat, getting her favorite Thai food for dinner. She managed a few bites but pushed the plate away after a few minutes.

  Leo called her, and she spoke softly to him on the phone. I could hear him comforting her as she curled up on the love seat, and I took that moment to send Ryan a message. He was quick to respond and I told him a little of what was happening here. Both he and Leo wanted to come to us but I said we’d be fine. I might be back with Jamie sooner than planned. She would need a little time away from everything in her life falling apart. Leo would be the salve for her wound and the support might calm her.

  Jamie asked to go back to our place later that night, and I drove us there. She looked exhausted, and I opened our front door, allowing her inside. She told me that she was going to bed, asking if I would stay with her until she fell asleep. I agreed, falling asleep beside her.

  I woke up the following morning in her room, looking around at the sunlight that filled the space. “What the hell?” I stared at Jamie as pieces from the night before began to fall into place. I looked at her and rose to make coffee, closing her door behind me.

  I was drinking it on the deck and staring at the ocean. I didn’t know what was next and, therefore, didn’t know what to feel. I heard the door slide open behind me and glanced back to see Jamie coming to join me. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes still red from crying. She was wearing a shapeless sweatshirt from one of the local shops with what I hoped were shorts. She had coffee in her hands and I smiled at her. “How do you feel?” I gently asked as she took a slow sip of coffee.


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