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What a Wolf Desires (Lux Catena Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Amy Pennza

  Something soft tickled his chin. He opened his eyes.

  Ah. Here was the source of his contentment. Lizette lay on her side facing away from him, her sleek body curled against his. Predawn light crept across the floor and touched the edge of the bed, painting her skin gold. Her dark, silky hair spread across the white pillowcase like a midnight river, and several strands were tangled in his beard. He lifted them away from his face and rubbed them between his fingers. A curl twined around his thumb. Like everything else about her, it was both soft and strong. He’d been Alpha since he was twenty-two years old. In the years since, he’d encountered few people willing to stand up to him. Everyone in the pack bowed under the Alpha’s will.

  Except her.

  Always her. He rested his gaze on the curve of her cheek. She didn’t just stand her ground—she’d proved time and again that she was more than capable of calling him on his bullshit. A grin pulled at his mouth. Woe betide the wolf who underestimated his mate.

  Mate. God, it felt good to think of her that way. Pride swelled in his chest. In his mind, his wolf strutted, proud to have selected the perfect mate for them.

  “Don’t get too full of yourself,” Max warned him. “I’m still in charge.”

  The response was the mental equivalent of a yawn.

  Max ignored the beast. Let him have this victory. Max wasn’t about to complain about the result.

  Lizette stirred, pulling his attention away from his wolf. She sighed softly and stretched. He dropped a kiss on her shoulder, taking her scent into his lungs. She smelled of honey, him, and clean skin. Bare skin. After they made love a second time, she fell asleep in his arms. Fucked into exhaustion. It was his turn to strut, if only figuratively.

  He feasted his eyes on her slumbering form. He didn’t hold back last night, and yet she’d matched him in both passion and intensity. His back was sore from the bruising grip of her thighs. Doux Jésus, he was a lucky bastard.

  There was a tap on the door. Dom spoke quietly through the wood. “Nathan Hallerton arrived about an hour ago.”

  Max eased away from Lizette and slipped out of bed. He took a second to check the time on his phone on the nightstand. A muted white 6:04 a.m. glowed on the screen. Nude, he strode to the door and opened it.

  Dom started to launch into his report, but froze as air wafted from the bedroom. “You claimed her.”

  “Better late than never.”

  “Good. That’s…good.” He looked like he might say more.

  “Is there something else?”

  “How was it?” Dull red stained Dom’s cheeks. “The bond, I mean. I didn’t mean—”

  Max clapped him on the arm. “I know what you meant. It’s hard to describe. In a word, peaceful. I feel more at peace than I have in years. I don’t know if it’s this way for everyone, but it’s damn satisfying.” He glanced at the bed over his shoulder. “Maybe it’s because I’d bitten her before…”

  “No, I’ve heard others describe it that way. Like a balm for the wolf half of the soul.”

  That was one way to put it. This poetic side of his Beta was new. Max studied him. “What’s this I hear about you, Remy, and the Pennsylvania Alpha’s daughter?”

  “It’s been dealt with.”


  Dom’s mouth tightened. “No disrespect, Alpha, but we have more pressing issues at the moment.”

  Max noted the formal use of his title. It was Dom’s polite way of telling him to back off. He inclined his head. “All right. What’s the word on Hallerton?”

  “We got back a few hours ago. He’s in the Pit, but only as a precaution. Jonah warned us he might be erratic, but so far he’s been fine, if a little anxious. Under the circumstances I’d say that’s pretty normal.”

  “Any word on who sent the email?”

  “No, and I took our top two Trackers with me when I questioned him. He and Jonah are telling the truth. They have no idea who sent it.”

  Damn. Someone had targeted his mate, and he didn’t have the first clue who was behind it. Some of the peace he’d felt in bed evaporated. He focused on Dom. “Keep digging. I want to know who’s spreading rumors about Lizette. It’s possible they want at her Gift, but it’s just as likely they’re after me.”

  “And Hallerton?”

  “That’s up to Lizette.”

  “Fair enough. He’s not going anywhere.”

  “See to it he stays that way.”

  Dom nodded and stalked off, no doubt to double the guards around the Pit.

  Max looked over his shoulder into the bedroom. Lizette’s breathing had changed from the slow, even rhythm of sleep to faster wakefulness. He stepped back into the suite and closed the door. “How much did you hear?” he asked as he walked back to the bed.

  She rolled onto her back and stared up at him. “Enough. Do you mean what you said about leaving it up to me to Turn Nathan?”

  He lifted the covers and slid into bed, catching a flash of her bare ass and long, slender legs. He gathered her against his chest and gave her what he hoped was a reassuring look. “You’re the Bloodsinger.”

  Doubt shadowed her eyes. “But you said my Gift was yours to direct and control.”

  “That’s the case with all my wolves. But I trust your judgment, petite. If you want to Turn him, I’m not going to stand in your way.”

  She touched his jaw. “Do you understand why it’s important to me to do this?”

  Two days ago, the thought of her going anywhere near Nathan Hallerton would have brought his wolf snarling to the surface. But her speech in the Pit had given him new perspective. No matter how long she had lived at the Lodge, she’d been raised by humans. And she’d spent her formative years knowing she could be uprooted at any moment.

  As a latent, Nathan Hallerton had represented both stability and a way out. With him, she could have kept one foot in each world. But Max hadn’t needed need to tell her it wouldn’t have worked. She figured it out on her own.

  He covered her hand with his own. “You feel like you used him.”

  Tears gathered in her deep blue eyes, turning them violet. She nodded. “I never once wondered about how my leaving affected him. I thought I was just breaking up with a boyfriend. I didn’t know other wolves would see it as me rejecting him because he’s a latent.”

  “While I don’t think you owe him anything, I understand the desire to make amends. I’m not exactly innocent in this situation, either. The physical wounds I inflicted on him healed years ago, but he obviously cared for you. Jonah wasn’t lying about that.”

  “But you know I never really loved him, right?”

  “I do.” He feathered his thumb across their joined hands. Voice low, he asked, “The question is, do you love me?”

  “I think I’m starting to,” she whispered.

  His chest tightened. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear his heart was reeling from a direct hit. While he hadn’t expected her to make a declaration of undying love after one night of great sex, he’d hoped for something a little more concrete. Hurt almost made him snap that she didn’t have much choice now that they were fully bonded, but he held his tongue. The last thing she needed was a reminder of why she’d spent five years avoiding him.

  He forced a smile and prayed she still sucked at sniffing out lies. “That’s good enough for me.”

  “What if I can’t Turn Nathan?”

  “You can.”


  “You can do it, petite.” He kissed her shoulder. “It’s in your blood.”

  “What time is it?”

  Never too early to fuck you. He forced his mind away from that thought. “A little before dawn.”

  She tensed. “We should get up.”

  He couldn’t think of anything worth getting out of bed for right now. “We could both use a little more sleep.”

  “I need to Turn Nathan.” Her voice held a note of exasperation.

  He rubbed his lips back and forth across her skin. “Mayb
e you shouldn’t try it today.”

  Anger flared in her eyes. “You can’t honestly think I’m still attracted to him.”

  Max smiled. “Sheath your claws, lady wolf. I’m not a Bloodsinger, but we already know the effect it has on you. I expect you’re tired after yesterday. And last night.” Her plump lower lip beckoned him. He traced its edge with his fingertip. “How do you feel, petite? Sore?”

  Delicate color bloomed in her cheeks. She lowered her eyes, her thick eyelashes like fans. “A little.”

  He shifted his hips away from her ass, even as his cock hardened. Maybe if he ignored it, the damn thing would get the message.

  Her eyebrows pulled together in a frown. “What’s wrong?”


  “You moved away.” She covered her mouth. “Ohmigod, do I have morning breath?” She sat up.

  “What? No, I just…” The sheet snagged on her pert nipples and hung there. Oh, sweet heaven. Blood surged into his cock. The cloth shivered with the rise and fall of her chest. Drop. Drop, you bastard. It fell to her waist, revealing two perfect breasts crowned by pink nipples. He swallowed.


  Pressure built in his cock. Her tits were fantastic. Transfixed by the bounty in front of him, he told her so.

  She grabbed his jaw and forced his chin up. Her eyes smiled. “In English, Maxime.”

  He gave her breasts a lingering look before forcing his attention to her face. “I probably shouldn’t repeat what I just said.”

  She trailed her fingertips along his jawline and smiled when he leaned into her hand. Don’t get excited. He wasn’t sure if the thought was for him or his cock—maybe both. Lizette might have given him the fuck of his life last night, but she was still inexperienced. She couldn’t know how her touch affected him—how the sight of her delectable breasts and dainty pink nipples inches from his face made him want to push her onto her back, spread her sweet thighs, and plow her tight little pussy until she came.

  As soon as the image rose in his brain, his cock throbbed. Way to defuse the situation, genius.

  She gently scratched her nails through his beard.

  Damn. In another minute she’d have him purring like a cat. He reached down and tugged the comforter over his erection. “We should stop while we’re ahead.”

  Her eyes widened. She moved her hand down his throat and stroked over his chest. “Why?”

  Because in about five seconds, I’m going to run to the bathroom and jerk off like a teenage boy, that’s why. “We have a lot to do today…” The last word ended on a groan as she circled his nipple. His eyes fluttered closed.

  She laughed.

  Laughed? He opened his eyes. Amusement danced on her face.

  He narrowed his. “You little tease. You know exactly what you’re doing.”

  She gave him another innocent look as she tiptoed her fingers down his stomach. “What am I doing?”

  “Getting us both in trouble,” he muttered. He held his breath as she neared his cock.

  Another throaty laugh made his balls tighten. She shifted to her knees. Before he could stop her, she slipped her hand under the sheet and gripped his cock.

  His hips jerked, and he flopped against the pillows. “Holy…” His exclamation ended on a wheeze. Blood pounded in his dick.

  Without releasing him, she climbed over his legs and nestled her body between his thighs. She spread her knees, forcing his apart. Propped against the pillows, he had a clear view of her smooth, plump labia. Her clit peeped between the delicate pink folds. She tossed her hair over her shoulder, making her breasts bounce. “Pauvre Maxime. Let me kiss it better.”

  The lusty witch had just used his line! He didn’t know whether to laugh or beg for mercy. Then she lowered her head and licked the head of his cock. He sucked in a breath. “My God, what have I unleashed?” he said on the exhale.

  She hummed low in her throat. Vibrations shot down his dick and into his balls. Heat built in his groin. He felt his heartbeat in his cock. If she kept this up, he’d come in record time. He squeezed his ass against the urge to buck his hips. Sweat broke out on his forehead.

  He tried to stare at the ceiling—anything to distract himself—but he kept being drawn back to the angel kneeling between his legs. Long strands of sable hair fell over her shoulders and onto his thighs, tickling his balls. Her mouth stretched wide over his dick, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him. She took him deep, her tongue sliding along his shaft. The sight of his cock pumping in and out of her mouth made his balls ache. They hung heavy between his thighs, semen gathering with every flick and twist of her tongue.

  “Lizette…” He thrust against her mouth, lust driving his hips in a jerky rhythm while her nipples, which had tightened to hard buds as pink as her glistening pussy, bounced as he pumped.

  “Ahh, petite,” he said between breaths, “you’re wet for me again.”

  She whimpered around his shaft.

  Pressure built in his cock. The head felt ready to explode. He reached down and tangled his hands in her hair, tugging her backwards. “Stop, bébe. Not yet.”

  She released him. “Why?” Disappointed clouded her features. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, petite.” He gave a self-deprecating laugh. “You’re too good. Your hot little mouth is driving me crazy.” He gripped himself around the base. Above his fist, his cock stuck up like an arrow, the shaft gleaming from her mouth. “I’m a greedy man. I want to make this last, and I want to watch you. Touch yourself.”

  She hesitated.

  “Do it.” He pumped his fist up and down his cock.

  Her blue eyes glittered with desire. She inched her thighs farther apart. Slowly, she moved her hand to her sex.

  “Good girl.” He made another pass down his dick. “Now pull it open.”

  Pink flooded her cheeks. “You mean…”

  The fact that she could still blush so adorably astonished him—and pleased him. He hid a smile. “That’s right. Do it now.”

  Her breath hitched, and her nipples hardened before his eyes. Oh, he was never going to get enough of Lizette Butler. Make that Lizette Simard. Pleasure curled in his chest. He’d never get tired of hearing his name attached to hers, either. He wanted to see it on a marriage license. Hell, he’d get fucking monogrammed towels if he thought Remy would let him live it down.

  She caught her lower lip in her teeth as she reached both hands between her legs. A fierce blush covered her chest as she pulled her pussy lips apart, baring herself for him. Cream pooled at her opening while her clit swelled under his regard.

  “Excellent.” He pronounced it the French way, the sibilant sounds dragged from his chest as he fisted his cock. “Stay just like that.”

  The blush crept down her breasts, but she obeyed, her slim fingers pinching either side of her smooth labia. Her pink core gleamed with juices. Spread as she was, her aroused clit poked out from her denuded mound.

  Max pumped his cock. “Do you want to come?”


  “You’ve been such a good girl. Make yourself come.”

  It was as if she’d been dying for him to say that. She braced one hand on her thigh and used the other to rub her engorged clit. Her head fell back like a flower on a stem. Her lips parted, and her eyelids fluttered while her nipples stabbed the air. She was so wet her fingers made a thick slapping sound against her clit. Cream coated her fingers.

  He squeezed his shaft. The flesh was almost purple, the head drizzled with pre-cum. He couldn’t keep this up much longer.

  “Whose pussy is that, Lizette?”

  She brought her head up. Their eyes locked. Her exquisite tits bounced from her efforts.

  He lowered his voice. “Whose…pussy…is…that?”


  Game over. He fisted his cock. “Going to come!”

  Lizette knocked his hand away and wrapped her lips around the head.

  Holy shit! The pressure in his dick burst into a millio
n streaks of fiery release. He spurted into her mouth. A shout ripped from his chest. His eyes rolled back in his head as he gave himself over to the waves. Her mouth milked him, drawing a seemingly endless stream of semen from his cock. He tangled his fingers in her hair and held her still while he jerked into her mouth.

  She took it all—swallowing each stream like she hungered for more. Below her mouth, her hands pumped his shaft, wringing out every last drop.

  His heart threatened to beat out of his chest. Finally his cock softened, and he groaned as he drifted back to earth.

  Lizette gave the head a lingering lick, then sat back on her heels.

  Max’s eyelids felt like they weighed a thousand pounds. He heaved himself up enough to snag her arm and pull her down to his chest. Her legs tangled with his. Warmth suffused his belly as her damp pussy pressed against his abs. He brushed her hair away from her face. “That was…”

  Her eyes twinkled. “Incroyable?”

  He guided her lips to his. “You are incredible.”


  As she had the night before, Lizette followed Max down to the Pit. This time, however, they didn’t descend as adversaries. She tried to concentrate on navigating the treacherous steps, but her attention kept returning to Max’s broad back in front of her.

  No. Definitely not adversaries.

  Was it the lux catena making her feel this way? Because there was no question that they’d completed their bond. Heat rose in her cheeks.

  It didn’t take a rush of supernatural wind or mysterious whispers to make it official. Max did that on his own. He’d possessed her. Even when she sucked him off, his very essence had seemed to wrap around her. It should have bothered her—at least according to the handful of women’s studies courses she’d taken in undergrad. But she liked it.

  Scratch that. She loved it.

  The soreness between her thighs was a constant reminder of their passion. He’d been aggressive, yes, but so had she. This morning, the sight of his erection under the sheet had both surprised and enticed her. It was a heady feeling to know she had put him in that state. And the things he’d ordered her to do…


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