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Reveal Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 9)

Page 8

by Laylah Roberts

  “Don’t think I don’t know you’re having some sort of silent conversation without me,” Ria grumbled.

  “This doesn’t concern you,” Connor told her.

  “Doesn’t concern me?” Anger lit up her face. Damn, he wouldn’t mind harnessing all that energy into other areas.

  “Anything regarding Sophie concerns me.”

  “Not anymore,” Ajax told her.

  Ria flinched back, looking shocked. “What?”

  Connor waited, still. He knew where Ajax was going, but he had to tread carefully. Ria and Sophie were close, and shutting Ria out entirely would hurt both of them. And he wasn’t about to stand by and see Ria hurt.

  Ajax’s face softened as he looked over at Ria. “I appreciate the way you’ve taken care of Sophie up until now. But you can’t do it all on your own. And she needs more help and protection, as well as someone to lay down a few rules. That’s gonna be me.”

  “Why you?”

  “Because she trusts me to keep her safe.”

  “I-I don’t understand what’s happening,” Sophie said, looking back and forth between them.

  “Ajax thinks he’s taking responsibility for you,” Ria told her.

  “I don’t need anyone to take responsibility for me,” Sophie protested.

  They all gave her a look.

  “The fact that you found yourself in this situation says that you do,” Ajax said darkly.

  “We don’t need any help,” Ria insisted.

  “You do if you want to keep Sophie out of trouble,” Ajax told her. “Roarke’s going to demand some sort of restitution. He’s going to want to know this won’t happen again. I think, under the circumstances, he won’t involve the cops if someone takes responsibility for her.”

  “I’ll take responsibility for her,” Ria told him.

  Connor snorted. “You’re not a Dom, sweetheart.”

  “What has that got to do with it?”

  “She needs a Dom to take control,” Connor told her.

  “Sophie isn’t a sub.”

  “Really? Got your blinders on there?”

  Ria scowled at him. “Who do you think you are? You’re here five minutes and you think you know what’s best for everyone around you?”

  He pretended to think that over. “Yeah, pretty much.”

  She growled, her hands clenching into fists. “You’re an ass.”

  He leaned in; his face close to hers. Damn, it was tempting to kiss her. “And you’re trouble. You need to settle down and think. You’re letting your own feelings get in the way of what’s best for Sophie.”

  “You did not just tell me to settle down.”

  “I did. You’ve got thirty seconds to take it down a notch and start thinking rationally.”


  He smiled. “Or I’ll be happy to help you.”

  She muttered under her breath as she walked across the room. Back and forth.

  “Ria?” Sophie said quietly. “Did you hear what Ajax said? He thinks he can stop Roarke from involving the cops.”

  “Yeah, if you agree to be his sub.”

  Sophie sucked in a breath. But to his thinking, she looked more intrigued than scared.

  Ria turned to Ajax. “You think she wants to be bound and beaten after what she’s been through?”

  Ajax glared at her. “You really think that’s what I’m going to do? That I’d fucking do anything to frighten her?

  “Easy, man.” Connor stepped in front of Ria, giving Ajax a sharp look. He knew he needed to establish his place as Sophie’s Dom. But he didn’t get to yell at Ria or frighten her. Although, looking back at Ria, she wasn’t intimidated in the slightest.

  “You ever feel like everything you do is a complete fuck-up?” Sophie asked them. “That everything you touch turns to mud? That sometimes it just feels like everyone would be better off if you weren’t around?”

  “Sophie.” Ria took in a shocked breath. She moved to sit beside her friend. Connor glanced over at Ajax, who looked stricken.

  “It’s okay. I’m not suicidal or anything. Its just things were so good at the club and then that bastard came along and ruined it all. I just feel like shit follows me wherever I go.” She glanced up at Ajax. “You sure about this?”

  “Yes,” he told her firmly. “And you won’t be running. We’ll also be working on those self-esteem issues of yours.”

  “I’m a mess, aren’t I? Not sure I can be fixed.”

  “Not trying to fix you,” Ajax told her gruffly. “Just want you to realize you’re worth more than you think you are. You’re worth fighting for, Sophie.”

  “I don’t think anyone’s ever said something that nice to me.” Sophie sniffled.

  Okay, time to get back to the blackmailer.

  “Sophie, what did you say during that conversation? I assume you didn’t use Jerry’s full name?”

  “No.” Sophie frowned, obviously thinking. “All I said to mom was that I hadn’t heard anything from Jerry and I hoped to hell that he never managed to find me. I think I said something about how scared I was of him. How the last I’d heard he was still living in Hondo. I used to work at the hospital in San Antonio.”

  “So, our blackmailer must have done some more digging around to find Jerry,” Connor mused.

  “Could he have uncovered the police reports from previous assaults?” Ria asked.

  “It’s possible,” Connor told her. “Sophie, do you have any idea who the blackmailer might be?”

  Sophie sighed. “No. None.”

  “If you were paying him then why did the blackmailer call Jerry?” Connor asked again.

  “Because I stopped,” she whispered. “I couldn’t pay last week.”

  “Fucking asshole,” Ria swore. “This fucking asshat needs to be taught a lesson.”

  Connor agreed. But Ria wouldn’t be involved with that. Not unless he could guarantee her safety. Which would mean sticking close to her. Hmm, seems like he wouldn’t be leaving so soon. This job had been a pretty simple one. But now, it was getting vastly more complicated.

  Which gave him a chance to get closer to the prickly sub. To show her what she needed. It wouldn’t be a forever thing. He didn’t want that and he was sure she didn’t either.

  “Where were you exactly when you were on the phone?” he asked Sophie, forcing his brain to get back on task.

  “I was near the back entrance of the club. My car was parked in the back.”

  “So, this is someone with access to the back area of the club,” he said. “Most likely a member of the staff.”

  “Can’t rule out a club member, they could probably get out the back unseen,” Ajax said quietly.


  “How did you receive the threats?” he asked Sophie. “Have you still got them?”

  “All but the first one. I threw it away. They were left in different places. The first one was in my locker. It told me to leave the money in an envelope under my car wiper window. I did that for a couple of weeks. Then I got new instructions to leave it taped under a table at the library. That lasted for a few more weeks. Then under a seat in the park.”

  “All public places and unlikely to have security cameras. There are none in the lockers at the club. And the ones in the parking lot are only close to the building. I’m going to need to see them and send them away for analysis.”

  “Okay, Sophie, I’m probably going to have more questions for you. Roarke might as well.”

  Sophie looked at Ajax. “You really think he won’t involve the police?”

  Ajax nodded. “I think under the circumstances, he won’t. But like I said, he’ll want some form of punishment.”

  Sophie’s eyes widened.

  “Jesus, don’t look at me like that. I’m not going to fucking beat you.”

  “I-I know. But you s-said punishment?”

  “Yes. But that will come later. And I’ll be deciding it. Just to be clear, you have to say to yes to this. And once you do that, you’re
going to be under my protection and care until this is taken care of. Which means you follow my rules.”

  “I’m not sure that I’m comf—” Ria started to say.

  Connor reached out and placed his hand over her mouth. She started to pull at his wrist, and when she couldn’t budge him, she turned to glare at him.

  He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “This is between them. She doesn’t have to agree. She isn’t being forced into anything. And if you’ve watched them closely you could tell he truly cares about her.”

  She remained still for a few seconds then she relaxed and tapped at his hand. Obviously wanting him to let her go. With great reluctance, he did so. Damn, she’d felt good pressed up against him.

  “So, Sophie, are you agreeing to put yourself under my protection and care? To being my sub for as long as is necessary?”

  “All right, I agree,” Sophie said softly.

  “Good,” Ajax said briskly. “Then gather up everything you have here. I need to get back to the club.”

  “Oh. Uh. Okay.” Sophie looked around. “Why?”

  “Because you’re coming with me.” Ajax gave her an incredulous look. “Didn’t you just hear me when I said you were under my protection?”

  “Yes, but that means I can’t stay here?”

  “It means, sweetheart, that for the foreseeable future, I’ll all over your ass. You’re not going anywhere without me knowing and approving. You’re going to be firmly under my watchful eye. At all times. And you should know this isn’t just about protection, although that is a large part of it. It’s also because I don’t trust you.”

  Sophie flinched. He felt Ria tense and Connor wrapped an arm around her waist. “Easy, mama bear.”

  “You’re an asshole,” she whispered back.

  “Most people like me, you know.”

  “Most people are idiots.”

  He found himself smiling. He did love her snarky mouth.

  “You think I’m not telling the truth?” Sophie asked in a quiet voice.

  “I do,” Ajax reassured her. “But you still broke trust. That takes time to mend. Now you have ten minutes to gather your stuff or we’re leaving without it.”

  Sophie slowly got to her feet. Ajax reached out and helped her up, his face softening slightly. But then Connor saw him harden up again. He understood. Sophie had lied. She had broken the law. And she’d broken Ajax’s trust. It wouldn’t be an easy thing for her to earn back.

  “Come outside with me for a minute,” he told Ria. He took her hand in his and led her out the door. He could sense she was uncomfortable with the move Ajax had taken. And he wanted to get her out of there before she could interfere and make things worse for Sophie.

  He guided her out onto the balcony. Before she could gather her defenses back up, he pulled her close and kissed her. He pushed her back against the building, surrounding her with the feel of him. When he drew back, she stared up at him, completely dazed. Her mouth opened then closed.

  “Hmm, now I know how to get you to be quiet. I just kiss you.”

  She brought up her hand. It was shaking. She pointed her finger at him. “You won’t be doing that again.”



  “So next time you’ll kiss me?”

  “I will not.”

  He smiled. “We’ll see.”

  She just stared up at him for a few breaths then she groaned and ran her hand over her face. “I can’t believe I just did that. You’ve been lying to me about who you are.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Uh, yes, you have. I didn’t even know your last name! Was kissing me part of the investigation?”

  His temper stirred. “No, it certainly was not. In fact, I’ve done my best to stay away from you because of the investigation. Because I didn’t want to lie or get involved with you until I knew who the thief was. But now that I know, there’s nothing holding us back.”

  She shook her head. The fact that she looked scared had him backing off a little. He ran a finger down the side of her face. “Little wildcat, I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She snorted. “Right. Heard that before.”

  He’d love to know who’d promised not to hurt her. Because they obviously hadn’t kept that promise. But he also knew that asking Ria questions was a surefire way to get her to clam up and shut him out. He had to be far sneakier.

  He figured he was going to be around for a bit longer. Roarke wasn’t going to let a blackmailer run around his club. And now that he knew she wasn’t the thief it freed him up to take things a step further.

  He cupped her chin, raising her face. “We can both feel there’s something here. An attraction. It can go as far as you want it to. But I’m hoping, that while I’m here, you might want to explore that attraction with me. And you might want to play.”

  “I’m not a sub.”

  He ran his thumb over her lower lip. “If you say so.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Don’t talk to me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m a child who doesn’t know what they need. Or who they are.”

  “You know who you are, Ria. But for some reason you’re denying that part of you. I’d love to know why.”

  She remained stubbornly silent. Yeah, he didn’t think she was going to suddenly confess her secrets.

  “I also think that part of you is becoming harder and harder to deny.”

  “Yeah? Why’s that?”

  “Because you knelt for me.”

  “So what? That was just some weird thing. It’s never happened before.”

  “No? So, you haven’t been trained as a sub? And, before you answer, you should know that lying is going to get you into trouble with me.”

  She scowled, then opened her mouth just as the door opened.

  “We’re ready.” Ajax stepped out. Then he looked over at the two of them, surprise making his eyes widen. “We interrupting something?”

  “No,” Ria snapped.

  “Yes,” he answered, ignoring her glare. “Can you give us five minutes?”

  “Sure, I’ll get Sophie to the car.”

  He had a hold of the other woman’s good arm, leading her down the balcony to the stairs.

  “He’s being too hard on her. She’s not really a criminal.”

  “Honey, she stole money. That means she’s a criminal.”

  “But not a real criminal. People do all sorts of things when they’re desperate.”

  “Not all of them steal, or break the law,” he told her in a low voice.

  She groaned. “Jesus, you’re black and white, aren’t you?”


  “Everything is black and white for you. There’s no gray. Areas where people can mess up and be forgiven.”

  “There’s plenty of gray in my life.” Jesus, he wasn’t that rigid. “But there is a difference between messing up and breaking the law.”

  “She broke it because she was desperate. Not because she wanted to.”

  “She had other options, Ria.”

  “Well, guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree, won’t we?”

  He sighed as she turned to storm off. “Ria, wait.”

  “No. There’s nothing more to say.”

  “There is if we want to catch this guy.”

  She stilled then turned. “We?”

  He wanted to keep her out of this. Wanted to keep her safe. But she was in this and he wasn’t entirely certain she wouldn’t go off on her own and do something stupid. Something he wouldn’t know about until it was too late and she ended up hurt. Keeping her close was the only way he had of protecting her.

  Well, other than tying her up and putting her in a safe house. But he didn’t exactly have just cause to do that. Not when she wasn’t his.

  “You’re going to let me help?”

  He understood the skepticism in her voice.

  “Perhaps,” he allowed.

  “Why should I trust you? You
lied about who you were.”

  “I never lied.” He just hadn’t told her everything. See, he knew about gray areas. “You know who I am now. I’m not holding back anything.”

  She snorted. “Everyone has secrets.”

  “True. All right, I’m not hiding anything that might impact our relationship.”

  “What relationship?”

  Oh, she wasn’t going to give an inch. “Well, I thought we might explore this attraction between us.”

  “Did you?”

  “But even if we don’t, perhaps we could work together to find this person? What do you think?”

  She chewed that over. “Maybe.”

  Well, that was honest at least.

  “Not sure I can really work with someone so rigid.”

  “Rigid has its place.” He grinned.

  She rolled her eyes. “That was terrible.”

  “Honey, I have hundreds of them.”

  She continued to eye him with suspicion. “Won’t you be leaving now that you’ve found the thief?”

  “You don’t think Roarke will want to know who is blackmailing one of his staff?”

  “I’ve never met Roarke.”

  Ah, that explained it. “Well, I have. And he takes any attack on his people personally.”

  “Sophie isn’t one of his people.”

  “She works for him. That makes her one of his.”

  “Ajax is mad at her. He doesn’t trust her anymore.”

  “No. And you get why.”

  She nodded reluctantly. “Will he really punish her?”

  “I would if it was you.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “But only once you’d agreed to be my submissive.”

  “Well, that’s never going to happen.”

  We’ll see.

  He didn’t say the words, but he could tell she saw them on his face.

  “So, do you want to help me get this bastard?” he asked her.

  She studied him, as though measuring whether he actually meant it. Then she nodded. “All right.”

  “It will mean spending time together. Can you handle that?”

  Her chin came up. “I can if you can.” She turned and started down the balcony towards the stairs. He let himself smile.

  Oh, he could handle it. And her.


  They arrived back at the club, to find Trevor had called in Vienna to replace her. He gave her a nasty look when Ajax and Connor’s backs were turned. She really hated that dick.


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