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Arcana: A recollection

Page 14

by Liberty of the Aether Project

  Chapter 6 – A wizard’s advice

  AFTER ENTERING THE REFUGE and warming themselves by the fire, Jacques recalled the events through the caves to an entranced Brahm.

  ‘This is quite an interesting discovery. Perhaps we could talk of this to the king?’

  ‘I know he’s your brother Brahm, but I don’t think he would have any interest with these people, apart from annihilating them. Perhaps after we succeed in our first task, maybe then we can negotiate with them.’

  ‘Right, our long held task from the days where we were running across the Harkonian grasslands in an endless game of cat and mouse. Where exactly are you up to in your chronicle? Have we gotten to where I enter your story yet?’

  ‘Almost. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of praise for you in the chronicle.’ Speaking up, Isaac protests against this idea.

  ‘But this chronicle should be as historically accurate as...’ Surprising, it’s Brahm who cuts off Isaac this time.

  ‘Isaac, please. It is a Councilman that is featuring in this story. That is definitely deserve some praise and recognition’ Leaning over, Jacques whispers into Isaac’s ear.

  ‘You haven’t seen it yet, but Brahm’s pride is larger than the mountains in this trail. It would be wise to indulge him on his wishes.’ Brahm doesn’t intervene, knowing what Jacques is suggesting Isaac do.

  ‘So, Jacques… What you want is to negotiate peace with Harkon?’

  ‘Yes. You know my origins. I realised long ago that this war is pointless. We have killed each other endlessly, for reasons that have long since been forgotten. Both Arcana and Harkon need to overcome their fears, and learn that in the end, we have fought over nothing.’

  ‘Do you think that you can achieve peace? I mean, hundreds of years of hatred does not disappear simply because the king or your counsellors or whoever they are decide we should.’

  ‘It will be difficult, yes. But, if I keep working towards that goal, I will reach it eventually. I have not told you about what my current position is, have I? I’m actually an ambassador from Arcana. A diplomat.’

  ‘Well, I wish you luck in convincing the king, if we make it past these mountains. How do you know that he will actually agree to form a peace treaty?’

  ‘I don’t. All I can do is hope. What is life without a little faith?’

  ‘You know Isaac… After my encounter with that… thing, it broke me.’ Surprised by the sudden change of conversation, Isaac goes quiet.

  ‘I think this would be a notable passage in our chronicle, Isaac. Could you please start writing?’ Brahm, who normally wanders away, decides to sit and listen to the story.

  ‘I wish to listen to! I am sure that this will be quite the interesting story!’

  ‘Brahm, I have something that I need to discuss with you.’

  ‘Brahm, I have not told you yet because I know some of your men are quite superstitious. But, I am actually extensively trained in the art of magic.’ In anticipation of Brahm’s reaction, Jacques tenses every muscle in his body.

  ‘And?’ Shocked by Brahm’s calm reaction, Jacques just looks on at him.

  ‘Come on Jacques. I always thought that was the case. Arcanians all use magic, don’t they? Why would you be any exception?’

  ‘Well, we don’t all have formal training with magic…’ Impatient, Brahm cuts him off.

  ‘But it was obvious that you did. I have actually done some reading on the nature of magic myself. I arranged to have several books transported from Arcana on the subject. I was still not fully prepared to read them, but I knew I would eventually. That incident on the road earlier spooked me into reading their contents. From what I read, only people with the proper training in magic can detect magical disturbances in the area. Whenever I asked you anything regarding such disturbance, you always had something of substance to say.’ Gobsmacked, Jacques merely stands there, while Brahm returns his blank gaze with a slightly irritated look.

  ‘What? You said yourself that traditions need to be broken, so I did just that. I need to protect my men, and if I have to learn about magic in order to achieve that, so be it.’ Silently, Jacques absorbs this information. He finally formulates a clear thought in his head, and inquires about his other worry.

  ‘But, do your men know as well?’

  ‘They made the same guess that I did. Were you worried that one of us was going to murder you because you know how to use magic?’ This was Jacques’ fear all along, and he is relieved that he no longer needs to hide his abilities.

  ‘Well, yes, that was my worry. I don’t want to die before I reach the castle. But, they were afraid back in the woods, with the wall of thorns. What makes me so different?’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous, Jacques. They’re not afraid of you because they know you aren’t going to horribly kill them.’

  ‘Still though, I was afraid that was what they thought...’

  ‘Fair enough, but you should know that there’s no need to worry about being assassinated while you’re among my men. They’re a loyal sort and they’ve actually grown to like you, Jacques.’ Previously, Jacques had been constantly tense throughout their journey, and it is a great relief for him to know that he is truly safe in their company. Brahm chooses to move to new points of discussion.

  ‘You know, if we can just slowly change peoples’ opinions, we could eventually sow peace throughout our lands.’

  ‘What do you think would happen if we gained peace?’

  ‘In all honesty, I think it would lead to a new golden age. Both of our countries have much to offer to one another. Ancient legends said that we were a single people once, who were divided by choosing different paths. A reunion would bring prosperity to all. We could master all aspects of the world. Engineering, magic, divination… It would become a utopia.’ Cynical about this concept of forming a “utopia” after hundreds of years of conflict, Jacques rebukes his idealism.

  ‘That’s a best-case scenario. I don’t think that Arcanians and Harkonians would get along simply because their leaders said that they should.’ Though nodding in agreement, Brahm continues expressing his thoughts.

  ‘They will eventually. I hope so, anyway. When I last returned to the castle, my brother was being visited by various diplomats from foreign lands. There are other armies and kingdoms out there Jacques, and they could turn the tide for either kingdom in this centuries-old war, or they could simply sweep over both of them and destroy us all. We have to stop fighting eventually. If we don’t, then someone who hasn’t been exhausted by being at war for so long will be the end of us.’ Jacques had not considered outside forces influencing their age-old war before. Over the sparkling seas and jagged mountains, other forces had risen in the countless centuries of war between their two nations. For the most part, those forces had remained neutral parties in the conflict, preferring to avoid being caught in the crossfire. However, the news of ambassadors arriving at Greatspire Castle makes Jacques worry for their plans of peace.

  ‘A common threat tends to be a great way of unifying people.’

  ‘Yes, that is very true. Anyway, we’ve already discussed what we’ve needed to. Let’s get back to Isaac and continue your chronicle.’

  ‘I was afraid of having you listen since it was going to make references to my mentor. The one who taught me the arcane arts.’

  ‘Sounds interesting! We will finally find out who taught the great Jacques his mastery over the arcane!’


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