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Road Tripped: Satan's Devils MC Utah #1

Page 39

by Manda Mellett

  First thing this morning, Road had headed out. His excuse was that he needed to hit a store to replenish his clothing supply, intending to stock up on some new t-shirts, jeans and other essentials. His reasoning had made sense, but I thought he might also have wanted to have some time to himself. It’s a big deal leaving brothers behind who clearly mean so much to him. Understanding on occasion we all need space, I’d refrained from commenting.

  The meeting yesterday had cemented Road and my roles in the club. Of course, it will need an official vote, but from the comments I’ve picked up, no one here would object to my taking on the role as enforcer. The only one who might have voted no, is not currently a member. It might seem strange for a woman to want such a job, but I know I could do it well. I’m familiar with every torture and interrogation technique known to mankind and then some, and have had many of those methods turned on myself. Which means I know their effectiveness and when to apply them. Though I hope it’s not too often, if my skills are called for, I’ll have no hesitation in using them, not when the goal is protecting my club. I’m also a disciplinarian and will have no hesitation in enforcing the Satan’s Devils’ rules.

  I pour myself another cup of tea while I’m waiting for Road to return, a smile coming to my lips as I remember how tender he’d been while making love last night. Making love had been the only way to describe it. It transcended sex. Afterwards, we’d talked, discussing tentative plans about our future. I suggested his moving into my house. After just a week, it might seem too soon to other people, but both of us agreed it felt right. We’ve gone through so much together, there’s little I don’t know about him, and so far, I’ve found nothing I don’t like. If we’re going to give us a try, then living together seems a logical step.

  Children? Our far-ranging topics for discussion covered that, and even there, both of us seem to be on the same page. Maybe, but not yet, and if it’s never, then we’ll be fine with that. For now, we’re just enjoying being a couple, something neither of us have ever had.

  As though I sense him returning, I swing around as the elevator reaches the clubroom level, seeing the doors open, and out steps my man. My sharp eyes notice he’s not carrying anything.

  “Didn’t you find anything?” I query once he nears me.

  “Dropped the bags off in your room. Hey, come ’ere woman. I’ve missed you.” He pulls me to him, and his mouth descends to mine.

  “You two make me sick. Can’t you limit the PDAs to when you’re on your own.”

  Road and I both raise our middle fingers and point them toward Bolt. After taking all the time he wanted, Road pulls his head away from mine, and addresses the man who’d interrupted us. “You’re just jealous.”

  “Jealous? Huh. Me, I like being single.”

  “You better watch it,” Thor, who’s rolling a joint, yells out. “You know what they say about Tucson, don’t you?”

  Bolt falls for it. “What?”

  “That they’ve caught something from the Arizona water and got a rash of old ladies and kids.”

  “So?” Bolt’s brow creases.

  “Paladin and Beef went to Colorado and boom, an old lady and kiddie explosion was the result in that club.”

  Bolt’s gaze settles on Road and me again, then he starts backing away, and making the sign of the cross over his chest.

  Thor snorts with laughter. “That’s to ward off evil spirits, don’t think it works if Road’s already infected us.”

  “Nah, never. No fuckin’ way. I’m not getting caught in any old lady trap.”

  Road speaks quietly into my ear. “Think we ought to start looking for a woman to push Bolt’s way.”

  I thump him on the shoulder. “Stop it. No matchmaking, Road. You’ll only perpetuate that rumour about the Arizona club.”

  He chuckles. “Hey, you busy today?”

  “Nah, it’s quiet and Honor and Duty have it covered in the comms room. What do you want?” I waggle my eyebrows suggestively.

  “Not that. Well, not right now,” he corrects. “That’s something we’ll save for later. Now, I want you to come somewhere with me.”

  “You going to tell me where?” He’s caught my interest.

  “I’d rather not.”

  He’d rather I don’t ask, that’s obvious. My eyes narrow. “Not the courthouse.”

  “What?” His eyes go wide in shock. “No. What? Hell no.”

  I pretend to be upset. “You don’t want to marry me then?”

  “What?” He’s gone red and flustered. “No, yes. Wait. That’s it. We should wait.”

  I can’t hold my laughter in anymore. “I was kidding with you.”

  He looks upward for a moment. “Thank you, God.” Then his twinkling eyes come back to mine. “So, you coming?”

  While I don’t much care for being kept in the dark, it seems Road’s got something planned as a surprise, something I think he’s excited about. So, for once, and trusting him, I don’t ask questions, just take the elevator down with him, and once outside, start heading for my bike.

  Road grabs my hand and gives a little tug. “I’d prefer to take the truck.”

  I stare at him for a moment but see no point in objecting. Climbing into the passenger seat, I settle in for the mystery drive.

  We head out of the city and take I-15 heading north. After we’ve been driving for an hour, having expected a short journey, I can’t stop myself asking, “Where the fuck are we going, Road?”

  “Er, Salt Lake City,” he tells me.

  “But that’s three hours away.”

  “So, you said you weren’t busy?”

  “I thought you meant into town or somewhere, not halfway across the state. Why are we going there, Road?”

  “Would you believe me if I said there was a bike I wanted to look at?” His glance toward me is shifty.

  There isn’t, and there’s a good reason why. “No, because you’d have just told me. I’m a biker, Road, I’d be just as curious if there was a bargain to be had. So no, it’s not that.”

  He reaches over and grasps my hand. “I want this to be a surprise.” His next glance at me is pleading.

  I kind of already got that. “Salt Lake City, huh?”


  Road won’t do anything to hurt me. Pushing my curiosity back down and knowing we’ve got another couple of hours of driving time, I stare out at the scenery for a while, then rest my head back and doze. Yes, it had been a stressful day yesterday, and afterward, Road had worn me out until late into the night.

  I must drift off completely, as the jolting of the truck jerks me awake with a start. I see we haven’t come to the city proper, in fact we seem to be pulling into a farm. No, not a farm. Are those kennels?

  The barking of numerous dogs tells me I’m right on the money. I just can’t think what we’ve come here for.

  As Road parks and I open the door, the scent of the country—and dogs—assails me. I look around, always wary of any new situation, but there doesn’t appear to be any threat here, only a middle-aged woman approaching. Despite her non-threatening appearance, my training makes me examine her carefully, noting her hair’s tied up in a messy bun and her t-shirt is awry, as though she’s just been roughhousing with some of the pets she seems to have.

  The mystery deepens as to why we’re here. Is she a friend of Road’s? He’s got no relatives, so she can’t be an eccentric aunt, which is exactly what she resembles.

  “Mr Winchester?”

  Road holds out his hand. “Luc, please. And you must be Muriel? This is my partner, Karen.”

  She doesn’t laugh, doesn’t smirk, just gives me a welcoming smile, so I forgive Road’s use of my first name.

  “Well, come on back, and you can meet him.”

  Meet who? Seems I don’t know Road as well as I thought as I still don’t have a clue what we’re doing here. Even less so when she leads us to a kennel where a beautiful black cocker spaniel with gleaming fur is lying on his side, soaking up so
me sunshine that’s found its way into the kennel. At our approach, he bounds up and is immediately up on his hind legs pawing at the wire door and emitting little whines. His tail is beating back and forth so fast the movement blurs.

  “This is him. Apollo.”

  Does Road want to get a dog? I frown. Surely this is something that partners should discuss, especially as he’s moving into my house.

  “Apollo, sit. Show your manners,” Muriel instructs.

  As the dog’s bottom hits the floor fast, I note he’s well trained. I’ll give him that.

  “Can he come out?” Road asks.

  No, no. Don’t let him out. In my line of work I never thought about getting a dog and taking on the responsibility that goes along with being a doggy mum. He looks so cute there’s a risk I might get attached to him and consider a canine in my life. I notice he also looks well bred, and not one I’d expect to find in need of adoption. Not a pup, nor an old dog. In his prime I expect.

  But the door’s opened, and, ignoring Road, Apollo comes straight to me. He sits at my feet and tilts his head. I can’t resist. Sinking to my haunches, I make a fuss of him.

  “He’s two years old,” Muriel speaks to Road over my head. I’m only half listening as I have to admit to already having my heart stolen. Perhaps Road did right bringing me here if he wants to adopt him. If he’d spoken about it, I’d have said I wouldn’t countenance a dog, but now that I’ve met him…

  “The other person?” Road prompts.

  “Found she was allergic to dog hair. She tried antihistamines, but the longer she had him, the worse it got.” I sense Muriel tut-tutting.

  “And how long was he with her?” Road asks.

  “About four months.”

  “He’s cute.” I feel I ought to say something. But cute is not a good enough word to describe him. If he’s in need of a loving home, I might just have one.

  I stand, surprised at the direction of my thoughts. This isn’t me. I don’t make snap decisions, well, only those necessary in the heat of a battle. In my everyday life, I’m normally cautious. I try to resist petting the spaniel any more than I already have. I need to be sensible. I won’t dismiss the possibility, but Road and I need to consider the implications carefully, if indeed that’s the reason he’s brought me.

  My eyes narrow as Road takes out his phone, and rudely, to my mind, places a call right in front of Muriel. My phone rings in my pocket. I frown, wondering who’s calling me right now. Both of us on the phone at once would be the height of impoliteness.

  Apollo cocks his head and immediately puts his paw on my leg. My phone stops ringing. The dog takes his paw away.

  Then it rings for a second time, and again doggy toes rest on my shin.

  Muriel laughs at my look of confusion. “Your man here wanted to keep him as a surprise. He’s a hearing dog, my dear. Phones, alarms, intruders. He’ll alert you to anything.”

  A hearing dog? A fucking hearing dog?

  “Road?” My eyes widen and I shake my head.

  “He’s not run on electricity, he doesn’t have batteries.” Road can’t keep the satisfied grin off his face as he explains. “Feed him, care for him, that’s all he needs. And in return, he’ll be your ears when you can’t hear yourself.”

  Could I sleep, knowing Apollo would warn me?

  “Road?” I say his name questioningly again.

  “He’s a service dog, Swift. Properly trained. What do you say?”

  What do I say? I’m lost for words. I haven’t cried since I was a child, nothing’s been able to break me. But Road bringing me here and clearly having arranged to get a service dog for me? Well, it takes me a moment to realise the wetness on my cheeks is from the tears leaking from my eyes.

  But there must be a hitch. People don’t get service dogs that easily. “Do I have to go onto a waiting list?” I ask warily, not wanting to get my hopes up.

  “Normally, yes,” Muriel explains. “But as I told Luc, his enquiry yesterday came just after Apollo was handed back, and I immediately saw he’s not going to do well in the kennels. He needs to be in a home. Lucas explained your circumstances, and that you needed to feel safe at night. I said come and meet Apollo and see how you get on with him, and of course, it gives me a chance to meet you too.”

  I’m still having difficulty processing all this. A hearing dog? I never considered that could be an answer for me. I mean, more than half the time I live at the club.

  But Road’s anticipated that too. As if I’d spoken aloud, he answers the question in my head. “I cleared it with Pip and Snatcher. No problems about you having him at the club.” It’s Road’s turn to sink to his knees, reaching out his hand to ruffle the dog’s head, and Apollo laps up the attention.

  I force myself to think about the commitment, about the exercise needed… but he’ll keep me safe. I won’t have to worry about sleeping through alarms, or having my electricity cut off. Sure, he’ll take work, but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. It means I won’t be reliant on Road, or terrified during the times when I’m home, and he’s away on a mission.

  “Apollo, in.” She holds the door of the kennel, and gestures to the spaniel. He doesn’t look happy about it but does as he’s told. “Let’s go into the office and discuss it.” As we walk away the dog whimpers. Muriel looks back with a worried glance. “I really would like to place him as soon as possible.”

  “I want him,” I tell her suddenly. In fact, I’ll drain my bank account if necessary to have him.

  Road chuckles and puts his arm around me, pulling me close. Most of me is back there in the kennel with the dog we’d just left, so when Road and Muriel talk about vaccinations, microchips and other information, it washes over my head.

  “Can I take him today?”

  “I wish you could.” She opens a diary. “Oh, look. I’m free the day after next. I can bring him down to your house. We’ll let him sniff around and see what sounds he’ll need to learn to warn you of. The sound of your alarm system might be new to him. He’ll stay with you for a couple of days so you can see how you get on together. Then, if all goes well, he’ll come back to complete his training which will be specific to the sounds in your environment. Once that’s done, you will come here and stay for a few days, train together, then we can have the final handover.”

  I bite my lip. I, Swift, bite my fucking lip. Glancing at Road, I see the bastard is grinning, understanding I’m like a child who’s been told they have to wait until Christmas to play with a toy they know they’re going to receive.

  What’s she’s said though does make sense. Apollo will have to learn the particular sounds in my life if this is going to work.

  I waited patiently for my chance to join the SAS, did my two years prospecting for the club. I can wait for my dog.

  I just wish I didn’t have to.



  The sight of Swift’s face when she knew she was going to get a hearing dog will forever be etched on my mind.

  Being taken unawares and kidnapped had really fucked with this strong woman’s head. Worse, I knew it was going to be hard for her to fully recover when she had a permanent reminder in the healing scar that’s now on her right hand where her little finger should be.

  Swift needs to be in control of her world one hundred percent of the time. Knowing that soon she’d have a loyal companion to be her ears for those times when she’s vulnerable would restore her confidence in being able to live her life just how she wants to.

  She’s in a daze as we walk back out to the truck. Eyeing the truck, she asks, “Did you think we’d be bringing him home?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t think it through. I didn’t realise how much was involved, but him having specific training makes sense.”

  She glances over her shoulder, then at me. “I hate leaving him there, but just as I was trained, he needs to be the best he can. This process will allow me to have confidence in him, you know?”

  Placing my hand under her
chin, I turn her face up to me. “In the meantime, you’ll have me.” She’ll always have me if I have any say in it, so I hope she understands what I mean.

  A twinkle appears in her eyes. “So you’ll be my dog, allow me to pet you and groom you, get some practise in for when I bring him home?”

  I smirk. “I’ve never been into puppy play before, but I’ll give it a try for you.”

  She snorts, then tilts her head, half closing her eyes as though considering it.

  I bark a laugh. “Come on, let’s get back.”

  With one last longing look thrown over her shoulder, Swift swings herself up into the truck. As I go to start the engine, her hand rests on my arm.

  “I didn’t think I needed anyone, Road. Thought having someone in my life would steal my energy, would stop me being able to concentrate one hundred percent on the things I have to do. What I never dreamed of was meeting someone like you. You don’t take, you don’t consume me. You just make things easier. With you I feel I could be more, not less.”

  If that’s my role for the rest of my life, I’m not going to complain. This works two ways. “Swift, babe, I told you before, you complete me. You make me want to be better.”

  This time, when she leans back her head and closes her eyes, a small smile plays on her lips. As I drive, I spare a look her way, noticing some of the worry lines on her face have eased.

  I put that smile there.

  I vow that’s what I’ll spend the rest of my days doing, if she’ll let me.

  “So?” Pip’s in reception when we arrive back at the clubhouse and breaks off from his conversation with Gears. I notice the ex-prez looks somehow right without his cut, as if the leather was wrong on him. He certainly hasn’t appeared to resent the change.

  Swift looks from me to him, her eyes narrowing as she realises Pip knows exactly where we’ve been, but then shrugs and fills Pip in. “I’m getting him. Well, so I hope.” Animatedly she explains what the process will be.

  Pip listens and nods in all the right places, sparing a few amused glances my way.

  Men start to pass us, heading for the cafeteria. I wait until Swift finishes talking to Pip, then suggest we too should get some food.


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