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Under the Billionaire's Shelter: Billionaire and Single Mom Romance Collection With New Novel Included (Under Him Book 5)

Page 10

by Jamie Knight

  Try as I might, I really couldn't get it out of my mind. Not just what we had done on the phone the night before, but what I wanted so much for him to do to me in real life. Still laying on my stomach, my hand found its way under me, around my hip and over my belly, and then my pelvis, finding its way all the way down to my wet pussy. I went easier than I had the night before. Tobias had taught me a whole new method of touching myself that felt unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I caressed and coaxed my pussy lips I until ripples of pleasure ran through me, from my pussy all the way up to my brain where they exploded in the loveliest way.

  I kept at it like that. The sensation was building, the explosions were getting more numerous as well as more intense, without me needing to increase my speed or intensity much at all. The pressure and pleasure built until I was moaning with orgasm. The sounds that came out of me muffled by the pillow.

  I wasn't sure how long I slept, or if I did. The blank period was just a dreamless void. I supposed it was possible I had just wanked myself into unconsciousness. What a lovely thought!

  The knock sounded like an agitated woodpecker. Rousing myself from my beautiful stupor, I zombie-walked from the warmth of my comfy, comfy bed, across the cold floor to the door, to see what horrors awaited me on the other side. It was never good news that came before ten in the morning.

  He looked like a cross between an undertaker and an old-world footman. Tall and lean, he seemed like something from a Charles Addams drawing. His exquisite black suit actually had tails that reached down to the backs of his angular knees.

  “Ms. Harris?” he asked I a low, rumbling tone.

  “Yes,” I said, half-hoping I was still dreaming.

  “I am the manager madam and it is my sad duty to inform you that the hotel will be closing due to an upcoming quarantine, and you will not be able to remain after noon today.”

  “O-okay,” I said, the new data still computing.

  He gave a cordial bow, actually clicking his heels before dipping into it, turned on his heel and strode away. I wanted to be mad, but I wasn’t sure at whom. Not the manager who was only doing what he was told, or the hotel owners who had likely gotten an order of some kind from the government, or indeed the forces of state governance who were reacting to a situation beyond their, or anyone else’s control. No one was particularly happy about the situation.

  Keeping my potential rage in check, I got my phone and dialled the person I always did in such situations.

  “I’m getting kicked out.”

  “Well, hello to you to,” Mercy said, “why are you getting kicked out?”

  “The hotel I’m at is being shut down for the quarantine.”


  “You said it. I either have to find another place to stay or I’m faced with the exciting choice of either coming home or sleeping at the bus station for the rest of the shoot. I’m not sure which one is more appealing.”

  “Hey, it’s not that bad here,” Mercy objected.

  “No, not really. The main drawback is Dave knows my address there. Here I’m just another one of millions. Like looking for a needle in a whole pile of other needles.”

  “Interesting turn of phrase.”

  “I do my best.”

  “Is there any one at the show who might be able to help? I mean, you are the star. I’m guessing they’re pretty rich if they put you up at the Sixty for that many nights and they’re hardly going to want you to be living on the street, right?”

  “Mercy, you’re a genius!”

  “I know, but it’s still nice to be recognized from time to time.”

  The number for Tobias was still in my phone from our call the night before. Pushing down the heat I could feel rising inside me, I tapped the screen and crossed my fingers.

  “Hello?” came his manly but gentle voice over the line. I could just feel my pussy melt.

  “Hi. I um, I have some trouble here,” I managed.

  “Your ex again?” he asked, not unreasonably.

  “No, nothing like that. The hotel is shutting down because of the lockdown. I have until lunch too find a new place to stay or I’m going to end up on the street or something.”

  “No, you’re not,” Tobias said, as if he could control how things went through sheer force of will.

  I was actually starting to wonder, after how he had dealt with Dave so effortlessly. At least it had seemed effortless to me. I had spent so many years being afraid of him. Hating him for what he had done to Duncan and me, and Tobias had deflected him with a wave of his hand, like swatting away a troublesome mosquito and how he had managed the raging asshole on the first date. Now, he was saving me from this. He truly was amazing.

  “Mornin’, sugar,” Clementine said, leaning against the gleaming side of the car.

  “Hey,” I said, Clementine was always able to cheer me up with her irrepressible good humor.

  I kind of wanted to sit in the front with her, but social distancing would not allow it. Getting into the spacious back, Clementine closed the door and sprinted around to the driver’s side. I didn’t know exactly what Tobias had planned for me, but I was confident that he had something, and it would more likely than not turned out to be good.

  “Here we are, darlin’,” Clementine said as car came to a complete halt.

  “Really?” I asked dumbly.

  “Yeah, pretty sure. Not to brag or nothin’, but I’ve been here an awful lot.”

  “This is -”

  “It is,” Clementine said.


  The house wasn’t quite a mansion. Not technically. It would need a few more rooms to meet that designation, but it was still fuck-off huge and massively impressive. The gates hummed as they slowly parted like the Red Sea.

  Without a word, Clementine got back in the car and backed up down the driveway until she was on the street. Looking back at the house, I steeled my nerves and started moving forward, remembering what the Buddha said about a journey of a thousand miles beginning with a single step. The distance from the gate two the beautiful French doors was not a thousand miles. Not even close. It was both the shortest and the longest distance in the world.

  The doorbell song was the famous section of the 1812 Overture because of course it was. I had already learned, even by that relatively early point, that when it was to Tobias Ford it was really best to expect the unexpected. That way you were never disappointed.

  “Clem still here?” Tobias asked. He was framed by the door like a Flemish painting.

  “No, she left, almost as soon as she dropped me off. It was kind of weird.”

  “No argument there. Especially considering today was supposed to be payday. Oh well, I guess you’d better come in.”

  I couldn’t be sure, but I got the feeling that he wasn’t super happy to have me there. I could actually see his point. It wasn’t in the plan and could affect the show. But, honestly, if there was anyone who should be able to work around the unexpected, it should have been him.

  “Is this okay? Me being here I mean.”

  “It is not ideal, but the best of all scenarios given the current circumstances. The board of the studio won’t like it at all. At least they wouldn’t if they knew about it. I don’t see any reason why they should, and Clementine is perfectly discreet.”

  “Me too! I mean, I’m discreet too. They won’t hear it for me, no sir. Not a peep, a pop or a chirp.”

  “That’s very reassuring,” Tobias said, the ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

  “Hungry?” he asked, transitioning back into the sexy protector role he had taken on.

  “Yeah, actually. I didn’t really have time for breakfast.”

  I also hadn’t eaten a heck of a lot the day before either. I didn’t know exactly what the root cause might be. Physical or neurological or whatever but I did know that it was getting to be a problem. How Tobias knew this was anyone’s guess. Maybe he had just heard my tummy gurgling.

“Come,” he said, heading down an ornate hall, hands casually in his pockets.

  It was like something from one of those British costume dramas. The high walls of the dining room even had romance with oil paintings that looked like the real deal. Either that, or they were really good copies. If I were forced to guess which, I would guess the latter, not because buying originals for bragging rights. It was just the sort of thing people would expect him to do.

  It felt odd sitting alone at the massive feast table. Actually, six long tables set end to end and covered with a bright red linen cloth. I felt like I was the last person on Earth playing princess in an abandoned manor home.

  The stone floor was smooth and cold under my bare feet. It felt amazing. I shuffled them slightly, feeling them slide easily. I wanted to see if it would be any easier to moonwalk but restrained myself. Especially because this was the same moment in which Tobias reappeared carrying a lidded silver platter, looking more like a servant on casual Friday than master of the house. I loved a man who could cook.

  Waiting a moment to make sure he hadn’t just gussied up take-out, I settled into the scrumptious food he had created from base ingredients. It was transcendental. My eyes actually rolled back into my head at the first taste.

  “Good?” Tobias asked.

  I nodded, past the point of rallying the power of speech and wiping away tears of unbridled joy.

  “I wasn’t sure if you ate meat, so I hedged with fish.”

  “Good call,” I said, pulling myself together, mostly.

  It was actually. Fish was the only meat I would eat after years of semi-vegetarianism and trying to figure it all out. The decision was finally made when I realized that the vegetarian cookbooks I was trying to use, despite my cooking skills being the culinary equivalent of a black thumb in gardening, included recipes for fish.

  A lesser factor, but still a consideration, was the fact that the main concern in terms of animal rights section of vegetarianism tended to be land animals. Particularly those which are farmed. Fish farms, while they did technically exist, were a recent invention, and seemed like a contradiction in terms.

  We were starting dessert, hand whipped chocolate mousse with whipped cream, when it happened. A glob of sweet chocolate goodness had adhered itself to the corner of my mouth.

  Before I could even think to do anything else, Tobias was wiping it away with his thumb. It was like a spark. The fire inside me jumped to an inferno. Before he could pull his thumb away, both it and the chocolate were in my warm little mouth. I grabbed his wrist and went to town on his thumb, showing him exactly what I wanted to do with his cock.

  I could hear the zip as Tobias lowered his fly with his free hand. Releasing his thumb, I dropped to my knees so hard it almost hurt and replaced his thumb with his rock-hard cock. I sucked it like his cum tasted like pumpkin spice, battering my throat in the process. I didn’t care. I loved it.

  I was also quite impressed by how big his cock was. It was actually a struggle to get the whole thing into my mouth. It couldn’t have been too comfortable keeping all that in his pants. I felt happy and proud to be able to give him relief. It wasn’t until later that I realized that it must have been me who had made him hard.

  His sweet cum flooded my mouth. I swallowed it all down, wiping any extra from my lips and sucking my fingers clean. His hand touched my shoulders, bare in the flapper dress I was still wearing. The neo-Buchanan thing was basically my costume for the show. It was like his fingers were electric, sending a charge through me, stoking my libido in ways I had forgotten were possible.

  Taking me into his strong arms, one around my back, one under my ass, he sat me down on the edge of the table, kissing me passionately. Our tongues not competing or fighting for dominance, rather moving in perfect sync, giving as good as they got. I could feel my pussy getting even wetter.

  Laying me down, the polished hardwood table was cold against my nearly bare back, having much the same effect as the stone floor on my feet. It was like the entire room was designed to arouse the senses. Taking up the nearest chair, Tobias gently cradled my left foot. I was about to ask what he was doing, but the question turned into a moan on its way from my brain to my mouth.

  Tobias was wonderfully massaging my foot in both of his soft, strong hands. I could feel every muscle in my body relaxing. My legs parted by themselves, the cool air reaching my inner thighs.

  Tobias tended the same treatment to my left foot, working me to a near frenzy, my pussy aching for him. Not leaving me in my suffering, Tobias ran his hands up my legs, disappearing up the hem of my dress. Gently taking the sides of my panties between his fingers, he pulled them slowly down, giving me another long caress from hips to feet, laying them beside me on the table.

  Placing my ankles on his shoulders, he pushed my skirt up around my hips, unveiling my ready pussy. Stroking it a few times to get me used to the contact, he lowered his head between my quivering thighs and placed a long, gentle lick the length of my pussy, lightly spiralling the very tip of his tongue on my clit. I moaned so loudly that it echoed off the high walls.

  Giving me a few more licks, he turned to hard spirals, covering every inch of my pussy going the other way. Covering all the bases, I guess. Not that I was about to complain. I gasped slightly as he introduced a finger, slipping it easily inside me. He licked me hard, hitting all the right spots as he worked me deep, coaxing me to a massive, body-rocking orgasm. My mind went blank in a blast of pure white light.

  I really could have cried. What might well have been the most beautiful moment of my life, interrupted by the all too familiar ping of a text notification. I was already with Tobias, beautiful Tobias, and Mercy always called. Which really only left one option.

  “Bastard,” Tobias spoke, getting to my phone before I could.

  “What did he say?”

  “Cutting out the insults to both of us, he is threatening to go to the show and tell them about our relationship. He must have some sort of spyware software on your phone or computer. He seems to know everything that I’ve been doing.”

  “Fuck. What are you writing?”

  “Who I am and that his pathetic threats are completely empty, seeing as I am the show and any emails to the producer of the show would go directly to me. It was a condition of me taking over the production.”

  “Oh, my God!”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll protect you. I promise.”

  Putting my phone back in my purse, he scooped me up superhero style and kissed me softly as he carried me toward the stairs.

  The bed was amazing. It was a massive Edwardian four-post specimen, complete with a curtain going all the way around it, which were open at the time. Setting me down on the edge of the bed, much like he had with the table, he took down the thin straps of the dress, caressing my shoulders in the process.

  The dress made wearing a bra pretty much untenable. With my panties still laid neatly on the table and my shoes by the door, I was very much naked, sitting on the edge of the beautiful bed as Tobias stood over me like a benevolent force. I had expected him to get right down to business, which made it even more surprising, to the point of a soft gasp, when he caressed his hands back up the length of my body and took hold of my face. Bending at the waist so we were even, Tobias kissed me. Gentle pecks at first, escalating into open mouth Frenching. His hands never leaving my face as he did so.

  Pulling back so he could meet my eyes, he took both of my hands by the wrist and placed them on his tasteful leather belt. Willing my fingers not to tremble, I worked the buckle loose. Leaving both sides hanging, I stared at the button and fastener combo found on all good dress pants. The easiest part was the zipper, his pants moving easily down his legs, the Bruno Mali’s he was known for sat beside my Flapper heels by the door.

  His cock pressed against the inside of his silk boxer shorts, yearning to break free in the long dark tea-time of the soul. I left it where it was for a moment as I started on the buttons of his matching C
rimson silk shirt. It was a sudden and deep relief that I had never seen him wear a tie. Instead, he opted to have the top two buttons of his luxurious, and apparently color-coded, shirts open.

  Leaving him standing in naught but his beautiful boxers and strange necklace as well as his rings, I sensuously relieved him of the first. I had strong, personal qualms about messing with someone else’s talismans.

  It was magnificent, massive, and returned to full hardness. I wasn’t quite sure how it was going to go into my pussy, but I was more than interested to find out. Such a perfect cock deserved a warm and loving home.

  I lay back on the bed, placing my feet on the edge of the bed, legs wide, spreading my pussy lips with both hands. Moving in with kisses and affection, Tobias mounted me. He hooked my ankles over his elbows without me even noticing. He also had the head of his cock buried in my pussy, which I noticed with great interest.

  He didn’t fuck me. Not at first. He just sort of hovered, hanging out near my clit, letting me know he was there and could start fucking me at any moment but not actually letting me know exactly when. Just when I was just about to weep with anticipation, it happened.

  In one smooth motion, he was right up in me and pumping steady, angling just right so the considerable bulk of his cock met with both my clit and my g-spot as he pumped my sweet pussy. I moaned with both surprise and delight.

  Taking hold of his arms on either side of me, I did my best to move with him. I matched the ebb and flow of his thrusts, stroking my pussy along the shaft of his cock as much as he was sliding his cock in my pussy. I could tell by his expression that this was both a new and an agreeable experience.

  I came first, waves of pleasure rippling through me like a freight train. As I tried to collect myself, Tobias withdrew his cock, replacing it with four of his fingers approximating the size, and fed me his delicious cum, dropping the entire payload into my eager mouth.

  “What else do you like?” He asked when we had both rallied.

  By way of reply, I turned over, staying at the edge of the bed, my feet over the edge, in doggy position. Placing a warm hand on the small of my back, he moved behind me and stroked the warm head of his cock against my tender, pink folds. I moaned at the sensation, eagerly waiting for him to give me so much more. Moving his hands to my hips, he pushed in. Sinking about half the length of his cock inside before stopping again.


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