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The Returned Lords of Grosvenor Square: A Regency Romance Boxset

Page 34

by Rose Pearson

  “I –”

  His voice was rasping, his throat thick with sand.

  “I think you have a few things you might wish to say to Arabella,” Sara continued, finally getting up. “I will take a few minutes leave and then return. A fresh tea tray too, I think.”

  Arabella’s gaze flickered towards Sara for a moment. “I thank you, Sara. And yes, pray do return. We will need you.”

  Sara’s smile gentled and she rested a hand on Arabella’s shoulder. “But of course.” She lingered for a moment, her eyes now back on Jacob, filled with reproach. Jacob winced inwardly, but remained standing stoically until his sister had left the room, before turning back towards Arabella.

  Quietness surrounded them both. The air grew thick, and still Jacob struggled to know what to say, or even how to begin.

  Arabella rose to her feet and took a step towards him, although she remained a foot or so away from him still.

  “You had a terrible choice to make, Jacob.”

  Her words were soft, her voice kind, and Jacob felt something within him break.

  “You have been tormented by Lord Winchester, have you not?” she asked, kindly, a sad smile on her face. “You were to choose the safety of either myself or your sister, is that correct?”

  His head lowered and he passed a hand over his eyes. “I was informed that I must give you up in order to ensure my sister’s future and reputation were kept quite safe.”

  “By Lord Winchester.”

  Slowly, he raised his eyes to hers. “Yes.”

  “And Miss Halesworthy?”

  Jacob shook his head, the anger and frustration he had felt that evening coming back to his mind with a swiftness that caught his breath. “She was the example. The example of what Lord Winchester could do, should he put his mind to it. It was nothing but good fortune that had the three of us out in the garden at the very time Miss Halesworthy required us. Had it not been for your quick thinking with your maid, and then the plan for returning to the Ball thereafter, I do not know what would have become of her.”

  Arabella nodded slowly, although she did not smile. “And why did you not speak to me of this, Jacob?”

  The truth was on his lips in a moment. “Because I could not be certain of what Lord Winchester would do, either to you or to Sara,” he said, honestly. “I gave in to fear, Arabella.”

  “No.” She was by his side almost at once, one hand resting on his arm and her emerald eyes searing his. “No, you did not give in to fear, Jacob. You were trying to protect both your sister and I, in the only way you could. Lord Winchester is not a man to be taken lightly, as I believe we have both seen.” Her expression gentled. “Would that you had spoken to me, Jacob.”

  His shoulders slumped, overcome by her kindness. “You have no reason to think well of me, Arabella.”

  “I have every reason,” she replied, reaching up to gently touch his cheek. “You have not turned from me because you love another, or because you have decided that you do not care for me any longer.” Her hand fell to her side, shadows clouding her eyes. “I must beg your forgiveness for allowing myself to believe such a thing, even if only for a moment.”

  He caught her hand in his, his heart breaking anew only to begin to heal itself at the very same time. “Arabella, you need not seek forgiveness for that. How much torment I must have caused you! How much confusion!” Shaking his head, he closed his eyes tightly and tried to steady his breath, feeling his mind swirling with thoughts and things yet unsaid. “Can you forgive me for what I have done?”

  She was in his arms in a moment, her head resting on his shoulder, and Jacob felt his heart break free of the shackles of doubt and agony that had held it. This was where Arabella belonged, he had no doubt about it. And this was precisely where he was meant to be, standing by the lady he loved with the determination to protect her, to love her and to give her all that he had.

  “I may forgive you.”

  Surprised, he looked down into Arabella’s face, seeing a light smile on her lips.


  “I will forgive you if you promise you will still marry me,” she whispered, tears beginning to sparkle in her eyes. “I cannot be without you, Jacob. I cannot be set apart from you, not when there is more love for you in my heart than ever before. Say that, in spite of Lord Winchester’s threats, you will be true to me.”

  Letting out a long breath, Jacob tried to smile. “I fear for Sara’s future. For her safety. I cannot bear to be apart from you, Arabella, but I do not know what else I can do to save Sara from Lord Winchester. I fear his influence. I could inform my father, of course, but he will draw Sara away from town and never give her the future she has long hoped for.”

  Arabella’s smile did not fade. “She hopes to marry for love?”

  “As I hope to do,” he replied, tenderly. “Yes, Arabella, I will still make you my bride, for I do not think that I can linger in this place of darkness and torment where you are no longer my betrothed.” Cradling her face, he leaned down and kissed her gently, feeling the dampness of her cheeks and the saltiness of her tears on her lips. His heart ached for what he had done to her, for the struggle and the pain that he had put her through.

  “I see that I am to be delighted all over again.”

  Closing his eyes and sighing ruefully, Jacob let go of Arabella carefully before turning around to see Sara standing in the doorway, a broad smile on her face.

  “So it would seem,” he admitted, hearing Arabella laugh and finding himself unable to stop smiling, despite his continued fears over Sara’s future. “I do apologise for the trouble that has been caused by my… decisions, and my lack of willingness to discuss such things with either of you.”

  Sara shrugged. “You were trying to protect us in your own way, by shouldering the burden alone,” she said, as the door opened to allow the maid in with the tea tray. “Now, shall we sit together? I think we have many things to discuss.”

  Jacob frowned, only to see Arabella smile up at him.

  “Yes, we did discuss a few things between us whilst you were still abed,” Arabella admitted, quietly, so that the maid would not hear. “Forgive me if we ought to have waited for you to join us, Jacob, but I thought it best Sara understood my reasons for lingering here until I saw you.”

  “Which I quite understood,” Sara interjected, obviously overhearing them. “And I will say, brother, that I am most grateful for your concern for me.” She smiled at him, leaving Jacob with the distinct feeling that she and Arabella had already discussed his actions in great detail. “I do not like to admit that Lord Winchester may be something of a threat, but after what occurred with Miss Halesworthy – which I presume was his doing in some way – I can see why you were so very concerned.”

  Jacob nodded and, after the ladies had sat down, took his seat opposite them both. His eyes lingered on Arabella, seeing the happiness in her face, despite the difficulties that faced them. His own heart was filled with joy, his gladness in having Arabella return to him overwhelming him completely. How he longed to catch her up in his arms again, to pull her tight against him and hold her close! The fact that she had so easily forgiven him, had so easily promised him her heart all over again, was more wonderful than he could express.

  “Then how are we to catch Lord Winchester out?” Arabella asked, a faint blush now darkening her cheeks as she saw the intensity of his gaze. “How are we to prevent him from continuing down this path, where he believes he can threaten and demand from anyone he so chooses?”

  Jacob accepted a cup of tea from Sara, who, he noticed, was a little pale of face now. Perhaps she was more concerned than she wanted to admit.

  “I do not know,” he admitted, honestly. “I have striven to think of something, but I confess that I have found myself trapped by Lord Winchester’s words.”

  “Society considers him a gentleman,” Sara said, slowly, her expression becoming thoughtful. “I do not wish to ruin his reputation for any other means than protecting
myself, Arabella and any other young ladies whom he might thereafter choose to pursue, but is there not something we can do that would show his true nature?”

  Jacob bit his lip, his brows furrowing low as he thought.

  “Mayhap we need to allow him to do as he has threatened,” Arabella murmured, slowly, her eyes roving around the room as she thought. “At least, to allow him to believe that he is doing as he threatened.”

  Jacob’s brow lowered even more. “I do not wish to put Sara in danger.”

  “Of course not!” Arabella exclaimed, looking at Sara quickly, who smiled her encouragement and understanding. “What I mean to say, is that we should find a way to permit Lord Winchester to attempt to do as he has threatened, but in a way that will reveal his true nature.”

  “Reveal it to the ton?” Jacob queried, still not quite understanding what Arabella meant. “How shall we do that?”

  There was silence for a moment or two, until Sara sat forward, her face wreathed in smiles.

  “We need not reveal it to the ton, Jacob. Only to our father.”

  Jacob shook his head. “I have thought of such a thing already. It will simply be our word against that of Lord Winchester, and, whilst our father will believe us, of course, there will be no particular evidence that he can use to call Lord Winchester out.”

  Sara’s smile grew wider. “That is not what I mean,” she said, quickly. “If our father sees Lord Winchester’s attempt to ruin me, then he can call Lord Winchester out. That way, he has all the evidence he needs to do such a thing without question, and the ton will, in the end, know that Lord Winchester has been discovered to be a gentleman of unworthy character.”

  Arabella was the one to interject this time, her concern evident. “But I should not like to put the Duke in harm’s way,” she replied, hurriedly. “To call Lord Winchester out is one thing, but a duel can go rather badly at times.”

  Jacob considered both of these remarks for a few moments, before nodding slowly to himself. “I think, then, that both myself and my father should bear witness to Lord Winchester’s actions, if that can be arranged. Thereafter, I shall be the one to call Lord Winchester out, with my father’s support, of course.” He smiled at Arabella, who had gone rather white. “I do not think that Lord Winchester will even make an appearance at the duel, however, for he is nothing but a coward and a fraudster. There is no strength in him, Arabella. He will fear the duel, will fear the loss of his reputation and will have no other choice left but to turn and run.” His reassurances did not bring Arabella’s colour up, however, for she still looked quite horrified at the idea. “All we must do now is find a way for Lord Winchester to do what he can to set up a particular situation for you, Sara.”

  Sara nodded, although she was no longer smiling. Perhaps the severity of what they were suggesting had finally made itself clear to her, for there was every chance that something could go terribly wrong. Lord Winchester might attend the duel and might even win. Jacob could be badly hurt. She might still be ruined. The risk was there for them all to see, but Jacob could not find another way to bring an end to Lord Winchester’s cruel reign.

  “We shall think of something, I am quite sure,” she said, eventually, with more certainty in her voice than Jacob thought she truly felt. “What say you, Arabella?”

  Jacob turned to face Arabella, seeing her gaze lingering on him, and almost feeling the uncertainty that was in her eyes.

  “I do not want anyone to be hurt in this,” she replied, her voice a good deal softer than before. “Not you, Jacob, nor you either, Sara. Therefore, I think I know what I must do, so that he will not be permitted to damage your reputation in any way, Sara, no matter how slight.” She held onto Jacob’s gaze, her lips trembling just a little. “Although I fear the threat of a duel will still remain.”

  “That is not something you need fear,” Jacob promised, trying to reassure her through both his smile and his words. “You know Lord Winchester has no true strength.”

  Arabella closed her eyes, drew in a long breath, and let it out slowly. Then, she opened her eyes, nodded, and managed a tight smile.

  “Very well. Therefore, this is what I am proposing.”

  Jacob listened to Arabella, not quite certain that he liked what she was suggesting but finding that the idea did have merit. It certainly would keep Sara safe from Lord Winchester entirely, but it would mean that Arabella would have to face Lord Winchester again, and that she would have to be the one to pull the truth from him without hesitation. Lord Winchester would have to tell Arabella everything, would have to admit to every single thing that he had done, else the plan in its entirety would fail.

  “Do you think you can persuade Lord Halesworthy to be present also?” Arabella finished, looking up at him. “I think he could also add to the weight of proof which would be gathered by both yourself and your father.”

  Jacob nodded slowly, his expression growing more and more sombre as he considered what they would each have to do. “Indeed. I think, in fact, that Lord Halesworthy would relish the opportunity, Arabella.”

  “Although that is a great burden on your shoulders, Arabella,” Sara interrupted, looking at Arabella with concern. “Are you quite certain about this?”

  Jacob smiled to himself as he saw Arabella lift her chin just a little, her eyes flashing with a newly found determination. This was the lady he knew, this was the woman he loved – the one who had more strength and courage than any other.

  “I am quite certain,” she replied, her voice a good deal firmer than before. “I think this is for the best, and I shall be glad to play my part, if it means that I can bring an end to Lord Winchester and his conniving ways.”

  Jacob wished that he could catch Arabella up in his arms, but held himself back, knowing that the opportunity to do so would come in time. “You are quite remarkable, my love,” he murmured, seeing her cheeks fill with colour anew. “I do not think I have loved you more than I do at this very moment.”

  Arabella’s smile was a little shy, although her gaze remained determined. “Then shall we begin to plan our betrothal ball, my love?” she asked, her eyes twinkling for a moment.

  “We shall,” he agreed, getting to his feet. “And I shall, of course, ensure that Lord Winchester has the very first invitation.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Arabella did not want to admit it, but she was terribly anxious. Her stomach was swirling, her mind going from one question to another, and yet all the time, she had to present a calm and delighted front. The guests were pouring in and she was doing all she could to greet each one warmly, even though her whole body was tense, her mind filled with worry.

  What if Lord Winchester did not appear? What if this entire plan was to come to nothing, crumbling to ash around them? Nothing would come of it if Lord Winchester did not decide to attend, even though he had already accepted the invitation in writing.

  “You are doing remarkably well, my dear,” Jacob murmured, his mouth close to her ear as he leaned towards her for a moment. “He has not shown his face yet, but I am suspicious that he will not do so at all.”

  She looked back up at him, startled. “You mean, you do not believe that he will be in attendance?”

  “No, that is not what I meant,” Jacob replied, out of the corner of his mouth as the next few guests drew nearer. “I think he will be present, but not apparent. Does that make sense?”

  Arabella nodded slowly, before quickly pasting another smile on her face to greet one Lady Wimberley and her son, Lord Wimberley. She did not know all of the faces and names but that did not seem to matter. The whole of London seemed to be abuzz with the news that Lord Jacob St. Leger, heir to the Dukedom, had chosen himself a bride. Everyone wanted to look at her, everyone seemed to want to greet her, to curtsey or bow before her, and Arabella knew, all too well, that she had to be careful not to say or do anything which could be construed to be even vaguely rude or improper. The whispers would increase in earnest should she make any sort
of mistake!

  Half an hour later, and Arabella was finally free to move into the ballroom itself, having greeted almost all of the guests. The Duke and Duchess smiled at her in turn, although Arabella was aware of the steely glint in the Duke’s eye. Jacob had, of course, informed him of what was to occur this evening, and whilst Arabella knew that the Duke had not been altogether pleased with the idea of her putting herself in that particular situation, Jacob had managed to convince him it was for the best. The Duchess, in her own kind way, had offered to ensure that Arabella’s mother was well distracted during the evening, although she had gently warned Arabella to be careful. Arabella had been glad of the Duchess’ kindness, thinking her to be one of the most thoughtful ladies she knew, even though she was of such high rank within society.

  Arabella’s mother was, of course, quite giddy with excitement now that the engagement had been announced and all had appeared to go quite well. It had been a slow turn around for her mother, but Arabella was glad that she seemed to be accepting of the fact that Arabella had rejected Lord Winchester and was now settled with the Duke’s heir. Not that Lady Blackford could know anything about this evening’s happenings, for that would be more than she could bear. For Arabella’s sake also, it was best that Lady Blackford was kept away from what was to occur.

  “Now what shall we do?” she whispered, as Jacob walked down the short staircase into the ballroom itself. Arabella smiled as she spoke, aware that almost every eye was on them both and that the whisperings of the guests had begun to quieten as they descended.

  “Now, we shall dance,” Jacob replied, with a quick smile. “The waltz is about to play, my dear Arabella, and I shall insist on dancing it with you.”

  Arabella hesitated, looking up at him. “Your leg does not pain you too greatly?”

  Jacob’s smile became tender. “Even if it were in agony, I would not miss this opportunity to dance with my betrothed,” he replied, gently, bowing slightly and offering her his hand. “What say you? Will you come out onto the floor with me?”


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