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In Deep (The Blackhart Brothers)

Page 30

by Blue Saffire

  “I knew Uncle Kev loved you because he allowed you into our family. From that first day, he didn’t take my head off for getting arrested because he couldn’t take his eyes off you. That day, I thought he was more mad at you than me. Then I figured out that he was just batshi—”

  “Con,” Kevin growls somewhere off camera.

  Con hold his hands up and laughs. “All right, all right. My uncle lost his noodle over you. That’s not like him. So I know you’re the real deal.”

  “I love that kid,” I say and sniffle, wiping at my eyes.

  Kevin is next to appear on screen, and he looks nervous as hell. I turn to look at him in real life, and he has pretty much the same look. He places a hand on my back and nods for me to focus back on the TV.

  “Demaris. Love, I think I’ve been in love with you since the first time I laid eyes on you. Your smart mouth only sealed the deal for me. You told me to give you a push when I felt you needed one. Baby, this is me pushing. I don’t want to spend another day not knowing you’re going to be my wife. I want to fill our home with little adorable babes that are as smart and tenacious as you are. Dem, what I’m trying to say is…” Before he can say the words, they appear on the screen: Will you marry me?

  I turn and stare at him. Kevin has always shown me so many sides of him. I know he can be romantic, but this has taken it to another level for me.

  He puts the popcorn on the coffee table and shoves his hand into the cushions and pulls out a ring box. Opening it up, I see a brilliant ring winking back at me. It’s a solitaire diamond, but boy is it jaw dropping.

  I look into Kev’s eyes. I’m sure I look bewildered. He hasn’t really mentioned our future in the last few weeks.

  And still, I know my answer. It’s the look in his eyes that reminds me why I love him so much. There has never been a time when I have questioned his love. So, there is no question in what’s about to come out of my mouth.


  “Christ, were ya trying to kill me?” he mutters and pulls me into his embrace.

  “Nope, was testing that patience of yours. You’re going to need it.”

  We both laugh, and it’s the best feeling in the world. For the first time in a very long time, I finally feel whole. He found me when I needed him the most. I can totally live a life with love this deep.




  “You’re glowing,” Alicia says as she walks over to me, holding one of the twins.

  “I’ve never been this happy,” I say, looking around at all of our family. “Thanks for letting us share this all with you guys.”

  “Oh, please. I didn’t see the point in wasting money on two engagement parties. I was more than happy to share.”

  “Still, you guys were engaged first.”

  “Dem, please.” She waves me off. “Besides, I love your mom. I knew she would make this amazing.”

  I laugh. It’s been so great having my parents back here in New York. We’ve all become one big happy family. Diego and Jo-jo are in New York more than they’re at home. Well, Diego has practically moved back. He’s waiting for his transfer to go through while he’s on leave.

  There isn’t a weekend that you can’t find a Blackhart with a Mercado. Papi loves Kevin. Jo-jo is warming up to the fact that I have a boyfriend. Wait until he finds out he’s going to be an uncle.

  I smile at that thought. We decided to start trying after we got engaged. I don’t think either of us expected it to happen on what felt like the first try.

  I’m happy. I look across the Golden Clover, over at the bar where Kevin stands with his brothers and mine. We lock eyes and my smile grows. Kevin bites his lip as his gaze roams over me.

  “You guys are so cute.” I turn back to Alicia.

  “How are things going with you and Quinn? The boys must be a handful.”

  “I’m exha—” The blood drains from her face. “Oh my God.”

  * * *


  “Ya look like yer going to go over there and eat her.” Quinn chuckles.

  I turn to look at him holding his son. It looks good on him. The wee lad looks tiny in my brother’s arms despite his whopping ten pounds. The boys aren’t more than three months old, but they are bruisers.

  “Look who’s talking,” I toss back at him. “Don’t think I didn’t see the two of yous sneak off when Mum took the wee ones from ya.”

  Quinn’s cheeks turn red, but a brilliant smile comes to his face. “Aye, wait until ya have yer own. Ya will see what it’s like. Ya’ll take it whenever ya can get it.”

  “Hey, that’s still my baby sister,” Jo-jo grumbles.

  Diego and Emil wince and shake their heads. I snort and try not to blurt out that I’m going to be a father. We said we’d wait a bit before telling everyone.

  “I think Kev and Dem think we’re all stuttles,” Shane says with a smirk on his lips.

  “Now why would we think ya foolish, little brother?”


  “What the fuck?” Trent jumps up from the stool he was perched on at the bar.

  I turn toward the entrance he’s looking at. In comes a woman so badly battered, she’s dragging her left leg behind her. Her hair is matted to the blood on her face.

  She parts her lips and a single word comes out. “Trent.”

  It takes me a few beats to recognize her through the swollen eye and busted lip. My heart squeezes as my brother rushes to her. The moment she’s in his arms, she collapses as if she’s made it to her destination and can finally rest.

  I rush over to see if I can help, but not wanting to touch her for fear of causing more damage. Up close, she looks worse. Trent is trembling with rage.

  “Shayla? Baby? Who the fuck did this to you?” Trent sobs.

  She can’t answer. Ms. Shayla, Molly’s dance instructor, is unconscious as Trent gingerly lifts her broken body into his arms. I feel helpless as my little brother falls apart in front of my eyes.

  “We’ll find out who did this,” Quinn says as he places a hand on Trenton’s shoulder.

  “Aye and when we do, I plan to batter them just the same, I will. Trying to hide from me will be biscuits to a bear, because I will find them and I will end them,” Trent says with his accent as thick as Quinn’s, his anger showing through indeed.

  I don’t doubt he means every word. Hiding from him will be a waste of time. This has now moved up all our list of priorities.


  Hey! Another one! I’m so happy to be done with this book because book three in the series has been screaming so loud, it’s been hard to stay focused on completing this one. I promise you I almost stopped writing this book to start and finish book three first. It was that bad. LOL.

  I hope you enjoy Kevin and Dem as much as I do. I think they are perfect for each other. He had to learn patience and she had to remember herself. Thank you for taking this journey with them.

  Whether new to the world of Blue or old, I want to thank you for being here. If not for you, I’d just be a crazy woman talking to the characters in her head. Thank you for every email, comment, like, share, and post. I appreciate all the support and encouragement.

  Thank you to my husband who’s there to help me talk out plots and scenes when these books drive me crazy and I’m on the verge of a panic attack because the characters aren’t doing what I need. You are my rock, and I wouldn’t trade you for another. Team Blue.

  A book will never end without me saying thank you, Lord, because it never starts without me calling on your strength, support, and guidance. These books wouldn’t be possible without every step being ordered and every word being blessed. So thank you, Lord. All for your Glory.

  So we are off to the next! Trenton, good grief. I can let you loose now. I hope you keep that same loud en
ergy for your turn.

  About the Author

  As a young girl, Blue’s mother introduced her to the world of love and creativity through movies. Once she got her hands on books, an authoress was born. A story here, a few songs there, but she actually didn’t complete a manuscript until 2009. Blue is now an award-winning, bestselling author of over forty contemporary romance novels and novellas.

  The self-proclaimed hermit was born in Far Rockaway, New York, but is now a Long Island resident with her loving and supportive husband. The two work round the clock creating music and characters. There is no shortage of laughter or creativity in their home.

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