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When the Cat's Away

Page 55

by Molly Fitz

  Bubbles glanced around and I could swear she was pouting at Adam's sudden departure before deciding I was a decent consolation prize. "What do you think, sweetie?" I asked as she came bouncing over to me. "Are you up for a vacation?"

  There was no way Layla would agree to some random trip to Hawaii. And for sure she’d never agree to take Bubbles with her.

  But I was a good friend. And good friends kittennapped when necessary. Hopefully Layla would understand.

  Chapter Two

  As soon as the plane touched down at Honolulu airport and I could power up my phone, a flurry of notifications for voicemails and missed calls lit the screen. I knew I would have to take Layla's wrath soon enough.

  Didn't mean I was looking forward to it. I reached into the cat carrier sitting on the first-class seat next to me. Normally I didn't mind chatting up whoever was next to me on a plane for hours, but I’d wanted to make sure I had room for Bubbles and her carrier. She was a very important passenger, after all.

  I decided not to listen to the voicemails. It would just make me feel guilty. Instead, I called her straight back.

  Even though it was probably two in the morning in Ashland Springs, Georgia, Layla answered immediately.

  "Please tell me this note is some sort of stupid joke," she said as soon as she picked up.

  Even though my seat was roomy enough in first class, it didn't mean no one could overhear my conversation. I kept my voice low and turned towards the window. "Not a joke. The plane just touched down in Honolulu. Bubbles is having the time of her life. Figures even a plane couldn't scare her." Maybe if I talked about how adorable Bubbles was for a while, Layla would forget how mad she was.

  "Don't distract me with cute kitten talk," she warned.

  So much for that plan.

  "Now get on the next plane back here and bring Bubbles home!"

  I reached into the carrier and stroked Bubbles from head to butt a few times. At this point, I needed some extra kitten comfort. "We're going to be home soon enough. I found out from a source that Carolann is on Oahu. And that source told me that Bubbles would help me find her."

  "A kitten. Is going. To help. You find. My aunt. In Hawaii!" screamed Layla.

  I moved the phone away from my ear to avoid the noise. "Mommy's in a bad mood," I whispered to Bubbles, who was looking at me in annoyance as I stopped petting her.

  "You know Carolann has a flair for the dramatics," I reminded her as the flight attendants started the process of opening the plane door.

  "You think she has a flair for the dramatic, you just wait until you get back here and I'll show you dramatic!"

  "Oh, no, looks like we're getting off the plane. Talk to you later!" I hung up before she could argue with me some more.

  Bubbles tried to crawl out of the carrier, and I pushed her back in before zipping up the case. "You'll be able to roam around soon enough, baby girl," I cooed.

  And hopefully we’d be home before Layla got murderously angry.

  Chapter Three

  Once Bubbles and I got into the condo I had rented, I let her out and she started to bounce around the apartment like a toddler that just had an espresso. It was basically a hotel, but with a full kitchen.

  Her bouncing made sense considering how long she'd been in her tiny carrier. On the other hand, I was exhausted. As soon as I put my luggage in the small bedroom and set up her food, water, and some pee pads in the bathroom, I crashed.

  I'd never been the type to need much sleep, so I was awake in a few hours and ready to get started.

  Since I was in Hawaii, I couldn't pass up the chance to record a few yoga videos. My subscribers would love the change in scenery, and this way I could write the trip off on my taxes.

  In my last-minute packing, I'd grabbed a smaller ring light and some of my cuter yoga outfits and dresses. The production value wouldn't be as high as my normal videos, but the rising Hawaii sun in the background would more than make up for it.

  After a thirty-minute Vinyasa flow, I stopped recording and took a seat on the balcony to take in the beach below. Honolulu was huge, and I had nowhere to start.

  Adam said that the kitten would lead me to Carolann, but it seemed the only place Bubbles wanted to lead me was to her food bowl.

  After I took a shower and got through my skincare routine, which included extra sun protection because of the tropical locale, I figured it was time to get started.

  I didn't bring Bubbles’s carrier this time. It was too big and bulky, and Waikiki, though fairly empty now, would just get busier as the day went on.

  When Layla took Bubbles out, she would carry her in a large purse and use a piece of yarn as a sort of leash.

  I agreed with the purse option. Bubbles needed to travel in style now that we were on vacation.

  But we were for sure going to go with something more fashion-forward than a piece of yarn. I'd picked up a basic thin leash from Barks and Bones, the pet store in Ashland Springs, but I was going to keep an eye out for a pet supply store here.

  Bubbles needed something fancy. Preferably with rhinestones.

  She was a fancy kitty.

  But this trip was more than sunrises, yoga, and shopping. I was here to find Carolann and had nowhere to start.

  Layla would probably know what to do. Even though she said she was new to the whole magic and murder thing, she'd managed to solve Mary's murder almost as soon as she moved in. And when I had confessed to murder while under the influence of a certain potion, Layla had dropped everything to clear my name.

  So this was going to be how I repaid her. I was going to solve this missing person's case and bring Carolann back to Ashland Springs.

  I'd always been one to follow my instincts. Act on impulse. Chase my joy. Sure it didn't always work out, but when it did, it was wonderful.

  Layla had of course called a million more times trying to get more information about why I'd kittennapped Bubbles and when I was going to bring her back.

  But no matter how much I tried to explain my reasoning to her, she just got more upset.

  So now I was on a text only basis with my best friend. Writing things down just made it clearer and saved me time. She seemed to understand that I was trying to help, even if she didn't agree how.

  And the other good thing about text messages is that I didn't have to respond right away.

  Adam said the kitten would lead me to Carolann, but so far, Bubbles had not been fulfilling her end of the bargain. She would alternate between wanting to smell everything like a dog and reverting back to a cat that was too good for basic things like walking and demand that I put her back in the purse carrier.

  We walked around for hours, but there was no magic map that popped up and told me where Carolann was. So far, except for the natural magical beauty of the beach, nothing supernatural had happened at all.

  I wasn't the type to feel silly, but I was the type to feel annoyed. Had I really pulled this crazy stunt for nothing?

  By early afternoon, I needed a break. Bubbles and I went back to the hotel. After a nice, long nap, I edited the video I'd shot earlier and got it scheduled to go live on my channel at the normal time.

  Once that was taken care of, I turned to the kitten, who was chewing on the corner of one of the hotel pillows.

  "What do you think you're doing?"

  She looked up at me with a mischievous glint in her eye as she kept on chewing, as though trying to tease me.

  "You're such a troublemaker," I said as I moved from the hotel desk to jump on the bed next to her. "No wonder we get along."

  Once I was on the bed she flipped on her side, practically daring me to rub her soft belly.

  I gave her a little scratch, knowing full well she was going to attack, and let out a giggle when her teeth grazed my hand. She was surprisingly good at not hurting me for a kitten.

  The sun was just setting over the ocean and I knew I couldn't spend the rest of the night cooped up in the room. "Want to go see a genuine Hawaiian
sunset?" I asked even as I was getting up. I changed into an ombre maxi dress that was sky blue at the top and faded to a navy so dark it was on the verge of black.

  After pulling my sun-bleached curls into a ponytail, I packed up Bubbles and we were on the beach in time to see the last bits of sunset disappear over the water.

  That almost made this entire trip worth it.

  "What do you think of that?" I asked, looking to where the kitten was falling asleep in the bag.

  Except there was something different about her. Bubbles, who was always a source of light and joy, had taken that to another level.

  Because now the kitten was actually glowing.

  Chapter Four

  The next hour or so was a blur. This was it. The magic that Adam talked about.

  Which meant I was back on the case! I didn't go back to the room. I didn't hesitate. I ran between the throngs of tourists who had come to watch the sunset, holding Bubbles close to protect her from all the jostling.

  Once we made it off the beach and through the path leading through two of the big resorts, I was able to hail a cab and directed them to take me to the nearest car rental. The driver took good care of me and I gave him a generous tip once he dropped me off.

  There was a limited choice of cars available to rent on short notice, but the second I saw the Jeep was an option, I practically threw my credit card at the attendant. I was in the land of Jurassic Park! I couldn't pass up the chance to drive a Jeep around.

  Sure, only small amounts of the first movie were filmed on Oahu after a hurricane destroyed the shooting location on Kauai, but it still felt like I was in a prehistoric, mystical place. As soon as I was in the Jeep, adjusting mirrors and finding the lights, I was able to check out Bubbles.

  She was still glowing. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of her. I wanted to explore around the island and see if she got brighter in certain places.

  It would only take a few hours to completely circle the island. Since it was dark already, traffic would be pretty smooth.

  I'd really have to do this drive again sometime when it was daylight and I could actually see the amazing scenery.

  But that wasn't the point of this little drive. Right now I was focused solely on the glowing kitten beside me. The day had caught up to the young thing, and she was curled on the front seat and napping.

  But her glowing seemed to be fading.

  I groaned in frustration. "Come on, Bubbles," I said as though she could hear me. But I didn't stop my drive. I'd already paid for the Jeep, and the adrenaline of the discovery had me wide awake.

  So I found an upbeat radio station and kept on driving, looking over to Bubbles every few minutes.

  And once I started to approach the North Shore, it happened. Bubbles was glowing brighter.

  It was working! I was close to Carolann. I just knew it.

  After forty minutes, the glowing was so bright I could barely see out of the car. These were not safe driving conditions. Every car that came close to me ended up passing because I was going so slow on the two-lane highway that encircled the island.

  I snickered as I realized how confused they must be as they drove by my brighter-than-a-star vehicle. Layla really should be grateful she wasn't here. She'd be slinking down in embarrassment by now.

  About fifteen minutes later, my vision cleared up a bit, but that wasn't a good thing. It meant Bubbles’s glow was fading.

  I groaned as I pulled off at the first place I could turn around. This was like an impossible game of hot and cold.

  It would certainly be easier to navigate this foreign territory in the daylight, but the dark made it so much easier to judge Bubbles’s brightness.

  I turned off at the next town. Haleiwa. I had no idea how that was pronounced. Definitely wouldn't mention it in a video until I was absolutely sure I wasn't going to insult any islanders.

  After I made it past the shopping district of the town, there were a few different streets and turn-offs. It was a long and arduous process to drive back and forth, studying Bubbles's brightness levels carefully.

  So I almost didn’t notice the woman standing in the middle of the road. I slammed on the brakes and swerved out of the way, just barely missing the woman with long white hair framing her face and a matching white dress billowing in the wind.

  For a moment, I stayed still, just listening to the pounding of my heart in my chest. It was only once my heart finally climbed down from where it was perched in my throat that I realized Bubbles was no longer glowing like a Christmas tree.

  And I didn't have to wonder why.

  I looked out the window to where the white-haired lady was approaching the car.

  I’d finally found Carolann.

  Chapter Five

  Carolann was a weird one. Not that I expected anything different from the woman who had faked her death and run off to Hawaii.

  I had a million questions for her, but when I rolled down my window, she simply handed me a piece of paper with an address. "I'm staying here. I'll meet you there."

  There were very few situations where I found myself speechless, but this was one of those occasions. My mouth hung agape as I watched the woman retreat into the darkness.

  Bubbles had awoken when the car jerked off the road and was staring at me curiously. "I have a feeling this is going to be a long night," I said as I pulled out my phone and entered in the address that was on the paper.

  It was only a three-minute drive from where I was. So the Bubbles GPS had done pretty well.

  I turned the car around and made my way through the dark neighborhood. The house that Carolann specified had a big iron gate that was hanging open. I turned in and could see the moon reflecting off of the ocean from behind the house.

  It wasn't a mansion or anything, but with property values on the island, I knew it wasn't a cheap place either.

  Because I was in a car and Carolann was on foot, I had beaten her here. So after making sure Bubbles’s cute new rhinestone leash was secure, I set her on the ground and let her get to exploring.

  At first, the kitten seemed a little overwhelmed and stood right in place, but soon enough she caught some sort of scent and bounded over to some brush along the side of the house.

  I made sure to keep close. This was a kitten, not a dog. I didn't want her to have to pull against the leash. Bubbles was delicate.

  She knew Carolann was approaching long before I did. Twisting around, Bubbles ran to the end of the driveway where the witch was approaching. And with the ocean breeze in her hair and her dress glowing in the moonlight, she did look like a witch.

  "You aren't my niece," she said once she was close enough to lean down and sweep up Bubbles in her arms.

  "And you aren't dead," I shot back.

  She cocked her head and studied me. "I can't get a read from you. There's an aura of positivity all around you. But also something darker."

  "Did anyone ever tell you it's rude to read auras?" I had to bite myself back. I'd been so determined to track down Carolann that I hadn't realized exactly how much resentment I held towards her. In the short time I'd known Layla, I'd become rather protective of her. And this woman had caused my best friend a lot of undue stress.

  But if I just yelled at her for being irresponsible, that probably wouldn't get her to reach out to Layla.

  "I can't say I've ever gotten that warning. How did you come across Anya?"

  I raised a brow before I realized she was gesturing to Bubbles. "The cat's name is Bubbles. What kind of name is Anya for a cat?"

  "What kind of name is Bubbles?"

  "The name your niece picked out. You know, the one who thought you were dead and found herself living in a haunted house with people trying to kill her."

  "Well that's why I gave her Anya and Adam. They'll protect her."

  "The kitten is cute, but not cute enough to chase away murderers. And Adam is a little, um, limited in what he can do. So pack your stuff. I'm taking you back home."
/>   Was that what I was doing? I really hadn't put that much thought into this. I wasn't really a huge thinker when it came to matters of the heart. I did what my instincts told me was right.

  Carolann crossed her arms over her chest and smiled at me. A few wrinkles shone in her pale skin with the smile, but they didn't make her look old or weathered. Just wiser and prettier.

  "I already know her mom bailed on her. How do you think it makes her feel to know that you're alive out there and just don't want to see her?"

  My words hit their target and Carolann cast a guilty glance to the ground. "I can't be held responsible for Amber's actions."

  Amber? That must be her sister and Layla's mother. "I'm not asking you to take responsibility for her actions. I'm asking you to take responsibility for yours. Layla is in over her head because of you."

  "I didn't come here by choice!" she snapped. "I abandoned my home, my life, my—" Her voice caught for a moment before she whispered, "Mary. None of this was supposed to happen."

  Part of my anger faded at seeing the other woman's pain. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone. I was usually the one who made others smile. "What do I need to do in order to convince you to come back home then?"

  "That's not your problem, child."

  I raised a brow. Was she calling me child as a way to reinforce her superiority over me? Because it wasn't going to work. "Layla is my best friend. I didn't kittennap Bubbles and fly all the way out here only to be turned around when you say it isn't my problem.”

  "Well then let us play pretend. You act like you didn't leave your home by choice. Prove it."

  Before I could even try to figure out what she meant by that, she was turning away from me, climbing into a blue sedan with Bubbles in her arms, and driving away.

  "Hey!" I immediately ran to the Jeep and got it started, but Carolann was already out of the driveaway. I slammed on the gas, trying to catch up. I could just see the taillights at the end of the street as she turned onto the road to the highway. I tried to turn out to follow her, but a sudden stream of traffic blocked any chance of me being able to follow her.


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