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Forgotten Rules: A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 28

by Eliah Greenwood

“A friend of mine told me he saw her driving around town with some guy late at night last weekend. Couldn’t tell who, but I’d be surprised if it was Luke Jenson. Dude probably has a curfew.”

  I curse myself for thinking we could get away with it.

  That was a close one.

  “Can you like… check up on her something? She’s been a mess since this thing with my dad, and my mom says she just started talking to her again. The last thing she needs right now is for some asshole to break her heart, you feel me?”

  I’m going to hell for this.

  “Look, you want to protect your sister, fill your old man’s shoes, I get it, but have you ever thought that maybe… this guy could be good for her?” I ask.

  Kendrick scoffs. “Yeah, doubt it. She doesn’t know what’s good for her right now. So… will you do it? Keep an eye on her while I’m gone?”

  I’ll keep an eye on her all right.

  “Sure,” I choke out.

  “I didn’t want to ask Alex since they have a past, you know?”

  It’s my turn to scoff.

  “Something funny?”

  “Sorry. I coughed.”

  “Oh, and there’s something else. You guys need to start recruiting again. Find a replacement for Blake. Fast. Rumors are spreading. Word is we’re weak right now. We can’t have that.”

  “Will do.”

  “What about you, man? How is everything? We haven’t really talked lately. Not to be a girl, but I thought you were mad at me or some shit,” he jokes.

  Not mad. Just fucking your sister.

  “I’m okay. Tired but okay.”

  “Did the asshole come back?”

  I tense. He knows I hate when he goes there.

  “No, he hasn’t. And he better not,” I growl.

  Thankfully, he takes the hint.

  My phone pings with a text from Kass.

  Control freak: Are you there soon?

  Control freak: No, wait, don’t answer that. You’re driving. Don’t die.

  I can’t help my smile.

  “Got to go. Some of us still have to go to school, dipshit.”

  He snorts. “Since when do you care about school?”

  I don’t. But I care about Kass.

  And she cares about school.

  Which means I care, too.

  “Quicker I get there, the faster it’s over.”

  “Fine. Don’t be a fucking stranger, okay?”

  “I won’t,” I lie.


  Weaving my way through the crowded halls, I try reassuring my best friend to no avail. Morgan walks by my side, arms full of notes, going on and on about an exam she is terrified of failing. She spent our entire lunch break studying and still says she’s not ready.

  Seeing Will walk into Morgan’s house with that breathtaking smile on his face this morning felt surreal. I ran into his arms, he picked me up, twirled me around, Ethan faked gagged—it was perfect.

  The guys spent breakfast bouncing jokes off each other. Will eventually made Morgan laugh so hard she choked on her cereal. If he wasn’t best friend approved before, he definitely is now.

  Ethan took it upon himself to play detective for Morgan and ask Will about Alex’s relationship status. Will said he hasn’t met Alex’s girlfriend yet, so he’s not sure how serious they are.

  Then Morgan brought up prom, and the room filled up with this heavy, awkward tension. Will and I didn’t get a chance to discuss it, but I’m guessing it goes without saying that we can’t go together. That would defeat the purpose of keeping our relationship a secret until we can tell Kendrick in person, which Will insists on.

  Will dropped me off a few blocks away from school this morning. We didn’t kiss. Didn’t hug. Just in case someone was watching. It felt gutting. Having to climb out of the passenger seat like the guy in the car wasn’t my boyfriend. We exchanged smiles in the hall after first period, but it didn’t go any further. It’s weird. How I was in his arms this morning, yet to the world we’re strangers.

  It doesn’t help that he didn’t once spend the night with me this weekend. The only night he stayed over was Friday. Kept saying he had to train and he’d see me the next day. But then, first thing in the morning, he’d turn up on Morgan’s porch with coffee, ready to spend the day with me. I was so happy to see him I couldn’t be bothered to think twice about it.

  I know this situation is fucked-up—boy, do I know it—but I still can’t shake the giddy feeling in my stomach. Nor can I stop my heart from speeding at the mere thought of him. Telling Morgan I’ll see her in art class, I turn the corner and stop at my locker.

  “No way? Haze came to see you?” a familiar voice squeals.

  I flip my head back to see Callie walking by my locker with Bianca.

  “Yep. And don’t think I didn’t notice he came back right in the time frame this Winter chick stopped showing up at school.” Bianca cackles. “He got sick of her. I knew he would.”

  “Well, what happened?”

  “What do you think happened?” Bianca smirks.

  I cringe in disgust. I could punch Haze on my cousin’s behalf right now. If only this guy was ever at school.

  So much for saying he loved her, huh?

  Kendrick was right.

  He better be out of her life.

  I’ve witnessed my lot of awkward moments in life. But sitting at the same table as the guy I rejected, who tried to get me fired from my job, and my boyfriend that I chose over said guy? I don’t see how any situation could top that.

  Working in silence, I focus on my art project, careful not to make eye contact with anyone. Bianca decided to show up for once in a lifetime, and she’s been talking with Luke, which I’m grateful for, since the class started. I would hate for him to talk to me or Will—

  “So, Will,” Luke speaks up.

  Of fucking course.

  “Got a date to prom?”

  Will doesn’t reply right away, probably trying to keep his fist away from Luke’s shit-eating grin.

  “Wasn’t planning on going,” Will says.

  “What about you, Kass? Are you going?” Luke asks, proud of the corner he’s backing us into. He knows damn well Will and I can’t go together. “Because my friend Greg’s looking for a date. And I thought you two could go together. You know, since you’re single.”

  Will’s fists clench on cue, and he tucks his hands under the table to hide it.

  “So? You interested? I’m sure he’d love to take you out. And you could use some action in that love life of yours.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” I shift in my seat.

  “Come on, he’s a nice guy. And he thinks you’re cute. What’s the harm?”

  “Yeah, just say yes, girl,” Bianca chimes in. “He’s hot. If you don’t, I have a friend who will.”

  “See? She has a friend who would be interested.”

  “Why don’t you want to, Kass? Did someone else ask you? Are you not available?” Luke presses.

  I glimpse at Will from the corner of my eye. He’s fuming, close to losing his temper. I don’t know why I keep waiting, hoping for him to step up, tell Luke to fuck off.

  That I’m taken.

  He won’t.

  He can’t.

  “No, no one asked me.” My gaze falls to the floor, my voice so weak I barely hear it.

  “Great. It’s settled, then. I’ll tell Greg he’s got himself a hot date.” Luke beams.

  I don’t find it in myself to argue. And in that moment, for the first time since we made it official… I regret dating someone who only wants me behind closed doors.

  Relief pouring out of me, I trail to the school’s exit with Morgan. About time this day ended. I unlock my phone. Ethan texted me that he’s outside. He’ll be driving me and Morgan home since Will has training tonight.

  I notice I have a message from my mom.

  Mom: Sweetie, I need you to come home from your friend’s tonight. I also wanted to tell you
, Winter has gone back to Canada early for a funeral. Your brother went with her.

  I scoff, shaking my head at her story.

  A funeral? Seriously?

  Seconds before I pad out of the school, my phone pings again. I expect it to be a message from Will—we didn’t get a chance to talk after Luke blackmailed me into going to prom with his buddy—but it’s not.

  Far from it.

  It’s from Zoey. I haven’t said a word to her since I found out she slept with Blake.

  Zoey: Isn’t that your boyfriend?

  Zoey: Not satisfying him already? That’s got to hurt. Oh, well, at least it took longer than last time.

  Zoey attached a picture.

  With trembling fingers, I tap the file, zooming in for a better look. The picture shows a scene I wish weren’t true.


  Leaving a motel room.


  My footsteps are fast-paced, decisive. I can barely breathe as I lurch down the hall toward Zoey’s locker. Crushing my phone into my fist, I pray that she hasn’t gone home yet. That she can explain what the hell she just sent me.

  I need to know how she took the picture, where she took it. I need to know everything before I bring it up to Will’s attention. There has to be a good explanation for this. This can’t be true. There’s no way that Will cheated.

  Maybe I’m dumb.

  What else do you do in a motel room?

  Kass, stop.

  Is that where he ran off to every night he wouldn’t stay with me? To a motel room? Anxiety burns within me. I’m such a mess I have to stop and gather a breath to prevent my emotions from rolling down my cheeks.

  I spot the back of Zoey’s head in the distance. She hasn’t noticed me yet, emptying her locker into her bag.

  “What the hell?” I blurt, holding my phone up to her face.

  “Oh, hey, Kass. Yeah, sorry about that. Truth hurts, doesn’t it?” She slams her locker shut, heading for the exit.

  If she thinks she’s leaving, she’s got another thing coming.

  “Where did you get that? You’re going to tell me everything. Now.”

  She huffs a laugh. “And why on earth would I do that?”

  “Gee, I don’t know. Maybe because you don’t want me to tell Sean about what really happened on your birthday.”

  Fear flashes in her gaze. “You do that and Kendrick finds out all about you dating his best bro behind his back.”

  It hits me.

  She shouldn’t know this. I didn’t tell her that we’re officially dating. That would require communication, and I’ve completely shut her out of my life.

  “How do you know about that? I never told y—”

  “You know, you should really be more careful which boy you lead on. Luke Jenson is quite the blabbermouth.”

  Ah. Luke was there the night Will showed up at my house to tell me he wanted to be with me. Luke left before we got to the—ahem—good part, but Will’s intentions were clear as day. I’m guessing he put the pieces together afterward, and Will’s poorly concealed rage at Luke setting me up with another guy must’ve confirmed any suspicions he had.

  “Why haven’t you told Kendrick?” I ask.

  That’s Zoey. She enjoys making others suffer. I’ve had the proof of that during our countless years of friendship. I would’ve expected her to tell Kendrick the truth about me and Will the second we stopped being friends, but… she didn’t.


  “And spare you the fear of getting caught? Nah. Luke and I thought it’d be better to sit back and watch you kill yourselves trying to keep it a secret.” She bounds out of the school.

  I follow as Zoey saunters toward Callie’s running car parked out front. Her replacement best friend sits inside, waiting for her.

  “Zoey!” I snap, and she stops dead in her tracks. “Look, I get it, you hate me, but we didn’t always hate each other. We used to be best friends, remember? If you ever cared about me at all, you’ll tell me about the picture… Please.”

  She considers her options for a long, unbearable moment, then swivels around.

  “Fine. Callie’s new fuck buddy works at the gas station across the street from some shitty motel. She saw Will sneaking into a room when she stopped by a while back and snapped a picture. Her boy toy said he’s been going into room thirty-five every night at around nine for days now.”

  My heart tightens.

  Nine is usually when he comes up with an excuse and leaves.

  Do I even know this boy?


  She doesn’t respond, resuming to Callie’s car. I think back to Will’s sketchy behavior when I questioned him about his life. How he avoids any conversation regarding his family—his mom. God, is she dead? Will said we can’t hang out tonight because he has to train.

  But what if… that’s bullshit?

  Maybe if I just went and checked.

  The words ooze out of my mouth before Zoey climbs inside Callie’s car.


  She stops, holding the door open.

  “Can you text me the address?”

  Sitting in my mom’s car with the ultimate creeper shades on, I watch jack shit happen and tap my foot. Been doing it for over an hour now. I showed up here shortly before nine, expecting to see Will sneak into room thirty-five.

  No one.

  He’s nowhere to be found.

  And the weirdest part? I saw a light come on through the room window. At first, I thought he’d gotten there early, but his car isn’t in the lot. I didn’t want to let the thought in—not even for a second—but I have to be realistic. There’s someone in that room. Maybe even a girl.

  Waiting for Will with her legs open.

  Jesus, I hate that I’m here right now. I hate that instead of confronting him about the picture like a mature, well-balanced girlfriend, I’m holed up in a car, surveilling some shabby motel.

  Headlights flash in the distance.

  A car pulls into the lot.

  I duck, slouching into my mom’s driver seat—I took her car when she passed out early tonight. Mine is still at the shop.

  My breath threatens to leave me.

  It’s him.

  Sticking my head out an inch, I watch as he parks in the spot by the motel room and hurries out of the car, his gym bag drooping off his arm. He really did train tonight. At least, that wasn’t a lie.

  He strides to the door, plucking a key out of his pocket. As though he knows he’s being watched, he slows down, analyzing his surroundings. I yelp, dipping once more. By the time I look again, he’s gone inside.

  I tell myself to drive home and confront him later. To forget all about Zoey’s texts, but I can’t help doubting everything I thought I knew. It took me ages to get this guy to even consider being in a relationship.

  Maybe he just couldn’t take it.

  Reverted back to his old ways.

  I jerk in surprise when my phone chimes with a text.

  Willy Wonka: I miss you so fucking much it should be illegal.


  Argh. A mix of unwanted emotions wash over me. He misses me, he says. Then why is he lying?

  Why is he keeping things from me?

  I text back.

  Kass: Remind me again why you can’t come over tonight?

  Minutes go by.

  Willy Wonka: Had to train. But I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. Promise.

  Desperate, I opt for a bait as old as time. The sex bait.

  Kass: You sure you can’t spare me a second tonight? My mom is out cold and I’m horny.

  The reply is instant.

  Willy Wonka: Yeah? What are you wearing right now?

  Hook, line, and sinker.

  Kass: Nothing. Just got out of the shower.

  Willy Wonka: Fuck. Don’t tell me that.

  Willy Wonka: If you give me a boner during training, Alex will never let me hear the end of it.

  Kass: So, you’re still at training?
/>   Ten minutes go by.

  Willy Wonka: Yeah.

  His lie slices right through me. I don’t reply, holding my phone tightly against my chest and climbing out of my car.

  That’s it. I’m going in. I creep toward room thirty-five stealthily and come to a stop near the door, preparing to knock. Seconds before my fist meets wood, I change my mind, settling for the handle.

  This place is too cheap for electronic key cards. It’s a regular knob, and I’d rather not give Will time to clean up and hide whoever’s in there.

  It’s unlocked.

  Time for the truth.

  Slowly, I twist the door open, careful not to make a sound as I ghost inside the empty motel room.

  No sign of a girl.

  No sign of Will either.

  On the other side of the door is a double bed pushed up against the left wall. The bed is undone, messy. All over the nightstand is Will’s stuff: his phone, his keys. He even has a phone charger plugged in. He’s not just passing through.

  But what sets my thoughts onto a self-destructive course is the suitcase sitting at the foot of his bed.


  Does he… live here?

  I’ve barely had time to let my discovery sink in when the most unexpected sound slashes through the air.

  Someone puking.

  And I mean puking.

  My gaze darts to the closed door halfway across the room. The bathroom. Will’s in there. He’s got to be.

  Is he sick?

  “What the fuck did you take?”

  That’s his voice.

  So, he’s not the one throwing up?

  He sounds distressed, panicked even.

  “Why?” he jabs. “Why the fuck do you keep doing this to yourself?”

  Then comes another voice.


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