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Tangled Threats on the Nomad Highway

Page 27

by MariaLisa deMora

  Yesterday seemed like a dream, one of the best, that had then morphed into a nightmare.

  Learning what his lips felt like against hers, hearing the sweet words directed her way—it hadn’t felt like a gambit or trick, and hadn’t been fake on her side of the equation. She’d spent the afternoon trying to figure out how to come out the other end of their deal with her heart intact, Whitney and Noah remarking more than once on her absentmindedness. In the end, Marian had decided to go forwards with Einstein’s proposal, willing to take what he offered. I just never intended for him to know what it would mean to me.

  No matter how deeply she dug, her recollections of leaving work and picking up Luke were thin, wispy. She couldn’t remember where they’d eaten before the movie, and the holes in that period were frightening. Scar, the man who had hurt Einstein so badly in the past, had stolen that from her. A whole block of time was simply missing, the memories empty as if time had bent, skipping an entire section of the day.

  Jagged edges of something nagged at her, the images in her mind as tantalizing as a word on the tip of her tongue. There, close, but not really within reach. The only thing she was certain of was her deep-seated knowledge and belief that Einstein would keep her safe. It had been as if he were with her all along, the thoughts of him giving her a sense of peace even in chaos.

  Still trying to deconstruct the day, she tracked backwards from this moment to them walking up the steps of the porch. Catching at the foggy memories, she pieced them together as best she could, to further back, the moment Einstein had put her in the car. The words he’d spoken swam back into focus, and she tucked them away to scrutinize later. Beyond that, the memories were broken images and sounds, some terrifying and some not. Then a dark hole that led nowhere.

  Einstein stirred, and she shook free from her thoughts, gaze on his face as he woke. His arms tightened, pulling her close with a heavy sigh that eased out of him alongside a happy hum. When he opened his eyes, he immediately found her face, and a line appeared between his brows as he studied her. Then that fell away, and a smile took over his expression, those lines she’d noticed in full view now, deep slashes across each cheek a testimony to the depth of his emotions.

  Daring greatly, she leaned closer and lifted her chin. He didn’t make her wait, immediately bending his neck to brush his lips chastely against hers. They touched once, twice, then he groaned, and a hand slipped up the back of her neck, fingers tangling in her hair as he angled her head for a deeper kiss. They were both breathing unsteadily when he pulled back and pressed their foreheads together. As Marian opened her eyes, she found him staring at her, a softer version of the smile still curving his lips.

  “Morning, baby.” His lips pursed, and he pecked another kiss at the corner of her mouth. “You’re so fucking pretty.”

  “I slept in your lap.”


  “Are you comfortable?”

  His arms squeezed as he nodded, then pecked her mouth again. “Very. Altogether comfortable like this. Did you sleep okay?”

  “Feels like it.” She stretched her shoulders up to her ears. “You don’t mind me using you as a cushion?”

  “Baby, not only do I not mind, but I’m also gonna encourage it as often as you might want. I’m entirely on board with us sleeping together from here on out. Cozied up like this.” He tightened his grip on her hair and gave a tug. “Or in a bed. Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be.”

  A dish rattled behind them, and she twisted to look over Einstein’s shoulder. Gunny and Sharon were near the stove, an array of dishes on the counter in front of them. Gunny noticed they were awake and lifted his chin in his typical manly greeting. He called out softly, “Mornin’.”

  Sharon’s head whipped up, and she bustled around the island towards the couch, bending over to slip her arms around Marian’s neck. Mid-hug, she asked, “Hey, honey. How are you feelin’?”

  “I’m good.” She squeezed back, marveling at how her life had changed from only a few years ago. She’d gone from no friends and only a single, unhappy relationship with her father, to this. Seated in the lap of a man she loved, with good friends going out of their way to do what they could to ease the burden of what had happened.

  A tap at the side door preceded a few men coming inside, some faces she knew well mixed in with some she barely recognized. That small group turned into a trickle, then a stream, and finally a flood, until the room was wall-to-wall bikers, black vests next to denim ones, boots discarded near the door or worn inside—it was overwhelming. Sharon pulled back and released her hold, squealing as she raced towards one of the men, leaving Marian to bury her face against the side of Einstein’s neck.

  His hand cradled the back of her head, fingers threading through her hair as he pulled her close. “Shhhh, baby. It’s okay. These are all friends.”

  A tug at her fingers had her peeking out to see Luke sitting upright, looking around in amazement. “Hey, Monday,” he greeted one of Bane’s men, then brightened even more. “Blackie! Hey!” He gave her fingers a final squeeze, then was off the couch and darting towards the burly national president of Bane’s club, disappearing into the man’s arms.

  “Marian?” She glanced up to where Monday was standing close. “When you have a minute, I’d like to chat.” He shook his head as his gaze moved to Einstein. “Nothin’ bad, brother. I have a message from Noah for her, that’s all.”

  “Why isn’t Noah here?” Forgetting to be afraid, she shifted to better face Monday. “Is he okay? Scar didn’t hurt him, too, did he?”

  “Not Scar, no. His stepbrother, Zipline, bashed him in the head.”

  Marian’s heart raced as fear for her friend flooded her system.

  Monday’s palms patted the air. “He’s okay. Bit of a headache is all. He’s resting—” Monday hesitated, his gaze flicking between her and Einstein. “He’s resting at my house. I didn’t want him to be alone last night.” Pointing a thumb over his shoulder at the door, he took a step backwards. “I’ll be here for another thirty if you have time. Otherwise, I’ll come find you tomorrow. No rush.”

  “Is it personal?” At Einstein’s question, Monday shook his head. “Then now is good, brother.”

  Monday grimaced and glanced around the room, his gaze coming back to rest on Einstein. “Might not be best.”

  “Now, or nothing.” Einstein’s muscles tensed under Marian’s bottom, his arm around her waist tightening. His other hand still played in her hair, and she relaxed against him, hoping he’d unwind, too.

  “Aww, man. You sure?” Monday crowded closer and sat on the edge of the couch, perching in what looked like an uncomfortable position. “So…Noah, he didn’t know Zipline was headed here, had no idea the man was in town. The two of them were waiting for him when he got home yesterday, pushed their way into his house. From what he said, Scar held a gun to his head while Zipline asked questions. The men asked about all kinds of things, and from the sounds of it, nothing was specifically directed towards anyone, so other than the gun and fearing for his own life, it didn’t raise any alarms for Noah. Then Scar and Zipline left in a van that had somehow appeared in front of Noah’s house. He’d chalked it all up to another weird encounter with his peculiar stepbrother until they came back and hauled you”—he indicated Marian with a lifted finger—“inside.”

  “And then? Why didn’t he pick up the phone and dial? Three buttons.” Einstein flicked up a finger. “Call.” A second finger joined the first. “Nine.” His hand formed the salute best known for a national boy’s club. “One, one. Isn’t hard. She was there for hours, brother.” The arm around her waist hitched her closer. “You’re telling me that in all that time, he didn’t have a single chance to make a call?”

  A memory swam up, clouding Marian’s vision. A needle, flashing in the light. “They dosed him too, didn’t they? I remember a shot, like a syringe.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, they dosed him, too. Not as heavy, but enough it sidelined him for too long.
He was trying to get help when we showed up. That’s what earned him the pistol-whippin’. Trying to get you safe, Marian. ’S what he wanted me to tell you. He’d never hurt you, never let you be hurt, if he could help it.” Monday’s face twisted. “He couldn’t help you quick enough.”

  She stared at Monday, taking in his posture and expression, and let a tiny smile slip. “You like him.”

  “Well, I don’t dislike him.” He looked around the room, avoiding her gaze. “Not even after what happened. I don’t think it’s any fault of his, honestly.”

  “I don’t either.” Einstein sighed heavily and shifted under Marian. “Much as I’d like to. Man was losing his shit. Took me a minute to realize it wasn’t on his own behalf, but on hers.”

  Heat pressed against her temple, and Marian turned around to see Einstein moving back. It dawned on her that he’d kissed her, a gentle thing, showing tenderness. I like when he’s affectionate.

  Looking at Einstein, she told Monday, “Let him know I’ll be in tomorrow, just like the schedule says.” Like with Einstein’s sweet kisses, actions would speak louder than words. She glanced over her shoulder, frowning. “And no arguments.”

  Monday’s mouth snapped closed, and one corner of his lips quirked up. Gaze fixed on Einstein, he said, “Anything, brother. Don’t matter I’m wearin’ a different patch, you know you can call on me for anything.”

  “I do.” Einstein’s answer rumbled through his chest, vibrating Marian. “And I appreciate it more than you can know.”

  With a wave, Monday stood and walked away, his place on the couch immediately filled by Sharon, who was leading a man by the hand. Sharon leaned close and noisily bussed Marian’s cheek. The man stared down at her tolerantly, and Marian looked between them, recognition blooming in her head.

  “Are you…?”

  “This is my brother, Jason.” Sharon’s interruption only confirmed what Marian had suspected.

  “You’re Jason Spencer.” Glancing down, Marian futilely attempted to straighten her clothing. Her cheeks were hot, and she felt Einstein’s attention shift to her. “You, uh. You played for the Mallets.”

  “I did. That was long ago and far away.” He tousled Sharon’s hair, dodging her half-hearted swat at his hand. “I’m only on the margins of hockey these days.” He turned a multi-watt smile at Marian. “You a fan?”

  “I wasn’t.” How much to say? She knew Einstein was listening closely, so she decided to stick with the truth, albeit glossed over slightly. “Growing up, I didn’t have a chance, not really. According to my daddy, sports were a man’s world. But I have a sports-crazy brother, and we spent about six months last year going through tons of old videos on the internet. He focused on the Tridents first, and after that began tracking back to where the players had come from. He applied to your foundation, but there wasn’t a team close enough.” She shrugged. “It’s all right. He’s got football and soccer to keep him busy. Seems happy enough with what’s here.”

  “Oh, no. That ain’t gonna do at all.” Jason lifted his head and glared around the room. “Gunny! Lane Robinson, get your ass over here, man.” He tromped away, each stamping footstep helping communicate his ire. The patch on his vest was the one Gunny used to wear, and Truck. Jason Spencer is in the RWMC? “This is a travesty!”

  “Now you’ve done it. He’s on a mission.” Sharon’s giggle was light and sweet. “We’ve got food. I expect you’ll want to visit the necessary room before y’all come over to eat.” As soon as Sharon mentioned it, Marian became aware of the pressure low in her belly. “My brother has two passions. Family, and hockey. He counts the RWMC and all their friends as family, so if anyone needs him, that man’ll turn himself inside out to make it happen. And with hockey, he pours himself into his foundation because, for him, when he steps on the ice, he’s just as excited as he was the first time. Jase wants that for every kid he meets. How old is your brother?”

  “He’s a teen.” She shook her head. “He really is happy with what he has. Keeps his schedule full.” Turning to Einstein, she shifted, stilling when his hand at her waist clamped down. “I do need to…you know.”

  “I gotta piss too.” Both hands to her waist, he lifted and held tight until she was steady on her feet. Pushing off the couch with a groan, he looped an arm over her shoulders. “Shar, we’ll be back in a few. Tell folks not to come looking for us.” Sharon’s light laughter filled the air as they walked away.

  Keeping close to her side, Einstein steered them through the crowd, pausing only briefly to speak to men, nearly all of those conversations consisting of him thanking them and promising to talk later. The men who also knew Marian acted differently than normal, not looking at her unless Einstein called their attention specifically. Even then, their words were brief and respectful in a notable way.

  Finally on the other side of the room, Einstein tried to steer her up the stairs, but Marian resisted. “Where are you going?” Gesturing towards her room, she informed him of something he should already know. “My room’s this way.”

  “Baby.” His knuckle curled under her chin and lifted. Einstein was leaning close, his mouth only a fraction of an inch away from hers. “Your room is literally feet from this entire crew. I’ve been holding you for hours now, and I’m almost convinced that this is real. To seal the deal, I’m gonna kiss you in ways I couldn’t in that damn diner. You want everyone to hear what you sound like when I’m doing that?”

  “Um. Probably not?” Her stomach dipped, and she swayed on her feet, his arm tightening around her in an instant as he pulled her closer.

  The corners of his eyes crinkled, and he whispered, “That’s what I thought.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  He scanned the group as he led Marian up the stairs, and the pair of matching scowls from Bane and Gunny caught his eye. Einstein offered each a serious nod, an acknowledgment of the silent message. He, more than any of them, knew how fragile Marian was right now. Logically they know I won’t do anything to hurt her, but after the last twenty-four hours, I can’t say I blame them for the warning. What they didn’t understand yet was how precious Marian was to him. How she’d already been his for the past three years.

  Fucking hate I didn’t pull my head out of my ass before now.

  He couldn’t change the past though, as much as he might want to. The idea of having so much lost time with her ate at him, and when he allowed himself to consider how things might have ended differently, it was enough to twist him into knots. Her fingers gave a squeeze, and he realized he’d tightened his grip.

  Can’t focus on that.

  Glancing down, he noted the questioning expression on her face and hopefully doused her doubts with a grin that had to nearly split his face. Not because he wanted to reassure her, even though he did. But mostly because she was following his lead and was instinctively tapped into him in a way he’d never had before.

  Guess that’s what happens when you build a connection first.

  He and Lauren had fallen into bed quickly, those first months together rotating around their time spent naked and horizontal. He’d seen the physical side as one of the more critical aspects of their relationship. More fool was I. Not that things hadn’t evolved and grown into an emotional love. He absolutely had loved his wife. Loved her, missed her when they weren’t together, and profoundly grieved her death. She’d been his best friend well before the end, and the hole she left behind in his heart probably would never be filled.

  The thing was…Marian didn’t seek to fill that gap. Without even trying, she’d found her own space in his heart, shoring up his fragile walls in the process. She’d intuitively known what he needed every step along the way and given it selflessly. That desire to see him happier and settled was the basis for what they had, because he felt the same way, and had spent these years working to give her opportunities to grow, building her into an even stronger version of the woman he’d first met.

  Taking the final step upwa
rds, he turned to face her, walking backwards towards the room Bane kept set aside for him. There was a connected bathroom to the nursery, with a door that locked. Capturing both her hands, he pulled her close enough so she had to tip her chin up to keep her gaze on his face. Einstein couldn’t wait and stopped abruptly, arms closing around her as she stumbled into his chest. He bent his neck and pressed their mouths together, lips working against hers until she sighed softly, giving him an opening he took advantage of, slipping his tongue inside to touch hers gently.

  The sigh turned into a moan as her arms wound around his neck. Einstein had a fleeting thought of privacy and cupped her ass in both hands, lifting so her knees were cocked on either side of his waist. He turned them and made his way the few steps to the door, backing against the surface to push it wide.

  Every sound she made went straight to his cock. Each breathy moan he captured in his mouth, the keening whine at the back of her throat, and her whispered rendition of his name when they broke apart for the barest of breaths.

  She squirmed against him, and he pulled back to stare down into her lust-drunk face, eyelids drooping to half-mast not doing a thing to hide her beauty. The sight of her kiss-swollen lips filled him with pride and a sense of possession—I did that to her. “Baby?” He whispered the question, and when she squirmed again, he suddenly remembered the why of them vacating their place on the couch. “Oh, sweetie, I got you.”

  Einstein slowly relaxed his arms, and she went with the movement, the trust she had in him shining through her eyes. The moment her toes reached the floor, she lunged upwards again, crashing their mouths together, and he kissed her deeply. Hands to her waist, he set her away from himself, grinning and shaking his head when she pouted prettily. Still breathing unsteadily, he prompted her, “You had to pee, remember?”

  The blush that crept across her collarbones to her neck and then up to her cheeks was endearing.

  “Yeah.” She tipped her head towards the door. “I’m just gonna.” Marian rolled her eyes. “You know.” Her hands flew up and covered the bottom part of her face, eyes wide above the too-late barrier. “I mean, I don’t want you to know.”


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