After The Apocalypse Season 2 Box Set [Books 4-6]
Page 70
Greerson tracked the children with his rifle. But while the others fled, the little boy with the tomahawk gave a fierce yell and charged him.
The gunman didn’t hesitate. A single burst cut the boy to bits and the child slapped down hard upon the shed floor with his feet flying out from beneath him.
Lilianna roared and rushed at Greerson.
The Chief turned the rifle back too late, and hesitated anyway, desire and anger and everything creating a split second’s hesitation and letting her grab the hot barrel of the gun. Lilianna’s yell turned into a piercing shriek and she snagged her fingers into Greerson’s t-shirt and pushed into him with all of her might.
And it wasn’t enough.
Greerson and Lilianna wrestled upright, the gun no immediate use, and Lila without the strength to do much more than twist and curse trying to force him out of the shed. The shrieking winds hit some kind of crescendo and a wave of pressure rendered everything silent, capturing their fatal combat as Lilianna sought to drive the Safety Chief back past the shelter of the steel shed’s frame and Denny Greerson fighting her every inch of the way.
Images of the slaughtered little boy added to the camera roll of all her recent tragedies and Lila couldn’t help the noiseless tears which followed her empty lungs. Greerson snarled soundlessly, his face pressed up against hers, the rifle between them, his knee driving into her thighs. The wind tore at them both.
Lilianna closed her eyes in one final effort to hurl he and her together into the sucking vortex as it smashed through the old zoo and aquarium and took everything with it. Greerson’s eyes widened in panic as Lila elbowed him in the face, grabbed him again and pushed.
Sophie charged into her from behind, her own feral scream unheard as she lent her rage to Lilianna’s efforts, pulling them both down and into the side of the open roller door as the tornado sucked the air from Greerson’s lungs and his eyes rolled around and his sneaker-clad feet lifted into the air – and just like that, the Chief went spinning and flying up and away as the pressure passed and Lila perhaps imagined rather than heard Greerson yell as he disappeared.
Sophie clutched Lilianna from behind and dragged them deeper into sanctuary behind the lee of the shed wall as shrapnel rained down across from them and the SUV bucked and leaped as if taking gunfire and then the storm smashed through beyond and outside from them in the one incoherent roar.
Cont’d in
After the Apocalypse: Revolution
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