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Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1)

Page 64

by Amanda Booloodian

  Feeling better, Mira went ahead and drained the tub, eager to prevent cat damage. She used the hand-held shower head and quickly showered. Remembering that the cold slush that accosted her had come from the street, she washed her hair twice, just in case. She didn’t want to think about the muck that had been thrown on her.

  She toweled off and looked around. Putting on the clothes she had been wearing was out of the question, and there was no robe. The thought of going out in the towel made her hesitant, but it was large and fluffy, so she made it work. Using her fingers, she combed through her hair, secured the towel, and grabbed her clothes before she poked her head out of the bathroom. Gabriel's bedroom was dark and devoid of him or the cats. The plush carpet allowed her to pad quietly out of the room and into the hallway.

  Where she all but ran into Gabriel.

  "Oh," he said, stopping short, "sorry." His gaze traveled down. "I should have thought of having you grab clothes. I, uh, made hot chocolate. He held a mug in his hands but didn't seem eager to pass it over. "How are you feeling?"

  "Much better," Mira said, glad her blushing was hidden behind skin already pink from the hot water. "And warm." While his eyes roved over her once again, the warmth spread. "Thank you."

  He caught her eye and Mira held her breath, wondering if that look in his eye meant he was contemplating kissing her again. Or maybe— hopefully—more.

  A quiet meep, followed by a cat rubbing against her leg, broke the moment. Oracle was winding around her legs, then Gabriel's.

  "I hope it's okay that Alchemy and Oracle are here," she said.

  "Of course," Gabriel said, reaching down to scratch Oracle behind the ears. She noticed him glance at her feet and she wiggled her toes. "I'll get out of your way."

  He stood aside and Mira walked past, feeling him watching her until she disappeared into the guest room, Oracle on her heels.

  It wasn't until she started rummaging through her luggage that she heard Gabriel walk by again, heading to the kitchen. She started pulling on jeans but paused when she glanced at the clock. It was well into the night. She tossed the jeans aside and settled for something more comfortable.

  Despite Gabriel's new tendency to check her for shoes, she settled on socks. The hallway was empty this time, but Gabriel waited for her in the kitchen.

  He slid a mug across the counter to her. "I don't have any tea, but thought you might want something warm to drink."

  "Thank you." She couldn't keep the smile from her face, but tried to tone it down so she didn't look like a grinning idiot.

  "Reinfield's men dropped off your stuff, and I moved everything to the other bedroom for now."

  Mira nodded and drank with her hands wrapped tightly around the mug. She didn't think she'd ever get too much warmth ever again.

  "And, um, I grabbed your coat. Your phone fell out." He pulled it out and slid it across the counter as well, but much slower than he had done with the hot chocolate.

  "Thanks," she said. She pressed the power button and saw several notifications pop up.

  "It rang while you were getting dressed."

  Sure enough, one of the messages said she had multiple missed calls.

  "Twice," Gabriel said.

  She punched in her code and found that she had actually missed three calls. All from Emmit. Her nose wrinkled up. She didn't have to guess that Gabriel had seen the caller ID.

  Chapter 16

  "I'll give you some privacy." Gabriel's voice was measured and even.

  "You don't—"

  "It's late," he said, not giving her the chance to protest. "I should get ready for bed."

  After he disappeared quickly down the hall, Mira shook her head, but then dialed Emmit.

  "Sorry to reach out so late," Emmit said. "Thank you for calling me back."

  Mira looked down the hall where Gabriel had disappeared. "It's no problem."

  "I only wanted to check and make sure everything was going well."

  "I'm fine," Mira said.

  "It was my understanding that you had a rough evening."

  Mira shook her head and turned to her hot chocolate. "Just a cold one."

  "And you're settling in well?"

  "Yeah, but it's getting late."

  "You should get some sleep. We'll talk soon. Goodnight."

  Mira hung up and checked her messages. She returned a text to Della before opening the text from Lance. She was just starting her reply when Gabriel returned. She glanced up, to her phone, and then up again for a second look. Gabriel was wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants. The only other times she'd seen him in a t-shirt was when they had been running for their lives.

  It was a good look. One that made her wish for the end of winter.

  "Can I get you anything?" he asked.

  "No. Thank you, though."

  He once again moved to the other side of the counter, putting distance between the two of them.

  The evening was beginning to have more low points than high ones. Not a good mix. Mira took up her mug again and finished the drink, thinking she'd go to bed before things got any worse.

  She quickly rinsed out the mug, and when she turned, Gabriel was right behind her.

  When he wanted to be, he was quiet and seemed almost as quick as Emmit. She almost said as much, but bit back the words, knowing it would cause the evening to end in disaster.

  He looked uncomfortable, which was something she hadn't really seen much in Gabriel. Even when she expected him to be uneasy, he was usually unflappable.

  Except, she realized, when it came to Emmit.

  "Are you—is everything okay?" Gabriel asked

  "Yeah." She wondered if telling him that Emmit had just called to check on her would make things better or worse.

  If anything, he looked more anxious.

  "Everything covers a lot of ground," Mira said. "I can't be truthful when you say ‘everything.’"

  His lips turned up slightly, but it only lasted a moment before he put on a more serious face. "You're right. It's none of my business anyway."

  It was a phrase he had used before, and even then she thought that maybe it was his business. She watched him and bit her lip. It was better to get it over with, right?

  "Ask me anyway," Mira said.

  "Is your relationship with Emmit completely over?"

  She had thought she might have to wheedle the question out of him, but he hadn't even hesitated. "I'm still friends with Emmit." Mira wondered briefly if there was a way to emphasize the truth to Gabriel. "And I don't think that's going to change unless he does something really stupid."

  Gabriel rolled his eyes. "When does he not?"

  "If you’re asking me if we are still dating," Mira continued, ignoring the remark, "I've already told you we aren't seeing each other."

  Gabriel nodded but didn't look any happier about it. "I'm not trying to say you shouldn't see him—or anyone else—I just need to know how things stand."

  "I don't want to date Emmit," Mira said. "That's not going to happen again." She tried to put some sort of energy or power behind the words but had no idea how to do that—especially without a spell. "Besides," she said, trying to bring something more positive to the discussion, "I really like the direction things are going."

  He finally cracked a smile.

  "You don't have to worry about Emmit. Ever. There wasn't even much between us to begin with."

  "I'm really not trying to say you can't see other people."

  "Are you seeing anyone?" The curiosity had the words out of her mouth before she really thought about them.


  "This is new," Mira said. "We just need to be honest with each other. I think that's all we should expect, don't you?"

  He smiled wider and moved closer. "I'm good with that."

  If Mira so much as leaned forward, they'd be pressed together.

  "It's getting late," he said

  "It is," Mira agreed, although her fatigue had disappeared.

a's cell phone chimed. She ignored it.

  "Do you want to get that?" Gabriel asked, though he didn’t move away.

  Mira bit her lip to try to stop from grinning again. "No."

  The minuscule gap disappeared. Mira's heart fluttered when she found herself pushed against the cabinet with Gabriel's lips joining her own. Her insides melted when he pressed into her, his eagerness apparent.

  She wrapped her arms tightly around him and began exploring the muscles of his back. The next chime from the phone barely registered over her mounting passion.

  Gabriel's hands reached under her shirt, and a tickle inside spread with the anticipation of his exploring hands on her skin. His hands settled on her waist when he pulled away. His eyes drew her in.

  "That could be important." He kept his voice soft and his hands on her.

  "Hmm," Mira murmured. "What could?"

  Gabriel cupped her face with his hand before moving it to the back of her neck and pulling her into another kiss. His strength made her shiver.

  Sadly, he pulled away again. "I have something for you."

  She raised her eyebrows and grinned playfully. "Do you?"

  "You see who it is that can't wait till morning to text, and I'll be right back." He brushed his lips lightly against her in a quick kiss before leaving.

  Mira didn't push herself away from the cabinet immediately. She heard Gabriel retreat to his room. When she felt as though her legs were steady enough to support her, she grabbed her phone and unlocked it.

  She popped open the texts, her mind still on Gabriel.

  It's time.

  Mira's glow started to die as she read the string of texts.

  Your store in one hour.

  If you don't come, we start taking members of your family in your place.

  Tyler dies, and your angel disappears.

  If you're late, it's going to be so much worse for you.

  I promise.

  Mira started shaking, and somehow the cold seemed to be creeping back. John was going to go after her family. It was a threat, like the one before, but this one felt more real. More immediate.

  A high-pitched squeal started in her ears as blood pulsed faster and she read through the messages again.

  "I should have given this to you earlier." Gabriel's voice came from a distance, down the hall. "But the time didn't feel—" He took one look at her and stopped. "What happened? What's wrong?"

  Mira swallowed hard, trying to get the rapidly forming lump out of her throat.

  "Let me see your phone," Gabriel said.

  "I don't know. It's..."

  He shoved something in his pocket and took her hand. She had a death grip on the phone until he touched her, and then she let it go.

  She could feel his cool energy erupt, fragment, and crackle around them, which contrasted greatly with the professional mask that fell into place.

  "You should get some sleep," he said in a much calmer and more coherent than she could manage.

  Mira shook her head, not trusting her voice.

  Gabriel went to grab his own phone, and Mira instantly missed the closeness, despite the barrage of manic energy that came with it. He made a call and, after a minute, blew out an air of frustration. He hung up and made another call.

  "Sorry, man," he said, "but we have movement on John."

  "Yeah." "We might have to." "See you soon."

  He hung up and called another number. In moments, he was shaking his head again and hanging up.

  "Mind if I use your phone to call Harker?" he asked, holding her phone out, her screen black.

  She stepped away, not wanting to take it, and instead gave him the pin.

  He called and started to pace.

  "How many people do you have outside?" Gabriel barked into the phone without introduction. "I don't give a damn, Harker. Just answer the question."

  "Right." Gabriel glanced at Mira. "Send a few more, just in case. And Tyler?" "Yeah. He wants her at her store in an hour. Probably closer to fifty minutes now. What about Mira's family?"

  Mira felt her breath grow shorter at the thought of her family.

  Gabriel listened for a while.

  "Ian will be here in ten."

  Alchemy jumped on the counter next to Mira and stood there, keeping an eye on Gabriel. The cats knew not to jump on counters, but right then, Mira didn't care.

  "Right. Yeah." Gabriel hung up and returned to Mira, giving her phone. "We have company coming, so I'm going to get dressed. Do you have any shoes besides your wet ones?"

  "Sure." Her phone pinged in her hands, and she jumped as though stung.

  Gabriel took it, read the message—glaring daggers at it—then handed it back.

  Fifty minutes.

  "This sucks." She hadn't meant to say it out loud, but it was true all the same.

  "This is good," Gabriel said. "For once, we know exactly where this asshole will be."

  Mira nodded while feeling that no part of the situation was good.

  "Get hold of Mr. Singer," Gabriel said. "Ask him to spread the word and make sure the witches are on guard. All of them."

  Mira nodded.

  "Do me a favor," Gabriel said.

  Mira looked at him expectantly.

  "Shoes?" The was a note of pleading in the single word.

  The idea of getting pulled into the Ether sent another shiver through her. "Yeah. I'll go get dressed."

  First, she needed to text her sister. The threat against her family had her heart in her throat.

  Take the kids and go to dad’s.

  She wasn't sure if her sister would acknowledge that, so while she followed Gabriel down the hall, as far as her door, she sent another message.

  Mr. Singer will call soon, but go now. Someone is threatening you and them.

  Mira knew that Robin would take any threat to the kids seriously.

  If you can, get Mom to go too.

  The last line would make her stand up and listen. The idea that Mira would even suggest her parents get together under the same roof meant serious business.

  This was not how she wanted the night to go. Far from it.

  Mira flipped on her light and looked around before stepping into the room. Closing the door didn't seem like a good idea. It felt as though someone was watching her, even though she knew the room was empty.

  "I almost forgot," Gabriel said from behind her.

  The only reason she didn't jump at the unexpected voice was because she was frozen to the ground. She took a steadying breath before turning around.

  "Sorry to startle you."

  "I'm fine," she managed, trying not let her shaky breath show. "What did you forget?"

  He held out a small white box. She took it while at the same time wondering if this was really the moment for gift giving. As she opened it Gabriel started talking.

  "My first thought was a necklace," he said as she peeled away the tissue paper. "Because that's what you used to have, and what you made for me and Ian."

  A glint of silver caught her eye and she pulled out a ring. "It's beautiful." She turned it around in her hand, inspecting the band of Celtic knot-work.

  "Emmit is the one that suggested the ring. He said it was perfect for a ward because it always touches your skin."

  Now that she knew it was a ward, she checked more closely to get a measure of the magic it held.

  "I had planned on making it myself, but he helped."

  The magic was dense and heavy, and it flowed through the knots like tiny rushing rivers.

  "Do you like it?"

  "I love it," Mira breathed, unable to take her eyes off the ring.

  "I wasn't sure of the size."

  Mira slid it onto one of the fingers on her right hand. It fit perfectly. "It's wonderful."

  "You'll wear it, then?"

  "Of course. Thank you."

  He took her hand, rubbed a finger over the ring, then kissed her. "With everything going on, I feel better knowing you’re wearing it." He squeez
ed her hand and, without looking down, said, "At least I will when your shoes are on."

  She grinned. When he was gone, she stared at the ring. It had managed to push away the rapidly building fear. The power it held was immense, but so tightly controlled that it seemed like a little supernova weaving a net around her finger.

  Feeling safer, she shut the door and before she forgot, she made the call to Mr. Singer.

  She was blunt and to the point. Chris's explanation, that Mr. Singer had done this so her next actions wouldn't count against her, were still in the forefront of her mind, but being shunned still sucked and she wanted to make sure Mr. Singer knew she wasn't happy about it.

  Once she had his assurances that her family would be told immediately, she hung up and tossed the phone down on the bed. Mira rubbed her finger over the smooth surface of the ring, which helped ease the irritation caused by talking to the old witch.

  She heard movement in the hall and quickly dressed.

  When she left her room, she followed the voices into the living room. Ian was there, and one of Reinfield's men—a second glance told her it was Eric—stood by the door.

  Gabriel and Ian were both wearing their sidearms openly on their belt. Usually she never saw their weapons, but tonight, the detectives looked serious.

  "Emmit will be here in a minute," Gabriel said, looping her into the conversation.

  Her phone pinged at the same time the doorbell rang. She hesitantly took out her phone while Eric let Emmit in. She woke up the screen to the message: Forty minutes. If you aren't there, I will make sure you live to regret it.

  "Is everyone ready?" Emmit asked.

  Gabriel read the message over her shoulder, and the same frantic energy rose and crackled like electricity around them.

  Emmit watched him closely while moving with what seemed like exaggerated slowness. "Mira, may I see that?"

  Mira numbly held out the phone. Emmit walked past her, putting himself between her and Gabriel. Only then did he read the messages.


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