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Hunted by the Fallen: A Fallen Angel Reverse Harem Novel (The Fallen Harem Book 2)

Page 8

by Samantha Britt

  The metal door closes loudly behind me, and a gust of air blows several pieces of paper off of desks. Lukas stands beside a candle and motions for me to follow. “This way.”

  We walk through the abandoned cubicles. I stare at the floor and hold my arms slightly out in front of me to keep me from colliding with anything. I glance at the candles as we pass by, and I note the wax hasn’t melted. Either the candles haven’t been lit for long, or there is some magic preventing them from burning down.

  My money is on the latter.

  Lukas stops outside of another metal door. This one is in the center of the building. Otherwise, I might’ve thought it led to a staircase.

  My anxiety spikes. He looks back at me. I wonder if he can hear my pulse. “You do not need to be afraid, Veronica.”

  Like I would believe him.

  When I say nothing, he turns around and pushes the door inward. Fluorescent light streams into the candlelit room.

  A melodic feminine voice reaches me. “Lukas. This is a surprise.”

  The Light angel disappears inside. I follow.

  “Apologies, Odette. I didn’t have time to send word.”

  A stunning woman stands behind a long table covered with glassware of varying sizes. Her red hair is twisted into a braid, hanging over her left shoulder. I’d thought a sorceress would look like a witch from my childhood fairytales. But a long, crooked noses and wart covered skin is a far cry from the stunning woman standing across from me. Full, dark eyebrows frame her eyes and contrast with her milky, flawless skin. The air rushes out of my lungs when her attention moves to me.

  “Who do we have here?”

  Lukas steps to the side. “The reason behind my unexpected visit. Veronica.” He holds a hand out. Does he expect me to take it?’

  I step forward, ignoring the hand still hovering in the air in front of me. Lukas drops his arm back to his side.

  “Oh.” Odette’s eyes gleam, noting our interaction. “She’s a feisty one.”

  I look at the floor.

  Lukas says, “As you can see.”

  Odette chuckles. “It’s nice to see someone willing to stand up to you, Lukas. It doesn’t happen often enough.”

  I hear him sniff. “Veronica is definitely one of a kind.”

  I continue to stare at the floor. I don’t know what I’m doing here, and I wait for their banter to end so I can figure how why Lukas brought me to visit a sorceress.

  “Well, don’t just stand there. Come closer.”

  Realizing Odette is speaking to me, I inch toward the table. I stop just shy of touching the wood. I lift my head, but keep my chin dipped in a slight angle.

  She extends a well-manicured hand. Bright red nails catch the light. “Give me your hand.”

  Seeing no other option, I comply. I place my palm in hers and wait for whatever comes next. Odette does not disappoint.

  Her eyes roll back, and her eyelids flutter violently. Her shoulders twitch, and her limbs shake. Her neck seems to be made of rubber. Her head falls to the side and rolls forward, taking away her creepy, white-eyed stare. Then, without warning, her head snaps back up. It seems like she’s looking at me, but that’s impossible. She would need her irises to see. Right?

  I’m not given time to ponder her vision. A strange, mechanical voice passes through ruby red lips. “You are blessed.”

  I know she’s talking to me, but I can’t help but to disagree with her. I don’t feel blessed.

  “You are also cursed.”

  That I believe. She continues to hold onto my hand, but while the rest of her body twitches and shakes, her grip remains loose.

  Lukas steps into the corner of my eye. “Cursed?”

  “Yes,” the eerie voice continues. “Great power resides within. Restrained by wards built by one of my brothers.”

  I try to understand what she’s saying. Wards? Brothers? I long to ask my questions, but I don’t want to risk interrupting whatever trance she is in. I want to hear what else she has to say.

  “Which sorcerer placed a mask on her power?”

  The hand beneath minds flexes. “I cannot say. Their mark is hidden.”

  Lukas persists. “You say she is cursed. Cursed with power? Or cursed with the restraint on her power?”

  “Both,” she sighs, sounding like my plight pains her.

  My head throbs. I rub it with my free hand. Lukas’ interrogation is not finished.

  “Can you release the wards?”

  My head snaps to him. “What?” After hearing I have cursed power within me, I’m pretty sure I don’t want the wards removed. What if they are the only thing keeping me from losing control and destroying the world or something? That seems extreme, but it could be true for all I know.

  Lukas ignores me, keeping his focus on the sorceress. “Well… can you?”

  “Yessss,” the word is drawn out into an eerie hiss. I feel her fingers tighten around mine, and I panic.


  To my surprise, she does. Her grip loosens, and she continues staring at me like a freaky zombie.

  When I don’t immediately speak, she says, “Yes?”

  I swallow back my unease. I’m surprised Lukas is letting me throw a wrench into his plans. I figured he would push his agenda with or without my consent.

  “Is my power dangerous?” I ask the most relevant question.

  I worry the sorceress will say something to reveal my mixed Fallen heritage in front of Lukas, but that is overshadowed by the fear of allowing whatever power has been locked away to be unleashed upon the unsuspecting world. If Lukas hears my power is truly dangerous, surely he won’t insist the ward be removed.

  Unless he plans to use the noteworthy power for his own gain.

  I bite the inside of my cheek as I wait for Odette’s answer.

  The sorceress hums for several seconds. If it weren’t for the thoughtful tilt of her head or the slight squeezing of my hand, I would think she is ignoring my questions.

  “Your power is only dangerous to those you view as an enemy.”

  I release a heavy sigh, relieved to know I’m not some uncontrollable ticking timebomb. “Do you know why my powers were contained in the first place?”

  “The motive was for your own protection. Whomever commissioned one of my brothers to enact the ward did so with the intention of keeping your identity, and location, a secret.”

  I can think of two people who might have been motivated to keep my existence a secret.

  “One of her parents,” Lukas says quietly, seconding my thoughts. Though, he doesn’t know the truth. My concealment had equal, if not more, to do with keeping my parents’ taboo liaison a secret. They couldn’t have a half-Light, half-Dark kid running around in the open, revealing the truth of their forbidden affair. What would be better than to lock away all of your child’s angelic powers and ship her off to an orphanage before she can even walk?

  I observe Odette, searching for any sign she knows the truth about my parent’s identity. If she does, she gives no sign.

  “Do I have your consent to remove the wards?”

  I frown, surprised she even asks. Does she truly need my consent? I glance at Lukas.

  The Light Angel dips his chin. “The ward can only be removed if you agree.”

  I face the white-eyed sorceress. Do I want the ward removed? Odette has confirmed I am not a threat to anyone except those who want to hurt me. That doesn’t sound so bad. Besides, this may be the key to allowing me to finally use my powers at will.

  Decision made, I nod. “You have my consent to remove the ward.”

  Odette smiles just as a wall of glass shatters in my head. I scream. Sharp shards slice into my consciousness, making the world bleed red.


  My head feels like it’s going to explode. The pressure is too great, only lessened when its punctured by a piece of the invisible glass. Then, it builds back up at an alarmingly fast pace. I rest my free hand on the table, leaning over the sturdy
surface as I try to keep from passing out. Odette does not release my hand.

  Breathing does nothing. Each lungful of air is stolen before it can have a soothing effect. My eyes water. I wipe them, and my fingers come away with blood.

  “Shhh.” Odette soothes, no longer sounding as mechanical. She caresses the top of the hand she holds. “Hold on. Just a minute or so longer.”

  I won’t make it another minute. I don’t think I’m going to make it another second. My brain is bleeding; I’m sure of it. I need to get to a hospital.

  I fold over, squeezing my eyes closed and resting my forehead on the table. My insides tear and my mind shreds into thin strips.

  When I am about to give up and welcome the dark abyss, Odette drops my hand. The horrible feelings cease. My eyes fly open, and I stumble back. I want to be as far away from the sorceress as possible. My back hits a wall, and I slide down it and sit on the floor. Trembling, I curl my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs, watching the two powerful beings with nothing short of terror.

  A hint of concern lines Lukas’ eyes as he glances between me and the sorceress. “Did it work?”

  Odette pulls her braid over her shoulder. “Who do you think you are talking to? Of course, it worked.” She begins tidying up the table, not sparing me a second glance. She must not know the level of agony she just caused. Otherwise, she would be apologizing to me like a decent person.

  My body continues to shake as I watch the sorceress clean. She pours the bright colored liquids down the sink, flushing them with water. Smoke lifts into the air as the various substances react. I wonder what the materials are, curious about what a real-life sorceress does despite the fact she’d essentially tortured me. The pain hadn’t lasted as long as Lukas’ previous attack, but I can’t help but draw a comparison between the two instances. I’m so occupied watching her, I don’t see Lukas’ approach until it’s too late. He kneels beside me, leaning forward to make sure he is in my line of sight.

  “How do you feel?”

  If I had any sense of self preservation, I would’ve kept my mouth shut. My return to Valley Lake depends on Lukas being willing to take me back and unfreeze time. But I’m a mess. The physical and mental stress of my past two meetings with the Light Fallen has rattled me beyond reason. I’d been a fool to believe I could handle another meeting with the angel. Unable to compartmentalize my emotions, I snap.

  “How do you think I feel?” My voice vibrates with barely contained rage. The hold on my sanity in fragile and very near its breaking point. I decide I am going to tell my four protectors about Lukas’ visits the moment I am able. I won’t be able to survive another bout of torture, and I will need their help to avoid his spontaneous appearances.

  Instead of getting angry, Lukas remains calm. “I am inquiring after your angelic powers. Was Odette successful in lifting the ward keeping them from your full control?”

  The sorceress hears and slams a flask onto the table, cracking the glass. “I’ve already told you, I succeeded.”

  Lukas ignores her. He lifts an eyebrow. “Well?” he asks me. “Do you feel alright? Can you touch your power?”

  I glare with the intensity of one thousand suns. I wish I could shoot Angel Fire out of my eyes and burn him into a crisp. He is a piece of work. Causing my torment and then trying to pretend to be an ally.

  Twin beams of light blind me as they fire out of my eyes like lasers.

  A loud crack breaks through the air.

  I gasp and unravel my arms, pressing my palms onto the concrete floor and shutting my eyes on instinct.

  “What the hell was that?” I shout, pressing the heels of my hands into the solid floor, grounding myself. I wait for my eyes to scream in pain, but the feeling never comes. It’s just like when I shot Angel Fire from my hands. My skin had been left unsinged despite the fact my power made a demon disintegrate into ash, and my eyes seem equally resilient.

  Lukas chuckles, and the absurdity of the reaction almost makes me open my eyes. Almost. Remembering the frightening light keeps them pressed closed.

  “That, I believe, was you trying to smite me into the depths of hell.” For someone who’d almost been fried by my power, Lukas sure does sound at ease.

  “I-I didn’t mean to!” I’m telling the truth. Sure, I was angry for everything Lukas had put me through, but I wouldn’t really want to hurt Lukas.

  Wouldn’t you, though? The violent voice in the back of my mind taunts me.

  I shudder. I long to rid myself my recently emerged dark side. This isn’t me. I don’t try to hurt people. Not even Fallen Angels who’ve caused me pain.

  “Relax. I’m not angry. In fact, I’m quite pleased.”

  My forehead creases. I lift my head but remember to keep my eyes shut at the last second. I grimace. This is beyond frustrating.

  “What do you mean?” How could he be pleased with the fact I tried to hurt him?

  From somewhere across the room. I hear Odette sigh. “He’s happy because you successfully called on your powers to do your will.”

  My heartbeat slows as the truth of her words sinks in. She’s right. I thought about lighting Lukas up with my powers, and then it happened.

  Well… I tried to make it happen.

  Though I’d been blinded during the attempt, I suspect Lukas used his defensive shields to deflect my attack.

  Lukas, still kneeling near me, says, “You may open your eyes now, Veronica. I believe your power has abated.”

  Instead, I squeeze my eyes tighter. I’m afraid of losing control like I did in the warehouse. “How do you know?”

  “Because your eyelids are no longer glowing.”

  A simple enough answer.

  Cautiously, I crack one eye open. When Angel Fire doesn’t fly across the room, I allow the other to open. I rub my eyes, more from habit than actual discomfort. Again, it doesn’t feel as if anything happened. My body remains unaffected by use of the destructive angelic power.

  Lukas is at eye level, and he is grinning like a fool. “I would call this adventure a success, don’t you think?”

  I think he is speaking to me, but Odette answers, “Indeed. A thanks would be most appreciated.”

  His smile grows as he faces the sorceress. “I am in your debt, Odette. Thank you for your services.” He withdraws a burlap pouch from his jacket pocket. The sorceress’ eyes widen with glee.

  Lukas stands. His height makes me feel tiny. I scramble to my feet.

  “Your payment, as we agreed.” He holds out the pouch. Odette glides forward. Just as she’s about to grab the item, Lukas pulls back an inch.

  Odette stills, and I hold my breath. Is Lukas about to renege on his deal with the sorceress? I look over my shoulder, finding the exit. If a fight goes down, I am going to get the hell out of here.

  The sorceress lowers her hand and watches Lukas. I see no anger, only eagerness to get the object. “Is there something else, my lord?”

  My lord?

  “Yes.” Lukas erases all signs of his previous joy as he levels an authoritative stare on the woman in front of him. “You shall not speak a word of what transpired here. To anyone. If you do, I promise the retribution I will seek shall not be overcome by any spell or trinket you have in your possession.”

  I shudder. Lukas means business. The sorceress blanches, intelligent enough to take his threat seriously.

  “Of course, my lord.” She bows low, her back completely flat. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “Good.” Lukas waves his fingers, and Odette rises. He tosses the pouch. Odette squeaks as her hands flail, relaxing once she has the item pressed tightly to her chest. She sighs, gazing at the pouch with excitement. Then, she lifts her chin and calmly says, “If there is nothing else, my lord?”

  Lukas dips his head. “You are dismissed.”

  The sorceress doesn’t waste a second. Still clutching the pouch against her chest, she swirls her fingers in the air beside her. Her lips move softly, and I am too f
ar away to hear what she is saying. A black cloud of smoke forms at the tips of her fingers. The haze widens and extends to reach the full height and width of her body. Then, without looking back, Odette steps towards the smoky cloud. She does not come out the other side.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Fright washes over me. I’m alone with Lukas.

  I step back, but I don’t go far. I’d forgotten I’d moved to the back of the room. Lukas stands in front of me. I have nowhere to run. My hands begin to tingle, my emotion calling forth Angel Fire.

  Lukas raises his hands, trying to appear unthreatening. “I mean you no harm, Veronica.”

  “Really?” My hands spark. My emotions are close to taking control. “Then what was that? What did Odette do to me?”

  “You know very well what she did,” he replies with patience. His demeanor frustrates me. My temper wants him to be arrogant and cruel. I want a reason to unleash the power building in my palms. I want to make him pay for hurting my parents. I want to make him pay for hurting me.

  Lukas reads my thoughts in my eyes. He shifts his stance, centering himself into a sturdy position. He’s ready for whatever I might do.

  “Odette undid the wards placed on you at birth. You can now access your powers without needing to endure a heightened state of emotional or physical distress.” His attention flickers to my hands, and he smirks. “Though, I’m beginning to question the wisdom of my decision. You seem rather trigger happy at the moment.”

  My nostrils flare. “You only want me to have my power so I can use it for you.”

  Lukas shrugs. “Of course. Like I said before, you are unique. An anomaly, really. I will not deny that I plan to elicit your powers whenever I have need. But that does not mean I wish to cause you harm each time I need your help.”

  My heart is racing. “What makes you think I will help you ever again?”

  “Hope.” His eyes fill with what looks to be genuine remorse. “Hope that you will accept my apology and my pathetic attempt at an explanation.” The confidence seems to drain out of him, leaving him looking deflated and nervous. It’s such a sharp contrast to the angel I’ve encountered.


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