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Their Accidental Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

Page 5

by Kelly Dawson

  I lifted my hands up to his body, wanting to feel him. My fingers explored the hard ridges of his muscles, burrowed into the fur spattered across his chest and squeezed his left nipple. My other hand slid upwards, up his neck, along the small hint of stubble that shadowed his jaw. Mine. This man was mine. The possessive words echoed in my brain as he moved faster, harder, his thrusts growing more urgent, as he claimed me completely.

  I reached my hands behind his neck, pulling his face down to me. The fire inside me burnt hotter and hotter, raging out of control as Shane’s movements got quicker and deeper. He kissed me, his mouth as hot as my core, and it felt like I was soaring.

  Shane lifted his head, shuddered, and stilled, filling me with his hot seed. He stayed like that for a moment, holding himself above me, his eyes closed, his expression one of pure bliss. I could do nothing but lay there and smile at the sensations that washed over me. My whole body tingled and my lady parts spasmed as Shane withdrew from me, leaving me lying there in wonder. This was what Aunt Nellie called a duty? This was anything but. Aunt Nellie had been wrong twice now. It was clear she had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

  Shane smiled tenderly, proudly, at me. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “It was…” I was still breathless from our lovemaking. “It wasn’t bad,” I confirmed, touching a hand to the spot between my legs that now ached and pulsed, frowning as my hand came away covered in sticky fluid.

  “Here.” Roscoe handed Shane a cloth and he pressed it between my legs, stemming the flow of him.

  “It wasn’t bad at all,” I said again. “In fact I quite liked it.” I felt my face flame with heat as I thought of what we had just done. Was it wrong that I had enjoyed it?

  Shane grinned. “That’s good. I hoped you would.”

  “You…. You don’t think me a… a loose woman? Immoral?” My voice shook.

  “No, my love.” Shane shook his head. “We think you’re perfect. Don’t we Roscoe?” From beside the bed, Roscoe nodded his agreement. “Yes, sweetheart,” he confirmed, and I released the breath I hadn’t even realized I held. “You’re perfect.”

  “Come.” Shane took my hand and led me to the wash stand that stood in the corner. He splashed some water from the jug into the basin, dipped the cloth in and knelt before me, gently wiping away the residue from our lovemaking. He took his time cleaning me up, rinsing the cloth and pressing it against where his cock had been, sending sparks shooting through me all over again. His hands were so gentle when he cleansed me; in striking contrast to how he’d spanked me on the prairie.

  The world was still spinning around me, not quite letting me back down to the ground. My pussy still pulsed. And as Shane’s fingers brushed over my swollen nub, I squirmed with desire. More. I wanted more.



  * * *

  Our new wife was no prude that was for certain. She’d quite willingly shed her clothes and hadn’t tried to cover herself from our gaze like some women did. And she’d taken Shane eagerly. I’d watched the way her fingers dug into the back of his neck as he’d fucked her possessively. Her wanton display had made my balls ache. I wanted her. The way she’d responded to my touch earlier told me how easy she was to please, and I wanted to teach her there were no limits to the pleasure we could give her.

  My cock was rock-hard and straining against my pants, begging to be set free. Looking at her now, with her eyes glazed over, a pretty smile on her face, I knew she would be able to take me. Although it would be hard to resist her sweet charms, I was intending to wait until morning, or later tonight at least, with this being her first time, but it was clear that our comely wife wasn’t sated yet. Far from it. By the looks of things, Shane had brought her almost right to the edge. But I wanted to take her flying over the brink.

  “Come.” I stretched out my hand. “My turn.”

  She turned to me and all I saw was eagerness. There was no hint of hesitation or question in her bold gaze as she licked her lips.

  A spark jumped off my skin as she took my hand and stepped towards me, her eyes fixed on mine. There was no doubt that she wanted this.

  I patted the end of the bed. “Here, kneel on this.” I helped her get into position just the way I wanted her, with her body resting on her forearms, her knees bent and legs apart on the bed, and her ass high up in the air. Her buttocks were creamy and pale; no trace of the spanking I’d administered that morning remained. I was glad. My intention had been to discipline, not bruise. I didn’t hold with cruelty.

  I reached between her legs and ran a finger up her slit, flicking her clit, sliding up and down, testing her eagerness, making her wet for me. She arched her back, pushing her pussy back towards me, opening herself wide up.

  Quickly, I undid my pants, pushed them down, stepped out of them, leaving them in a puddle on the floor. My cock was ready, throbbing, standing to attention.

  “I’m going to fuck you now,” I growled.


  Her mewl of agreement almost undid me. How did we get so lucky, finding this woman?

  Holding the base of my cock, I pressed the tip against her slick entrance, careful not to hurt her in my haste. I wanted her to like being fucked, not fear it. She pushed back against me, begging. I obliged, sinking inside her to the hilt in one steady movement, then I rested just for a moment to let her get used to the feel of me. But waiting wasn’t necessary. The second I grabbed her hips she was moving, rocking her pelvis, trying to take her pleasure all by herself.

  I slapped her ass lightly then leaned down over her back and nibbled her shoulder. She wanted aggressive? I could be aggressive. In fact, aggressive was just how I liked it.

  Her response was magnificent. She rocked back against me and cried out as my balls slapped against the backs of her thighs with my thrusts. Encouraged, I increased the intensity of our fucking, claiming her hard, thoroughly. I gripped her hips with my fingers, straightening up, leaning back, as I ploughed into her over and over. Her tight pussy clenched around me, her body convulsed and she tilted her head back and yelled out her pleasure.

  Damn she was beautiful! A groan escaped my throat as I reached my climax with her, shooting my seed deep inside her. I held her while the waves of pleasure washed over us, taking us together, higher and higher.

  The room was silent, our ragged breathing the only sound. I could stay there forever, with my cock snugly embedded inside her warm body. It was bliss.

  We lay on the bed, Shane on one side of Elise and me on the other, cuddling her between us, cementing the closeness we had just shared. I felt her relax, listened to her breathing slow and deepen, and watched her eyes flutter closed. I looked across at Shane and he grinned. Our bride was fully sated.

  Then Shane’s stomach rumbled, Elise’s eyes snapped open, and she giggled.

  “Hungry?” I raised an eyebrow at him. It was time to go and find some lunch.

  Together, we got off the bed.

  Elise turned her back to Shane so he could lace her corset and while he did, I pulled the pins from her hair, letting the golden locks cascade over her shoulders and spill down her back. I lifted the silky strands in my fingers, watching them sparkle in the sunlight streaming in the window.

  “Tighter!” she ordered Shane. But already her voice sounded strained and it was obvious that if he pulled the laces any tighter, making her already tiny waist even tinier, he would cause her discomfort.

  “That’s tight enough,” Shane insisted. I was pleased that he thought like me. No wife of ours was going to kill herself by insisting on wearing undergarments that were too tight.

  “I want to look good for you,” she said. “Just a bit more. Please?”

  “No.” I dropped her hair. “You are ours now, and there’s no need for you to wear a corset so tight.” I placed my hands around her waist, spanning it with my fingers. “See? You’re perfect just like this. No tighter.”

  She opened her mouth, about to argue, but I
raised an eyebrow at her and she refrained. She wasn’t happy though, I could tell. But I didn’t care about that, I cared about her comfort.

  “Have you got one that isn’t boned? It will be easier for you, it will give you more movement and be easier to work in.”

  Elise shook her head.

  “Talk to Emma,” Shane commanded. “She’s ordering things in from the city all the time. She’s got catalogs. You get yourself whatever you need.” He twirled a rope of her hair around his fingers.

  “I don’t want to be indebted to you,” Elise said in a small voice, barely above a whisper.

  Indebted? To us? Had she not listened to a word we’d said since we’d found her on the prairie? My palm itched to spank her infuriating backside. She was our wife! Our responsibility!

  But I remembered her words to Shane this morning. I had overheard them talking in the buggy when she’d been telling them how her brother had sold her to someone cruel, payment for a gambling debt. I flexed and relaxed my fingers. I would be patient.

  I reached up and stroked her cheek, her skin so soft under the edge of my thumb. “You won’t be indebted to us sweetheart,” I assured her softly. “You aren’t a business arrangement for us – you are our wife. We want to provide for you. Everything we have, we will share with you. You are ours.” Tears glistened in her eyes as I held her face in both hands. Our wife. The words spun in my head. This beautiful, vulnerable woman was ours. To cherish, love and protect. Forever. I could hardly believe how lucky we were. I wiped the tears from her eyes with my knuckle and kissed her forehead.

  “So you do what Shane told you to do and make sure you get everything you need. Get yourself something pretty to wear for us, too. And no more talk about being beholden to us, you hear?”

  She nodded, just once, a single nod so slight that if I hadn’t been watching for it, I would have missed it.

  “Good girl,” I praised her, happy with her obedience. We would do well together, Shane, Elise and I. So far, in everything she had done, she had been genuine and eager in her willingness to please us. I glanced across at Shane. The expression on his face told me that he was pleased with our accidental bride, too.



  * * *

  Both my husbands were dressed long before I was. All my life, I’d had a maid to help me dress. And even after John had let her go for lack of funds, Cook had always been available to help me if needed. It was a struggle, managing my unmentionables and gown all by myself.

  Out the corner of my eye, I watched Roscoe cover his long, muscular legs with heavy canvas pants. It seemed a shame, covering up his perfect body. I’d quite liked seeing him naked. Shane, too. They were both impressive, powerful looking men and just looking at them sent fire to my core and made my senses come alive.

  Seeing my struggles as my clothing became more and more entangled, my new husbands stepped forward to help me. In seconds they had the garment smoothed out and righted, both of them smiling with amusement. I felt my face flush with shame. They were laughing at me! At my ineptitude. Tears of embarrassment and fear sprang into my eyes. I couldn’t even dress myself! I couldn’t cook. I didn’t know the first thing about cleaning or keeping a home. I didn’t know how to do anything without servants. How on earth was I going to manage out here? What had I been thinking?

  “Hey! What’s wrong? Why the tears?” Shane was clutching my shoulders, wiping my cheeks with his thumb. Already, I could tell their voices apart, and their touch.

  “Don’t you see?” I asked him miserably. “All my life, we had household staff to help me with everything. I can’t even dress myself. You know I can’t cook. I don’t how to clean. I don’t know how to do anything that will be required of me out here. I don’t know any other life than Philadelphia society. I’m not good enough to be your wife. You need someone better.”

  Both my husbands’ stood in front of me, looking at me sternly, an impenetrable wall of muscle. Although their features were so different, the expressions they wore were the same. Neither of them looked happy. What were they going to do? I knew they wouldn’t hurt me, but would they let me stay? Or would they put me on the next train back to Philadelphia?

  “What do you think we want our wife to do?” Shane asked me.

  I blinked. Was he daft? I looked at him, then at Roscoe, bewildered. Wasn’t it obvious what a wife did? They stood silently, waiting for me to answer.

  “Well, wifely duties. Cook, clean and wash clothes, of course!”

  Shane shook his head.

  “Those were Coleton’s requirements,” Roscoe reminded me.

  “You will do all of that, and more, in time. But that’s not important right now,” Shane said. “Most importantly we want someone willing to satisfy us sexually, and you can do that.”

  “But I’m… I was,” I corrected myself hastily, “a virgin. I don’t know how to please men in that way.” I felt heat flood my face. A lady did not speak of such matters, did she? But my uncertainty was genuine. I’d never even lain with one man. How was I to satisfy two of them?

  “Oh sweetheart,” Roscoe cooed. “You already did. Your willingness is all we need. We can teach you the rest.”

  I looked down as shame washed over me. This wasn’t right, it wasn’t proper. I imagined the scandalized expressions on the faces of the other students at Lady Margaret’s School for Girls. The horror! And I giggled. I pressed my hand over my mouth to try to hide it but Shane pulled it away.

  “Don’t hide yourself from us love,” he chided gently. “We want to see your laughter.”

  “Don’t hide anything from us.” Roscoe’s voice was stern but when I looked up at him it was clear he wasn’t mad, just serious. “My parents lied, cheated and fought their entire marriage. I don’t want that. I want your complete honesty, always. Can you do that?” He reached out and touched my cheek and I nodded. “Good girl. I think I showed you this morning how important honesty is to me, yes?”

  “Yes,” I breathed, remembering being upended over his dusty thighs, his heavy hand clapping down on my bottom while I cried tears of pain and embarrassment.

  “And I want an obedient wife who doesn’t take any unnecessary risks with her safety,” Shane growled. “Two years ago I lost my fiancé, my Rose, in an accident when she was careless and didn’t listen.” His voice was soft again, and I could hear his pain when he spoke. Now the licking he’d given me when they first found me made sense. He’d said something at the time but I wasn’t really listening, then. I was too distraught. Too frightened. In shock. But even then, part of me had known that he was acting out of pain and fear and didn’t really want to hurt me. It was obvious he had loved Rose very much. One day, I wanted him to speak so lovingly about me.

  “I can’t go through that again,” he said, shaking his head. “Not now that I’ve given my heart to you. I can’t lose you like that.”

  He cupped my chin in his hand, tilted my face up to make me look at him. His dark eyes flashed. “I will spank you again if you are disobedient and reckless,” he told me. “If you endanger your life, I will spank you twice a day for a week if I have to, to make you listen. I will not have my wife endangering herself. Not for any reason.”

  Sparks shot through my body at his words. They both thrilled and scared me at the same time. I had no doubt he would follow through, and it was a good feeling, knowing that he cared enough to do so. I resolved not to test him. I much preferred him to do other things to me with his skilled hands. I wanted him to make me squeal with pleasure, not in protest.

  As we stood there, Shane still holding my chin, the words he’d said started to sink in. I’ve given my heart to you, echoed in my head. He had? Already? A slow smile crept across my face. “So you really do care about me then?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “You’re ours. Of course I do.” Shane squeezed my chin then let me go.

  “So do I,” Roscoe’s deep voice rumbled from behind me.

  “How did I get so lucky?”
I asked, not quite daring to believe that everything was working out so well. I was afraid that any minute I would wake up, realize this was all a dream, and Mr. Yates was still there, waiting for me.

  “You’re maybe not as lucky as you think.” Roscoe’s voice broke into my thoughts. “You will have to work hard. There’s a lot of work to be done on our small ranch. I’ll teach you, but I’ll expect you to be working by my side.”

  “And I’ll want your help down at the smithy sometimes too,” Shane added.

  “I’m not afraid of hard work,” I declared. I didn’t think I was, anyway. But I didn’t know for sure. I’d never done any hard work in my life! The gentle way I’d been raised in Philadelphia hadn’t prepared me at all for a life in the wilds of the Montana Territory. “But you’ll have to teach me what to do.”

  “We’ll teach you,” Shane confirmed.

  “We’ll take great pleasure in teaching you,” Roscoe added. “And we will delight in assisting you in dressing each morning.” He winked. “And in undressing you at night.”

  A little thrill went through me.

  “But right now we’re going to take our beautiful new bride out to eat.”

  My hands flew to my head. My hair! At least that was one thing I knew how to do for myself – pin up my hair. I’d never liked the maids doing my hair. No matter how gentle they said they were, they always managed to pull it until my scalp burned.

  “Your hair is lovely as it is,” Shane said.

  “No!” I looked at them in horror. “I can’t go out with my hair like this, it isn’t proper! It’s scandalous! I look like a prostitute!”


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