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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 13

by L M Lacee

  Never before had so many Shields been all together at one time and never at the castle. There was not a time throughout history where Shields had ever come to court as a united force. It was well known the Shields were autonomous answerable to none. Not even the Dragon Lord.

  Was this changing, all knew Reighn was the Commander of the Shields or had been was he the reason they were here at this time. The nobles asked themselves and whispered to each other, had the Dragon Lord united the Shields with the royal family, was this even allowable or possible!

  Shields were the silent force, the deadly assassins of dragon kind, only ever released as a last resort. They were the Shields for a reason. All knew they stood between the dragon nation and everything else. It was often said if one found evil there would be shield standing in front of it whether evil came from within or without the dragon nation. Deadly, dangerous unforgiving at times the Shields struck terror in the hearts of dragons everywhere and here they were in court and saluting the royals. The nobles rebelled at the affront to themselves and dragon kind.

  How had he done this? Simin Tomas asked himself as he sat outraged. His co-conspirators all looked at him with stunned surprise, some with their mouths hanging open. Simin tried to understand Reighn’s motivations. Why had he done this? For what reason would he allow these devils, these almost rogue dragons into polite society? What message was he trying to send and to whom? Forgetting as he always managed to do, that his four sons were Shields.

  It had not escape the noble’s attention that the Shields uniforms were very similar to the Guards and Hunters except they wore no pin striping. The baldric they wore was their only nod to color it was a blend of red and gold. The colors of Reighn’s dragon and Sage’s witch power. As with the Hunters they had silver handled swords strapped across their backs, and like the Hunters theirs were not for decoration.

  Leading the company was Commander Storm Kingsley. Brother to the Dragon Lord and Sharm, Keeper and Johner. Son to Lord Rene` and Lady Verity.

  Again Rene` felt Verity’s hand squeeze his in pride as she whispered. “Rene`, aren’t they spectacular.” He gave a nod of agreement. It would be hard for anyone not to agree with that sentiment. They were a sight that captured the heart of each dragon present and placed terror into the hearts of all who witnessed history being made.

  Reighn stepped down and clasped arms with Storm then his brother Keeper. In that salute was the promise that they and Shields were ready to stand with their Lord. Both brothers fell back into formation as Reighn once more took his place on the podium addressing all in the court.

  “Today my nobles you are here to witness history. The Shields have returned and will remain, from today they will join with the Hunters in calling Dragon's Gap home. No longer will our Shields and Hunters be kept from our sights like a dirty secret.”

  Reighn heard Sage’s quickly smothered laugh at his phrase. There were gasps of surprise and shock as Reighn finished speaking. Many of those present felt slighted and outraged at the effrontery the Dragon Lord had taken in deciding this without discussion. All of dragon society knew the Shields were little better than wild rogues. Reighn aware of the thoughts and feeling of the nobles stated.

  “They are a part of dragon kind, no longer will they be shunned, left to their own devices as all dragons they are part of our horde. We want them to remain home to become part of our lives at Dragon’s Gap. Because throughout history dragons like these worthy males her today have forever been our shield. Shields and Hunters allow us all, allow you to remain safe in your beds at night. Now I as their Dragon Lord and no longer their Commander, call on not only our Shields but our Hunters. To face not just rouges and wild dragons and others that wish to hurt dragon kind. I ask that they now face forces of a supernatural nature. Which will be coming back to our world. Unfortunately, not all beings returning will be of a benign nature. Our Shields have been training intensively for just this occurrence, you our Hunters will be joining them and learning what they already know. Together we will become a combined force of might.

  Our world is changing as are the beings that will be coming to inhabit it. We will need the talents of the Shields and Hunters more than we ever have before and as my final statement for our Shields. I order trials for placement in the Shields will once again be opened for all of dragon kind. Also, I offer the Shields the same boon that I did the Hunters. If any Shield finds his shadow he and his shadow are the only ones who may ask him to leave his unit. As of today no Shield will be made to resign, just because he has a shadow unless he wishes to after becoming bonded. Any Shield or Hunter, that is retired, now may reapply to be included in our forces.”

  It was this that cracked the harden males staunch attitude, stunned by Reighn’s revelations. Not a muscle moved on their well-trained faces, but their eyes spoke of happiness and amazement. Reighn saluted the Shields and said. “I and my family wish to thank all Shields for their dedication and commitment to the continuing survival of our nation.”

  Again the royal family stood and honored the dragons of the Shields with bows and curtsies. After they had retaken their seats, Reighn told the Shields. “One last thing the town of Dragon's Gap has an event for you and the Hunters. I am aware this goes against everything you know as Shields. So as one of my last duties as your Commander before I hand you all over to your new Commander. I order you all to go and enjoy yourselves. You never know you may be lucky enough to find your shadow there. So after court is concluded, go and have fun.”

  All the Shields saluted Reighn, then with the power of his dragon filling his voice he ordered.

  “Shields we welcome you home and to court. The first of many times you will grace us with your presence. For now please secure the chamber!”

  Within seconds Shields were stationed in and outside all the exits. Bolts were thrown on the outside of all the doors. No one was able to enter or leave. Johner, Lars and Stanvis all bowed to Reighn and took up positions on the royal dais.

  Storm after one look at his second walked with his brother to take their place with their family. Storm and Keeper both dipped their heads to Sage and each lightly touched both their parent’s shoulders as they passed them and nodded to their brothers.

  Simin Tomas had been as startled as the other councilors when the doors had swung open, until he saw his four sons enter with the other Shields. His heart which had been thumping wildly since Reighn had said they would be tried like the others, settled upon his son’s entry. He could feel his temper rising all over again as he thought of the indignity of being cuffed and shackled like a criminal. And then placed in a cell for days. The humiliation of being marched into court and displayed like a commoner for all his peers to see burned a hole in his stomach. When the list of charges had been read out. He had thought that he and his friends had been discovered plotting against the dragon empire and the Dragon Lord. Which did carry serious consequences if proved. He ignored the word treason that had been stated, it was of no consequence. When the only term spoken of was conspiracy, which on any given day any dragon could be accused of and frequently had been. Simin knew that treason was a ruse often used in the past by the Dragon Lord. Mainly to reprimand a dragon or his family and to bring the family back into line with the realms thinking.

  He now realized that Reighn wanted only to remind him that his opposition to the Norman’s punishment was not to be tolerated. A bit excessive Simin thought but that was to be expected from a weak Dragon Lord. Soon everyone would know that Reighn was as weak as he knew him to be.

  Simin’s brain went into hyper-drive, if his sons were here, it meant that his timetable would have to be stepped up. Reighn had made his time to take the throne now, rather than later when all his pieces would be in play. It would have to be done before the Hunters and Shields were settled into Dragon's Gap while there was still confusion. It was unfortunate that he had not secured the full cooperation of all the councilors. But he would deal with the traitors at the end of his sword, after
he had taken care of Reighn and his family. Especially that weak bastard Rene` former Dragon Lord. He would meet that winged impostor in the skies, then he would show him who the better dragon was.

  He smiled inwardly as he thought about how provident it was that Reighn’s brothers were all here. He could have his sons eliminate them as well as their Dam after he had made use of her of course. Hopefully with Rene` watching. He felt his dragon stir at these thoughts and commanded he cease.

  Simin would have to be careful about that side of his plans, his sons would not be very forgiving if they found out. For some inexplicable reason they loved and adored Verity but he reasoned they had not found out about all his other plans. So hiding something more from them would not be difficult. After all as their Sire, he had their complete trust. He laughed to himself, as he thought these stupid Lizards did not know what was about to happen. It was a pity he could not contact the others in his group telepathically, they seemed to be showing signs of concern. The worry on their faces eased as he gave them a nod to let them know he had everything under control as usual.

  Even though their numbers were small, he had their loyalty. And he always appreciated an audience to his brilliance. Maybe he mused he could put off killing Rene` until a later date when he needed something to firm up his conquest. He would think on it, his attention was taken when he saw that the Dragon Lord was about to speak again. Reighn stepped to the forefront of the dais and faced the room. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the dragon nobility. I thank you for your attendance, there are many reasons we are gathered here today and you just saw one of them. The other reasons we will get to, but first I wish to present my Shadow.”

  There were gasps of real surprise and dismay he was sure, as he held his hand out to Sage who stood and placed her small hand in his. He drew her forward as he introduced her. “My Shadow, Sage Kingsley.” He kissed her knuckles as he was want to do, and murmured for her ears only. “My soul.”

  To the room at large, he said. “As many of you may remember my shadow is a witch.”

  There were a few laughs and many more muttered dark words. Her dress was admired and coveted, the symbolism noted, weighed and considered by not just the females but also by the males. Reighn and Sage could hear Lars quickly explaining to Storm and Keeper what had happened several days before. The muffled laughter did not surprise Reighn. It did, however, Sage. She whispered. “Your family are a little bent aren’t they?”

  “That we are!” He whispered then raised his voice once more as he told the room. “My Shadow has not only bonded her life to mine. She has gifted me two female young. My family and I are blessed beyond measure.”

  He made it sound like they, the nobles should be as well or else. As the audience slowly stood and bowed to Reighn and Sage, she felt the waves of dislike batter at her senses. She did what she always did at times like this and smiled, then took note of the ones that were not only displeased but stupid enough to show it. She was not the only one, Reighn and the members of his family also made note.

  Councilor Harmon raised his voice as he said. “May the Goddess send you blessings, my Lord and my Lady?”

  In seconds his words were repeated by everyone present, only Sage heard the voice of the Goddess as she said.

  I already did.

  Reighn seated Sage, and she tightened her grip on his hand as she softly assured him. “You can do this. I believe in you. I am with you always my love.”

  He closed his eyes at her words and when he opened them again his dragon looked out at her, she smiled as she told him, “You too!”

  He kissed her hand once more and turned to the waiting people. “Please take your seats.”

  He waited until they were seated, then he took in a breath releasing it on his first words that would ultimately change the course of the nation of dragons.

  “I told you we were here for more than just my announcement and we are. We unfortunately are also here for a trial, unlike the ones of old. Today will be very different, we are heading into a new world, into a new era for dragons. There will be statements of facts stated by witnesses that my seconds have assembled. What will not happen today is there will be no long drawn out trial. When the statements have all been heard a judgment will be rendered in this court at this time.”

  Several voices were heard to proclaim Outrageous! And other rumblings sounded. Reighn ignored them all as he stated.

  “Many of you the accused in particular, have assumed that this is a trial of example as has been done in the past. You would be mistaken to think that today! I will explain for those of you who are new to Dragon's Gap.”

  Everyone looked around, apart from Sage they could see no new people in the court. Reighn continued. “In the past, if a noble had conspired against the royal house or harmed another dragon, it was always dealt with privately in court. Usually, the punishment was a slap on the wrist, in the form of a confinement or monetary compensation. The court would also use it as a reason to bring a family or noble back inline, if they were overstepping themselves. Of course all of the proceedings were held behind closed doors. This will no longer be tolerated as part of the new world we are entering. These court proceedings will be broadcast to every dragon in every household and to every citizen of Dragon's Gap here and abroad. You may ask how I can do this, let me explain I had help, technology is a wonderful invention!”

  The room erupted in an uproar, never before had court for the nobility been allowed to be viewed by the common dragon. They held these trials behind locked doors to maintain the air of propriety. It was a source of pride for the nobles that dragon kind, knew their nobility conducted themselves with decorum and along strict rules of conduct. Which they believed all dragons should aspire towards. And one of those rules was that all trials of the nobility were held in confidence.


  “You have no right!”

  “Outrageous!” Exclaimed the crowd of thousands. Several stronger and louder voices yelled. “This is not to be tolerated. Dragon Lord you have no right to do this. Where is the discussion with us the Nobles?”

  These sentiments were repeated amongst other more vile and non-complimentary statements. Simin Tomas smiled as he saw the tide turn against Reighn, he would use this to secure his rightful place as Dragon Lord. It would not be long now.

  “SILENCE! YOU WILL BE SILENT NOW!” Roared Johner. Still the noise of shock and outrage continued.

  Storm signaled his captains and then the ringing of swords being unsheathed sounded throughout the room. Every person there stopped instantly, as an overwhelming sense of dread filled their minds, upon seeing swords held in the hands of Shields and Hunters all in combat positions.

  Storm moved and stood two steps down from Reighn beside Johner. His sword hand twitched and in a voice that held his dragon he ordered. “You heard Captain Johner. You will cease this noise and return to your seats, or my Shields and Hunters will put you there.”

  Shocked at the threat voiced from the commander of the Shields. The nobles quietly and hurriedly did as they were told. The only sound in the room was one of swords being re-sheathed. Storm after one more look at the crowd stepped back and retook his seat unaware of the worried look his father gave him. Reighn turned towards Stan and took the proffered glass of water, drinking the tall glass dry. Stanvis nodded his head and whispered. “Doing great, got them in the palm of your hand!”

  Reighn almost laughed out loud at his ridiculous brother’s statement. He clapped him on his shoulder and whispered. “Thanks brother!”

  Stan replied. “Always here for you brother. Glad I am not you right about now!” Which caused Reighn to bite back another laugh. He moved his head and stared into the eyes of a dragon that had abused his trust and the trust of his sons. Then he slowly looked back over the crowd of nobles and continued as though he had not been interrupted.

  “Usually, these proceedings are held behind closed doors, and the punishment is normally carried out the same way. Not today
… today we do things differently.” Reighn’s voice thundered across the huge cavernous hall as he once more moved across the dais.

  “Come forth, Ace, Ash, Ark and Axl Tomas.”

  Four tall males, almost as tall as Reighn walked out from the shadowed wall, where they had been standing. Each male on any given day would take the breath from any red-blooded female. They were the epitome of a male, handsome was a very pale description for the Tomas brothers. All were green eyed with sculptured eyebrows and straight noses above full lips. They each shared the deep blue black hair in varying lengths, which they had inherited from their Dam. They moved like graceful dancers and yet one knew that the bodies they had honed year after year were themselves a weapon.

  Not a one of them could ever be mistaken for anything other than deadly. They were the Elites of the Shields, together they marched to stand in front of Reighn. He nodded his head to each dragon and then looked over their heads to the gathered people, and finally to a slack jawed Simin Tomas.

  “My Elite Shields, today you have willingly come to court, not to plead for your Sire but to give evidence of your Sire’s duplicitous nature. His treasonous desire to overthrow the realm. Namely myself, then place himself in the role of Dragon Lord. Is this so?”

  Together they answered. “Yes my Lord.”

  Pain at what he was asking his friends to do, was in Reighn’s voice when he asked. “Please tell the distinguished court what you have discovered.” They crossed their chest with their arms and chorused. “MY LORD!”


  I t was only five months previous that the four Tomas brothers ordered home once again by their Sire. Finally pieced together the plan that he and his father’s brothers and shadows were starting to put in place. Thankfully their Dam had passed away fifty years earlier she would not have to suffer her shadow’s betrayal or her son’s testimonies.


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