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The Bridal Auction: The June Wedding Series

Page 9

by Ward, Vivian

  As soon as the words ‘simple and cheap’ and ‘already thrown together’ come out of my mouth, I immediately regret them. Nothing about this man looks simple or cheap, and it was a dumb thing to say. Of course, he wants something fancy and expensive. Kristin kicks me under the counter, reminding me how stupid I can be sometimes.

  “No, I think I’d like to go with something handmade,” he says. “But I’m not sure what I need.” I shrug and the two of us begin to have a face-off as I wait for him to tell me what he needs and he waits for me to recommend what he needs. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, he speaks again. “How about you meet me at my lounge and help me pick something suitable? I can show you the Valentine’s theme and we can go from there.”

  Kristin gasped as soon as he asked me to meet him at his lounge, but my mind is still playing catch-up. Trying to keep my mouth from falling open, I smile and nod like a grinning idiot. I don’t know why but this man has an effect on me that nobody else has ever had.

  The front door flies open, letting in another unsettling breeze of the brisk February air. James walks in, eying his sister and me suspiciously. Neither one of us can stop gawking at Mr. Gorgeous.

  “Sure, I, um, I can do that. When would you like me to meet you there?”

  James’s head snaps around as he begins listening to the conversation. He’s always been very protective of both of us—his sister and me. I used to think it was because I was her best friend, but then he tried asking me out. It was awkward to say the least and I felt awful for turning him down but I’ve always viewed him as my very own big brother. Rolling my eyes at him, I turn my attention back to Mr. Gorgeous.

  “Monday would work well. Can you meet me first thing in the morning before the staff begins to show up?” he asks.

  “Yes, I can do that. Is 8AM okay?”

  “Sounds great,” a confident smile spreads across his face as he pushes his hand out to shake mine. “What’s your name?”

  I attempt to give him a firm handshake because that’s what a business man like him probably expects but the minute my fingertips touch his skin, I feel a tingling sensation that extends to the pit of my stomach where it begins to stir all of my butterflies. Returning a fast, limp handshake, I withdraw my hand and say, “Ally.”

  “Ally? That’s an interesting name. I’ll see you at eight.”

  “Okay,” I say with a stupid, cheesy grin plastered on my face. I don’t know why I feel so embarrassed around him, but I do. Maybe it’s because he’s so perfect. Every hair on his head is neatly styled, his fingernails are perfectly trimmed, and his suit still looks completely crisp despite the fact that it’s the end of the day.

  He’s almost out the door when I realize that I don’t know where I’m going or what his name is. Rushing over to him, I call out, “Wait!”

  Stopping dead in his tracks, he cranes his neck to look at me. “Yes, Ally?”

  “Where should I meet you, and what’s your name?”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “Sorry. We’ll meet at the Kaswell Cocktail Lounge, and my name is Colton. Colton Kaswell.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Kaswell,” I manage to say, my voice cracking. “I’ll see you then.”

  With a quick nod, he turns and pulls his coat shut as he braves the blistering wind.

  “Oh. My. God!” Kristin says with a squeal as she runs around the counter. The two of us watch Colton climb into the cab of his SUV before the sound of his engine fills the silence between us. “Ally! I was nudging your leg because of who he was and how he was looking at you!”

  “Who is he?” I ask, grabbing my broom again. “And he wasn’t looking at me.”

  “Seriously? You don’t know who Colton Kaswell is? What? Do you live in a cave?”

  “I guess so,” I shrug, sweeping the dirt back into a pile again. “Are you going to tell me who he is?”

  She steps her foot in the path of my broom, stopping me mid-sweep, forcing me to look at her. “He, my friend, is the owner of Kaswell Properties AND a prominent sex club that nobody is to ever speak about!”

  “A sex club? What sex club?” I laugh.

  “Ally! Listen to me! This could jump start your journalism career!”

  “What are you talking about?” I have no idea what she’s getting at but whatever it is, she’s certain of it.

  “I heard that he owns a secret sex club. Nobody’s supposed to know about it. It’s one of those things that everyone’s hush-hush about? But I bet if you could get in with him, you could get the scoop on that place, write up a story on it, and blow the lid wide open. It’d be huge!”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” I say. “How would I get the scoop on it? He doesn’t know me from the man on the moon, but you’re right. If I could do it, I’d have jobs lined up and waiting for me as soon as I finish my internship which mostly consists of getting everyone coffee and writing dumb ass articles that are meaningless.”

  “Or sooner!” she nods, insistent. “I’m telling you, he was looking at you, Ally. Like you were a piece of meat! I bet if you do a little flirting with him, he’d let you inside his world. Then, you could do the story and bam! Ally’s name is all over the headlines.”

  I laugh at her as she refers to me in third person. “I don’t know, Kristin. Someone with his power and money, and that kind of business? They don’t let just anyone in their circle.”

  “But, you see, that’s where you’re wrong. How many people like him—or bigger—have had their secrets exposed? Eventually, they all let someone in, and that someone could be you, Ally Hart. If you want to be known for your writing and get your name out there, this would do it.”

  “I don’t know,” I say. “From the ten minutes I spent talking to him, he seems intelligent. I doubt I could get him to crack.”

  “Ally? The man couldn’t order centerpieces. If you turn on that Hart charm, you’ll have him eating out of your hands in no time.”

  “I don’t like the sounds of this,” her brother pipes in. “Women shouldn’t use their ‘goods’ to get what they want,” he uses air quotes to get his point across.

  “Shut up, James,” Kristin says. “She’s not using her ‘goods’,” she returns the air quote gesture. “It’s no different from any other journalist who’s trying to get to the bottom of a story. They use their talents, whatever they may be, to get the job done. That’s all she’s doing, using her charm.”

  “Uh-huh,” he nods, turning his hat backwards. “Like I believe that.”

  “Here,” Kristin hands him a floral arrangement. “Take this to Mrs. Harris over on Madison Avenue and then go home. This is the last delivery of the night.” She turns back to closing out the register. “And stay out of other people’s business,” she warns her brother.

  “Whatever,” he takes the flowers and starts out the door. “I’m just looking out for her.”

  “Pay no attention to him,” Kristin says.

  “Oh? You mean like usual?” The two of us laugh.

  Finishing up with the floor, I think about how right she is. If I can get in good with Colton Kaswell, it could change my life. I wouldn’t have to do mediocre news stories or have years of experience. All it would take is one major story to make me popular.

  Chapter 3


  Meeting Ally was a breath of fresh air. It seems like everyone knows who I am before I meet them, and they all want something from me. This might sound crazy, but I liked the fact that she didn’t know who I was. It was nice to talk to someone who was genuine and treated me like the average Joe with no expectations.

  Even the real estate agents who walk into my office flaunt themselves in hopes that I’ll do some favor for them whether it’s throw extra money their way, give them a permanent job with my company as a realtor, or some other sort of benefit.

  Rumor got out a long time ago about my club but no one’s ever been able to prove it. I’ve had to ban a few members from Club Kaswell, and I’d be willing to bet that one
or two of them have done some talking. It doesn’t matter though because the way I conduct myself in the public eye, no one would believe those things anyway.

  I make sure that I always donate to charity and attend local fundraisers to help keep my name in a good light, and I also donate one house per year to a family in need. Kaswell Properties even sends out Christmas cards with an Applebee’s gift card to each of their tenants as a way to spread the holiday spirit.

  Only members of Club Kaswell have seen the kinky side of me, and even then, it’s a select few. That’s mostly because I like to take women behind closed doors where no one can see the things that I like to do, but every now and then, I’ll play out in the open with the others. I’m just careful not to take things too far when I participate in group activities.

  The select few who know me—and I mean really know me—are a couple of ladies, Brooke and Valerie, that I see regularly. Tyler knows the gist of the things I do behind closed doors, but he’s never been there to witness them firsthand. I made both women sign an NDA, or non-disclosure agreement, before I’d take things to the next level with them—and neither one of them have ever regretted it.

  My dark, sadistic side isn’t for everyone, but the ones who enjoy it also reap the rewards from it as well. Valerie was the first to ever sign my agreement. Initially, she was leery but once she did, she never looked back. In her words, sin had never felt so good. She likes being treated like a bad girl, but she can be needy and that’s why the two of us don’t see each other all that often; maybe two to three times per year when she meets me at the club.

  The way we became intimate was almost by accident. She was married to one of the members who I ended up having to ban. I’d fucked her a few times at some of the group events, and we later became friends during her divorce. She’d started frequenting the upstairs lounge, nursing drinks just to get away from him at times, and the two of us formed a friendship that way. Ironically, it was around the same time that I had to ban her soon-to-be ex-husband because he put his hands on her in my club. One thing I don’t tolerate is spousal abuse. Choking, slapping, spanking, and shit like that during sex or role play are fine, but when you haul off and hit someone because they said something you didn’t like is a completely different matter.

  Even though I revoked his membership and had him thrown out, I allowed her the option to stay since they were separating. They’d been long-time members and I’d never had any problems out of her. Initially, she told me she’d think about it but quickly called me, asking if the offer still stood.

  I don’t do relationships. I tried it once or twice when I was younger, but they’ve never worked in my favor so I accepted things for what they were and began enjoying life as a single man with no commitment and nothing to hold me back. My colleagues and business associates always seemed like they were dragging their tired, bored housewives along on business trips, but after our meetings, I was taking advantage of the nightlife in whatever city we were visiting, fucking all the pretty girls.

  And trust me, there were plenty. There’s no shortage of young, hot fuckable women throwing themselves at business men with money and I enjoyed stuffing every hole that I filled. Tyler even joined in with a few of them, but even still, it was nothing more than DP’s, face fucking, and double stuffing.

  When I’d come back home, I’d often find myself lurking in the club that was always filled with willing women who had their legs splayed wide open, ready for the next cock to fuck her. There has never been a lack of pussy in my life, but I need more than just sex—and no, I’m not looking for love.

  My true love passed away long ago in a car accident a year after our engagement. Melissa was the only bright light in my dark world and when I lost her, part of me died with her. For that reason, I’ve never been able to get serious with anyone else—not that I particularly wanted to—and I’ve never been with another brunette which is what intrigues me about Ally. Not only does she have brown hair, but she has a striking resemblance to my Mel. Her high cheekbones, chocolate-colored eyes and tiny nose all remind me of Melissa.

  I crave something deeper, darker, more sinister. The sadist in me is hard to hide which is why I’m careful as to what I do in the open club. There’s nothing hotter than a completely willing, submissive woman who isn’t afraid to test her limits and let me take her to the edge.

  Always to the edge.

  But like I said, Valerie is needy, so our play is limited. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for a complete alpha woman but I don’t want to constantly tend to, comfort or deal with someone. I like a girl with confidence, someone who is emotionally stable, and someone who likes fucked up men.

  Brooke, on the other hand, was made for the lifestyle. A pain slut who loves to be told what to do, loves being powerless, and is mostly emotionally stable. She has a bit of confidence but needs a little reassurance at times. One thing that I’ve learned about Brooke—and enjoy—is that she likes it rough. No, scratch that. She loves it rough, and the darker we take things, the more fun that we have. Now, there’s a dirty girl who knows how to be bad and enjoys the filthier side of sex.

  When I say that we take things darker, I don’t mean that figuratively. I mean it literally. It gets my dick hard to wrap my hands around a woman’s fragile throat and feel her breaths passing under the palm of my hand as I slowly choke her until her breathing stills.

  Initially, when Brooke and I started fucking, I tested her limits and edged her to the point of passing out but stopped far before she was anywhere close to it. It’s important that you learn your partner and build trust because it’s all part of the stimulation that comes from watching her eyes bulge, knowing that her life is completely in my hands as her breathing becomes more ragged and shallow.

  Feeling her main vein beating against my fingertips as her body tries to compensate for the oxygen deprivation is what makes my cock rock hard. Making her come on my cock while she struggles for air is what makes my balls retract as my dick throbs inside her, but I don’t come until she passes out.

  Fucking her limp body as it sucks air while I have complete control over her is what pushes me over the edge. So yeah, I like to take things very dark but even then, I like to experiment with limits. I’ve learned how to keep my partners unconscious for a few moments longer as I fuck and fill her pussy with my come by keeping my forearm compressed against her throat.

  And this is why I require a non-disclosure agreement. It’s a written agreement consenting to bondage, being choked, pushing limits, and any other types of play that we may engage in. The NDA requires each of us to get full blood testing to ensure that we are both disease-free, and it also releases me from all liability and prevents them from discussing our situation with others so that I’m fully protected.

  In addition to our private play, sometimes I’ve been known to invite Tyler into the room occasionally because Brooke loves her DP’s—but so do we even though I consider them vanilla. DP’s are a dime a dozen, but Tyler and I make quite the pair when we’re together with a girl. I love feeling our cocks thrusting against the thin wall that separates her openings.

  Ally doesn’t seem even remotely close to the girls that I typically find myself surrounded by, but I felt this immediate attraction to her. Her long, brown hair cascaded down her back, begging to be pulled while I choke some of the life out of her. And the way her plump raspberry-stained lips moved when she talked, I ached to kiss, suck, and bite them.

  But I shouldn’t think of her like that. She looks at least five years younger than me, and I doubt she’s ever been exposed to the sick shit that I’m into. I also hardly know her which is probably a good thing because if I had the opportunity to get to know her better, it would lead to some very bad things.

  Over the weekend, I hung out at the club and spent some time in the voyeur room. Club participation has been down the last six months so Tyler and I decided to extend some invitations to hopeful couples who’ve been on the waiting list for quite some tim
e, and I’d say it definitely worked. You could say that watching people fuck is a hobby of mine and this weekend, the club was filled with fresh faces, new moans, and different types of new, musky scents that filled the air. I had a gorgeous blonde bombshell suck me off while her husband held her hair back in a ponytail as I fucked her face, but that was all that I really indulged. It was their way of thanking me for inviting them to become members.

  Now that it’s Monday, it’s back to the dull, boring grind of work which is one of the main reasons why I opened my club. I’ve always been a thrill-seeker and risk-taker. Sitting behind this executive desk in my leather chair is hardly either of those things.

  Picking up the manila folder from my desk, I tuck it under my arm as I leave the office and stop at Starbucks on my way over to the lounge. I’m a bit worried about my meeting with Ally this morning because we’ll be alone and I’m going to have to take her into the Club. I figure we’ll take baby steps and start upstairs in the lounge before we head to the basement. The girls are usually pretty good about making sure things are clean and orderly down there, but every once in a while, they’ll miss an obvious clue. It could be a condom or maybe a leather harness that they forgot to put away. I just wish that Angela wasn’t out on maternity leave so she could handle all of this. Her being gone is complete chaos in mine and Tyler’s lives.

  Sipping the hot liquid from my plastic Starbucks lid, I patiently wait inside the lounge for her to arrive. She pulls in front of the building right on the dot and I open the door, holding it for her.

  “Sorry,” she says, shaking from the cold. “I would’ve been here earlier but my car door was frozen shut from the sleet that fell last night.”

  Pulling her wool cap from her head, she flattens the stray hairs escaping her loose ponytail with her dark red fingernails. The deep shade of polish matches the lipstick coating her thick, full lips. Peeking up at me from her heavy-lidded lashes, she licks her lips and parts them as she begins to speak.


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