Book Read Free

Double Dog Dare You

Page 22

by Lacey Black

  “What’s this?” I ask as he hands it over.

  “Open it.”

  I pull open the flap and remove the paper inside. I scan the top and giggle at what I read. It’s written out like an invitation with my name at the top.

  “It’s an invitation to join me tomorrow night at Elevate at the top of the mountain. Every night I work, I take the final trip down. I’d like for you to go with me.”

  “Down the mountain?”

  He nods. “Yeah. Will you go? With me?”

  I open my mouth, wanting to say yes, but still a little nervous, even though I’ve already ziplined once before.

  “Come on, Bestie,” he says, leaning in and whispering, “Double dog dare you.”

  I smile as warmth spreads through me. “I’ll go.”

  He instantly grins. “Good. Be there at seven thirty, okay?”

  I nod.

  Royce grips my face once more and places a hard kiss to my lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Quinn.” And then he adds, “I love you.” Royce whistles for Jack, who’s busy lapping up the remnants of my margarita off the floor.

  “Well, at least he’s not thirsty anymore,” I say with a shrug.

  “Great. Now I get to run home with a buzzed dog,” he teases, whistling again. Jack barks and heads toward his owner. He seems completely fine, even if he did slurp up a smidgen of alcohol. Royce slips the leash back on, heading down the sidewalk.

  Before he takes off, I holler, “Hey, Royce?” He stops and turns my way. When his eyes meet mine, I state, “I love you too.”

  I’m rewarded with the biggest grin before they take off down the road, eventually running out of sight. I’m all smiles as I pick up my empty glass and head inside, securing the door behind me as I go. I’m still grinning as I clean up the kitchen, flip off the lights, and make my way to my bedroom.

  After brushing my teeth and slipping into a pair of pajamas, I crawl into bed, only to hear my phone ping with a message. When I pull up the screen, I see an image text from Royce.

  Grinning, I pull up the message and click on the image to download. The moment the photo fills my screen, I bark out a laugh, my hand covering my gaping mouth. There, in all it’s beautiful glory, is a dick pic. A really nice, really big, and very hard penis.

  Royce’s penis.

  Royce: Now you’ve received a REAL dick pic. *insert devil emoji* *insert eggplant emoji*

  Giggling, I fire off my reply.

  Me: Seen one, you’ve seen them all.

  Royce: Ouch, Bestie. Ouch.

  Me: You’ve got more than enough ego to pad your fall.

  Royce: Are we talking about my ego or my “ego”…

  Me: Both are big…

  Royce: LOL. You’re good for both too.

  Me: Too bad your ego is all the way over there tonight.

  Royce: Very tragic, actually. I’m reconsidering my stance on taking things slow.

  Me: Well, no going back now. You have to work tomorrow, and then you’re escorting me down the mountain.

  Royce: That’s right, Bestie, I am. Seven thirty, right?

  Me: I’ll be there.

  Royce: Night, Quinn. Sleep well.

  Me: You too, Rigsby.

  Royce: Love you.

  Me: Love you too.

  Royce: I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.

  Smiling, I set my phone aside and snuggle into my pillow. Thoughts of how my day took a drastic turn for the better filter through my mind. I never expected to see Royce again, let alone find him standing in front of my house, professing his love. It’s amazing how quickly you fall asleep when your heart feels a thousand times lighter and freer.

  When it’s finally home.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I’ve been watching the clock all day, waiting impatiently as it slowly ticked closer and closer to seven thirty. When it was finally time, I lock up my office and head outside, hanging back by the cluster of picnic tables. I’m only there a minute or two when I spy her walking my way. A smile breaks out across my face, and my cock jumps in my pants. I’m way too excited to see her.

  She approaches with a hint of shyness in her grin, so I take the opportunity to kiss it right off her face. Hands threading in her hair, full-on kissing the ever-loving hell out of her. And I don’t even care we’re in public.

  “Hi,” she says, breathlessly, when I finally release her lips.

  “Good evening,” I reply, already smiling. “I’m glad you’re here.” I take her hand in mine and lead her to the UTV waiting by the office. “Your chariot awaits.”

  Quinn climbs in the front seat and buckles in while I do the same. We make the slow climb up the mountain just as the sun begins to dip near the tree line. “The last group already left, so the platform will be almost empty when we get to the top.”

  “Almost empty?”

  “Yeah, Brian’s up there. There’s a remaining employee at each platform. As I head down, they close up their landing and jump on this machine,” I tell her, slowly making my way up. “You’re in for a treat tonight, Bestie. The sunset will be perfect as we go down.”

  Quinn reaches over and grabs my hand, entwining our fingers together. It’s hard to believe I ever fought this. With her. Our connection and the powerful feelings she evokes just by being near. Sure, I’m still a little worried I’m going to fuck it all up, but my brother’s right.

  Don’t be a pussy.

  I’d rather spend my nights with her than without her.

  When we reach the top, Brian’s already prepared for our departure. They’re all used to my nightly routine, but I threw them for a loop earlier when I told them to prepare for two. I endured a little razzing, but I didn’t care. I’d take all their teasing on the chin if it meant I was with Quinn.

  “Here we are,” I state, as I pull the UTV into the clearing beside the platform. Quinn’s unbuckled and jumping out before I can even get myself released from the seat. “Anxious?”

  She nods as we meet at the front of the machine and walk toward the platform.

  “All set?” I ask, even though I know he is.

  “Good to go, boss,” he replies, handing me my harness. I grab one for Quinn, already knowing what size she needs, and help her slip it on. Only when she’s completely ready to go do I get myself ready for the ride.

  It doesn’t take long and we’re ready to go, strapped in and hooked up to the line. Brian makes sure the system is set and gives me a thumbs-up. “Ready, Bestie?”

  She gives me a wide grin. “Ready.”

  Brian releases the braking system and sends us flying down the mountain. Quinn squeals in delight as we fall, the sound echoing through the trees and making my heart so fucking full it hurts. The good hurt. The kind my brother was talking about. I watch as she sits back and spreads her arms out wide, enjoying the fall. She tips her head up and breathes in the fresh mountain air. There’s no better sight in the world than watching the woman I love enjoy this moment together.

  Well, maybe watching as she comes, but that’s the last thing I need to think about right now. I don’t need a hard-on.

  When we reach the second platform, she’s all smiles. We greet Sami, one of my employees, who does her thing and gets us ready for the next trip. As she does, I reach over and give Quinn a little tug. She’s close enough I can touch her, so I take full advantage of the opportunity and kiss her sweet lips.

  “What was that for?”

  “Because I can,” I tell her, grinning like a loon and not missing Sami shaking her head as she tries to secure our clips. “We ready?” I ask my employee, who nods as soon as the line is fastened.

  “All set. Enjoy the ride,” she says before doing her thing and sending us down again.

  The sun finally drops just when we hit a clearing in the trees. I grab my phone from my pocket and snap a few pictures of Quinn, a content smile on her face as she falls and the sun setting behind her. I even flip it around and manage a couple of photos
of the two of us, selfie-style.

  When we hit each platform, I take the opportunity to steal a few kisses. My crew doesn’t balk too much about the PDA, but I wouldn’t care if they did. This is my favorite time of the day, and I’m sharing it with my favorite person in the world.

  Finally, our ride comes to an end and we land on the last platform. Everyone is already down the mountain and clocking out when my feet touch wood. I release myself from the line and go straight to the woman I love. “Thank you for going down with me,” I tell her, slipping my fingers into her hair at the bottom of the helmet.

  “It was amazing. I can see why you love it so much.”

  “It’s my second favorite thing,” I confess, pulling her firmly against my chest.

  “Second favorite?” she asks, pressing her hip into my rapidly growing erection.

  “That has something to do with the first,” I quip, kissing her lips once more. “But only with you. Always, only you.”

  “Want to come to my place tonight?” she asks, stripping off her harness and handing it to me to hang up.

  “Love to. Give me five minutes to finish closing up here. I’ll run home and grab Jack and some clothes for tomorrow,” I state.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a bit,” she replies with one last kiss before she takes off for the parking lot. I watch her go, mostly because I’m hypnotized by the sway of her hips and the swell of her ass.

  After she’s in her car and pulling out of the lot, I finish locking up all of our equipment and making sure the UTVs are secured in the shed. I sign off on today’s crew, flip off the lights in the front office, and lock the door. I’m all smiles as I make my way home to grab an overnight bag and my dog.

  The moment I slip through my front door, a text message dings. Jack is running circles around my feet, anxious to see me and to go outside. “Let’s go, buddy,” I holler, heading for the back deck. Jack is there, hot on my heels, and bursts through the open doorway as soon as he can. I watch as he sniffs around and marks his territory, only then remembering I have a message on my phone.

  I see her name and instantly grin. It’s a picture message and only takes a second to download. When the image comes into view, I gasp and almost swallow my tongue. There’s my girl, naked from the waist down, the picture a close-up of my second favorite set of lips.

  Me: Jesus, Quinn. Give a guy a warning next time! *inserts flame emoji*

  Quinn: Well, I heard those kind of pics are all the rage. *insert winky face emoji*

  Quinn: Wanted to show you what’s waiting for you here. At my place.

  I whistle for Jack, not giving a care in the world about cutting his outside exploration short.

  Me: I’m on my way.

  Quinn: I’ll be waiting…

  My cock is like steel in my pants as we head inside. I throw random clothes in a bag, grab my personal products from the bathroom, and toss Jack’s things into another sack. I’m practically running for my truck, Jack excited for the ride and possible playtime.

  Before I fire up the engine, I grab my phone and send off a quick message to my girl.

  Me: Keep my dinner warm, Bestie. I’m on my way, and I’m a starving man.

  She sends the winky face emoji as I toss my phone onto the passenger seat and take off like a bat outta hell. Off to see my girl.

  The one I love.

  The one worth giving up the meaningless existence I had before her. She may not know it, but she changed my life that day she sent me a text, complaining about a random dick pic.

  That’s the day I started to fall for my best friend.

  Tami with an I.



  6 months later

  “Thank you, all, for coming to the annual Grace Private School Family Reading Night. We have a great evening planned for you all. Each of the three rooms have a different book and activity planned. Afterward, please stop by the cafeteria for lemonade, cookies, and popcorn, furnished by the GPS Booster Club. We hope you all enjoy our festivities and, as always, thank you for your support. The entire Grace team appreciates you all very much.”

  My greeting to family and friends in the auditorium is followed by instructions from the teachers who helped organize our family event on which room to head to for which reading.

  “Miss Michaels, we have a situation,” our first-grade teacher, Dalia Daniels, says quietly and with a hint of urgency.

  “What’s up?” I ask, ducking away from the moving crowd so we may speak privately.

  “We don’t have a prince.”

  “What? I thought—”

  “Yes, but apparently, Paul Rivers came down with the flu today. He’s unable to read in the fairy tales’ room.

  I close my eyes and sigh. Of course, right before we have a fairy tale story for our youngest readers, our Prince Charming is MIA. “Okay, so we have the costume, right?”

  “Yes,” Dalia confirms.

  “What about—”

  “Mr. Reynolds is too big for the costume. We already checked,” she interrupts, speaking of our fourth-grade teacher. Zack Reynolds is a large man, regularly busting out of his button-down shirt. I suspected he wouldn’t fit into our rented costume, but it was worth a shot.

  “What if—”

  “I’ll do it.”

  I stop and turn, instantly smiling at Royce. He’s standing beside me, looking completely edible in dark jeans and a tight Henley, the sleeves pushed up to expose his forearms. In fact, I’m pretty sure my mouth waters just a bit at the sight of my boyfriend.

  We’ve been together for just over six months now and have been talking about the possibility of moving in together. That’s as far as it’s gone, the talking stage, and believe it or not, it was actually Royce who initiated it. We rarely spend a night apart anymore, and it just seems logical to stop paying double everything and consolidate down to one household.

  It’s a huge step, not only for him, but for me too.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, going up on my tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Well, I was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by. Did I hear you’re short one Prince Charming?” he asks, glancing between Dalia and me.

  “Yes, I guess the man playing him tonight has the flu.”

  “I could help out,” he suggests, as if it were the most logical idea in the whole world.

  “You? Really?”

  “Well, it’s just reading a kid’s book, right? I mean, I am practically one of them still,” he jokes, giving me a smirky grin.

  I look up at him, trying to determine if he’s serious or not. “There’s a costume,” I say slowly, as if letting the words sink in.

  He shrugs. “You don’t think I can pull off Prince Charming?”

  Now I’m the one smiling. “I think you’d be perfect.”

  He kisses my forehead. “Where’s my costume?” he asks before being practically whisked away to somewhere else to get ready.

  I visit with a few families slowly making their way to the reading rooms. I poke my head in The Maze Runner room and find it full of the teenagers and their families. The second room is geared more toward our third through fifth grade students with a theme of “Captain Underpants.” The final room is the one I’m looking for. Prince Charming is making his way to the front of the room, a book in one hand and a plastic sword in the other.

  “Can I have your attention, please? I am Prince Charming, and I’m going to read Sleeping Beauty,” he announces.

  With a loud voice that carries throughout the room, Royce transforms into Prince Charming. I can’t stop from smiling as he stands there and reads, totally getting into the character. The kids all love him, giggling along as he reads the silly parts and hanging on his every word.

  Suddenly, he thrusts the sword in the air and says, “Where is my princess? Where is Princess Quinn?”

  My heart skips around in my chest as a few heads turn back to face me.

  “Oh, there she is,”
he announces, heading my way.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper as he approaches.

  “Improvising,” he answers with a shrug.

  Before I know what’s happening, I’m being pulled to the front of the room. Some of the students at my school are giggling and pointing. “Royce,” I whisper-yell, trying to pull back against his grip.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve found my princess. Please welcome Princess Quinn to the front of the class,” he says to a round of applause.

  My face burns as he helps me sit on the stool and reaches for the book. He flips through the pages dramatically, causing a few more bursts of laughter to fly around the room. Suddenly, he tosses the book over his shoulder and sighs theatrically. “Well, I’ve lost my place, so I’m going to have to ad-lib this part.”

  He turns to face me, getting into character as he lifts his sword and says, “My Princess, I’ve searched far and wide throughout the kingdom until I finally found you. You see, Prince Charming was an idiot for the longest time, frolicking about the kingdom and showing his sword to all the maidens.”

  My eyes practically bug out of my head, which seems to be a common reaction from approximately half the parents in the room. The other half giggles.

  “But one day, the prince received a text message from the princess, and the prince hasn’t been the same since. Even his trusty steed, Jack, was enthralled with the princess. So, one day, the prince decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the beautiful princess,” he says, just before dropping down on one knee.

  Gasps echo throughout the room, but all I hear is the swooshing of blood in my ears and my rapidly beating heart.

  “Quinn Michaels, you’re the best mistaken text message I’ve ever received. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, not only because I’m a better person when you’re near, but also because I can’t imagine living without you. Will you marry me?” he asks, pulling a small black box from somewhere in his costume. When he opens it up, a small, round diamond stares back at me.

  There’re several gasps and giggles from within the room, but I don’t pay them any attention. My eyes are only for the man kneeling before me, asking me to spend the rest of my life with him. The only answer I can give is, “Yes.”


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