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Hunted by the Fallen: A Fallen Angel Reverse Harem Novel (The Fallen Harem Book 2)

Page 13

by Samantha Britt

  He chuckles softly, and he doesn’t hold his thoughts in. “Ever since that day you swung a bat at my face, I haven’t been able to think of anyone but you. You fill my every thought, Veronica. When I am not with you, all I can think about is getting back to you as soon as I can. These emotions are foreign to me, but I knew within five minutes who you are to me. And I am observant enough to realize that is exactly how the others feel about you.”

  Warmth blossoms in my chest. I don’t know what to say. His words make me want to reach out and hug him. I want to tell him that despite all the craziness in my life, he’s been a constant source of comfort. His easygoing nature and perfect smile can brighten even my darkest day. I am so close to sharing my feelings, but the memory of my kiss with Zeke stops me.

  I can’t do this.

  My emotions are all over the place.

  And despite what the Fallen say about all four of them being my soulmate, I don’t have it in me to choose between them. I can’t be responsible for hurting any of their feelings. It feels unnatural to admit, but each of the Fallen means too much to me. I care about them. A lot.

  No. I refuse to let my emotions get the best of me. Besides, I’m sort of dating Preston. Even if I haven’t seen him since our first attempt at a date.

  Even to my own mind, it sounds like a weak excuse.

  I look at the ground. Gabe’s words were sentimental and perfect. I don’t want to hide how much they mean to me, but I don’t want to encourage them. I can’t encourage them.

  “Please do not concern yourself with hurting my feelings,” Gabe says after I remain silent, misunderstanding why I have not replied. “I’m aware you do not feel the same pull the rest of us do.”

  Gabe has no idea how wrong he is. Since the sorceress removed the ward, I do feel a connection to the Fallen. And it’s more than just sensing their emotions or knowing when they enter the room. My soul begs for me to draw near them despite my anger for their deceit. My heart beats in time to theirs, and those truths terrify me.

  “Veronica?” Gabe speaks softly, wary of frightening me away. Like I could go anywhere. I still haven’t practiced using my powers to move locations at will.

  I meet his gaze, and the depth of emotion I see makes all of my worries seem foolish. He’s handsome, funny, and kind. Objectively, Gabe is the type of guy any girl would be lucky to have. How can I walk away from someone like him? I’d be an idiot to not give us a chance.

  My head spins.

  How have I gone from crushing on Preston, to kissing Zeke, to now wanting to leap off the swing and throw myself into Gabe’s arms?

  It’s because he’s your bashert. My inner voice tickles the base of my skull.

  I don’t know what Gabe sees in my gaze or if he actually read my mind. But before I can take another breath, Gabe is off his swing and standing in front of me. He kneels down and reaches out to cup my face in his hand. My skin sings.

  He licks his lips. “I don’t expect anything from you, Veronica. I know this is a lot. But if there is any way I might one day dare to hope—”

  I don’t let him finish. His sweetness overwhelms me. Allowing my body to act on instinct, I push off the swing and wrap my arms around his neck. I have enough control of myself to not give in to my urge and kiss him. Something feels wrong about kissing more than one guy in the same day. I burrow my face into the base of his neck, content to revel in the smell of sunshine and fresh cut grass.

  Gabe leans back to counteract the sudden force. At the same time, he gathers me in his embrace. He turns and presses a kiss at my hairline. I smile. He really is sweet.

  “Well, isn’t this quaint.”

  I stiffen.

  I peer over Gabe’s shoulder and immediately pull back. My arms slide down to rest on Gabe’s shoulder as I meet Adrian’s glare.


  My throat dries, and I try to figure out why, exactly, Adrian is upset. I have multiple offenses under my belt. The question is: which of my transgressions has he heard about? Gabe believed Joseph left to tell the Dark Fallen about my removed ward, but I hope he’s wrong. Joseph wouldn’t reveal such news without me there to defend myself. Right?

  Or maybe Adrian is upset over the kiss he’d witnessed between me and Zeke? Does he imagine the same thing happened between me and Gabe? I suppose our embrace might imply such a thing.

  Looking calm as ever, Gabe rises to his feet and offers a hand to help me up. I brush the mulch off my knees and straighten my back. I will not act ashamed. I will stand by all of my decisions, no matter how erratic and confusing they may seem.

  Adrian examines me from head to toe. I can’t tell if he is searching for injuries or looking for proof that my ward is no longer intact.

  “So it’s true,” he says. “The ward is gone.”

  I remind myself to stand my ground and nod.

  “How long?”

  “Five days.” I’m surprised Joseph hadn’t revealed that piece of information. Then again, maybe Adrian didn’t stick around to hear the whole story. I wonder if he’s been looking for me for long, or if he followed our connection right to the park.

  “And you have full access of your powers.”

  It’s not a question, but I still answer. “Yes.”

  His runs his fingers through his dark hair. “Well, isn’t that just great.”

  Feeling brave, I ask, “Are any of you ever going to explain how you think my powers will be detected?”

  Adrian simply glares at me, as if explaining himself is beneath him.

  Thankfully, Gabe obliges me. “All Fallen have a signature. It’s unique to each individual, but it usually contains a mark which identifies a Fallen’s allegiance.”

  “To the Light or Dark Council, you mean?”

  “Exactly.” Gabe reaches out. Mindful of Adrian’s presence, he pulls back before touching me. “We fear your powers will contain traces of both races.”

  “You fear,” I look between the two Fallen, “but you don’t know?”

  Adrian clenches his jaw and mutters, “No. Even now, I cannot get more than a faint read on your powers.”

  I exhale. “That’s good news. If you can barely detect them right next to me, I bet no one else can.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that Veronica,” Gabe says. “There are other Fallen more powerful than us. They may be able to sense you even if we can’t.”

  The little bit of hope deflates, but I won’t apologize for what’s happened. I like having access to my power.

  “I won’t consent to enacting another ward on my powers,” I tell them.

  “Of course not,” Gabe is quick to say. “We wouldn’t ask that of you.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Adrian interjects, “I would if such a feat was possible on a full-fledged Fallen.”

  I gape at him before I get control of myself. “You would really do that to me? Even if I didn’t want you to?”

  “If it meant protecting you,” Adrian doesn’t hesitate, “then yes. I would.”

  “I can’t believe you.” I throw my hands in the air. “Are you really so pigheaded that you think your way is the only way?”

  Adrian quirks an eyebrow, and I see his lips twitch.

  “Do you think this is funny?”

  “I think your vocabulary is funny, yes. This situation you’ve caused for yourself? No. I do not find that funny in the least.”

  I close my eyes and tell myself to calm down. Adrian is always infuriating, but now is not the time to for this battle.

  “Can we go home?” I ask, not faking how tired I sound. I just want to lay down in my bed and sleep.

  Adrian watches me for another moment. “Fine,” he says. “I assume you’ve got her.” He directs the last comment to Gabe.

  The Light Fallen steps closer and offers his hand, once again. I lay my palm in his and we travel the short distance back to my house.

  I’m greeted by Joseph and Zeke. One throws the full brunt of his disapproval at my feet, and the other avo
ids meeting my eye. I hadn’t stopped to consider what Zeke must be thinking after my surprise kiss. He hadn’t shoved me away, but maybe he is regretting our kiss. That would explain why he can’t even look at me.

  Adrian arrives behind us. I stand in my living room, surrounding by my four protectors, and they are all waiting for an explanation for what I’ve done.

  I see no point in delaying. “Well, now know why I’ve been acting strange these past few days.”

  Their reactions are all different. Joseph has perfected a disapproving expression. Adrian’s teeth grind together. Zeke frowns, but continues to look anywhere but at me. And Gabe remains calm. He isn’t going to chastise me. He knows I will get enough of that from the others.

  “Come on, guys. Let’s have it. I know I’ve endangered myself. Bring on the lecture.”

  Joseph steps forward. “Your attitude is proof you are not taking the threat to yourself seriously.” I try to ignore how deeply his tone hurts my feelings.

  “I do take it seriously,” I point at him, then motion to all of the Fallen. “But I won’t apologize for agreeing to work with Lukas. I know what he’s done, and I know you think I’m crazy to say so, but I trust him. He helped me access my power, and he tells me thing about the angelic world that you all hide from me.”

  “Do not tell me you think Lukas helped you out of the goodness of his heart?” Joseph’s words drip with condescension. I don’t understand this drastic change in my ex-teacher. He’s been nothing but a jerk since Lukas’ house, and I’m tired of it.

  “Of course not,” I tell him. I know Lukas has an interest in my abilities. The thing is, I am glad to be able to help injured Fallen. I don’t resent Lukas’ motives. Not even a little bit.

  Joseph snorts, and I see red.

  “If you’d stop being such an ass, maybe I’d have the chance to explain!” I can’t restrain my frustration any more. There is only so much a girl can take. I brace myself for his reaction. I anticipate more condescending comments, or perhaps actual shouting.

  Joseph does neither. Instead, his hands unfurl, and I can see the fight leave him. My words landed quite a blow.

  “I think we should all take a seat,” Gabe suggests. “What’s done is done. Now, we need to discuss where to go from here.”

  Joseph is the first to comply. Zeke and Adrian follow. Gabe waits for me to walk to the couch before following. I sit on the very edge of the couch, as far from them as I can get.

  Gabe clears his throat. “So, Veronica has access to her power. And there is a chance her identity may be detected. Anyone have any suggestions for how we handle this situation?”

  “We travel back in time and prevent Lukas from taking her to a sorceress,” Adrian states. For a second, I think he’s serious. Fallen are capable of many surprising things.

  “A realistic suggestion if you please,” Gabe replies.

  “I’m guessing hiding Veronica in this house for the rest of her life counts as not realistic?”

  I glare at Adrian, and I note his smirk. Some of my anger fades. In his own way, I think Adrian is trying to make me feel better.

  “Correct,” Gabe says. Then adds, “My thoughts are we continue on as we have been. Except for the fact Veronica should no longer assist Lukas with his injured comrades.”

  “What?” A sense of betrayal washes over me. I hadn’t expected that from Gabe. “But you are one of those comrades. If I hadn’t been there, you might have…” I trail off, unable to vocalize my fear for his life.

  Neither of the Dark Fallen seems surprised by news of Gabe’s involvement.

  “I am not Lukas’ ally,” Gabe tells me. “I asked to join his forces in order to assess the enemy they’ve been shouting about these past weeks. I only planned to join one mission, but I unfortunately encountered more than I bargained for.”

  “Idiot,” Joseph mumbles, but there is no bite in the word. My outburst has curbed the worst of his irritation.

  “What did you learn?” Adrian asks Gabe, taking the heat off of me for a moment.

  He repeats what he’d said at Lukas’ mansion. “The Darkness is spawning demons at an alarmingly fast rate, and they are not the imbecilic demons we are used to. These demons are cunning and calculating. They work as a unit and are hunting down Nephilim and Fallen alike, draining them of angelic powers.” His expression dims as he relives a violent memory. “I saw many of our brethren perish at their hands.”

  My chest hurts, mirroring Gabe’s pain. “That’s why it’s important for me to help the ones who survive the attacks. I need to be able to work with Lukas.”

  “Being around Lukas only puts you in greater danger,” Gabe states.


  “I know you want to help, Veronica, but it’s not worth placing you in harm’s way.”

  “What would have happened to you if I wasn’t there to heal you?”

  Gabe’s lips form a straight line. “Whatever Fate would have wished.”

  I throw my hands in the air, beyond annoyed. “You would have died, Gabe. Others would have died. You can’t seriously ask me to not help.”

  “Agree to keep your distance for a week,” Zeke steps in, still careful to not meet my eye. “Give us time. Maybe we can work with Lukas and devise methods to assure your safety while you heal his allies.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “Enough, Gabe,” Joseph cuts him off. “Zeke is right. And so is Veronica.”

  I blink, shocked by the show of support.

  Joseph isn’t finished. He turns to his brother with a solemn expression. “You would have died without Veronica’s intervention. While I am furious she met with Lukas behind our backs, we have a duty to at least try and arrange a situation where she may help those in need as long as she is safe. Many Fallen have their own basherts waiting for them to return.”

  I’d been planning to object to the week-long ban, but my rebuttal fades from my lips. My cheeks heat. Thankfully, none of the Fallen seem to notice.

  “It’s too dangerous,” Gabe tells his brother. “You didn’t see the demons. The Darkness is growing. It is only a matter of time until Lukas’ operation is eliminated. I won’t let Veronica be another casualty.”

  I hear Peri whine. The sound comes from the back of the house. I stand and walk towards the sound, leaving the brothers to their argument. I don’t think anything I say will sway them either way. I’ve already said my piece.

  Periwinkle sits at the back door. When she sees me, her tail starts to wag. She looks at the door and whines.

  I open the door and step outside. Immediately, Peri darts after a squirrel she’d seen on the lawn. I stand on the edge of the steps, watching her play. She’s running along the fence where the squirrel had disappeared, waiting for him to return.

  The back door opens. I don’t turn around. Even footsteps sound against the wood deck. Adrian stands next to me. He doesn’t say anything right away. I try to read his emotions, but I detect nothing. He has them under lock and key. The only way I will know what he’s feeling is to ask.

  “What are they talking about in there?”

  “What you expect,” he replies. “Don’t worry. Gabe will agree to Zeke’s suggestion of one week.”

  I turn and rest my back against the post, facing Adrian. “How do you know?”

  He mimics my movement, crossing his arms as he leans back. “I just do.”

  Then, he asks, “What did the sorceress say to you when she lifted your ward?”

  My eyes widen. “W-what makes you think she said something?”

  “Aside from your stutter?” He smirks. “Call it intuition.”

  I chew on my bottom lip. I weigh the pros and cons of telling him about Odette’s strange claims. To be honest, I’d completely forgotten about it. After all, she’d told me I wasn’t a danger to people I cared about, and a lot has happened to distract me since then.

  “Her name was Odette.” I pause, waiting for a sign of recognition. Adrian doesn’t even blink.
  “And what did she say?”

  “She said, ‘You are blessed, but you also cursed.’ Or something like that.”

  “Hm.” Adrian turns towards the yard. His eyes go distant as he ponders what I’ve said.

  “Think it means anything?”

  “With sorceresses, everything means something,” he tells me. “But I’m not sure what she meant.”

  My shoulders dip, disappointed. An idea occurs to me. “Maybe my blessing is the ability to heal Fallen?”

  “Perhaps,” he allows, still staring off in the distance. Peri runs a lap across the yard, and Adrian’s lips lift into a small smile.

  As if sensing his gaze, Peri turns and stares at the patio. In the next second, she bolts toward us. I think she’s running to me. I push off the post, about to kneel down to greet her, when she pivots and arrives at Adrian’s feet. My jaw drops. He bends down and scratches her head. Peri’s tail whips back and forth, and her back left leg thumps excitedly.

  “Since when does Peri like you?” I ask incredulously. I thought my dog was only fond of the Light Fallen.

  “Don’t you know, Angel?” Adrian gives me a wink, still petting Peri. “I’m very loveable.”

  I snort to hide how my heart flutters. “Yeah, right.”

  My teasing makes his smile grow. I feel like I’m walking on dangerous ground. Dangerously flirtatious ground.

  Before Adrian can reply, I ask about the other half of Odette’s unusual words, “Do you have any idea why I might be cursed? Is it because of my parents?”

  Adrian stands. His face is grave, but he continues to keep his emotions out of my reach. “Perhaps.”

  I know him well enough to know he is thinking something he’s not saying. “Can you explain?”

  Adrian runs a hand through his blond hair. It’s his anxious tick. I see indecision warring in his eyes. I cross my fingers, hoping he will choose to tell me the truth. My relationship with the Fallen is fragile, but I know it is healing. Already, Adrian and Joseph are not as angry with me. And they are willing to compromise on me working with Lukas and his army. I hope Adrian wants to continue the goodwill between us. I wait in silence, allowing him to make his decision without any interference from me.


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