In Deep (The Blackhart Brothers)

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In Deep (The Blackhart Brothers) Page 5

by Blue Saffire

  “Whatever,” he grumbles.

  I take a step in his direction to cobbler him, but Quinn places a hand on my shoulder to calm me. Rolling my shoulders, I take a step back. My eyes stay narrowed on my nephew with his big mouth.

  “I’ll take him,” Quinn says.

  “Aye, that might be best.”

  I turn to walk into the backyard. This kid is trying to do a number on me. I need to pull my shit together.

  * * *


  “Finally,” I huff, sitting up straighter in my unmarked car when I see Quinn Blackhart pull up with the Kelley twins.

  I’ve been sitting outside their school waiting and stewing from the talk I had in Sergeant Graves’s office. That man makes my blood boil. I’ve been pulled from yet another case that I’m on the verge of closing, only to be assigned some BS.

  It took everything in me not to blast him for it. This has become a pattern since Graves took over. He replaced Sergeant Owens about a year and a half ago.

  At first, I thought Graves was onto me. Then I figured out that the fact of the matter is he doesn’t like me. Or should I say, he doesn’t much like having female officers on his squad. No matter that I’m one of the best on said squad.

  This precinct has a lot of problems, not just dirty cops. It’s one of the reasons I can’t wait to get out of here. I’ve never seen things at this level. It’s sickening.

  I’ve been working with Cal Kelley on this big break he promised me for almost as long as Eric has been missing. We were careful. At least I was. Yet, everything has changed since Cal was shot, and everyone has started to move differently at the precinct.

  I’d call it a coincidence if I weren’t an agent. However, I am and I know better. They may not be onto me, but I get the feeling that Cal ruffled a lot of feathers, and they may have considered that he had inside help.

  I may not know all the details of Cal’s investigation, but I do know that he was onto the fact that there are more than dirty cops involved. Some downright filthy assholes with long arms, but still plenty of dirty cops from my squad. I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not.

  Those with the reach are the players that I want now; I need them all. According to Cal, he had the map I need to navigate who’s safe and who’s not. Without those answers, I’m toast.

  “Where are you going?” I whisper.

  I squint my eyes at Conroy Kelley. He has doubled back out of the front of the school. I had only planned to watch the school today, feel things out and see if anyone else is snooping around.

  Graves’s reluctance to assign me a new partner has served me well. I don’t believe half of the bullshit excuses I’ve been getting for the delay. But I’m fine with having my own back.

  I say an actual thanks for the lack of partner to answer to. Graves doesn’t need to know what I’m doing. I’ll get to that dead-end case he put me on soon enough. I want to follow this kid and see what he’s up to. I have a feeling in my belly that says he’s going to lead me to exactly what I need.

  He jets across the schoolyard to meet up with another kid. The two lock heads together before they take off in the opposite direction of the school. My hackles raise as I watch them.

  “You should be in school, kid. It’s not safe out here,” I mutter to myself.

  I start my car and follow them. The other boy leads Conroy to a bicycle and the two clap hands before Conroy takes the bike and leaves. The other boy slips something into his pocket, leading me to believe Conroy slipped him payment for use of the bike.

  I stay on Conroy as he pedals away from the school. The farther away from campus we get, the more concerned I become. It only takes a few miles before I realize this kid is heading into some real trouble.

  Something that Cal did inform me of was the areas where the crews in the ring operate. I have no idea what this kid is up to, but this neighborhood isn’t one he should be in. It’s nothing like the cushy one Cal’s home is in.

  “Shit, kid.”

  I don’t have a good feeling about this. My instincts tell me to stop him before he gets to his destination. With a groan, I roll my eyes and turn on the sirens.

  He looks over his shoulder, revealing his fear-stricken face. His little ass looks like he’s going to try to outrun me. “Oh no, you don’t,” I mutter and swerve my car in front of him.

  He runs right into the passenger door and falls to the ground. I shake my head and step from my vehicle. The little shit gets up and straddles the bike as if he’s going to try to run again.

  “Freeze,” I call out.

  “Shit,” he huffs, looking down at his warped tire. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Hands on the hood of the car,” I order.

  “I’m late for school. I was in a rush to get to class.”

  I chuckle as I step behind him. “Nice try. Your school is several miles in the other direction. Hands behind your back.”

  “What? You’re arresting me?”

  I slap the cuffs on his wrists to let the reality of the situation weigh in. Maybe the cuffs will loosen his lips. I don’t want to take him in to the station for a number of reasons, but I will if I have to.

  “I want to have a little talk with you. You talk, I’ll drop you at school. If not, we’re going in to the station.”

  “I have nothing to say,” he says defiantly.

  “The station it is.” I open the door to place him in the back seat.

  “Wait.” His voice cracks and the little tough guy act tones down. “If you take me to the station, someone will have to come for me, right?”

  “Yup. A guardian will be called.”

  He groans as I place him in the car. I look at the bike and roll my eyes.

  “Miss, please. I’m already in a trouble with my uncle. If you take me in, he’s going to jump down my throat.”

  I squat outside of the car to get to his eye level. “Answer my questions and school it is.”

  “What questions?”

  “Do you remember me?”

  He squints at me as the wheels turn. I wait for him to connect the dots. A few beats pass before recognition lights his eyes. The kid shuts down right in front of me.

  “You can call my uncles,” he says.


  “I’m not here to hurt you. Your dad was a friend of mine. I want to find out what happened to him. You’re the only one that can help me do that.”

  “I’ll give you their numbers. One of them will come and get me. I don’t know you or what you’re talking about,” he says.

  I sigh. “Kid.”

  “You have pen and paper. I’ll give you those numbers now.”

  “Okay, have it your way.”

  I clench my jaw. I should have thought this through. My desperation has fucked this up.

  I stand and slam the door shut. Turning my back to him, I grind my teeth and run my hands over my hair. I’m so frustrated.

  “Think, Dem, think. You take the kid in, you’re going to pull attention.”

  Yes, I’ll pull attention, but no one will link me to Cal. After all, if I were working with Cal, why would I bring his kid in and expose myself? He’s a teenager grieving.

  The possibilities of him doing something stupid now that both of his parents are in the hospital is more than likely. Yeah, that makes sense. It will also get me closer to one of the Blackharts. I need to know what they know. Maybe they can get the kid to open his mouth.

  It’s not the best plan, but it’s what I have for now. After all, I can’t just show up on their doorstep. That’s a bad idea for more than one reason.

  “God, please be with me. Let anyone but Kevin Blackhart answer their phone,” I murmur as I snatch up the bike and move to the trunk.

  With the way things have been going, I don’t think that prayer will be answer
ed. “Carajo.”

  Chapter 6



  “Can I get you some water, kid?”

  Nothing, no response. Conroy sits at my desk avoiding eye contact with me or anyone else. I tried to get him to talk in the car, but the kid shut down. He’s smart.

  I don’t blame him for not talking. I honestly wish I didn’t have to drag him into this. However, I need to figure this out before someone in here figures out who I am.

  I rub my temples. This day is starting to suck, big time.

  I tried every number the kid gave me before I finally gave in and called the one he said belonged to his uncle Kevin.

  Even Conroy seemed not to want me to call that number. If I thought Kevin was pissed off when I told him I had his nephew in custody, he nearly burst my eardrum with the bitter scoff he gave when I told him my name, which I intentionally avoided at first.

  “The Detective Danita Moralez,” he said in a harsh tone.

  “That’s correct,” I replied.

  He barked a disgusted-sounding laugh, causing me to pull the phone from my ear. “Aye, I’m on my way.”

  That accent and his rumbling voice are still playing in my head. I can’t help but remember the sound of it in the middle of the night. Raw with tiredness and open with honesty. It’s a night that I shouldn’t remember so clearly.

  “Hey, Moralez,” Detective Harris calls from behind me.

  I roll my eyes and groan. This asshole is the last person I want to deal with. My nerves are already on edge.

  I rotate my shoulders back and turn in my seat to look up at him. He’s staring at Conroy with his eyes narrowed. When he turns his blue gaze on me, something I can’t place crosses his face.

  “Is that Cal Kelley’s kid?”

  I notice Conroy shift around in his seat uncomfortably. I sit back in my own and fold my arms over my chest. Harris follows the action, his eyes falling to the V of my shirt.

  I look toward the paperwork on my desk. It’s nothing that has to do with Conroy, but I make a show as if it does. I shrug and look back at Harris.

  “His last name is Kelley. I picked him up cutting school in a gang-related neighborhood. He ran his bike into my car.”

  Conroy’s nostrils flare, but I slide the kid a look to warn him to keep his mouth shut. For the first time since we arrived, he locks eyes with me. He then looks up at Harris.

  “You know what your problem is, Moralez?” Harris seethes. “You think you’re better than everybody. You do shit by your own rules. That doesn’t fly well around here.”

  “I’ve been doing fine all this time.”

  “Yeah, well, that can change. Trust me,” he snarls. “This can be a lonely place, sweetheart. You don’t want to be on the outside. You’re lucky I can’t stand Cal or his brothers-in-law.”

  “Don’t you have some work to do? When was the last time you actually solved a case?”

  “You’re so fucking hardheaded—”

  He comes out of nowhere. Seriously, one minute Harris is snarling at me, the next Kevin Blackhart is in his face, nose to nose. I sit with wide eyes and my mouth open.

  Oh God, he’s hotter than he was two years ago. How is that even possible? I’m too stunned to react because I can’t take my eyes off the sexy, seething giant squaring up to the guy that was just berating me.

  * * *


  I was already pissed when I arrived. However, when one of the guys led me over to Moralez’s desk and I heard the shit coming out of Orin’s mouth, I lost it. I jumped right in his face, daring him to say another word.

  “It seems no one has been putting ya in check since I left. So let me do the honors. If ya ever talk to her like that again, I’ll put my foot so far up yer ass, ya’ll taste it. Do you understand me?” He scowls back at me as his face turns red. “I said, do ya understand me?”

  He gives a slight nod, and I shove him back out of my face. He stumbles a few steps and almost lands on my nephew. I’m quick to pull Conroy out of the chair.

  Harris looks at me with a smug grin on his lips. “Someone book this fuck,” he calls out.

  I grin and fold my arms over my chest as all my old buddies mutter to themselves as they walk away, ignoring him. I shrug and glare. Harris looks around at all the guys that have turned their backs.

  I glance at our surroundings. These are most of the good guys. Looks like I’m here on the right shift.

  “Looks like if ya want that to happen, yer going to have to make it happen,” I say, the dare clear in my voice.

  “Moralez,” he growls.

  “I’m going to ignore that, like my harassment reports would be ignored,” she replies. “Guess it’s time for you to get to work.”

  Harris glares between the two of us, his face filling with rage. He curses under his breath as he rubs the back of his neck. Once he walks off, I turn my attention to my nephew. The look in his eyes gives me pause. I’m still pissed, but something is going on.

  I turn to Danita. It’s the first time I’ve looked at her. All the air is sucked out of the room. She’s even more beautiful than I remember.

  Her lashes fan out over her pretty amber whiskey-colored eyes as she stares back at me. Those full lips are pursed, begging for me to kiss them and reacquaint myself with her taste.

  “You look well,” I say.

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I don’t know, love. Maybe because ya went missing for three and a half months after I last saw ya.” I clamp my mouth shut when I realize how loud I’ve gotten.

  “It’s called vacation time and going undercover. I took a few weeks off, and then I was assigned a case.”

  “Aye, but you weren’t an undercover detective when we met. Certainly not an undercover NARC.”

  “Wait, how do you know that?”

  “I thought we had something.” I lower my voice. “I came looking for ya. Ya moved from yer apartment, and ya took a case to get away from me. I guess I was wrong.”

  “Kevin.” She moves closer to me. “It wasn’t like that. It’s way more complicated than that.”

  “Wait, you know her?” Conroy asks, relief filling his eyes.

  “No,” Danita says quickly.

  I tilt my head. Reaching to brush her cheek the way I did the night we spent together, I search her face. “Are ya really going to tell that lie?”

  “Mr. Blackhart—”

  “Oh, don’t do that,” I chide and click my tongue. “We’re well beyond that, love.”

  “All right, Uncle Kevin,” Conroy croons. “She’s hot and pretty badass.”

  Danita and I both turn to glare at him. He lifts his shoulders and his cheeks turn red. When I see he’s still cuffed, my temper flares again.

  “Can you uncuff him so we can go?”

  “I haven’t finished processing him,” she says defiantly.

  I groan and push a hand through my hair. Right as I get ready to ask to speak to Dugan, the chief, I see him hightailing it toward the door.

  “The kid cut school,” I say instead.

  “Yes, I’m aware of that.”

  I grind my teeth. Stepping in, I lean into her ear. “Do you have any idea what’s been going on in this kid’s life? Cutting school is the least of his worries. Give him a break.”

  “I need—”

  “Moralez.” I look up to see it’s Sergeant Graves barking her name. He’s new, I never worked with him when I was on the force, but I know of him. “My office, now.”

  “I’ll be right back,” she says, giving myself and Conroy a warning glare.

  I turn to Con. “You have a seat. Don’t say a word to anyone here. I need to call Quinn.”

  Chapter 7



  “What’s Mommy going
to do? Huh, Sunny?” I coo at my dog as we sit on the couch. Sunny looks at me as if to say, you figure it out, and places his head in my lap. “You’re no help.”

  Thanks to Sergeant Graves, I never did get to talk to Kevin or pull any information from Conroy. Fifteen whole minutes. That’s how long I sat in his office as he reamed me.

  “Do you have any idea whose kid that is?” Serg ranted at me.

  “I just found out he’s Kelley’s,” I said.

  I played stupid the entire time as if I didn’t know who Conroy was or who he was related to. Lucky for me, one of my cases did require me to be on the same side of town that I picked Conroy up on. Once Serg finished dressing me down, I had no choice but to let Conroy go with his uncle. That was three days ago.

  “Why me?” I groan and throw my head back against the couch.

  I need to know what Cal stumbled into. He promised he had the key to getting me out. He said we were so close. He needed to take care of one more piece. I should be focused on getting information from the kid, but I can’t stop thinking about Kevin and what he said.

  “I don’t know, love. Maybe because ya went missing for three and a half months after I last saw ya.”

  I’ve thought about him a few times over the last two years. Often wondering what would have happened between us in another life. I had taken the vacation for the move.

  Once Eric disappeared, I took the undercover assignment to try to figure things out. I was the only officer in the precinct that fit the mold for the assignment, female and Afro-Latina. I jumped at the chance to get away for a bit as well as being placed on the squad I’d been trying to get on for three years. It was the big break we needed for the case. Yet, Eric was gone.

  Suddenly, Sunny jumps up and runs to the door and starts to bark. I reach for my piece and follow after him. I’m almost to the door when the bell rings.

  I hold my breath as my heart pounds. I never have any visitors. I haven’t told anyone where I live since Eric disappeared. My name isn’t even on the lease, nor on the bills.

  When I peek out of one of the side panels, I find a large figure on my doorstep. I don’t breathe easy until the red hair comes into view. I sigh in relief and place the safety back on my gun.


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