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The Bridal Auction: The June Wedding Series

Page 2

by Ward, Vivian

  While she’s busy tending to my sister, I grab a bag from my closet and quickly throw a few things in it before tucking it under my bed. It won’t be too much longer until my dad passes out and that’s when I’ll leave.

  I’ll get out of here and never look back.

  “What are you doing, Kendra?” My mom whispers, catching me kicking the bag under my bed skirt.

  “Mom, I didn’t want to tell you this, but I applied for a modeling position and they said they can take my pictures but I have to be there in a couple of days.”

  “What? You’re leaving me? Where are you going, Kendra?”

  With tears in her eyes, I can’t bear to look at her. I feel awful for lying to her and now I’m breaking her heart by leaving. “Vegas,” I lie again. I choose a place far away to explain my long absence. There’s no way I can tell her that I’m just going downtown, it’s only a twenty minute drive. She’d expect me to come right back home.

  “Oh, Kendra,” she cries, hugging me. “Are you sure it’s safe? What if it’s not a modeling agency, but kidnappers instead?”

  Wrapping her tightly in my arms, I assure her that I’ve researched the company and it’s legit. “And mom? When I get my first check, I’m going to get you and Rachel out of here. But, please, don’t tell dad where I’m going or what I’m doing.”

  “What will I say?” Her eyes grow wide.

  “Tell him that I ran away. You could make something up about me being upset over Rachel’s arm.” At this point, I don’t care what she tells him, honestly.

  “He’s going to be so angry,” her eyes glisten. “Will you call me while you’re gone? Let me know that you’re safe?”

  I sigh, squeezing her in another bear hug. “Mom, I promise that I’ll be safe and I’ll call you as often as I can—when dad’s not home.”

  “Are you gonna make some fucking dinner or do I have to dial the phone for pizza?” Dad shouts from the living room.

  “I’d better get back in the kitchen,” mom says. “Don’t leave until he’s passed out.”

  “I know mom,” I say, grabbing her hand as I release her from our hug. “I’ll be out there in a minute. I just need to do a couple of things first.”

  Nodding, she wipes the tears from her eyes and heads straight to the kitchen. Even with my door shut, I can still hear him bitching. I shoot Amy a text to ask if I can stay at her place. She responds with a yes, telling me she won’t be home until after midnight.

  Around one o’clock in the morning when dad’s fast asleep and snoring so loud that he sounds like a freight train, I peek in on my mom and sister one last time before heading out the door.

  I’m never coming back, I think as I quietly close the front door before getting into a cab.


  My fingers shake as I begin to apply my makeup for tonight’s auction. I still can’t believe I’m doing this, but if it means getting away from my abusive father, I’ll do whatever it takes. I just never thought I’d have to stoop so low as to selling my virginity to do it.

  As frightened as I may be for tonight, it’s still not as scary as some of the nights that my father was blackout drunk. If I never have to take a beating from him and can help my mom and little sister get away from that monster, I’d sell my soul to the devil.

  But who says I’m not?

  Only the sexually depraved would go to an underground sex club. And it’s no secret that some very questionable things go on inside Club Kaswell. One of my friends works at the club, and even though she signed a non-disclosure agreement, she tells me some of the secrets that go on behind closed doors. She only does that because she knows I’m discreet and would never tell a soul. And when I started learning about the club through her new job as a bartender, I became intrigued.

  She told me how only the richest men attend the club and they waste no time spoiling women or spending money on them. While the idea of having a sugar daddy might appeal to some, that’s not why I’m here.

  When she told me about the bridal auction and how the women receive 50% of the bid in their own, private bank account, I immediately thought about my mom and baby sis. The money is considered bail out or emergency funds because the contract states that either party is allowed to legally terminate the marriage after 30 days, so if something goes sideways, us women will have a little money of our own. Also, some of the men don’t share their riches with their new wives. Depending on the man, he may never share his money with his wife or she may receive a small allowance. It completely depends on the man.

  Personally, I don’t know if I’m looking for a long-term marriage or not. I think it would heavily weigh on how I’m treated and what the living conditions are like. In a way, I kind of hope it’ll be a ‘forever marriage’ because I’ve always craved stability and normalcy in my life. On the other hand, my expectations are low. Who’s going to want a 24 year-old virgin with no real life experiences?

  My ‘father’, and I hate calling him that, never let my mom, sister, or I leave the house for very long unless it was to pick up groceries or run to get him beer. Sometimes, he’d even leave drunk off his ass to get his own beer. Those were the nights we prayed he didn’t come back so we wouldn’t have to take the wrath of his alcoholism.

  Once I’m away from that hell-hole and have my cut of the auction, I can find them a place to live and furnish it for them. Before I left, I told my mom that I was auditioning to become a model and that if all went well, I’d have some money for her to escape the evil monster that she married and get my sister, Rachel, the hell away from him.

  “Ladies,” Mistress Pandora enters our dressing room. There are about a dozen mirrors with makeup vanities lining both sides of the room, in addition to a rack of garments for us to choose from. I still need to pick my outfit for tonight because I came with nothing than a duffel bag with jeans and t-shirts. Obviously, that’s not sexy, so I’m going to need to borrow something to wear. Right now, I’ve just been focused on my makeup because my anxiety kicks up every time I look at the clothing rack. Once I get dressed, that’ll make everything seem more real. “I just wanted to give you a 30-minute warning. Remember what I told you: the only thing you need to wear tonight is confidence. It’s the sexiest thing a woman can put on.”

  “Thank you, Mistress Pandora,” a few of the other girls murmur.

  After her brief announcement, she exits the room and the door clicks shut. That’s when the realization hits that I have to get ready. I walk over to the rack of clothes and discover that most of the other girls have already chosen their evening wear. Some of them dressed in lingerie while others are wearing skimpy dresses.

  What am I supposed to wear?

  Flipping through each garment, I settle on a black bodice with shiny sequins and a short, puffy lace skirt. At least no one will be able to see my nipples through my top, unlike some of the other girls.

  My clammy hands shimmy a pair of black stockings over my smooth legs, careful not to tear them because they’re very thin. Scanning around the room, I make sure nobody is paying attention to me and quickly disrobe in a corner, tossing my shirt and shorts into a crumpled pile on the floor as I try to get redressed as quickly as possible.

  Of course, as luck would have it, the fucking bodice buttons and ties at the back. Why don’t I ever think of stuff like this beforehand?

  With pink cheeks, I use an arm to press the top against my breasts and walk over to a girl that looks semi friendly. “Excuse me,” I say.

  “Hey! Do you need some help?” She smiles as she examines me awkwardly holding my top against my chest. “I almost picked that but figured it’d be a bitch to wear.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t think that far ahead, I guess. Could you help me with the back of it?”

  “Sure, turn around.” Her fingers quickly get to work as she fastens the few hooks in the back before she grabs hold of the strings and starts tugging them. She pulls it so tightly that I think she might break a rib! “So, are you nervous for tonight?”r />
  I look over my shoulder as she continues working on the strings. “Very. Are you?”

  “Yeah, a little. I mean, I’ve played in the club before so I kind of know what to expect, but some of these men,” she says with a sigh.

  My heartbeat kicks up and I can feel it beating wildly in my chest. “What? What about some of these men?”

  “All I’m saying is that I’ve seen what they do in public while they’re playing here. I can only imagine what they do in private.”

  My mouth goes dry as I try to swallow the lump in my throat. I hope that a normal guy buys me. Or maybe an old man who just wants a younger girl to use as arm candy when he attends events.

  “Oh,” I say quietly as she ties the end of the strings on my bodice.

  “All done,” she smiles.

  “Thanks. I’d better finish putting on my makeup. I just wanted to make sure I was at least dressed when it’s time to go out on stage.”

  “For sure,” she says, lighting a cigarette.

  Her words keep echoing in my head as I return to my vanity and begin applying lip liner. If I thought my hands were shaky before, now they’re a shaky, sweaty mess. I even have a small patch of sweat on my forehead.

  I can only imagine what they do in private, I hear on repeat.

  What the fuck do they do in public? I wonder!

  “Girls, it’s time!” Mistress Pandora says as she materializes in the doorway. “I’ll need you all to follow me.”

  Like children, we form a single file line, following her down a long corridor where we stop just before we walk out on the stage.

  “Remember, when I say your name, you’ll flaunt yourself across the stage as I introduce you and then you’ll line up side-by-side with one another until the auction begins.” A worried look spreads across her forehead. “Does anyone have any questions?”

  All of us look at one another. I’m sure we have a million questions but no one’s saying a word. Mistress Pandora smiles, “Good. Let’s begin, shall we?”

  I’m so glad that I’m not the first girl to go out in front of the panel of men who are eagerly waiting to bid on us. Even from backstage, I can see their sex-hungry eyes undressing each girl as they make their appearance across the stage.

  “Up next is Kendra,” I hear her say, and I know that’s my cue to strut my stuff in front of the men. While I try to be sexy, my nerves get the best of me. I drown out all the noise and chatter that surrounds me as I make my way next to the girl who helped tie my bodice.

  I never did ask her what her name was. It would’ve been nice to make a friend, if even only for the night.

  Sometimes I’m such an idiot.

  While the rest of the girls parade across the stage, I can’t help but feel every man in the room staring each of us down. And maybe I’m imagining this, or maybe I’m not, but there are two men near the front who haven’t taken their eyes off me since I came out.

  Both appear to be quiet and reserved; yet, they don’t appear to be friends. Maybe I will get my wish. Maybe I’ll find a tame man who’s just looking for company and not sex.

  The taller man wearing a tailored business suit, sitting up front locks eyes with me and seductively licks his lips, ensuring that I see him. My eyes grow wide which makes him grin before he winks at me and blows me a kiss.

  Or maybe not.


  “Are you ready for the bridal auction to begin?” Mistress Pandora leans over, brushing against the arm of my suit coat.

  Her long blonde hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, showcasing her almond-shaped cerulean eyes and high cheekbones. She’s easily the sexiest Domme I’ve ever met, and I’ve been frequenting Club Kaswell for nearly eight years.

  “I am,” I smile. “It’s a shame that you’re in charge of the bridal auction, Mistress Pandora, but I can also understand why Colton would want you to run such an important event.” She’s very intelligent and knows exactly what men want.

  “Oh?” She asks, sipping golden bubbly from a flute. “Why is that?”

  “All I’m saying is that I’m sure some men would pay a lot of money to marry a woman like you. You’re quite a catch.”

  And she absolutely is. I’d guess her to be around her early-t0-mid 50s, but she looks and acts at least a decade younger. There’s this aura about her that says she’s been around for a long time but her body tells a different story. We’re roughly the same age and I have to admit that if I’d have found her twenty years ago, my life would have been complete.

  Of course, she’s not what we’re bidding on tonight. Tonight’s bridal auction is an array of women ranging from 18-30, virgins and non-virgins. There are tall girls, short girls, blonde girls, brunette girls, white girls, black girls, and everything in between.

  That’s what I love about being here. When Colton opened his underground sex club, he knew that variety is the spice of life and nothing is off limits—as long as the participants are willing.

  “Ha-ha,” a genuine laugh escapes her throat. “Oliver, you know I’ve always been fond of you, but you know the rules. I’m not here for personal pleasure tonight. This evening is all about work.” She takes another sip. “But maybe another time, when I’m not on the clock. Unless you don’t come back,” she purrs at the stage where the girls will be in just a few moments.

  “I’ll take you up on that,” I kiss her on the cheek.

  “Shall I have you sign a contract to hold you to that?” She teases since I’m head of my law firm at Ford and Associates.

  “I can whip one up in a matter of minutes,” I taunt her. “And I’d make sure you upheld your end of the agreement. You might be a Domme but I bet I could get you to submit to me.”

  A wide grin spreads across her face. “Oliver, you don’t know how many men have told me that over the years. I’ve been a dominatrix since I was in my early 30s. Yet, not one man has been able to tame me; though, it’s fun to watch them try.”

  “I believe that,” I tell her, because I do. Mistress Pandora is a woman of her own accord.

  “Oliver, it was nice chatting with you but I must go so we can get on with the auction.” She smiles. “I can’t believe that this is our first one. Are you ready to bid tonight?”

  “That, I am. I can’t wait to see tonight’s lineup.”

  “Sit tight,” she purrs. “I’ll get things underway.”

  As she disappears, I look over the list of women who are up for bid tonight. Reading over their names and descriptions, it’s going to be difficult to choose just one woman to buy. All of the women have undergone medical and physical testing, so each of them are in top notch shape. Now, it’s just a matter of seeing them and how their demeanor is.

  The panel of men that I’m sitting with grow quiet as Mistress Pandora takes her place behind the podium that’s in the center of the stage.

  “Good evening, gentlemen. I’d like to welcome you to the very first bridal auction here at Club Kaswell. I’ll call each woman on stage and give her a brief introduction until all of them have been shown. At that time, we’ll begin the bidding. All payments must be made at the end of the auction.” She glances up from her sheet of paper and smiles at the panel. “May the highest bidder win! Our first girl is from California and her name is Brittany. She’s twenty-two, in excellent physical shape, and has some college experience.”

  A woman dressed in a bright pink dress with matching heels walks across the stage, smiling as she wiggles her hips with every step she takes. She’s a pretty girl, I’ll give her that, but definitely not my cup of tea. Personally, I think she looks more like a bimbo but I’m sure one of the other men would love to have deviant sex with her.

  I’ll pass.

  She introduces a few more women, some more pretty than others, and some smarter than others, but none of equal quality with both beauty and brains; though, the other men seem to be getting riled up over the young girls dashing across the stage. Fuck. Maybe I’m just getting old. Perhaps ten years ago, one of t
hem would’ve been right up my alley but I’m looking for someone special.

  Someone to discipline and spoil. A girl to own and use as my personal fuck toy.

  “Up next is Kendra. She’s a homegrown local girl from the heart of St. Louis. Kendra is twenty-four and a virgin with no college education.”

  The most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen floats across the stage wearing a simple black bodice with shiny sequins on the breasts and a short, lace skirt that poofs out from her tiny waist. She looks like a dark ballerina. Graceful and sexy, yet shy and submissive.

  I like her.

  A few more girls strut across the stage and they’re also beautiful. They probably should’ve opened with them instead of the first few that were introduced but whatever. It’s Mistress Pandora’s call and I’m sure she has a reason to her method of madness.

  “And that concludes tonight’s lineup,” she announces as the girls form a line across the stage. “Now we will begin the bidding.”

  One by one, she calls each of them forward and without fail, the panel of men are bidding like crazy. The first girl goes for an easy half million. The second one sells for nearly the same amount.

  I’m not bidding until Kendra is up for auction. There’s something about her that intrigues and excites me. Even as she patiently waits her turn to be sold, she looks like a broken doll. A ballerina who never got to flourish.

  She catches me staring at her, and I like it. Good, I have your attention, I think to myself. Eye-fucking her, I imagine what it’d be like to peel each skimpy layer of clothing off of her. Locking eyes with her, I seductively lick my lips—just like I intend on doing with her once we’re finally alone—and watch her blush.

  Oh, she’s a timid little thing. Wait until the Big Bad Wolf eats you! I give her a quick wink to let her know that she’s going to be mine.


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