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Winds of Fire

Page 16

by Kira Chase

  “I never knew how to even try to contact my birth mother until Thatcher got the ball rolling. Somehow he got the birth records unsealed. My adoptive parents didn't even know who my mother was, but Thatcher has so many connections. Whatever he wants, he seems to get.” She smiled.

  “So you've found her.” Johanna smiled brightly. “I hope it went well.”

  She made a face. “Not as well as I dreamed it would.”

  “What about your birth father? Did he locate him, also?”

  “No one was listed. I was hoping my biological mother would tell me, but her lips are sealed.” She bent and kissed her daughter's cheek. “My hope was, and still is, that I can forge some kind of relationship with my birth mother. It never mattered to me until I became pregnant with Chloe. Then it became almost an obsession with me to find her. I didn't want to ruin her life. I only wanted to meet her. I thought maybe she'd be happy to know that I'd turned out okay. I suppose I wanted to know that through the years she'd thought about me and hoped through some twist of fate we'd meet. I expected too much. I never allowed myself to think that she gave me away and never looked back as though I'd never even existed.” Tears sprang to her eyes.

  “You said there were two reasons you stayed here,” Johanna said gently. “I take it you found your mother here in Charlestown.”

  She nodded and then swallowed hard. “It's almost like a fiction novel. I swear no one would believe it. I even have trouble myself at times.” Her eyes slanted. “I think I'm still in disbelief at times. She was so close all this time and I never knew it. I know she didn't either.” She ran her fingertips over her daughter's plump cheek. “Thatcher got me the job at Kramer Insurance Company for a few hours a day so I wouldn't go stir crazy cooped up in the hotel all day and night with the baby while I waited for him to tie up his loose ends and find a clue to my mother's whereabouts. I'd only planned to meet my biological mother and then go back to Philadelphia, but Thatcher begged me to stay here until the baby was born so he could help me with the pregnancy. And now he can't bear me leaving with Chloe. He's gotten so attached to her.” Her eyes narrowed. “I can't wait until he settles everything so we can finally be the family we both want.”

  “It must be difficult for you,” Frankie said. She kept the rest of her thoughts to herself. How horrible to live in a suite with everything your heart desires at your fingertips. She tried, but she could find no sympathy for Kristin on that count.

  She frowned. “It is. Until he can finalize the divorce, he's obligated to live at home. He's worried because his wife's mental condition is rapidly deteriorating. She's been in and out of mental institutions. He's trying to get a judge he knows to invalidate a clause in a pre-nup he signed. He thinks it'll work out. I don't know anything about that legal stuff, but he doesn't want her to get everything he's built and worked for all his life.”

  Frankie struggled to keep her emotions in check. She wanted to shake some sense into Kristin. Was she that naive? Frankie had to tread lightly...very lightly. Kristin was giving them more than she or Johanna had ever dreamed possible. “Your story is so intriguing. I hope that someday you and your biological mother can work things out.”

  She blinked rapidly. “She wants nothing to do with me. She said she made it clear that when she gave me up she dismissed me totally from her life and has no regrets. It was a blow, but I thought she might soften a little where Chloe is concerned, since she is her granddaughter whether she likes it or not. Thatcher keeps pushing the issue with her and is trying to get her to see reason.”

  “He knows her?” Johanna asked surprised.

  “That the weirdest thing. He's known her for years. They work together. In fact, he's her boss. Talk about a small world. I thought he'd pass out when he found out Becca Manning is my biological mother.”

  Chapter 15

  Frankie sat with her hands firmly on the steering wheel. “Tell me again that I didn't imagine everything Kristin Robbins just told us.”

  “If you did, then I imagined it, too.” Johanna beamed. “We got him, Frankie. I can't believe that Becca Manning is Kristin Robbins’ biological mother. I was never expecting that. So, now we know why Kristin has been visiting Becca Manning. But what I don't understand is why she's persisting if Becca wants nothing to do with her.”

  “I'm sure Thatcher is putting her up to it as part of some twisted plan he has. It must be a slap in the face to Becca knowing the man she's been lusting after all these years got a daughter she gave up at birth pregnant. This whole situation is bizarre.” She smiled. “Let's go home and celebrate. We have the rest of the day to ourselves.”

  “We need to call Alec and let him know what's happened. Wait till he hears the recording.”

  “We can call him in the morning. It's Sunday. You know...a day of rest.”

  Johanna lifted an eyebrow. “And when did Sunday ever stop us from working?” She paused. “I just thought of something.”

  “What's that?” Frankie asked.

  “Kristin said Thatcher's getting a divorce so that he can marry her. Do you think he's planning to take off?”

  “Who knows what his diabolical mind is planning?” She shrugged. “Obviously none of the employees know that Becca is Kristin's mother or that Thatcher is the father of Kristin's baby. Someone would have definitely mentioned that.”

  Johanna frowned. “Maybe he's going to take off and leave Kristin and the baby behind. How does she really know he's not playing her? He could go somewhere and start a new life without her and the baby.”

  “I agree, but I don't think he's in any hurry to take off unless his hand is forced.” Frankie sighed. “I think his greed is going to force him to stay here for as long as possible and take everything he can from Kendall.”

  “So you think he's banking on Kristin keeping her mouth shut.”

  “That's my take on it.”

  “That was a huge risk on his part. She's young and naive.” Johanna chewed her bottom lip. “We had no trouble getting her to open up to us. I thought she'd never stop talking.”

  “I think she needed someone she could unload on. We're strangers to her so she assumes her secret is safe with us. Otherwise, why would she have told us? We don't even live around here as far as she's concerned. And what possible reason would we have for exposing her secrets?” Frankie reasoned. “But I felt like bitch slapping her for her utter ignorance where Thatcher Longman is concerned.”

  “Are you worried that we could be in danger?”

  She shook her head. “No. Why would we be? He has no clue who we are.”

  “True. And let's keep it that way. Let's hope Kristin doesn't tell him about our meeting with her.” Johanna frowned. “Since Becca knows everything Thatcher has been up to, wouldn't it make sense that he would have her taken care of?”

  “Who's to say that he's not planning to after he gets what he wants?” Frankie exhaled loudly as she pulled up to their gated driveway and pressed the remote.

  “I didn't even realize we were home,” Johanna remarked.

  “That's because you're consumed with this case, babe.”

  “And you're not?” she countered.

  “I am, but all I'm thinking about right now is firing up the grill, throwing on a couple of steaks and relaxing for the rest of the day.” She squeezed Johanna's arm. “Look on the bright side, the rain has stopped and the sun is out.”

  “But there’s a storm brewing on the horizon.”

  Frankie nodded. She knew Johanna wasn’t referring to the weather.

  * * * *

  “What a gorgeous night,” Frankie exclaimed leaning back in her chair. “Why don't you come sit with me?”

  “I feel like doing something,” Johanna said. “I need to clear my head and try to relax.”

  “Okay. Do you want to go out? Catch a movie or something?”

  She shook her head. “No, I'm going to go down to my greenhouse. I want to start a bigger herb garden, so I think I'll make a list and do some planning.”<
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  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “I'll be fine,” she said with a grin as she pushed a remote and the path became illuminated. “I love what you've done for me.”

  “For us, babe. Anything that affects you affects me, too.”

  She gave Frankie a quick hug. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

  Frankie lifted an eyebrow. “Ahhh, stealing my line now are we?”

  Johanna laughed. “I don't know how long I'll be. You know how I am once I get around plants.”

  “I'm going to sit here for a while and maybe later I'll take a moonlight swim.”

  “Sounds tempting. I might just join you when I finish.”

  Frankie watched Johanna make her way to the greenhouse. She filled her lungs with fresh air. She loved how everything smelled after a rain. She was relieved that Johanna's fears were gone and she could once again enjoy being out here. Life was good.

  In no time at all, this case should be wrapped up. After they met with Alec in the morning, he'd put everything in motion to bring Thatcher down. He'd have all the evidence he needed. She couldn't wait to see Alec's reaction when he heard the recording. Kendall's family fortune would be intact and she would finally be free from the monster she'd married. She was concerned, though, about any offshore accounts Thatcher and Becca most likely set up. She didn't know much about those kinds of dealings, but hopefully Alec could get a court order to have all of the records reviewed and any funds returned to Kendall. She assumed Thatcher would try to pin everything on Becca. It would be interesting to see how it all played out. She hoped Kendall would be safe while all of this came down. Who knew what Thatcher was capable of?

  In the end, there would still be casualties. Even though Frankie didn't condone Kristin becoming involved with a man she knew was married, no matter what excuse Thatcher had given her, the baby was another story. Chloe was the innocent victim.

  Frankie needed to do like Johanna and clear her mind of everything. There was nothing more she could do tonight. Tomorrow was another day. She slowly got to her feet and then walked to the pool. She removed her shoes and then sat on the edge, dipping her toes into the water. It felt good. She glanced in the direction of the greenhouse. She knew Johanna was in her element. Before long, they'd have more herbs than they knew what to do with. She smiled.

  She peeled off her tank top and bra, stood, and pulled off her shorts and panties. The water soothed her as she lowered herself into the pool. She swam vigorously for half an hour enjoying the feel of the water against her naked flesh. Then she spent the next hour floating on her back while she stared up at the star laden sky. She was content. She was at peace.

  “Want some company?”

  Frankie turned her head and saw Johanna on the deck. Her beautiful body was silhouetted by the moonlight. Johanna looked like a vision. If she'd been an artist, that pose and the way the moonlight played on Johanna's flesh would have rendered a beautiful portrait.

  “Always,” Frankie called back. She watched as Johanna slowly made her way down the steps.

  “Being naked in our pool is so liberating,” Johanna said.

  “Remind me not to give Kate and Arlan access to the gate. I don't want to lose our privacy.”

  “Oh, I agree,” Johanna said.

  Frankie swam to where Johanna waited. “It doesn't get any better than this, babe.”

  “No, it doesn't.”

  Frankie stared into Johanna's eyes and then kissed her deeply. “Know what I want right now?” she asked as she diverted her eyes to the opposite end of the pool.

  “The same thing I do,” Johanna answered with a broad grin. “On the count of three!”

  “You're on!” Frankie loved the competitive side of Johanna. They were both strong swimmers, but she had to admit that Johanna was the better swimmer. But she did give Johanna a run for her money and make her work for her inevitable win.

  They were laughing as they stepped out of the pool, grabbed towels, and dried themselves off. They picked up their discarded clothes and started to walk towards the house.

  “So, how'd your plans go? For the herbs, I mean?”

  “Very well. We're going to have everything you can think of.”

  “Good. I love cooking with our fresh herbs.”

  I was thinking about canning this year, too. We always have tons of vegetables and even though we give a lot away, too much goes to waste. Then in the middle of winter I'm craving something from the garden.”

  “Isn't it too late to plant what you wanted to this year?”

  “I can still plant a few things. Maybe not everything I normally do, but I want to experiment with a few vegetables. And if we get a late winter it'll help.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I'll help you with the canning. That's something I never learned how to do. It'll be fun. We definitely have plenty of room in the pantry too.”

  She laced an arm through Frankie's. “The night's still young. Why don't we rent a hot movie and cuddle on the sofa?”

  “Now you're talking.” Frankie suddenly stopped and turned to Johanna. “Promise me we'll do this more often...spend time together.”

  “Sweetie, we're always together.”

  Frankie shook her head. “No, I mean like tonight. Just you and me shutting out the world and enjoying each other.”

  Johanna touched Frankie's cheek. “I've loved tonight and I treasure these times. We definitely do need to make more time for just us.”

  Frankie took her hand and led her into the house.

  Chapter 16

  Frankie and Johanna sat in two of the chairs in front of Alec Oakman's desk. Kendall Longman stood at the side of his desk pacing back and forth with her hands tightly balled into fists at her sides. Occasionally she made eye contact with her lawyer. She was dressed as exquisitely as she was the first time they'd met her in this office. She bit her bottom lip, suppressing tears as the tape played through. She'd paled as it neared the end and Frankie was afraid she'd pass out if she didn't sit. Finally, Kendall stopped and gripped the edge of Alec's desk.

  The pain etched on her face and in her eyes was unmistakable. Whatever thoughts were running through her mind she kept to herself. It was as though she'd been rendered speechless. Frankie's heart bled for her. She wished there were some words of comfort she could offer, but there were none that could be said that would ease the turmoil she was going through.

  Alec, on the other hand, looked like he was about to explode. His jaw tightened, the vein in his neck throbbed, and his face was so red with rage, Frankie was certain he'd suffer a coronary or stroke.

  “You two have uncovered more than I could have hoped for.” He removed his reading glasses and sat shaking his head back and forth. He looked at Kendall. “Now you know why they're the best.”

  “I knew it the first time we met,” she said flashing a weak smile in their direction.

  Johanna glanced at Frankie then back to Alec. “What's next?” she asked.

  Alec coaxed Kendall into a chair next to the side of his desk. “That's up to Kendall.”

  Kendall swallowed hard. “Take him down,” she whispered hoarsely. “I don't care what it takes. He needs to pay for what he's done.”

  “We will,” her lawyer assured her. “But we have to take our time.”

  “He's had enough time, Alec. We can't afford to wait while he destroys everything my family worked for.”

  “He'll never get that far,” he assured Kendall.

  “There's something I've never understood, Alec,” Frankie said. “Why was it so important for you to want Thatcher to believe that you were on his side?”

  “If he thought I was on his side he'd let his guard down a little and I'd be able to see what his next move would be concerning Kendall.”

  “Well, according to Kristin it appears that he's going to be making a move very soon,” Kendall said. “He wants to save his family fortune,” she said sarcastically. “The gall of that lying bastard!”

nbsp; Alec frowned. “I'm surprised that Kristin Robbins so freely shared this information with you two.”

  “Because she's a blonde bimbo,” Kendall said bitterly.

  Frankie felt a smile tugging at her lips. She was happy to see Kendall had some fight in her. It was better than curling up into a little ball. She admired the woman after all she'd been through. “Well, we did pour it on a little thick. I think she got so caught up in the idea of starring in a motion picture she didn't realize what she was saying. Then again, we supposedly aren't from around here so she had no idea that the name Thatcher was familiar to us, so she had no reason to worry about anything she shared with us.”

  “She is young and naïve,” Johanna added. “And I think she's lonely and needed to unburden herself to someone.”

  “Well, none of that matters.” Alec folded his hands. “We'll have no problem going ahead with the divorce and cutting him off from everything. But I need an account of every transaction in or out of that office.”

  “Don't they bury them pretty deep?” Frankie asked.

  “Never deep enough. I've got some resources and favors to call in at my disposal. I believe that Thatcher does have some questionable offshore accounts set up. God help him when all is said and done.” His jaw tightened.

  Kendall listened intently. “I still can't believe that Becca Manning is Kristin Robbins’ mother. Who would have ever thought?”

  “Is she or is that another ploy?” Alec drew his eyebrows together. He looked at Frankie and Johanna. “You two mentioned you were going to speak to Becca Manning. Did you ever do it?”

  “We didn't see the need after we talked to Kristin yesterday,” Frankie said. “Unless you still want us to.”

  “Not yet. Thatcher and Becca are obviously working together or he would have fired her. She definitely has something on him. Now we need to figure out a way to turn them against each other.” He was thoughtful for a minute. “I'm still worried that Thatcher may try to leave the country before anything comes down.”


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