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Tempting Christa: An Irresistibly Mine Duet - Book 1

Page 16

by Delaney, Tracie

  Still panting, my legs writhing beneath him, I forced him to lie on me, then pulled the comforter over us. He was too heavy really, but I needed the contact, to feel the weight of him even if only for a few moments. Too soon he rolled to the side. He fiddled under the covers, probably removing the condom, then his hand sought mine in the dark, and he linked our fingers together.

  “Please tell me that was okay.”

  I turned onto my side. The earlier moonlight had vanished, casting the room in pitch-black, but if I moved close enough, I could just make out the contour of his face, the tautness of his jaw, the nerve that throbbed in his cheek because he was mashing his teeth together.

  I rubbed my palm over his chest then leaned over and kissed his nipple, grazing it with my teeth. He hissed, his hand coming around the back of my head to hold me in place. I dropped several kisses over the light dusting of hair on his pecs then moved up the column of his throat. I tasted his sweat with the tip of my tongue, wanting more.

  “It was incredible.”

  “Oh, thank God,” he breathed.

  I laughed. “Somehow I didn’t take you for someone who lacked confidence between the sheets.”

  “I’m not usually.”

  “So why with me?”

  “Because we didn’t fall into bed on the first night.”

  I raised up on my elbow. “So, because I made you wait, you were worried I’d judge you harshly?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” he said. “I knew I’d be great, but one shouldn’t assume.”

  I flopped onto my back. “If that were true, you wouldn’t have basically asked for scores out of ten.”

  He grabbed my hips and pulled me on top of him. Even though he’d only come a few minutes earlier, his cock was already semi-hard. I squirmed against him, eliciting a groan from his throat.

  “How close to ten did I get?”

  I pretended to consider his question. “Hmm, with a bit more practice, you might hit an eight, eight and a half.”

  In an instant, he flipped me over and covered me with his body. He kissed me, languidly, as though he had all the time in the world. My insides turned molten, and I snaked my fingers through his soft hair, anchoring myself to him.

  He drew back, his lips a couple of inches from my own. I could make out the gleam in his eye and the lopsided smile he offered. “See, now we have a problem. I’m a winner, so I’m never going to be satisfied with anything less than a ten.”

  A burst of pleasure erupted deep within me as Dayton showed me what it meant to be with a winner.

  * * *

  Dawn broke, casting muted light across the carpeted room. I crept out of bed, careful not to disturb Dayton, and tiptoed across to the room he’d designated as mine. I brushed my teeth, had a quick shower, careful not to wet my hair, then dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a warm cashmere sweater I found in the closet. I shivered as I thought back to last night. My plan had worked beautifully; Dayton hadn’t noticed a thing. After he’d fallen asleep, I’d lain awake watching his chest rise and fall, wondering what I’d done to deserve such a wonderful man. His patience in waiting for me to be ready humbled me, and the fact he hadn’t demanded answers from me or an explanation of my strange behavior was testament to what a special person I’d stumbled upon.

  I’d already decided to tell him the whole ugly truth at the first opportunity after we returned to Manhattan. I didn’t want to ruin this perfect weekend because I was having such a good time—I didn’t want it tainted by Sutton’s poison. Regardless of Dayton’s reaction, my story wasn’t a pretty one, although neither was his. What a bastard his father must have been to treat his kids that way. I couldn’t imagine ever treating a child of mine with anything other than love, tenderness, and devotion.

  I padded next door into Max’s room. My baby was still fast asleep, his chubby cheeks flushed, his arms up by his head in his preferred pose and, like the boy he was, his legs wide apart. I’d expected him to wake in the night and call out for me, especially as we were in a strange place, but he’d been as good as gold.

  I leaned on the side of his crib and watched him. After a few moments his eyes flickered, and he yawned and stretched. The second he saw me, his face broke into a beaming smile, and he held out his arms.

  “Momma, me want milk.”

  I grinned. Milk had been Max’s first word. Momma hadn’t arrived until a couple of weeks later. I picked him up and smelled his bottom. “You need changing first, young man, then I’ll get your milk.”

  He giggled, his pudgy fingers gripping my sweater. I crossed the nursery and opened the top drawer of the dresser, lifting out a diaper. Dayton had thought of absolutely everything, although if I had to bet, I’d guess he’d sourced help. I couldn’t see him trailing around the local kids’ store for all this stuff, even if he knew what to buy. Then again, if I was super-rich, I’d get someone to do my bidding, too.

  I cleaned, changed, and dressed Max, then, urging him to be quiet, I stuffed a couple of toys under my arm and took him downstairs. The kitchen area was set up more like a family room with a dining table at one end and a big comfy couch at the other. In the middle was a large rug, and I set Max up there with his toys while I fixed his milk.

  “Here you go, Max,” I said, handing him the plastic cup.

  He took it from me and drank greedily. My heart swelled. Everything I’d ever done was for Max. It wasn’t possible to love him more than I did.

  I heard the clearing of a throat and turned to find Dayton propping his shoulder against the doorjamb, arms folded, watching me. My stomach did a double back flip as I thought back to the night spent in his bed.

  “Did we wake you?” I asked.

  He shook his head and strolled over. He snaked his arms around my waist and bent to kiss me. He tasted all minty and delicious. After he’d greeted me, he went over to Max and ruffled his hair. “Morning, little man. You all set for a trip on the boat today?”

  Max didn’t stop drinking his milk, but he did nod furiously, and as soon as the cup was empty, he shouted, “Me drive the boat.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” Dayton said. “You’re in charge.”

  Max grinned then turned his attention back to his toys.

  “Coffee?” I asked Dayton.

  “Here, I’ll do it,” he replied. In seconds, the bitter aroma of Colombia’s finest filled the room.

  He poured us both a cup, and I leaned against the kitchen countertop sipping mine.

  “Sleep well?” he asked, coming to stand beside me.

  “Too well,” I said. “Must be all the mountain air.”

  His eyes searched mine, and he looked as though he wanted to say something but couldn’t quite find the words. I held my breath, because I instinctively knew it was something about the whole ‘let’s pitch us into darkness and control where you’re allowed to put your hands’ show I put on last night. After a few seconds, he removed the cup from my hands and put it down beside his. He cradled my face, tipping my head back to kiss me.

  “You were pretty damned wonderful last night, Ms. Adams,” he said.

  I blew out a relieved breath. He’d decided not to go there. I grinned. “So were you. I’d say by the third time you’d edged up to a nine, maybe a nine and a quarter.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “What does a man need to do to get a ten around here?”

  I blinked up at him. “A repeat performance, maybe?”

  His pupils dilated, and he tongued his top teeth, his unwavering gaze locking onto mine. “That, I can do.”



  “Thank you for a wonderful weekend,” I said, kissing Dayton’s cheek as he put the last of our things in the car. I glanced around. “I’m going to miss this place. I can’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed.”

  “We can come back again soon,” Dayton said.

  “Promise?” I asked, excited.

  “Absolutely.” He lifted Max out of my arms and swung him i
n the air. “Whadd’you say, Max? Should we come back soon?”

  Max grabbed Dayton’s face, grinning. “Yes, Dada. Me come back soon.”

  Breath snagged in my throat. It was the second time Max had called Dayton his father. I caught his eye. Happiness shone from every pore, and he kissed Max’s plump cheek. This time neither of us tried to correct Max. If that was what he chose to call Dayton, then I wasn’t about to tell him he was wrong.

  We had to stop a couple of times on the way back because of a multi-car wreck on the highway making our journey home much longer than it should have been. By the time Dayton pulled up outside my apartment building, Max was fast asleep. I carried him upstairs, Dayton following with our bags and Max’s stroller.

  “Do you want to come in?” I whispered.

  He shook his head, frowning. “I’d love to, but I need to work tonight. Lots to do on the South Korea proposal.”

  “You work too hard,” I said, reaching up for a kiss.

  He pecked my lips then gave me a lopsided smile. “At least I have something to work for now. You and Max have filled a gap in my life I wasn’t even aware existed until I met you.”

  Heat warmed my chest, and happiness swelled my heart. “Will I see you in the office tomorrow?”

  “You will. Lunch at one?”

  “I’ll be there.” I stroked his face, relishing the coarseness of his beard beneath my fingertips.

  “It’ll likely be the only time I get for lunch this week, so make the most of me.”

  I grinned and waggled my eyebrows. “Oh, I plan to.”

  I watched as Dayton walked away. Before he turned the corner toward the elevator, he glanced over his shoulder and smiled, then he was gone.

  I opened up and took Max inside. Loneliness swamped me. Prior to meeting Dayton, I’d been perfectly happy with me and Max. We were a team, the undefeatable twosome, us against the world, but now there was an enormous piece missing, and only one man could fill it.

  The next morning, I dropped off Max at the childcare center a little earlier than normal, then rode the elevator up to my office. Dayton wasn’t the only one who had a busy week ahead. Greg and Jake were pitching a new application to a client this week, and I’d been invited to tag along. Although I wouldn’t be the one heading up the presentation, I wanted to make sure that if any questions came my way, I was fully prepared to answer them.

  Greg arrived a few minutes after me. He flopped into the seat next to mine with a heavy sigh.

  “I hope your weekend was better than mine.”

  “Why, what happened?”

  “What didn’t happen.” He picked up my freshly made cup of coffee and drank half of it. “Sorry, I needed that. I’ll grab you another in a sec. So, the pipe in the bathroom burst, flooding the entire apartment. The TV broke, which meant the kids did nothing but moan all weekend. Oh, and Marcie fell down some steps and sprained her ankle.”

  “Oh no,” I said. “Poor Marcie. Is she okay?”

  “She will be, but she needs to rest it for at least two weeks.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “To be honest, I’ve come to work for a break. That wife of mine does more around the home than I thought.”

  I laughed. “You’re such a modern guy, Greg.”

  He gave me a sheepish grin. “What did you do this weekend? I bet yours wasn’t as disastrous as mine.”

  I nibbled on my lip. Although everyone at work knew I was dating the boss, I still avoided talking about ‘us’ as much as possible. “Um, we went up to the Catskills.”

  Greg arched an eyebrow. “We?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Max and I had a nice time.”

  “I’ll bet you did.” He guffawed. “Things going well with you and the boss man then?”

  I brushed some invisible fluff off my skirt and avoided his eyes. “Fine.”

  “Sorry,” Greg said, correctly reading my discomfort. “I’m teasing you, that’s all. I’m happy for you, kid.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  Greg stood. “Okay, gotta get moving. Lots to do before Wednesday. You still able to come along?”

  I nodded enthusiastically. “I’m really looking forward to it.”

  “Good. It’ll be great experience for you. One day, in the not too distant future, you’ll be running these pitches yourself.”

  Greg’s feedback planted a smile on my face that didn’t slip all morning. And when my cell pinged with a text from Dayton that said Ready? that smile grew even wider.

  I slipped my purse strap on my shoulder and headed for the elevators. I exited on the top floor of the building and walked down the thick carpeted hallway toward Dayton’s office. Every time I came up here—which wasn’t all that often—I was reminded of that first day and how the second I laid eyes on Dayton Somers, my instincts were to run. It proved that, on rare occasions, instincts could be wrong.

  Angie smiled as I approached. “Hey, Christa. How are you doing? How’s Max?”

  “I’m good, thank you. Max is well. Thriving, actually.”

  “He’s such a doll,” Angie said. “Makes me think about squeezing one more in before my ovaries shrivel up.”

  I laughed. “You’ve got years left in you.”

  “Try telling my husband that. He thinks we’re too old to have another baby. He’s probably right. There’d be fifteen years between my current youngest and a new one.”

  “What does that matter?” I said. “If you want another baby, then you should talk to him, tell him how you feel.”

  A determined look came across Angie’s face. “You know what? I think I will.”

  “Good for you,” I said, silently praying I hadn’t caused a rift between Angie and her husband. I indicated to Dayton’s office. “Is it okay if I go in?”

  “Sure thing, honey.”

  I knocked once then opened the door. Dayton and I might be sleeping together, but I still preferred to behave in a professional manner in the workplace.

  He lifted his head as I walked in, and a bright smile edged across his face. By the time I’d closed the door behind me, Dayton had crossed his office. He captured my face in his hands and kissed me.

  “Missed you,” he mumbled against my lips.

  I’d missed him, too, ridiculously so, considering I’d seen him less than twenty-four hours ago.

  “I only have an hour,” he said, taking me by the hand and leading me over to his large conference table. “I took the liberty of ordering in. Hope Thai is good with you.”

  “Smells yummy,” I said, sniffing at the cartons of food laid out.

  Dayton served up, and I dug in, my stomach growling appreciatively. I’d missed breakfast this morning and had meant to grab a snack but hadn’t had time.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” Dayton said, chasing rice around his plate with his fork.

  His innocent words sent my heart rate skyrocketing.

  “Oh yeah?” I said, hoping to sound relaxed and breezy. I’d made the decision to tell him everything, but not like this. Not here, in the office, when he was so short on time.

  He glanced up with a guilty expression. “I’ve agreed we’ll go to this thing on Friday.”

  I frowned. There was nothing unusual about that. Dayton regularly dragged me to various things.

  “Okay,” I said. “And?”

  He pulled a face. “I’ve heard that a couple of my…” He cleared his throat. “My previous companions might be in attendance.”

  I suppressed a giggle. I wasn’t remotely concerned about Dayton’s previous companions. He’d made it clear that what we had was very different from the type of relationship he’d had previously, and he’d given me absolutely no reason to doubt him. But the fact he was terribly uncomfortable had me wanting to tease him a little.

  I kept my face absolutely straight. “So you’re telling me that I’m going to come face to face with other women you’ve…” I ducked my head and feigned embarrassment. “Slept with.”

  He captured my hand. “I’m so sorry
, Christa. If I’d known before I accepted the invitation, I’d have made an excuse. I’d get out of it if I could, but I promise you, I’ll make sure they don’t bother us.”

  “How will you make sure?” I said, getting into my stride. “We’ll all be together in the same room… And what if they’re bitter about the breakup?” I widened my eyes. “What if they’re mean to me?”

  His face hardened. If I didn’t know his softer side, he’d have truly scared me. I bet when he wore such a fierce expression in the boardroom, people quivered in their shoes.

  “Then they’ll have me to answer to,” he growled.

  I couldn’t keep it up any longer. I burst into laughter, pointing at him. “That was so much fun,” I said. “Your face was a picture.” I laughed harder, holding my belly because it was aching so much.

  “Oh, missy, you are in so much trouble,” Dayton said. He tapped his temple. “I have a very long memory. I’ll get my own back when you least expect it.”

  I gestured to him. “Bring it.”

  He finally cracked, his face breaking into a wide smile. He leaned across the table and captured my lips in a burning kiss. I gave myself over to him, so happy and contented, more than I ever thought possible. Finally, after years of pain and suffering and heartache, I’d come out the other side, knocked on Heaven’s door, and been granted lifetime access.

  We finished our lunch, and then Dayton glanced at his watch and sighed. “I need to get to a meeting,” he said, rising to his feet. “It’s a particularly busy week.”

  “It’s fine,” I said, joining him standing. “I understand.”

  “I’ll text you the details for Friday. I probably won’t find time to see you before then.”

  I nodded. “I’ll be sure to wear my protective armor,” I said sagely.

  He bumped my shoulder playfully. “I’m your protective armor.”


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