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Project Mars (Dying Planet Book 0)

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by C.O. Amal

  Tony and Alex quickly entered the ship and checked for pilot. But they found none. One of the medic was a pilot, Alex assumed. The room got filled with scream of the medics and the growl of the monsters. The newly came creature have caught the other medic too.

  Alex hit the switch to close the boarding ramp of the ship. The ramp began to close. Alex took the seat of the pilot. When he looked towards Tony he couldn’t find him. One of the creature have somehow taken him from the boarding ramp. Then the room got filled with Tony’s cry.

  The ramp quickly closed. Alex switch on the ship. He manoeuvred the ship out of the ship deck, and then he flew the ship towards Earth. When he is at a safe distance he entered the command for wormhole travel. Fortunate for him the ship is fully automated. A wormhole appeared in front of the ship. And the ship flew through it. The velocity of ship increased. Alex was pushed back to the seat due to the increased G force.

  When the ship is out of wormhole he could see Earth as a tiny sphere. Finally home.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3

  NASA Research Division, Los Angeles

  “2060 May 20, 4 PM after noon. Project Mars is a go. Subject is enveloped by heavy iridium layer. Cutting out the iridium layer.” One of the scientist said.

  The scientist began to carefully cut out the iridium layer with a metal cutter. He cut about two inches. Suddenly some kind of pressurised gas erupted from the metal layers. The pressure of the gas was enormous and it break the glass of the scientist’s helmet. And he was exposed to the gas. One scientist quickly took sample of the gas. Other scientists glared at the exposed scientist with disbelief. Some medics in biohazard suits came and led the exposed scientist to another room.

  Langton and Lincoln was watching the procedures from a safe distance through the glass that separates them from the lab.

  “Who was that?” Langton asked.

  “That was our palaeontologist, John.” Lincoln said. “They have taken him to quarantine.”

  Johana came rushing at Professor Langton and Lincoln.

  “Sir, there was an incident on mars. In the mine from which we obtained the specimen. I think you should see this video.” Johana said.

  Johana played the video on her tab and she gave it to Langton. The video showed three men walking aimlessly in a room. Some part of their body tissue is hanging out of the body. Their mouths have blood stain. Their clothes are covered with blood stain. In the corner, one of the men is eating a human corps.

  “Earlier today one of the men contacted me from mars and he said some of the men were exposed to some strange gas and they were feeling ill. When I asked for symptoms, they said the exposed men’s skin were covered with bruises. I had already sent a medical team up there but I lost contact with them.” Johana said with deep breath.

  The professors exchanged an unusual glance.

  “Our palaeontologist also have exposed to some sort of gas. They moved him to quarantine. Could it be the same gas?” Langton asked.

  “Let’s check on him to see whether he developed the same symptoms.” Lincoln said.

  They walked towards the quarantine area. At the time they reached there some of the medics were examining John. Professors and Johana watched the analysis through the glass window.

  “Is there any symptoms?” Langton asked through the mic.

  The medic examining John paused for a moment and then said, “It seems that some kind of bruises are developing in his skin. He caught a high fever too. He’s burning up.”

  “Please leave him as he is, and come out of the room immediately” Langton called out.

  “Why?” Lincoln asked.

  “We can’t afford to take any chances. Didn’t you watched the video? He may become aggressive.” Langton said.

  The medics inside the room started to come out of the room.

  “What is it, sir?” One of the medics asked.

  Langton showed them the video. “These people on the video have been exposed to that strange gas. And I think they become aggressive in time.” Langton said with a deep sigh. “For now we are going to observe him from outside. Then we could decide what to do with him.”

  “Okay, we will do that.” The medic said.

  “Did you take the sample of the gas?” Langton asked.

  “Yes, we did. We will begin to study it soon.” The medic answered.

  “Make it number one priority.” Langton said and left them.

  Langton and Lincoln walked toward the laboratory. Johana left them to do her own business. At the time they reached the laboratory scientists had cut out all the pieces of the iridium. Professor exchanged a serious glance. They couldn’t believe what they are witnessing. Embedded inside the iridium was a perfectly preserved human being. Subject is missing some of the limbs. And it appear that it is decaying very slowly.

  “Carbon dating indicate that subject is nearly two thousand years old.” One of the scientist said. “Taking a body sample for analysis.”

  The scientist took a body sample and gave it to another scientist. That scientist took it and began to analyse it under microscope.

  “The tissue is appeared to have lost the human tissue behaviour. It appear that it is similar to plastic. It seems that a strange gas is emanating from the tissue.” The scientist recorded.

  “Could that be the same gas that had just erupted from the metal container earlier?” Langton asked through the mic.

  The scientist examining the body tissue paused for a moment.

  “It appear that, both gases are same.” The scientist said.

  The specimen is indeed decaying slowly like plastic. It also is emitting a strange gas that is transmitting this disease to others. Martians may have suffered from this pandemic. This gas may have something to do with the plant life also. The victim may have died due to hunger. It is evident from its bony structure. Maybe this gas had destroyed the entire Martian environment.

  “Please analyse the gas first.” Langton said through the mic.

  “I will begin it shortly.” The scientist said.

  The scientist captured the gas in a small device. And pressed a switch. Then the complex atomic structure of the gas became displayed on the big monitor in the laboratory. In the small window, beside the big screen, displayed a moving bacterium or virus. After ten minutes the screen became blank.

  “It appear that this is a virus. And it exists only for ten minutes without the host. For now we will call it the Alpha - 1 virus” The scientist said.

  That’s a good news. So this disease is due to this virus, Alpha - 1 Virus, and it exists for only ten minutes in the gaseous form. Langton thought.

  “The body tissue contain another form of this virus. It appear that it can be transmitted in two ways. One through body fluids and other through this gas” The scientist said.

  This is a highly contagious disease. If it isn’t carefully treated it could be the end of the Earth. Will Earth have same destiny as that of mars?

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4

  City of Petra, Los Angeles

  The pod ship came at full speed. Alex struggled to control the ship. Finally somehow he manoeuvred it and landed in the yard of his house – one place he want to go as last resort. Julie came outside the house probably when she heard the sound of the engines of the ship.

  Without thinking Alex got outside of the ship and ran towards his wife – the person he want to see the most. He wrapped his hand around her and he rested his head on her shoulder. Tears ran through his face wetting her shoulder.

  “Alex! It’s good to see you.” Julie said.

  Alex began to cry harder.

  “What happened, honey? Is everything alright?” Julie asked.

  “I will tell you when we are inside …” Alex answered.

  “Okay, then let’s get you inside.” Julie said.

  They went inside the house. On the way she massaged his back.

  “So, what do you want to tell me?” Julie asked.

nbsp; “My co-workers are dead. I think I am the only one survived it.” Alex said with deep sigh.

  “What?” Julie covered her mouth with her hand in horror.

  Next came out of her mouth was a series of questions.

  “When? How? You survived what?” Julie asked.

  “It was a normal day. Until I got a call about some godforsaken biological matter buried deep inside Martian soil … It was a normal day …” He began to cry.

  “Hold on there, honey. Let me get you some water. You must be starving. I have ordered Pizza. It will be here soon. We can talk while eating.” Julie said.

  Alex said nothing. He remained motionless. Julie glanced at him for a moment, then she went inside the kitchen to get some water. When she is at kitchen she opened the refrigerator for something cool. Finally she got hold of some orange juice. “It must be enough” She said herself.

  Julie walked toward Alex with the bottle of orange juice in her hand. She placed it in front of Alex.

  “Here, honey. Drink this. This will cool you down.” Julie said.

  “Thanks …” Alex said and took the bottle in his hand and slowly began to twist open the cap. After he is done, he slowly placed the mouth of the bottle inside his mouth and slowly began to drink. He drank the whole bottle and after he is finished he slowly placed the bottle on the desk.

  “When they were excavating it, some of my men were exposed to some sort of gas … Yes … It must be the reason … Then me and Roony were discussing about the ill men. Then it started.” He said.

  “You’re not making sense. Then started what?” Julie asked.

  “Then the killing started … those ill men or what was left of them started to kill everyone on the base.” Alex said. He began to cry again.

  Julie stood there motionless with disbelief and panic.

  “And you are the only one survived?” Julie asked.

  “Yes …” He said crying.

  “Honey, you are making me mad. It doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t make any sense to me. You’re frightening me.” Julie said.

  “I am serious, Julie. There is some strange gas on mars which make you mad, senseless, painless killer” For the first time he looked serious.

  “Now you are frightening me. Let me contact the copes.” Julie said.

  “Copes can’t do anything. Those things killed the medics send by NASA. And somehow I got in their ship and managed to fly it down here. Tony was also with me … But those things got him. I can still hear his scream … I couldn’t help him. I was so selfish.” Alex said.

  “Don’t say anything like that, honey. You just did what you had to do. Nothing more nothing less.” Julie said.

  The sound of bell shifted both of their gaze to the front door.

  “It must be the pizza. Let me go and get it.” Julie said.

  Julie walked towards the front door. She opened the door. A pizza boy with red cap on his head was standing there with pizza.

  “Oh! How much do I owe you?” Julie asked.

  “That will be twenty.” The boy answered.

  “Here you go. Keep the change.” Julie said.

  “Thanks for the tip. Is the ship yours?” The boy said.

  “Oh, that ship … it’s my husband’s.” July said.

  “Okay. See you!” with that the boy left.

  She carried the pizza to the table. Alex was still sitting there crying like a child.

  “Stop it, honey. You are worrying me.” Julie desperately said. “Here eat this.” Julie handed him a piece of pizza.

  He took it and started to eat. “I can’t forgot their faces, honey.” He said with a piece of pizza in his mouth.

  “Don’t worry about that, honey. Eat that and rest, we can talk about this in the morning. It’s a lot to take inside. I am done for today.” Julie said.

  They finished eating the pizza. Alex and Julie walked towards kitchen sink to wash their mouth. After they are done, they walked towards the bedroom. She let him lie down. Then she rested her body besides him. She touched his head and quickly drew back her hand.

  “Honey, you are burning up!” Julie said.

  “I know.” Alex said and he closed his eyes.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5

  NASA Research Division, Los Angeles

  One scientist exposed the gas to a plant. After some time the plant started to wither.

  “Alpha – 1 effects plant life too.” The scientist noted.

  “That explain how mars must have lost its plant life.” Langton said to Lincoln.

  “When all the plants started to die out, carbon dioxide must have increased. With global warming drying up all the water, mars practically must have lost its ability to support life.” Lincoln said.

  “Let’s take a look at John now.” Langton suggested.

  They walked towards John’s room. Medics were noting down the results on the paper. When the professors reached there, they couldn’t believe what they are seeing. John or what was left of him is thrashing at the glass window. It must have sensed their presence somehow.

  “Sir, it is not safe for you without mask.” One of the medic announced.

  Another medic handed over two masks to professors. Professors accepted them and wore it.

  “How long did it take to change?” Langton asked.

  “About twenty minutes.” One of the medic said.

  “Is he emitting any gas from his body?” Lincoln asked.

  “We think so.” The medic said.

  “We need to take the blood sample and analyse this Alpha - 1 virus more closely.” Langton said.

  “We will do that. But first we need to restrain him.” One of the medic said.

  One of the medic said something in his radio. Then a group of men in biohazard suits came. In their hands was ropes and metal rods. They opened the door to John’s room. Suddenly John jumped on them. But the group masterly caught him and restrained him on the bed in the far corner of the room. One of the medic followed them with a syringe. And the medic took a blood sample and left the room.

  All of the people left the room. The newly came men returned to their position. The medics began to analyse the blood sample in a separate room with glass window.

  “The virus structure is nothing like we have seen before. It is multiplying quickly” The medic said.

  “No sign of white blood cells. It seems that this virus shuts down body’s all resistant mechanisms.” One of the medic said.

  It is mandatory that they record everything for future needs. The medics ran a series of tests on the blood sample.

  “The virus is not resistant to saline water! The saline water completely destroys the virus.” One of the medic called out.

  Other medics looked surprised. Finally they know how to defeat it. But that still doesn’t says about the possibility of a cure.

  “What can we call this disease?” Langton said through the mic.

  The medics paused for a moment then one of the medic said “MARSELIA.”

  All the medics agrees with that.

  Professor Lincoln and Langton discussed about how fast a cure can be developed. They must contact WHO for this.

  Johana quickly paced toward them.

  “Sir, earlier today I have said that I lost contact with the medics we had sent to mars.” Johana said.

  “Yes, you did. What’s wrong?” Langton asked.

  “Well, now I have tracked their pod ship … And it seems that the ship had landed in the city of Petra, in Los Angeles. I have a bad feeling about this.” Johana said.

  “Send someone down there to check on the ship.” Langton said.

  “I will do that.” Johana said and left them.

  “What if the ship carried someone infected down to earth. We couldn’t contain this outbreak, not with the presence of the airborne variant of the virus.” Lincoln said.

  “They could use common salt to clean the infected area. The airborne virus will last only for ten minutes or so, so we have a
chance to contain this.” Langton said. “Let’s go and check that specimen.”

  Lincoln agreed with that. They both moved toward the laboratory.

  “It seems the body is emitting the gas through sweat glands.” One of the scientist recorded.

  By the time the professors reached there, the specimen was cut opened. Incredibly all the organs are still preserved but with a yellowish colour.

  “It seems that this specimen is not decaying at all. Its brain had destroyed. Supposedly only way to kill the host is by destroying the brain. The airborne variant may have destroyed the microbes that is responsible for the decomposition. The skin and all organs are like plastic. Tissue structure is similar to that of plastic. Alpha – 1 virus is capable of instant mutation. It must have mutated the body.” One scientist said.

  “What will be like if Earth is full of those things?” Lincoln asked Langton.

  “The airborne effects plant life too. Martians must have suffered a lot.” Langton said.

  “The Martian is similar to a human on Earth. But specimen’s skull indicate a larger brain. Supposedly it belong to an advanced civilization.” One of the scientist said.

  “So much for an advanced species. This pandemic must have killed all of them.” Langton said.

  “What if some of them have escaped mars and came to earth. There are numerous archaeological findings which indicate the presence of an advanced civilization on Earth.” Lincoln said.

  “Where did you learn that?” Langton asked.

  “There is a book titled Earth’s Forbidden Secrets by an Igan or something. I usually don’t remember the authors. Anyway it contain lot of information about these topics.” Lincoln said.

  “I need to get one of that book.” Said Langton.

  Lincoln smiled.

  “Did you check the genome?” Langton asked through the mic.

  “Yes, we have. Genome test indicate that specimen is hundred percent human” One of the scientist said.

  Langton and Lincoln watched the dead human with mesmerized eyes.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6

  City of Petra, Los Angeles

  Julie woke with a sharp pain on her hand. She looked at her hand and quickly drew back her hand. Alex was biting on her hand.

  “Alex! What did you do?” Julie said with anger.


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