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The Bridal Auction: The June Wedding Series

Page 6

by Ward, Vivian

  In one smooth motion, I can feel her delicate skin tear and oh-my-god! She is so fucking tight. I’ve never been one to come very quick but if there was ever a time, it’d be right now. Practicing control, I bite my lip as I finish sliding inside of her. Looking back down at her, she’s biting her lip, too.

  “Are you still okay?” I ask.

  She nods, looking down between her legs and that’s when I feel a warm trickle. Blood. Her face flushes with embarrassment. “Don’t worry about the sheets. I’ll buy new ones,” I say, easing myself in and out of her. “Does that feel good?”

  She nods. “Really good.”

  “Good girl,” I growl and begin kissing her neck. Taking my time with her, I relish in every moment. She feels better than I’d ever imagined and I don’t want it to end. Her legs wrap around my torso, pulling me in deeper as she wraps her hands around my neck, raking her nails against my skin.

  Feeling her channel tighten around me, I know she’s about to climax again. Inching my way deeper and deeper inside her until I hit her G-spot, I wait for her cue to be rougher. God knows I’ve been holding back. If I had things my way, I would’ve torn straight through her hymen and fucked her like a little rag doll but that’s not how I want her to remember her first time.

  “Faster,” she pants with each thrust I deliver.

  Unable to hold back any longer, I throw in the towel and begin to fuck her senseless. Pinning her wrists against the pillows, I take complete control. “Fuck,” I hiss as I bottom out inside her. “Are you on anything?” I mutter, knowing neither of us will last much longer.

  “The pill,” she blurts out. Feeling her tighten around my cock as she begins to come pushes me over the edge. I wanted to fuck her longer, keep her in my bed forever, but I can’t stop myself. While she moans and calls out my name, my balls begin to contract and my seed spills inside of her.

  Panting and drenched in sweat, I collapse on top of her. “Fuck,” I say again. “You feel way too damn good. I didn’t mean to come that fast.”

  “It’s okay,” she says, giggling. “I enjoyed it.”

  Planting a soft kiss on her lips, I hate that I have to take her to the club now but we’re almost out of time and she still has no clue.

  “What’s wrong?” She asks.

  “Nothing, I just wish I could spend the entire night admiring you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she whispers.

  Climbing off of her, I lie beside her, caressing her soft curves. “I have something to tell you.”

  “What?” She perks up with concern.

  “I have to take you back to the club.”

  “Now?” She asks in disbelief.

  I nod. “I’m sorry.”

  “What? Am I like some type of defect? You got what you wanted and now you’re going to return me?”

  I quickly shake my head. “No, it’s nothing like that. You were perfect. You are perfect. But your dad is coming there tonight.”

  She sits up and gasps, “My dad? Why? How does he know?”

  Grabbing my clothes, I pull on my pants. “Your friend Amy. Somehow he got her to tell him where you went or something like that.”

  “Fuck,” she spits out.

  “So, do you want to tell me your story now? Why you really auctioned yourself? And why your dad is looking for you?”



  Now I have to tell him about my past and what my dad’s really like. I don’t want anyone knowing how I used to live. Not only is it humiliating but even I can’t believe I lived like that. It makes me look so stupid.

  “Kendra,” he says, pointing at his watch. “We don’t have much time.” Walking into the closet, he returns with a dress and says, “Throw this on. You can tell me on the way to the club because we’ve got to go.”

  Reluctant to go, I hesitate changing my clothes but he’s standing over me like an overbearing parent, impatiently waiting for their child to get dressed for school. Slipping the dress over my head, he tosses me a pair of heels from the closet and says, “It’s time to go.”

  At first, the drive to the club is silent but he’s relentless to get answers from me. “Tell me everything, Kendra. I need to know why your dad’s looking for you or what you’re running from. Are you in some sort of trouble?”

  “No,” I shake my head. “I’m not in any trouble. My dad’s an abusive alcoholic and I left to get away from him.”

  “So that’s why you auctioned yourself?” He asks, glancing over at me as he weaves in and out of traffic.

  “Well, not completely. My friend Amy told me about how the girls get to keep part of the money, and I thought that if I got enough, maybe I could move my mom and sister out of the house.”

  He shakes his head. “I knew your story was bullshit when you made it sound like you had a happy home life.” He pauses for a moment. “When you say abusive….what kind of abuse are we talking about?”

  “Oliver,” I sigh.

  “I told you to call me Olly, and tell me now, Kendra.” He’s not pulling any punches. He wants all the details—and fast.

  “Um, the night I left, he was on a rampage and ended up burning my sister with a pot of boiling water that he threw at my mom.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Kendra!” He says, nearly ramming into the back of the car that’s in front of us as we’re stopped at a light. “What else?”

  “Sometimes he’ll spit in our faces, tear the house up, hit us….it all just depends on what kind of mood he’s in.”

  “And your mom put up with this shit? What about your friends? Didn’t you have someone you could turn to? Someone to get away from him?”

  I shake my head. “Amy’s really my only friend and my dad hates her. He says she’s too free spirited and calls her awful names. I’m sure he scared the shit out of her to find out where I went because she would never tell. Her dad was the same as mine before he passed away.”

  The light turns green and we start weaving in and out of traffic. “I’m sorry to have gotten you in the middle of all this mess,” I finally say. “It’s embarrassing to tell people what your home life is like, you know? And I wasn’t planning on someone….like you. I thought a guy would buy me, fuck me for the 30 days and then send me packing.”

  His eyes narrow as he glances out of the corner of them. “I’m not most guys, Kendra.”

  “I know,” I say, fidgeting with my fingers.

  “What else does your dad do besides drink? Does he do drugs, too?”

  “No. I mean, he gets them, but he doesn’t do them. He just sells them to make extra money because his disability doesn’t pay the bills.”

  He nods, like he’s soaking all of this in. “And your mom? Your sister? Do they work? Why are they still there?”

  “Oh, god no. My dad would never let any of us work. He likes to keep tabs on us and barely allows any of us to leave the house. He wouldn’t even let me go to college so I was going to pretend to go under the guise of work but he threatened to pop all the car tires if I tried getting a job.”

  His tongue makes a clicking sound as his jaws tighten. He’s gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles are turning white. “He sounds like a real piece of work,” he whistles, blowing out a long breath of air.

  I feel like I need to apologize, like this is all my fault. It was stupid of me to think that I could get away with leaving and not have my dad find me. “I’m sorry. Really sorry.”

  * * *

  Walking into the club for the second time sends chills down my spine. Not only is it where I sold myself but knowing that my dad’s going to show up has me shaking like a leaf. I feel so embarrassed and ashamed. I’m embarrassed thinking about what he’s going to say or do when he gets here and ashamed that I stooped as low as selling myself to get away from him. My stomach is in knots as I think about how he could make a scene. Hell, he probably will make a scene.

  And why in the hell did I sleep with Oliver? I should’ve never done that. I wo
uldn’t have done it had I known we were about to come here. I’m not even sure what the point in coming is. What is he going to do? Fight my dad? Tell him to fuck off? Give me back?

  “What can I get you, Mr. Ford?” A tall, blonde waitress asks as we enter the club.

  “Just a draft for me right now and for her,” he looks at me. “Bring her a margarita.”

  I look at him in shock. “I can’t drink! My dad’s about to show up and he’ll kick my ass!”

  “Kendra, you’re 24-years-old. You can have a drink, and by the way you’re acting, I’d say you need one.”

  The waitress returns with our drinks as we sit at the bar of Club Kaswell and I haven’t stopped looking around ever since we got here. I can’t. My whole body is on edge and I feel like I need to be alerted to the minute he walks in the door so I can prepare myself for whatever is about to come.

  “Relax,” Oliver says to me. “You’re safe here. He’s not going to do anything.”

  I roll my eyes. “He’s going to make a big scene and when—,”.

  “Kendra Marie Radney!” I hear my dad shouting.

  He’s totally lit. His eyes are more yellow and bloodshot than the last time I saw him, and he’s staggering toward us. I notice a few bodyguards come near us but Oliver holds out his hand, signaling them to stay put.

  “You must be Kendra’s dad,” Oliver stands in front of me, blocking me from him.

  “Who the hell are you? Her pimp?” Spit flies from his mouth as he emphasizes the p’s in pimp.

  “Actually, I’m her husband,” he says. And while it’s a lie because we haven’t officiated a marriage, it could happen.

  My dad’s yellow eyes grow into giant moons as he looks at us in disgust. “You’re her husband? You’ve got to be double her age, you sick bastard! Come on, Kendra! You’re coming home right now!”

  My dad grabs my arm and begins to pull me out of my chair but Oliver stops him by grabbing his wrist. “If you want your daughter back, you’ll have to pay what I gave to have her.”

  “You paid for her?” My dad’s eyes cut up to mine. “You sold yourself? Or did some other pimp sell you?”

  “You can have her back,” Oliver reassures him. “But I paid one million dollars for your daughter. As soon as you hand over the cash, she’s all yours.”

  I stare at him in disbelief, shocked that he’d sell me! After all we’ve been through, after what I’ve given him, he’d SELL me back?

  “I’m not paying for my own kid. She’s coming home with me,” he yanks my arm again, but Oliver stops him dead in his tracks.

  “Get your hands off my wife,” he says.

  “Get your hands off me,” my dad spits.

  The club bodyguards grow closer, anticipating a fight. “I’ll tell you what,” Oliver says. “Take your hands off of her or I’ll let our men handle you BEFORE I have you thrown in jail.”

  My dad laughs, still not letting go of my arm. “For what? Taking my daughter home?”

  “No, for domestic abuse, illegally drawing disability, and for drug trafficking.”

  “Right,” my dad laughs, more spit flying from his mouth. “And I’ll tell them how you bought my daughter and how you guys run a pimp ring here.”

  Oliver shakes his head. “Considering I own my own law firm and am one of the best lawyers in St. Louis, nobody’s going to believe that. But trust me, I have connections and you will be going to jail.”

  Pissed off that his secrets are out, my dad draws his hand back to slap me across the face but one of the club’s bodyguards moves in, catching it mid-air. With one quick nod from Oliver, they take him away.

  “You were really going to sell me back to him?” I ask as he causally sips his beer.

  Wrapping his arm around me, he pulls me in tight. “Listen, my beautiful, broken doll, I’d never sell you. After you described your dad to me on the way over, I knew he wouldn’t have the money and I just wanted to rattle his cage.”

  My jaw drops and then I quickly close it. “Oh,” I say.

  “But he will be going to jail.”

  “He will?” I ask.

  He nods. “You can count on it. After all those years of abuse and illegal activities, he needs to be stopped. You obviously take after your mom because you sure as hell don’t act like him. We’ll get your mom and sister in a better place, too.”


  It’s been a long road but I’m happy to say that she’s finally my girl. We may not be married yet, but she’s mine. While we don’t need a piece of paper binding us together, I know I have her whole heart and she has mine. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to make it official.

  After everything we’ve been through together for the last year, nothing could ever take her away from me. I own her body, mind, heart, and soul. It’s taken a lot to get her to break out of her shell and earn her trust but she started coming around once our 30 days was up. I think she realized that she wasn’t just a piece of property that I purchased and that she means more to me than that. I’ve resurrected my beautiful, broken doll and turned her into a prized possession—one that only I can have.

  “Do we have to go to court?” Kendra asks as the waitress brings our food to the table.

  “No, today the judge will hand down his sentence. Luckily, the DEA had enough evidence to prove his guilt so there’s no testimony needed,” I assure her, squeezing her hand.

  A long drawn out sigh escapes her lips. “Olly, thank you for everything,” she kisses me on the cheek. Hearing her call me Olly instead of Oliver is music to my ears. It took her a long time to start calling me that.

  “Well, the bad guys belong in jail, right? And it’s my job to put them there. I’m just glad that we were able to get all of you girls out of that situation and I’m very proud of you for testifying.”

  Her eyes cast down as she picks at her lunch. “I felt like a rotten daughter and what makes it wore is that I know it’s been rough on my mom. She hated that you were bringing him down.” She shrugs. “In some weird, fucked up way, even though she wanted to get away from him, she never wanted to see him go to jail. How much time do you think he’ll get?”

  I shake my head, unable to imagine not wanting something awful to happen to someone who’d treated my children or me that horribly for so many years. Listening to her recount parts of her childhood, and even adulthood, were difficult to hear.

  “It depends on what the judge wants to do. Knowing Judge Daniels, he’ll throw the book at him. He hates men like your dad. I don’t know how she put up with him. She’ll be all right, though. My secretary has already set up counseling for your mom to help her begin the healing process. And I know your sister declined counseling but if she ever wants it, it’s there. Same goes for you too, you know,” I point my fork at her. “You might not think you have issues because of him and maybe you don’t right now, but they might come up in a year, five years, or ten years down the road.”

  “I’m okay,” she says, taking a bite of her salad.

  “So, tell me,” I take a sip of my water. “You’d mentioned before that you wanted to go to college. Now that you have all the freedom in the world, what are you going to do? What do you want to go to school for?”

  “I don’t know,” she grins, laughing. “Maybe I could become a lawyer and work at the firm.”

  “You totally could,” I say, and I mean it. She’s a tough girl; a fighter. “Of course, that’s only if you want to, and I’d be more than happy to help you.”

  Shocked, she opens and closes her mouth. “Actually, I was only kidding but it’s flattering to know that you believe I’ve got what it takes to do what you do. But, really, I was thinking about going to school for nursing. I’ve wanted to become a nurse ever since I was in the third grade.”

  “You’d make an excellent nurse,” I say. Lowering my voice, I add, “As long as you promise to wear your uniform home for me.”

  Her cheeks blush as she looks around to make sure no one overheard. “I’ll eve
n wear those white fishnet stockings that you bought me,” she laughs.

  “Deal,” I wink at her. “But just so we’re clear, you don’t get any warnings if you forget to put them on. I’ll spank that cute little ass of yours.”

  “Hmm, maybe I’ll leave them off on purpose,” she teases.

  * * *

  “Don’t forget your bag,” I say, handing it to her as she gets out of the car.

  “Thank you,” she says, taking it from me as she straightens her uniform.

  After a year of pre-requisites, she’s finally starting nursing school and I couldn’t be more proud of her. Right now she’s just wearing scrubs; I can’t wait until she gets one of those little white dresses so I can hike it up and fuck her in it.

  “I’ll pick you up when your classes are over and we’ll celebrate with a fancy dinner tonight.”

  She frowns, sucking in a breath through her teeth. “I’m sorry but I can’t. I mean, we can’t. I promised my mom and Rachel that I’d have dinner with them tonight. It’s been an adjustment for them getting settled into their new place and mom just got a promotion at her job so she wanted to make something special at home.”

  Smiling, I wave my finger at her. “Silly girl, you don’t think I talk to my future mother-in-law? She already told me about the dinner but I wanted to see what you’d say. Of course, we’ll go to her house. She said she’s making your favorite.”

  “You sneak!” She smacks me in the arm. “Okay, but I want to go home to change before we go over there.”

  “Nope, not going to happen.”

  “Why not?” She asks.

  “Because she wants to see you in your uniform. She’s just as proud of you as I am.”

  Leaning across the front seat, her lips crash into mine and for a moment, I almost forget to breathe. It’s almost like she has a voodoo spell over me. “I love you, Olly.”


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