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Forgotten Rules: A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 23

by Eliah Greenwood

  I chuckle. “Who are you, and what have you done to my best friend?”

  “I’m serious. There’s a kegger on the beach tonight. It was all Zoey could talk about today. We have to go.”

  “Why?” I groan.

  “Because Will’s going to be there. And Zoey kept saying you were going to get what’s coming to you tonight.”

  The pieces fall back together.

  “He hates her. He’d never do that,” I counter.

  “You just told him you were with Luke! He’s going to be all sad and miserable and drinking and… Don’t you see what’s happening here?” She holds her hands up. “You pain in the asses may be too freaking stubborn to get together already, but if you don’t go, you may never get the chance to try.”

  She’s right…

  Cornered, I nod, slinging my legs over the bed. Seems we’re going to a party tonight.


  The crowd is thick, the music loud, but nothing—absolutely nothing—could be louder than my self-hatred. Propped against a tree, I drag a sip of rum I don’t need, the glass bottle in my hands almost empty.

  But you know what else is empty?

  My fucking head.

  No brain in there.

  No, ma’am.

  I almost had sex with her. On Kendrick’s bed, to make it worse. I almost took her. Hard. What the hell is wrong with me? I can still feel her squeezing me. Hear her shaky, unassuming moans when I finger-fucked her. She was so innocent, yet in perfect control, and it drives me completely crazy.

  She drives me crazy.

  It’s probably just lust. Nothing but my hormones speaking, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since that night. I thought if I gave in to the temptation, I’d be free.


  I was wrong. If anything, I’m growing sicker every day.

  I only came to this lame-ass kegger because I was hoping she’d be there. Zoey always drags her to those kinds of things. What do I hope to achieve by being at the same party as her? Not a clue. But I couldn’t help myself after what she told me earlier. Luke fucking Jenson? Really? My blood boils as I recall them walking out of the school together. Who knows what they did all day? I visualize them going at it in the back seat of his car. On the hood. In the driver’s seat.

  The thought rips me apart.

  Defeats me.

  No, it straight up disqualifies me from our maddening game of cat and mouse. I used to be unbeatable. Number one player through and through.

  I always won the game until winning meant losing her.

  It’s more than lust.

  A lot more.

  I like this girl.

  And I want to give this a shot.

  Screw the consequences.

  I have to find her. I have to tell her. Even if there’s a chance that I’m too late. Walking off, I begin my search, but luck isn’t on my side, because I can’t find her anywhere. I must seek her blonde hair for five minutes before stopping by the beer keg. Who knows if she’s even here?

  A voice startles me. “Drinking by yourself?”


  “Can I help you?” I barely spare her a glance.

  “Nope. But I’m hoping I can help you.” She leans forward, feeling my bicep. I move away with a cringe. When is Kass going to accept this Zoey chick is a backstabbing bitch?

  “I’d rather poke my eyes out with a fork, but thanks.”

  “Ouch.” She pouts. “Kendrick is much nicer than you.”

  “Kendrick wants to fuck you, I don’t.”

  She looks at me like I’ve just slapped her in the face.

  “Is Kass here? You know, your best friend?” I remind her.

  She quickly collects herself. “Nah, she couldn’t be bothered. She’s too busy with Luke.”

  I squeeze the glass bottle so tightly at her statement I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter in my hands.

  “What’s going on between those two anyway?” I ask.

  “Oh, you don’t know?” She chuckles. “They’re a thing now. She told me they sealed the deal a few hours ago.”

  They what?

  She fucking slept with him?

  She let him touch her… like I did?


  After I left?

  After I didn’t say what I should’ve?

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  “They… They slept together?” I nearly choke, hating myself for how transparent I’m being.

  She nods. “Yep, she finally opened her legs. About time, if you ask me. She could use the experience.”

  I told Kass the same thing once. Biggest lie I’ve ever told in my life. She knows exactly what to do in bed. My dick can attest to that. Jesus, is that what she meant by “What if it is” earlier?

  She warned me.

  Said it straight to my face.

  I shouldn’t be surprised.

  “Apparently, he’s huge,” Zoey says.

  It feels like sandpaper is scrubbing my insides.

  “Oh, don’t look so sad, Willy.” Zoey steps forward, and I flinch at the nickname—Kass’s nickname for me. Is this the Universe messing with me? Chill, Universe.

  I’m already fucking dying.

  “Forget her. She doesn’t appreciate you. I, on the other hand…”

  I stare blankly into space.

  “In fact, she said not to bother her tonight. Luke’s probably banging her as we speak.”

  Explains why I can’t find her.

  I lost her.

  The girl who talks back at me.

  The girl who cares.

  I lost her because I can’t treat her right.

  “It’s just you and I, Willy,” Zoey adds.

  “Stop calling me that,” I hiss.

  Zoey crowds my space, pushing to the tip of her toes with a vicious smirk covering her red lips. I can’t move. All I see is Kass moaning beneath Riverside’s golden fucking boy. Happy that she dodged a bullet—happy that she dodged me. Zoey’s mouth crashes against mine.

  Will, wake the hell up!

  It must last two seconds tops. I shove Zoey away from me, ready to bite her head off.

  That’s when I see Kass.

  Standing by the fire. Staring at us, eyes brimming with tears.

  Then she runs off.


  I want to scream.

  Scream until my voice is so broken no sound comes out. But most of all, I want to cry until I can’t feel my face. We must’ve gotten here less than five minutes ago and I’m already dying to leave. I only realize how fast I’m running when I bump into someone.

  “Sorry,” I mutter, rounding the stranger, whose arm goes out to stop me.


  I look up.

  It’s Luke.

  “We really have to stop meeting like this.” I wipe my cheeks, my embarrassment deepening. That’s the second time he’s seen me sob today. That’s got to be some kind of record.

  His eyes are pointed straight at me.

  Those green eyes.

  Those kind, loving, I would never kiss your best friend eyes.

  “Are you crying? What’s wrong?”

  “Will… he…” I croak. “I can’t believe him.”

  “What happened?”

  “With… with Zoey,” I manage.

  He puts it together, shaking his head in disgust.

  “Come on, let’s get you out of here. I’ll drive you.”

  “But Morgan…” I realize. “We came together. She just left to get us a drink. I-I can’t leave her.”

  “Text her what happened. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  Defeated, I shoot Morgan a text and mirror Luke’s steps to the parking lot near the beach. I’d rather not have to wait for a ride in this state. Luke manually unlocks his door, climbing into the driver’s seat as I stand by, waiting for him to unlock my side. Then the last voice I wanted to hear echoes in the distance.

  “Kass, wait!”

  I flick my head to see
Will charging toward us.

  He must be ten feet away.




  Luke unlocks my door, the familiar click halting Will’s race. Our eyes meet across the parking lot.

  “Don’t,” he begs, his voice strained. “Please.”

  He doesn’t elaborate, but I know exactly what he’s saying: Please don’t get in the car. Please don’t leave with him. So, as a fuck-you for kissing my ex-best friend, I do just that. I slide into Luke’s passenger seat and shut the door.

  “Where are we going?” Luke asks as we drive away.

  Heartbroken, I say, “Let’s go back to my place.”


  “He’s an idiot, whatever he did,” Luke says as I swing the door to my bedroom open. I don’t know why I told him to follow me up. The last thing I want is to give him the wrong impression, but I also really, really don’t want to be alone right now.

  My mom is having dinner at an old friend’s house tonight, and my brother is at the kegger. Oh, and Winter is probably somewhere making out with Haze Adams.

  Silent, I take a seat on the edge of my bed and swab down my tears with the heels of my hands.

  I am so freaking sick of crying. I feel like I’ve been weeping all day.

  Luke sits next to me. “Do you… want to talk about it?”

  “Nope.” I sniffle.

  My phone pings with a text.

  It’s Morgan.

  Morgan: I just thought you’d like to know I roasted the living heck out of Will, then he went right back to Zoey and dumped a whole beer on her head. Safe to say that girl’s luck with beverages is not improving?

  He did what?

  I crack a smile at the scene unraveling in my mind. He spilled his drink on her? That certainly doesn’t look like the behavior of a guy who purposefully kissed her. And he did push her away.

  Stop, he still let her get close enough to kiss him in the first place!

  I’m about to tell Luke about the message when he stops me.

  One move is all it takes.

  He places a hand on top of mine.

  Please tell me this is a friendly gesture.

  “You’re amazing, you know that?” He smiles. “Smart, funny, gorgeous. He may not see it, but I do.”

  Okay, definitely not friendly.

  “Luke, I…” The words leave me.

  I can’t for the life of me figure out what to say. How do I turn him down after everything he’s done for me? It’d be so much easier if I felt the same. If I liked the guy who likes me. The good guy.

  The guy who’d never kiss my best friend.

  Panic takes over my body when Luke zeroes in on my lips, leaning in. Ironically, this is the exact moment my brain decides to take a nap. For the first time in my life, I don’t know what I want. I, Kassidy Kingston, the obsessive planner, have no clue what direction to take. But I know what I don’t want.

  And what I don’t want…

  Is to kiss Luke Jenson.

  He is everything I need: stable, loving, respectful. I should want him. I should want the guy with the good manners and bright future, but what can I say? I’m a sucker for damaged blonds with walls higher than the Empire State Building.

  I love myself a heart harder to penetrate than Fort Knox.

  And yes, Will is probably never going to give me what I want. He kissed Zoey. Out of all people.

  He kissed her.

  But kissing Luke would be stooping down to his level.

  “Luke, wait.” My hands fly up to his chest, but I don’t get to push him away…

  Because someone does it for me.

  “In your fucking dreams!”

  Luke is torn off me with such strength that his shirt nearly rips. I yelp as he wobbles a few steps backward, gripping my desk for balance. I take in the fuming, broad-shouldered guy at the foot of my bed. How did he…

  I didn’t even hear him come in.


  Did I forget to lock the front door? Guess I was too busy drowning in my snot.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I just… I had to see you. To explain,” he begs.

  I can’t handle his puppy eyes.

  “So what? Now you give a shit about her, Martins?” Luke spits. “What happened? Did Zoey get boring?”

  Radiating anger, Will tilts his head to the side. There are no more jokes in his eyes, no more escapes. Not a trace of the cocky, prankster guy I fell for. He’s this close to ripping Luke a new one.

  “Back off. This doesn’t concern you,” Will cautions.

  Luke overlooks his warning. “You’ve hurt her enough, don’t you think? You can’t be mad someone else wants to be with her when you don’t, asshole.”

  Will’s jaw flexes and he inhales a deep, noisy breath as if to keep himself in check.

  Then he says it.

  “But I do.”

  He moves closer.

  “I really… really…” Another step. “Fucking do.” He stares me dead in the eyes as he says it, his voice so weak it’s barely audible. He looks petrified by the mere thought of admitting that.

  Luke scoffs. “You’re insane if you think she—”

  “Luke,” I whisper.

  He looks at me.

  “Please, go.”

  I hate being rude, but William Martins is talking about his feelings for once in a goddamn lifetime, and I don’t know how long it’s going to last.

  It’s now or never.

  Kass, why do you even care?

  He kissed Zoey!

  Luke frowns. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m so sorry I brought you into this. I can handle it from here. Thanks for being such a good friend.”

  The switch is instant. Luke becomes this entirely different person, his features twitching in fury.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Friends?” Luke snarls, rushing toward me, which kick-starts Will’s reflexes. Will extends his left arm in front of me, nudging me behind him.

  Luke huffs out a bitter laugh at Will’s protective instincts, talking to me over my bodyguard’s shoulder. “It didn’t look like we were friends when you came running into my arms like a pathetic mess every time he fucked up. You slut, you did everything you could to make me think you liked me. Asking me out on a date? Texting me?”

  Guilt sinks into me.

  Will loses it. “Call her a slut one more time, I swear—”

  “Stop!” I screech, wedging myself between them. “Luke, I admit it. At the beginning, I strung you along, and that was wrong. I’m sorry, I really am. Then we started working together and… I thought we’d become friends. I promise I never meant to play with your feelin—”

  “Fuck this. You two deserve each other,” Luke snaps, racing toward the door. Seconds before he walks out, he stops. “Oh, and Kass?”

  I know exactly what he’s going to say.

  “Consider yourself fired.”

  Here we go.

  His footsteps fade down the stairs, and the front door closes with a bang. We don’t speak for several seconds. Until Will elbows my door shut. I morph into a nervous wreck. We all know what happened the last time we were alone.

  “Golden boy has a temper. Who knew?” He tries a joke, but I can’t bring myself to laugh.

  “Are you seriously making jokes right now? You just kissed Zoey. How can you do that, then have the audacity to show up at my house and pretend to care about me?”

  “I’m not pretending!” he argues. “And she kissed me. I would never do that to you.”

  I pace around my room, lifting my hands to my forehead as though it will help me understand his nonsense. “Yeah, but you still let her get close enough to do it.”

  “She told me you slept with Luke.”

  “You keep stringing me along and you—” It takes me a second to realize what he just said. “What?”

  “She said you were together. That you’d opened your legs today.”


  “That’s bullshit.” I’m outraged.

  “I know that now. Morgan told me. She cussed the fuck out of me after you left.”

  I think back to Morgan’s text and smile. This is what a best friend looks like.

  “I’m such an idiot. I should’ve known better than to believe that bitch.” He beats himself up.

  “It doesn’t excuse what you did,” I remind him.

  “I know, I know, and I’m so fucking sorry. You have to understand I didn’t even realize what was happening. I blacked out after she said… I couldn’t deal with the thought of you choosing him.”

  I can’t believe I’m about to say this but…

  I kind of get it?

  It’s not like this was a consensual kiss.

  “Zoey and I aren’t friends anymore,” I admit. “Since this morning, actually.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “You’re not?”

  “No, you were right. She only cares about herself.”

  He pauses.

  “What happened?”

  “Oh, you know, I found out she was sleeping with Blake during our entire relationship. No biggie.”

  At first, he’s shocked.

  Then he heaves a bitter scoff.

  “Of course she was.”

  The reminder feels like a stab to the stomach. That’s right, I lost my oldest friend today. Oh, and my job.

  Can this day fuck off?

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “I’m fine.” I muster a faint smile. “With friends like that, you don’t need enemies, right?”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I know a guy who’s going to get the beating of his life at training this week.”

  I let out a laugh.

  “I’m sorry, did I just get a laugh?” he teases. “I’m just saying I might not know where we stand if you still laugh at my jokes.”

  “Sorry. Won’t happen again.” I fight a smile.

  “Hey, for what it’s worth…” He nudges my shoulder. “I’m really proud of you.”

  I know he’s referring to my standing up to Zoey.


  I’m proud of myself, too.

  In his own, clumsy way, Will was always looking out for me. He tried to warn me from the start.

  “I’m not surprised she lied to you though,” I begin. “She told me she’d go after the guy I like since we’re not friends anymore.”


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